Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

I sht you not: #15 #17 400million damages 1st week & BLM Guillotine 4 Bezos

Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:14 PM PDT

accounts of the residents who live near CHAZ

▶Anonymous 06/29/20 (Mon) 07:55:315d78c5 (18) No.9785623

So you mock me with this Englishman who cannot eloquently explain the very real and imminent Islamic threat to English freedom.

First of all, I was referring to the Islamic threat within the USA today.

Secondly, I was referring to specific incidents which have already appeared in notables, and of which you ought to be aware.

Lastly, it's rude to mock fellow anons for expressing their heartfelt and legitimately-grounded opinions.

Eat some sauce:










Police…the chazians initially were very angry they showed after 30 plus rounds fired. Then they decided they like the police.  Jfc it's dead in here…an active shooter in chaz gets no interest. Fuck anon
▶Anonymous 06/29/20 (Mon) 07:30:01139ed1 (24) No.9785535

around 2:55 am pst was when the suv was seen fleeing. Chaz security people (the Antifa faggots with guns) shot up the white suv.

▶Anonymous 06/29/20 (Mon) 06:35:38139ed1 (24) No.9785355

Ok so the key update is that CHAZ security shot up this suv. Chaz shot them, drug them out, and supposedly rushed them to hospital.

Now, is the "drive by" narrative true, or did they just shoot someone driving through? Who knows at this point.

#15: The fear of a shortage of ventilators was unjustified. According to lung specialists, the invasive ventilation (intubation) of Covid19 patients, which is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus, is in fact often counterproductive and damaging to the lungs.

#17: There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become "germ carriers". Leading doctors called them a "media hype" and "ridiculous".

20 bucks they got it off amazon


Soetoro Lied ... it wasn't "spontaneous."
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