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Nigerian lawyer argues why Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz’s conviction cannot stand in law

Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Nigerian lawyer argues why Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz's conviction cannot stand in law

There have been several arguments on social media about the arrest and prosecution of Funke Akindele and her hubby, JJC Skillz.

In one of the recent arguments, a Nigerian lawyer has explained why Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz's conviction for violating a lockdown order issued by the Lagos state government, cannot stand in law.

The constitutional Lawyer, Inibehe Effiong who reacted to the development pointed out the flaws in the law which aided the conviction.

He wrote;

Why The Conviction Of Funke Akindele Cannot Stand In Law


The trial and conviction of actress Funke Akindele and her husband is legally flawed. The fact that they pleaded guilty does not foreclose a discussion on the case because the flaws that I intend to highlight are constitutional and jurisdictional in nature. Issues of jurisdiction can be raised at any time.

I have read the following: The Charge Sheet filed by the office of the Attorney General of Lagos State against Funke and her husband; the Public Health Law Cap. P16 Vol. 9 Laws of Lagos State, 2015; and the Lagos State Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020.

I submit that Funke Akindele and her husband (the defendants) were convicted for a non-existent offence. The charge sheet shows that the two defendants were arraigned on a one count charge for gathering with more than twenty persons contrary "to the social distancing directives of Mr. Governor of Lagos State."


The charge sheet against the defendants also state that the said social distancing directive contravened by the defendants was issued by the Governor in line with the regulations made by the Governor pursuant to the Public Health Law. In other words, the defendants were not charged under the Quarantine Act.

They were charged under Section 58 of the Public Health Law of Lagos State. For clarity, Section 58 of the Public Health Law cited in the charge sheet provides as follows:

"For any contravention of the provisions of this Law or any Regulation made under this Law for which no other penalty is provided, the offender commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100,000.00) or to any non-custodial sentence and if a corporate body, to a fine of Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000.00)."

The defendants were convicted for gathering with more than twenty persons. The material question is: is it an offence under the Public Health Law or Infectious Disease Regulations to do so? There is no provision under the Public Health Law or Infectious Disease Regulations that makes gathering with more than twenty persons a criminal offence.

The Infectious Disease Regulations purport to give the Governor the power to issue the social distancing directive. The legal defect in the directive on gathering is that it cannot be the basis for criminal liability. A subsidiary legislation like the Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020 derives its authority and validity from a substantive law (the principal legislation). The regulations cannot extend such authority.

Since the Quarantine Act and the Public Health Law of Lagos State specifically limit offences to contravention of regulations made by the governor, it is outright illegality to charge Funke Akindele and her husband for contravening a directive of the Governor (which is outside the regulations itself). See Din V. Attorney-General of the Federation (1988) 4 NWLR (Pt.87) 147.

An act or omission is only a crime if it is so prescribed in a written law. By virtue of Section 36 (12) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), every person is guaranteed the fundamental right not to be convicted unless the offence is defined and the penalty is prescribed in a written law. It states as follows:

"Subject as otherwise provided by this Constitution, a person shall not be convicted of a criminal offence unless that offence is defined and the penalty therefor is prescribed in a written law, and in this subsection, a written law refers to an Act of the National Assembly or a Law of a State, any subsidiary legislation or instrument under the provisions of a law."

Let me reiterate that the Governor's social distancing directive that restrict gathering in Lagos State which the defendants purportedly contravened is not an Act of the National Assembly, or a Law of the Lagos State House of Assembly, neither is it a subsidiary legislation or an instrument under the provisions of the law.

Therefore, by the authority of Section 36 (12) of the Constitution, and the Supreme Court decision in Aoko V. Fagbemi & Ors. (1961) 1 All NLR 400, the conviction of Funke Akindele and her husband is unconstitutional.

As I contended earlier, there is no provision in the Public Health Law of Lagos State or the Infectious Disease Regulations that makes a gathering of more than twenty persons or any gathering for that matter a criminal offence.

Regulation 8(1)(a) of the Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020 cited in the charge sheet against the defendants provides thus:

8(1) "The Governor may –

(a) restrict or prohibit the gathering of persons in the Local Area, such as conferences, meetings, festivals, private events, religious services, public visits, and such other events, save where the written approval of the Governor is obtained for such gathering."

