Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

#GeorgeFloyd #minneapolisriots #MinneSomalia #LittleMogidishu #CovidFraud #FuckThe ACLU

Posted: 28 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

ugly truth right in front of you: #CuomoKilledMyMom #InformationWarfare #DemPanic #Russia #ElSalvador & #hydroxychloroquine & THIS ...

Posted: 28 May 2020 02:35 PM PDT


At what point should this be reclassified as murder?
At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]?
Evil surrounds us.
Q May 28 2020  #4340 - #4344

Understanding just how brilliant it was to assign John Bash to investigate 'unmaskings' "By assigning a new U.S. Attorney to handle this angle of the investigation, it tells us that Durham has bigger fish to fry and seems to have them in his proverbial sights. If he didn't, there would be no reason to separate out the investigations. But Barr is as brilliant of a political strategist as he is an Attorney General. He understands the political need to keep focus on the unmaskings but does not want Durham to waste resources on pursuing that angle himself."

This is how the Mueller probe was weaponized to mislead the American people.

House Pulls Surveillance Measure After Trump Tells Republicans to Vote No

suspended for use in treating Covid-19 in France, Italy, and Belgium, Russia WILL NOT ban hydroxychloroquine, drug taken by US President Trump, for use in treating Covid-19
& IN EL SALVADOR:  El Salvador's president: Most world leaders are taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus, why are the masses being told no?

Summery of the new Oxford paper is notable: This new peer reviewed and published research paper debunks Fauci claim on serious heart arrhythmia risk from the use of HCQ and AZ. It is the biggest scientific answer to Fauci claims, what he based on a partisan second hand data LANCET paper. ▶Anonymous 05/28/20 (Thu) 08:52:347a446d (4) No.9343887 

CDC: Coronavirus Fatality Rate 0.26%, 8-15x Lower than Estimates
Rambo Maga to strykmaster • The Chinese Virus Hoax has verifiable numbers attached to it that even the lying "sacks of Schiff" in Nazi Pelosi's Politburo and the Fascist Dictator governors in the blue states can't totally fudge and cover up indefinitely. Americans are learning the ugly truth about what these traitors to America, did to our lives, did to our economy and to our Country. They have proven that they will stop at nothing to achieve power and we Americans must stop at nothing to keep them from achieving their despicable goal. Not even the sycophants in the Marxist Media can spin this Schiff storm away with their blatant lies.
Remember in November
R. E. D.
Remove Every Democrat
M. A. G. A.

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