Looking For Something New & Exciting In Photography

When you got into photography everything was fresh and exhilarating.

But after a while, like any endeavor, things can become a bit repetitive and stale (especially if you haven't been growing and learning new skills).

If you've ever felt the slightest twinge of these thoughts and feelings – you should definitely read on.

You may have seen in yesterday's newsletter that we have a great offer from our friends at Photzy for their Action Cards.

Today I want to share Brett's story behind the Action Cards and how they can improve your photography.

Over to Brett from Photzy . . .

I had an opportunity to sit in on a camera club meeting.

Due to my presence the conversation veered toward photographic education.

It was a pretty interesting and lively discussion.

I discovered that there are a huge percentage of photographers who feel that they would learn better by completing project based training… rather than simply reading about a technique, and then being left to their own devices.

They hemmed and hawed about workshops, because they are so expensive, and often require travel and time off work.

One woman said something to me that immediately stuck in my mind. She said, "I wish that I could have a workshop in a box. So that I could just open the box, and participate, when I felt like I had the time and the energy."

That statement kind of blew my mind. What a great concept!

An "idea" began to form…

'A university-level education in a portable package'

That's what I conceived from this camera club meeting.

A question for you…

Do you learn more efficiently, and have more fun with your photography, when you're out shooting versus sitting somewhere reading about it?

I know that I learn better that way, and that's why…

The next day, I went in to work at the Photzy office. I called a meeting of the Development Team.

I asked them…

"What product can we create that educates our clients, motivates them, provides them with direction, and then helps them to learn through actionable assignment projects?"

I also told them, "I want this product to be fun. I don't want it to be boring. I want our clients to not just complete the projects, but feel as though they cannot wait to get to the next one!"

I then said, "I want it to be actionable – with measurable results. It has to be thorough. I want University level stuff. I would like to be able to hand it off to a College Professor and say, here - teach your photography course using this."

Finally, I threw this at them- "It has to be portable, downloadable, and printable."

(I honestly wish that I had a picture of their faces around that table, because they were in shock!)

Long story short… We have accomplished just that.

It wasn't easy. We had long days and long nights. It was more than half a year in the making-

Some serious thought and preparation has gone into this product.

For you, this is the best part.

If you love to learn through active participation rather than just sitting around the house reading about photography-

You're going to love this product!

If discovering and massaging your own personal photographic style sounds intriguing-

You're going to love this product!

Click Here.



P.S. Darren here again - I'll sign off here too, but not without saying thanks to Brett for this great product and offer that thousands of our readers have purchased to date. I hope that we have your attention, because you seriously do not want to miss out on this opportunity.

(check out this great product now)






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