The above provision does not codify any offence. It only empowers the governor to restrict or prohibit gathering. The Infectious Disease Regulations 2020 should have expressly and specifically prescribed that gathering is restricted and prohibited in Lagos State before it can be relied upon to convict a violator in line with Section 36 (12) of the Constitution.

Since neither the Public Health Law of Lagos State nor the Infectious Disease Regulations has prescribed that gathering is an offence, the purported directive of Governor Sanwo-Olu remains an advisory.

The Court of Appeal in the case of Faith Okafar V. Governor of Lagos State & Anor. (2016) LPELR-41066 (CA) made it abundantly clear that the directive or order of a governor is not a law and that violation of same cannot result in criminal liability.


The Infectious Disease Regulations was made by Governor Sanwo-Olu pursuant to Section 8 of the Quarantine Act Cap. Q2 LFN 2004 and the Public Health Law of Lagos State. However, Section 8 of the Quarantine Act only empowers the governor to make such regulations where the President fails to do so.

On 30th March, 2020, President Buhari issued the COVID-19 Regulations. In his regulations, the President made specific provisions restricting movement and imposing a lockdown in Lagos State. By the constitutional doctrine of covering the field, the regulations made by Governor Sanwo-Olu went into abeyance the moment the regulations made by President Buhari came into effect. Both cannot coexist.

The doctrine of covering the field was applied in the case of Attorney General of Ogun State V. Attorney General of the Federation (1982) 1-2 S.C. (Reprint) 7. where the Supreme Court per Fatayi-Williams, JSC, declared that the Public Order Act 1979 repealed all existing State laws on public order.


It should be further noted that under Section 53 of the Lagos State Public Health Law, the power to make regulations pursuant to that law is expressly vested in the Commissioner for Health; not in the governor. This raises more serious legal questions on the validity of the Infectious Disease Regulations issued by the governor.


Section 1 (1) of the Regulations Approval Law Chapter R4 Laws of Lagos State 2015 unequivocally provides as follows:

"Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in any Law in the State, no regulation shall have effect unless laid before and approved by the House of Assembly."

Section 3 of the Regulations Approval Law further mandate that "all regulations made pursuant to the provisions of any enactment in the State shall be published in the Official Gazette after its approval by the House of Assembly."

The inescapable consequence of the above condition stipulated in Section 1 (1) of the Regulations Approval Law is that the Infectious Disease (Emergency Prevention) Regulations 2020 issued by Governor Sanwo-Olu to tackle coronavirus pandemic has not taken effect since it is yet to be laid before and approved by the Lagos State House of Assembly.

Since the charge against the defendants was brought under a regulation that has not been approved by the House of Assembly as required by law, the entire case – from the charge sheet, to arraignment, conviction and sentencing of Funke and her husband, is a nullity.

We cannot put something on nothing. This singular point is enough to nullify the conviction.


Apart from the above legal flaws, the punishment imposed on the defendants by the trial court is clearly overreaching and illegal. Section 58 of the Public Health Law of Lagos State under which Funke Akindele and her husband were convicted provides for only two forms of punishment. It provides as follows:

"For any contravention of the provisions of this Law or any Regulation made under this Law for which no other penalty is provided, the offender commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100,000.00) or to any non-custodial sentence and if a corporate body, to a fine of Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000.00)."

The trial court sentenced Funke Akindele and her husband to 14 days community service each, to start from 9.00am to 12 noon each day during which they are to sensitize the public on the COVID-19 pandemic in ten major areas of the state. They are also to pay a fine of N100, 000 each after which they would observe the period for isolation.

The implication of the expression "OR" as used in Section 58 of the Public Health Law is that the court can either impose a fine or a non-custodial sentence; the trial court cannot impose both.

The 14 days community service cum public enlightenment and the self-isolation imposed on Funke Akindele and her husband can be regarded as a non-custodial sentence. It was wrong for the trial court to additionally impose a fine of One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100, 000.00) on each of the defendants.


The sum total of my submissions is that the conviction of Mrs. Funke Akindele and her husband cannot stand in law. They have the right to appeal against the judgment of the Magistrate Court to the High Court. I believe that the appellate courts will set aside the conviction.

Two possible options are available to the Lagos State Government if the restriction of movement is to be enforced through prosecution of offenders:

It is either the State Commissioner for Health issues fresh regulations pursuant to Public Health Law (this may be susceptible to the doctrine of covering the field) or the Attorney General of Lagos State invokes the COVID-19 Regulations made by President Buhari pursuant to the Quarantine Act to punish subsequent violators.

