Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Truth stings like a Killer Wasp!!!: The Heat Is On Bill & Melinda 060606, legitimately #BasedBlackMan , DT ROASTS JB IN NC

Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:43 PM PDT

transfection* & they're lying: modified DNA!! ...? + a 'unique identifier' called LUCIFERASE 
{ *transfection is the process that allows exogenous nucleic acids to bypass the cell membrane to enter into cells. Exogenous nucleic acids commonly used are plasmid DNA, RNA, siRNA and oligonucleotides. Once delivered into cells, nucleic acids modulate gene expression by driving overexpression or silencing of a gene of interest. }
▶Anonymous 09/19/20 (Sat) 17:30:22fe3522 (3) No.10712316 .................. >Luciferase detail . . . . . . Bioluminescence assay systems are being used increasingly in biology and medical research laboratories in addition to (or as alternatives to) fluorescence and chemiluminescence detection strategies. Luciferase enzymes isolated from different animal species have inherent variability in light emission, allowing two or more luciferase enzymes to be used in combination for multiplex analyses, including in vivo imaging, cell viability and single and dual-spectral luciferase reporter assays. Additionally, luciferase reactions are classified as having either flash or glow kinetics, which have specific detection sensitivities and emission duration times to accommodate different experimental designs. >Luciferase patents MAINLY GOOGLE's ??? 
▶Anonymous 09/19/20 (Sat) 17:38:43fe3522 (3) No.10712419 >>10712316 Google has been developing patented Luciferase systems to track "vaccinated persons" and then sell the medical data of that person to the pharma industry. The pharma industry will then sell "appropriate" ( or inappropriate ) drugs to that person. DO YOU TRUST THE PHARMS INDUSTRY TO BE ETHICAL ??? The COVID vaccine will be the FIRST to use this technology ???

"Who Knows – They Give him a Big Fat Shot in the Ass and He Comes Out and He's Better than Before"

on the night of the new moon on the Feast of Trumpets, the hour of the Hypocrites #DoYourJob #WithoutDelay

Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT

The prophecies of Isaiah & Ezekiel proclaim that in the millennial dispensation, the New Moon Trumpet will summon 'all flesh to worship before God'


"Leftie women are scary. Also, Kyle shot in self-defense. Just sayin'." anon


And there you have it: Asked if the Senate had an obligation to assess Judge Garland's qualifications, RBG's answer was immediate. "That's their job, ... There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year."

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