Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

BLM in Brixton, ANC sponsored mass murder of white Farmers in South Africa., Prayers for China!,, THE TRAFFIC KING: one of those "required viewing" things,

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:54 PM PDT

Mainstream media silent after CDC Director admitted COVID-19 death count inflation  Yes, hospitals get paid more for coronavirus deaths than "regular" deaths, but you won't hear about it on CNN or the NY Times.

▶Anonymous 08/02/20 (Sun) 12:05:2069d135 (5) No.10161349
>Dr Fraudci warned Trump Rallies Dangerous, won't say same of leftist crowds and mobs
IMAGINE a virus so dangerous it knows the fucking difference between a riot and a Trump rally!Spoopy!
Minneapolis police tell residents to obey criminals and 'be prepared' to be robbed Police say that Minneapolis residents should obey criminals and "be prepared" to be robbed amid a wave of violent crime in the city.

Antifa/BLM Portland


& it's on in Brixton


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