Notwithstanding the above, the judgment of the Magistrate Court remains binding until it is set aside on appeal.

Nigerian lawyer argues why Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz

He also insisted that there is no law in the constitution that can dictate what citizens should or should not do in the privacy of their homes. Effiong stated that Section 37 of the Constitution guarantees the right to privacy at home and COVID-19 cannot take away this right.

He wrote in a rejoinder post;

Let's assume for a second that Funke Akindele and her husband pleaded NOT GUILTY to the charge, I strongly believe that beyond the constitutional and jurisdictional defects that I articulated in my article, it would have been difficult for the Lagos State Government to secure a conviction.

I have tried unsuccessfully to understand their offence.

No government in Nigeria can dictate what citizens should or should not do in the privacy of their homes. Section 37 of the Constitution guarantees the right to privacy at home. COVID-19 cannot take away this right.

Is the problem with her husband's birthday party or the fact that the husband posted the video of the party on social media? Was she convicted for inviting people to the party? We should stop this mob mentality. Are we saying that families cannot host parties in their homes? That will be ridiculous.

The purpose of social distancing is for people to stay at home. The social distancing does not stop families from mingling while at home, except where a member of the family shows symptoms or had a travel history or came in contact with an infected person.

I believe there're large families in Lagos and other States with more than twenty members that are presently living together. Are we saying that it is a crime for such households to hold family prayers, meetings or parties within the confines of their houses during this period?

It would have been a different thing if Funke Akindele and her husband hosted the birthday party in a public place. I agree that the guests who attended the party may have violated the social distancing directive (that does not automatically mean that they're guilty of a crime).

There's no evidence that the guests were dragged to the party. Funke and her husband were not charged for inviting people to the party. They were also not charged for posting the video of the party online. They were charged for gathering in their home which is very ridiculous.

Did the Lagos State Government expect Funke and her husband to gather in the bush? If it is a crime for couples to hold parties in their homes during this pandemic, then the government can as well arrest couples that have sex during this pandemic. After all, COVID-19 is sexually transmitted.

Public figures are not above the law. But the law should also not be applied differently to them. I cannot in all honesty support the treated meted on Funke Akindele and her husband. In this same Lagos, movement though restricted, is still feasible.

The government is not sincere.

Phyno releases visuals for 'Oso Ga Eme'

Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:30 AM PDT

This is yet another video to drop from Phyno's fourth album, Deal With It.

Date: April 7, 2020

Song Title: Oso Ga Eme

Artist: Phyno

Genre: Trap


Album: Deal With It

Video Director: Unlimited LA

Label: Penthauze

Details/Takeaway: This is yet another video to drop from Phyno's fourth album, Deal With It.

Watch video below;

Nse Ikpe Etim hosts new talk show on fertility

Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:00 AM PDT

Nse Ikpe Etim has officially taken on television show hosting and her debut show is based on a theme that's hardly spoken about.

Nearly a week ago, the Nollywood actress unveiled a count down to the premiere of 'My Fertility' path, a television show based on demystifying infertility.

Asides featuring fertility experts, the show which has already premiered on EbonyLife TV will showcase families who have struggled and overcome fertility.

Recall that in 2019, the actress went viral after revealing the challenges she experienced struggling with infertility and having a hysterectomy.

Opinion: Nigeria’s elite class have behaved badly in these coronavirus times

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:30 PM PDT

As Nigeria's confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) increase by the day, there have been worrying examples of the privileged and elite class in the society disobeying health protocols and flouting the social distancing rule.

Actress Funke Akindele celebrating her husband, JJC Skillz's birthday noisomely and with a crowd of more than 20 persons, smack in the middle of a pandemic, is yet one more worrying example of how the elites in our society have handled this disease with levity and how they have not shown the right kind of example to the rest of the country.

It is worth noting at this point that most of Nigeria's currently confirmed coronavirus tally of 238 are imported--that means the disease took root on our shores no thanks to travelers who were returning from high risk countries.

In the early days, and just before President Muhammadu Buhari announced a wide ranging travel ban, it was difficult getting the nation's elites to self-isolate or observe social distancing as soon as they landed on our shores.

There were reports that some travelers returning from Europe or the United States rendered false information on flight manifests or on forms handed out by the health ministry. Others simply lied about their travel histories as they visited health facilities or pharmacies. All of which has made it doubly difficult for the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) to trace and monitor most of them.

