Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

HAMMER TIME: Maybe this really is a psyop.

Posted: 23 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT


Posted: 23 May 2020 11:03 AM PDT

Mother Most Holy, 
Spouse of the Paraclete, 
Lead us out of our darkness, 
Take us into The Light.

Draw God's Good Earth 
& ALL God's Creation 
Into the saving Fire 
of your Immaculate Heart.

Woman Clothed with the Sun
Come, & Do Not Delay

Amen †

▶Anonymous 05/23/20 (Sat) 07:03:19ef087e (1) No.9286130

It turns out prayer is not just a little bit powerful. It's VERY powerful. Why do you think POTUS and Q continually remind us to pray. We are only ignorant to this truth because we have been grossly misinformed (brainwashed) about the facts. Yes, I strongly believe the power of prayer has long been PROVEN beyond a shadow of "scientific" doubt, but do you think we actually get access to those proofs? We can't even get access to the hydroxychloroquine studies, for Pete's sake.

Make no mistake, the satanic cabal does not discount prayer. They have relied on it for millennia to weave a world that suited them perfectly, awarding themselves all riches and privilege, while feeding off the suffering of mankind. That was the deal they made with the devil. Their prayers are the darkest of spells. Too much? Think about it logically. You really think they went through all those machinations, spending billions on occult islands, sacrificing millions of children, practicing their sickening rituals, because it was fun? Because it was convenient "blackmail"? No, they understood that it really "works" and, without any opposition to keep them in check, it would give them everything they wanted, while they actively worked to blind the rest of us to it all.

Prayer is powerful, because reality is maleable. This is where quantum physics begins to reveal something more than quarks and muons. The fabric of space and time can be adjusted through our collective consciousness, because reality itself is a projection of our collective consciousness (within the confines and support of God's universal laws). The satanic cabal only needed us as "spiritual power plants" for their changes (think The Matrix). So they needed to keep us deluded (through television programming, movies, music, schooling) while we unwittingly participated in the creation of a world which enriched them and gutted us. We helped them do it. Because we didn't understand how we were being used to effect their "grand plan" to end our world and usher in a new darker reality in which they rule completely. A world without light.

Except they didn't expect the rest of humanity would come to understand the truth about prayer's power to mold reality. That we never needed to suffer to the extent that we have. That wars and disease could all be eradicated. That, together, we can imagine an entirely new world of hope and beauty, because God moves His infinite levers and pulleys to transform everything around us according to our wishes (though always in accordance with His plan).

This has to be the most highly classified truth of all. Just re-read the drops with this in mind, and you'll see many of the dots connecting.

And so, I foresee a time soon when we all awaken to our divine nature and the responsibility that comes with that power. We will also learn about the consequences of its misuse, too: how we once faced the near annihilation of mankind as we know it. We will learn there is a loving God, and that our salvation comes by finding and staying in the light, and that we can never allow the existing evil to run rampant again.

Knowledge is most definitely power.
Catholic Charismatic Renewal Golden Jubilee – Renewal ...
Prayer and healing: A medical and scientific perspective on randomized controlled trials

Well, well, well. Cashing in so soon?: Cybervaxx/Fauci/Gates = How many red flags do you need? &, that Fauci-touted #Remdesivir study

Posted: 23 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

Moderna and the COVID vaccine: what kind of lunacy?
"It's completely correct to say that NIAID will reap a profit on the Moderna/NIAID vaccine. There are 6 NIAID scientists who work for Dr. Fauci, each of whom would get $150,000/year indefinitely as their reward. So that's $900,000 to his subordinates every year in perpetuity." Mary Holland, General Counsel, Children's Health Defense

Would you buy a used car from the company called Moderna?

The US government has shelled out $500 million to this Massachusetts-based biotech firm for a COVID vaccine.

Based on what?

Moderna has never put a single product into the marketplace.

Last year, it lost $514 million.

It took in $60 million.

But it's somehow worth billions.

The COVID vaccine it's working on utilizes brand new RNA technology.

No RNA drug or vaccine product has ever been certified for public use.

Other companies have tried and failed, mainly because safety was a serious problem.

Moderna is partnering with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the federal agency headed up by Tony Fauci.

How many red flags do you need?

▶Anonymous 05/23/20 (Sat) 05:06:431aff63 No.9285748

Well, well, well. Cashing in so soon? Got to make some money at this racket.

Remember when the market soared on several days in April on the Facui-touted Remdesivir study which, according to StatNews and various other unofficial sources of rumors, was a smashing success only for the optimism to fizzle as many questions emerged, and as the Gilead drug quietly faded from the public's consciousness and was replaced by various coronavirus vaccine candidates such as those made by the greatly hyped Moderna (whose insiders just can't stop selling company stock).

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