Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

& the Sky in Beijing turned Black

Posted: 25 May 2020 08:59 PM PDT


Let's face it. The guy screwed up. His virus failed. He ran the simulations, he released it, and IT FAILED. It does not matter where it came from, (I am still undecided between Detrick and Wuhan) but we do know this virus was paid for by Gates/Fauci if it came from Wuhan, so screaming "china virus" in the media just heaps more failure on Gates even if the scam gets carried al the way to sending aircraft carriers to knock on China's door . . . . . rather than Bill's door.

Gates did not get what he wanted. Everything is opening back up. Someone threw a tantrum and burned a church. Despite the hickish graffiti left behind, the only ones impassioned enough over all of this were those who had something to lose, even if your money paid for it . . . . . and if you operate at a level where other people's money does your evil, you're not a hick. Graffiti fail.

We live in a post "covid" world. And it is a world that has been warned about evil people launching virus plots with what they wanted to be a real nasty killer for the sole purpose of locking down economies and getting people to fall in line commie style the same way people would have to if the guns ever get banned . . . . . and so far the plotters have failed at that too.

I'd like to ask "kingdom of the world" Gates&co how it feels to not get away with stealing for practically the first time ever. They tried to steal it ALL this time rather than just steal software and elections and people's data and they failed. I bet they thought they had it in the bag, all mapped out by AI that had a "you can't possibly lose" scenario all plotted out, - a scenario they are STILL trying to run in their scamming media as it all falls apart because they failed to realize that if you're going to program an AI to win, it needs to have the truth. And if it has that, and it is a genuine AI, one that will actually work, - you know, something that sees the world accurately like the mind of God, and you give it the truth it's going to logic your evil plot right out of existence. A machine is a machine. You can't tell a machine to be evil, it's all just ones and zeros and if it's all going to work, the input has to be accurate. Obviously they did not give it that, considering how fast this particular communist smack down bit the dust.

We now get to watch them spin the last yarns according to the direction of a faulty AI and FAIL, reality does not live in a box that has to compute outcomes based on bullshit.

They'll soon have only a few big box stores to leverage fear into the kiddies and force compliance, only, it won't be fear, it will be an irritation, but since that's their last leverage point they'll use it while society gets moving again with an irritation rather than a communist system.

I am actually surprised they screwed this up this badly. It was SO BAD people woke up before insurmountable damage was done. They'll never get a chance at a virus plot again, EVER unless they do something like release smallpox and if they do that, everyone will know who did it. The genie is out of the bottle for them, they can't put this type of scam back in the bottle and pour it fresh again EVER, and as a result the world is a whole lot safer now.

The air was fresh this morning, it looks like we are going to win this.
Bad Science / Fake News

▶Anonymous 05/25/20 (Mon) 22:07:464bb1a4 (1) No.9315720

We learned on November 22, 1963, the shadow government, the Deep State, will do anything to retain power and keep the masses living in ignorance. When I first learned of Wuhan, I went straight to Google Maps to see where it was located within China. This was in late January. To my surprise, I saw the Wuhan Institute of Virology right across the river. I don't believe in coincidences, and I wasn't buying the fish that day. The question is, did the lab lose control of the virus, or was it a test of its efficacy as a bio-weapon? How far will the Deep State go? Would they use a genetic variant of the virus to release on the USA to cause an epidemic? Who would be blamed for being reckless and cavalier in light of the "second" round right before the election by the MSM? The USA has tested bio and chemical pathogens on its people in the past. Past confirms future.

▶Anonymous 05/25/20 (Mon) 22:27:44f15c8c (2) No.9315922

Dr, Fauci is up to his chin in this. The US Government shut the virus work down on US soil because it was too dangerous. The project was moved to Wuhan, China. A Chinese woman, Dr Li Wenliang, worked as a team with Dr Ai Fen, who was the first doctor to alert other colleagues about a SARS-like disease they created. After blowing the whistle, Dr. Ai Fen has gone missing. It is interesting to note that Dr. Fauci was the person who funded this research in Wuhan with US Taxpayer dollars.

New Rockefeller COVID-19 Action Plan & The UN's NWO Website As The CDC Goes Door to Door

Democratic clerk charged with altering nearly 200 midterm elections ballots but don't worry, Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel(D)and secretary of state Jocelyn Benson (D)said no election outcomes were affected by the purported ballot-tampering.

#WWG1WGA Founded on Freedom Not Fear: #Latinos&LGBT4Trump #Pizzagate & #FISAGate #OperationHammer #ObamaGate MINDS: Censorship-Free Social Network

Posted: 25 May 2020 11:17 AM PDT

Ohio Judge Deems State's Coronavirus Lockdown Illegal

& then: spotted on the boardwalk in Virginia Beach on Saturday — without a mask.

 Censorship-Free Social Network

▶Anonymous 05/23/20 (Sat) 15:00:37406304 (7) No.9289391
=="THE HAMMER" — Ultra-secret Supercomputer System Used by CIA/NSA to 'Wiretap' Trump

Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped "A Zillion Times" By 'The Hammer,' Brennan's and Clapper's Secret Computer System==

President Obama's Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper and his Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director John Brennan oversaw a secret supercomputer system known as "THE HAMMER," according to former NSA/CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.

Clapper and Brennan were using the supercomputer system to conduct illegal and unconstitutional government data harvesting and wiretapping. THE HAMMER was installed on federal property in Fort Washington, Maryland at a complex which some speculate is a secret CIA and NSA operation operating at a US Naval facility.

President Trump's allegation that the Obama Administration was wiretapping him is not only supported by Montgomery's whistleblower revelations about Brennan's and Clapper's computer system THE HAMMER, but also by statements made this week by William Binney, a former NSA Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group, by former CIA and State Department official Larry Johnson, and by Montgomery's attorney Larry Klayman.

Computer expert Dennis Montgomery developed software programs that could breach secure computer systems and collect massive amounts of data.

That system, THE HAMMER, according to the audio tapes, accessed the phone calls, emails and bank accounts of millions of ordinary Americans.

The tapes also reveal that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court (FISA), Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, 156 other judges, members of Congress, and Donald J. Trump were targeted by the HAMMER.

One of the audio tapes made public by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow revealed that Brennan and Clapper particularly targeted and wiretapped Donald Trump a "zillion times."

"THE HAMMER" — Ultra-secret Supercomputer System Used by CIA/NSA to 'Wiretap' Trump
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