Some members of the privileged class hit night clubs and parties as soon as they touched down and socialised as much as they could, transmitting the disease as they huffed and puffed along.

Others stormed banking halls just hours after their return from high risk countries and hugged just about everyone they saw. There were reports of returnees worshiping in churches and mosques, going shopping and just practically carrying on as though the coronavirus was a hoax and the world were at peace.

Politicians who traveled locally or internationally were also guilty of flouting the hygiene practices they were preaching, and kept transmitting the virus during economic council meetings and during flights.

Today, Nigeria has gone from importing the disease to locally transmitting it. Community spread of Covid-19 wouldn't have been a thing or would have been reduced to the barest minimum if everyone isolated or quarantined themselves from the airport or just washed their hands regularly or used hand sanitizers upon touching down in the country.

There have been recent images of the privileged class taking to the roads in Eti-Osa local government area of Lagos, despite a government pronounced two-week lockdown.

Eti-Osa by the way, has the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Lagos, the nation's Covid-19 epicenter.

Across Lagos, elites are eager to disobey health instructions on the virus, are in a hurry to grab a beer or two down the street during the lockdown and they have been pulling out their cars from driveways and onto empty streets when no law enforcement officer is watching.

There is a sense that most Nigerians are still treating this pandemic like a hoax across social classes. In densely populated Lagos suburbs, social distancing is an alien concept. There is still a lot of socialising going on in inner city streets of Yaba, Surulere, Isolo, Gbagada, Ikeja, Ogba and elsewhere in lockdown season and only a few can be seen sporting masks or observing health protocol.

There have been images of Lagosians jogging on the streets or playing football on deserted stretches of roads in their numbers, as government and healthcare officials continue to preach social distancing. We are never going to beat Covid-19 like this.

It is up to Nigeria's middle, privileged or elite class to show the rest of society that coronavirus is real and that anyone can be struck by the flu.

To flatten the curve, everyone has got to play a role. But more than ever before, the more educated and enlightened among us have got to lead the way in preventing the rest of society from contracting the novel coronavirus.

Drake reveals he had a sick song with Rema as he premieres new music

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

On April 6, 202, Canadian superstar, Drake took to his Instagram page to have a live session during which he played songs. One of the songs he played was 'Dumebi' by budding Nigerian star, Rema.

While playing 'Dumebi,' Drake said, "Big up Rema too. We have a sick songs together..." He then continued paying the song. This continues the strategic positioning that MAVIN Records has been commendably doing with Rema. During the Instagram Live, Drake also premiered a new song.

You might remember that in 2019, Rema got an OVO hoodie from OVO Honcho, Oliver El-Khatib.

Lota Chukwu release short film based on social media bullying titled 'Small Bant'

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:30 PM PDT

Lota Chukwu's April 's short film offering, based on social media bullying could not have come at a better time.

The latest shorts, 'Small Bant' is based on social media bullying and its multilayered effect and is written and directed by the actress turned filmmaker who also stars as lead.

'Small Bant' focuses on Olutomi Adedeji, a hard working 29-year-old who wakes up to see her entire world crashing down because of a seemingly harmless bant on social media.

Watch 'Small Bant':

#RelieveFunds: Only one million households entitled to 20,000 Naira Coronavirus cash transfer - FG says

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

The Federal government has said that only one million Nigerian families whose names are on the National Social Register (NSR) would get the 20,000 Naira palliative from the Federal Government to cushion the economic impact of the lockdown in some states.

In an interview with Guardian, Lonwa Apera, the National Coordinator of the National Social Safety-Nets Coordinating Office (NASSCO), said the National Transfer cash Office (NCTO) had over the years, worked with various state governors to develop the NSR of poor and vulnerable people in 35 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) besides Ogun State. He stated that the cash transfer that was kicked off by the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs was for existing beneficiaries of the programme, and not for every Nigerian. He said more names would be captured for the news payments which would be in May.

Recall that on March 29th, President Buhari gave an executive order for Lagos, Ogun and the FCT be on lockdown beginning from March 30th due to the high number of Coronavirus cases recorded in these places. He directed that as part of efforts to cushion the effect of the economic impact of the lockdown, N20,000 be paid to vulnerable households through the social investment scheme.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs has since begun the disbursement of the funds.

