Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 29 May 2020 08:56 PM PDT

Protesters in Washington D.C. have breached the Treasury Dept. complex and spray painted the area.
▶Anonymous 05/29/20 (Fri) 22:28:5669a18c (2) No.9370217
I live in MPLS and my next door neighbors run an Airbnb. Antifa just showed up from Iowa. They are being shipped in.
"For once and for all, there needs to be a federal investigation into these paid left wing radical groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter and others that are responsible for extreme violence against innocent civilians, looting and arson, through command and control."

"They have military grade communication systems. Who is funding them? Who pays for their bail and fines when arrested? Who transports them? Who else are they communicating with around the country? Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Houston, New York city, and more. Who is responsible?"
▶ QNN NewsForNormies starts @ 5:42

& just like that, there's a silver lining w/ flying bricks.

Atlanta protests: Live stream

"The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. I keep telling y'all these white liberals are not our friends." Angela Stanton King

#Breaking: NYPD source informs me 88 Pct in Brooklyn just been overrun.


&, who said this? "Hillary Clinton supporters are a bigger threat to black people than the KKK."

MINNEAPOLIS FF RIOTS BURNING AMERICA DOWN: #BREAKING #UnicornRiot Live Stream, Power has been cut off, cars burned, gun shots, neighborhood destroyed, Covid narrative preempted

Posted: 29 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

#BREAKING: Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington says Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin has been arrested in the death of George Floyd.

LIVE Minneapolis Riots

LIVE Lootie Cam


▶Anonymous 05/29/20 (Fri) 03:03:33aefd54 (8) No.9357817

The riot mayor just said they will continue to control the 3rd Precinct, meanwhile in reality there is not a cop to be seen anywhere LOLZ. I am here documenting it live.

Most people I have talked to are from other areas. Many white guilt fags and man buns and gangsta's.

FYI All the combat units from the MN NG are training at the NTC in California.

It appears the MN Guard command has managed to round up "500" non-deployable troops who have profiles and are all red in MEDPROS haha.

Might as well just shoot them at the muster point. Out of mercy. The crowd here is out of control. It's like a burning man fueled by hatred instead of narcotics.

What are the chances Q+ actually sends in a BCT from active duty? People are on bullhorns saying "lets go to the residential"

USPS building is getting swarmed now. I'll be back if shit gets really wild!

#UnicornRiot Live Stream ended 20mins ago.

Power has been cut off, cars burned, gun shots, neighborhood destroyed.

▶Anonymous 05/29/20 (Fri) 04:27:0602c297 (9) No.9358444

NG is here near the 3rd cop station now but only 1 humvee I can see and some fire trucks nobody gives a fuck

lots of people near the target still mass crowd no NG or cops here. arbys is torched many shots going off in the distance and up close sounds like shooting in the air?

feels like somalia with no chicken to be found

hiawatha bridge is still lit, many many many dindus everywhere, haven't seen nazi punchers in a while still bullhorning DEMO CRAZY

▶Anonymous 05/29/20 (Fri) 04:54:4602c297 (9) No.9358633

building collapse on e lake street and 27th dindus chucking bricks everywhere like monkey shit

NG aint doing a damn thing

multiple gunshots still going off

looks like apartment fire

another building collapsed

Im out here live on the ground this shit is wild as fuck, dindus twerkin and chuckin bricks its like a somalia full of iphones and hoodrats

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