Naira Marley's arraignment reportedly delayed over coronavirus surge

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:18 PM PDT

Naira Marley's arraignment over the violation of the government's order has been reportedly delayed because of the coronavirus surge.

The Lagos State Police command has said that no date has been fixed yet for the arraignment of singer Naira Marley and former governorship aspirant in Lagos State, Babatunde Gbadamosi and his wife.

Naira Marley and the Gbadamosi reported themselves to the State Criminal Investigation Department SCID on Monday after they were invited for their alleged violation of the Infectious Disease Regulation of Lagos state when they attended the birthday party organised by actress Funke Akindele and her hubby, JJCSkillz over the weekend.

Funke and her hubby were arraigned before the Ogba Magistrate court on Monday April 6th for flouting the social distancing order of the state government. They were sentenced to 14 days community service and ordered to pay N200, 000 fine. They were also ordered to immediately go into 14 days isolation to determine if they might have contracted the novel Coronavirus.

Spokesperson of the police command, Bala Elkana, who confirmed the delay in Naira Marley and the Gbadamosi's arraignment, said no court would be opened in the state today due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"I don't know who proposed today. They will be arraigned, but no court is sitting today. Courts don't sit today. They have days they sit now because of this Coronavirus. They sat yesterday (Monday), the next sitting will be tomorrow (Wednesday)." he told The Nation

A top official of the Ministry of Justice, who spoke on condition of anonymity to The Nation, said some Magistrate Courts in the state only sit on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between 10am and 1pm following a March 30 directive from the Chief Judge, Justice Kazeem Alogba, in the wake of the COVID-19-induced lockdown. He hinted that the proposed arraignment of Naira Marley and the Gbadamosi's would take place on Wednesday April 8.

Femi Fani-Kayode: Coronavirus: ‘If up to 80% of Nigerians were tested, we would be shocked and devastated by the results’

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

Former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, has raised concerns over the number of COVID-19 cases being reported in Nigeria.

In a tweet posted on Monday morning, the politician says he has a terrible feeling that if more people were tested, Nigerians would be shocked and devastated by the results.

"How can you determine the number of Nigerians that have been afflicted with Covid 19 when not up to 1% of the population have been tested for the virus? I have a terrible feeling that if up to 80% of Nigerians were tested for it we would be shocked and devastated by the results."his tweet reads.

DJ Cuppy tops Forbes’ 30 under 30 list for 2020

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:30 AM PDT

Popular disk jockey, Florence Otedola aka Dj Cuppy has topped Forbes' 30 under 30 list for 2020 along with Mr Eazi, Patoranking and others.

Every year, Forbes Africa releases a list of top 30 under 30 young Africans who are doing amazing things for themselves and for their community.

This year wasn't any different and the publication released names of 30 Africans sourced from four categories featuring 30 in each: Business, Technology, Creatives and Sports.

Nigeria makes up the majority of honorees in the list, shedding light on the entrepreneurial and can-do spirit of the young people in the country.

South Africa and Botswana had four of their young entrepreneurs on the list. Ghana had three young people while Uganda had two of its young entrepreneurs on the list.

Cameroon, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Sudan and Ivory had one young entrepreneur making the list.

DJ Cuppy, Mr Eazi, and Patoranking were among the nine Nigerians to feature on the list for 2020.

Other Nigerians to make the list were Tracy Batta, CEO of Smoothie Express, Olajumoke Oduwole, CEO of KJK Communications, Swanky Jerry of Swanky Signatures, Daves Okeowo, Maryam Gwadabe, and Nigerian female footballer, Asisat Oshoala.

Davido reveals he once skipped school for a whole year because of music

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Nigerian singer, David Adedeji Adeleke, popularly known Davido, has narrated how he went against his dad's wishes to become a musician.

In a live video session with Ubi Franklin, he narrated his road to stardom, revealing that he skipped school for a whole year because of music. He said;

"When I started music, I didn't think it was going to go big, I was doing it just to do music.

"Over time, money started coming.

"My daddy was a disciplinarian, I didn't even know my dad had that much money.

"I was on the run for like three months, cause my dad found out I was not in school for a whole year."

COVID-19: Kenneth Omeruo speaks out over lack of football action

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:00 AM PDT

Nigeria international and Leganes of Spain defender Kenneth Omeruo has taken to social media to speak about the Coronavirus pandemic while urging football lovers to remain at home in order to curb the spread of the disease.

26 year old Omeruo secured a permanent move to Leganes last summer from Premier League side Chelsea and has featured in 19 league games so far even though the club sits at the bottom end of the table.

Football in Spain just like the rest of the world has been put on indefinite hold so as to slow the spread of the virus that has killed over 11,000 people already while more than 120,000 cases have been recorded in Spain.

"I miss the game; I hope this madness ends soon, but still then, stay at home please," Omeruo wrote on Instagram.

ROK Tv Boss, Mary Remmy Njoku defends Funke Akindele

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Mary Remmy Njoku has called for the release of Funke Akindele-Bello after the actress was arrested for holding a party during the Coronavirus lockdown in Lagos.

Actress Mary Njoku criticized Funke's arrest and asked if others who have held gatherings amid the lockdown have been arrested too.

The CEO of ROK Studios wrote:

"Are all, I mean ALL the politicians, Pastors, Nigerians who have held parties, gatherings , photo sessions, rallies, and opening ceremonies in Jail? I am not making excuses for her Pls. Just asking. Cos if they are not…… Yes, She was wrong. Nobody is perfect. #releaseFunke. #SheIsSorry."

Mary was called out by her followers and she responded to some of them.
See below.

Uche Elendu appeals to Lagos state for Funke Akindele’s release before sentence

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:30 AM PDT

Actress Uche Elendu has appealed to the Lagos state government and the police to release her colleague, Funke Akindele-Bello, for the sake of her twins.

In a post shared on her Instagram page, she wrote

"Please release her i dont have any excuses to make for her cos the law is simple, No Social gathering !!!! but her humble and sweet spirit doesnt deserve this arrest…We are Sorry on her behalf please @jidesanwoolu @balaelkana
She explained and apologised please listen and forgive, at least people ate food at the party, the people that clustered people to share 2 packs of indomie in the name of Quarantine relief were not arrested, Please Forgive her #freefunkeakindele"
Nigerians pls the same way you got her arrested through social media pls beg them to release her, her twins r crying#stayathome

Ghanian curvy actress, Princess Shyngle loses pregnancy as husband is in jail

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:00 AM PDT

In the fourth episode of her 'Discovering Princess Shyngle' vlog, Gambian actress, Princess Shyngle revealed that it was when she woke up and saw blood all over her bed that she realized she had lost her child.

In the video, shared on her YouTube page, she says, "Everything happens for a reason and as much as the devil wants me to be angry with God right now, I won't.".

She went on to say, while in profuse tears,

"I lost my baby, she's gone, The most painful thing on planet earth is to lose your child, whether the child is alive and you lose it, or the child is in your tummy when you lose it, it is the same pain."

I know my baby is watching over me in heaven and that's why she came for me to know her.

The actress went on to reveal that her man, Federic has been trying to call and reach her from jail, she said he's been starving himself and trying to commit suicide.

"I messed up, but I still love him. When somebody is the love of your life, no matter how hard you try, you can't just get over them just like that. I thought I could, but I can't so I'm gonna unblock him and hear what he has to say".

In course of her video, her husband, Federic calls Shyngle and apologizes for everything he has put her through.

He asks for her forgiveness and says it's his fault she's had to deal with everything she's going through. He thanks her for forgiving him, and promises to do her right.

The actress just went on to encourage anyone who's going through something or going through 'it' to be strong. She says nothing is perfect, no perfect relationship, no perfect life, everybody is fighting a battle.

She also noted that she could have presented a perfect life of being in the States and engaged to her man, but she chose to share her story.

Watch video below;

'I worry each time my doctor husband leaves for work' – Chimamanda Adichie writes after losing her closest aunt

Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:30 AM PDT

Nigerian writer Chimamanda Adichie whose works range from novels to short stories to nonfiction has shared her plight following the Coronavirus pandemic which is ravaging countries around the world and also shutting down activities globally.

Chimamanda who announced that her closest aunt died from brain aneurysm last week, described it as a "devastating tragedy".

Reflecting on the Coronavirus pandemic, the celebrity author disclosed that she is now reminded everyday of how fragile and breakable humans are. Chimamanda who disclosed that she worries each time her husband who is a doctor leaves for work and each time her daughter coughs, averred that this is a time to cope in the best way we can.

She added that she cannot imagine thinking of over-achieving or accomplishing more than usual, when all around the world has changed, perhaps never to return to what it used to be.
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