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Nigerians blast actress – Lilian Afegbai “Your mother shot UNIBEN student in 2013”

Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:30 AM PDT

Nigerian actress and producer, Lilian Afegbai and her mother, CSP Afegbai has been called out for killing a UNIBEN student in 2013.

This is coming after the actress condemned online #Endsars protesters who claimed on-ground protesters have lost focus by partying and having fun on protest grounds.

This altercation, however, led to the uncovering of the murder of a student of UNIBEN, Ibrahim Momoh, in 2013 orchestrated by the actress' mother, CSP Carol Onyekachi Afegbai.

According to reports by P.M.NEWS from the victim's family in 2013, Momoh was killed in the premises of the Ogida Police Station in the full glare of onlookers, adding that Mrs. Afegbai the DPO, actually shot him three times in the back.

See reactions from Twitter below …

5 home remedies to cure cracked heels

Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:00 AM PDT

 Cracked heels are a common foot condition, which can cause discomfort or even pain. They result from dry skin and are accompanied by thickened skin, plus sometimes yellow or brown calluses around the heel edge.

The skin on the heels is thick and dry, and with excessive activity, it tends to bleed and crack.

Often, the only problem with cracked heels is their appearance. However, in some cases, the condition can be severe if the cracks become infected.

Although it occurs in both adults and children, it seems to be severe among women.

Standing on a cold or hard floor for long, intensive walking, and being overweight are some of the reasons heels crack.

But these problems can be fixed when you try these lifestyle listed below.

Vegetable oil
Studies show that vegetable oils contain emollient properties, along with antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties.

They act as nutritional building blocks for healthy skin. These potent qualities of vegetable oils can help treat cracked heels.

Method: Wash your feet and dry them with a clean towel. Apply a layer of vegetable oil on the affected area.

Wear a pair of thick socks and leave them on overnight. Wash your feet in the morning.

Honey is a natural antiseptic that helps heal cracked feet, and its soothing properties help revitalize the skin.

Method: Mix one cup of honey in half a bucket of warm water.

Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes in the water-honey mixture. Scrub off gently.

Shea Butter
Shea butter hydrates, nourish, and moisturizes the skin. It also possesses healing properties and improves various skin conditions related to dryness because of its vitamin A and vitamin E content.

Method: Apply shea butter on your feet and massage them for a minute or two so that it is absorbed easily.

Slip-on some socks and leave the shea butter on overnight.

Banana and Avocado foot mask
Avocado contains vitamins A, E, and omega fatty acids and other nutrients that promote wound healing. Banana works as a moisturizer. These properties may help treat cracked heels.

Method: Blend a ripe banana and half an avocado. Apply this thick, creamy paste over your heels and feet.

Keep it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off your feet with lukewarm water.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil moisturizes dry skin and also helps get rid of dead skin cells. It can penetrate to the deeper layers of the skin and nourish them.

Method: Apply coconut oil liberally on your feet. Slip-on the socks and go to bed. Shower as usual in the morning.

If you suffer from ulcers, here's the life-saving painkiller information you need to know

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:30 PM PDT

If you have an ulcer, you need to avoid any foods or medicines that will make your condition worse Before you reach for the painkillers next time you are in pain, make sure you read this first.

Ulcers can react badly to over-the-counter medicine and could prove fatal. Here's all the information you need to know.

Painkillers work by blocking the effects of these pain chemicals. The problem is that you can't focus most pain relievers specifically on your headache or bad back. Instead, it travels through your whole body. This can cause some unexpected side effects.

The same chemicals that amplify pain, which some pain medicines block, also help maintain the protective lining of the stomach and intestines. When a painkiller stops these chemicals from working, the digestive tract becomes more vulnerable to damage from gastric acids.

Cause of ulcers

Peptic ulcer disease is most often caused by a bacterial infection called Helicobacter pylori. These bacteria sit below the surface of the stomach and first portion of the intestine. If you have not been tested for this infection, this should be your first step. Treating this infection with antibiotics and acid blockers will decrease your risk of bleeding ulcers in the future.The second most common cause of peptic ulcer disease is from the use of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs. Two NSAIDs available over the counter (meaning they don't require a prescription from a doctor) are:

If you have an ulcer, use of these NSAIDs could be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. A non-NSAID pain reliever, like acetaminophen, may be a safer choice. Your doctor can also recommend appropriate alternatives.

If you need to use an NSAID, always take it with milk or food to make it easier on your stomach. To prevent problems, your doctor might recommend:

Look for symptoms
If you have to take an NSAID, know the symptoms of trouble. If you have an increase in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dark stools, weight loss or fatigue get checked out right away.

Avoid alcohol
Most pain relievers do not mix with alcohol. If you take an NSAID, including aspirin, just one drink a week can increase your risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. People who have three or more drinks a day should not use these medicines. Combining acetaminophen and alcohol may increase the risks of lliver damage.

Use as directed
Follow the directions for the recommended dosage. Most painkillers shouldn't be used for more than 10 days. If you're still in pain by that point, see your health care provider.

Read the package insert
Admit it: When you buy a bottle of over-the-counter pain reliever, you likely throw out the printed insert along with the empty box. But you really should get in the habit of reading it. Find out what side effects you should look for. Look at the list of possible drug interactions or ask your pharmacist or doctor to go over it with you.

Read the ingredients of all medicines
Painkillers like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen can show up in the most unlikely places. For instance, many over-the-counter medicines for colds also contain doses of pain reliever. So make sure you know what you're getting.

Even some antacids contain aspirin, which can be a special risk to people with ulcers

Tell your doctor about all medicines, herbs, and supplements that you use.

Interactions are a real danger. For instance, taking NSAIDs along with some common medicines, like some corticosteroids and blood thinners can increase the risks for people with ulcers.

Your doctor needs to know about all the medicines you take before you're prescribed a new medicine. Don't forget to mention over-the-counter medicines, herbal remedies, and vitamins. Bring a list of all the medicines and supplements you take to your doctor. It could actually save your life."

7 things your partner does not need to know about you

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:00 PM PDT

Of course, very relationship should be built on trust; but there's a limit to openness and there exist things your partner does not really need to know.

Here are the things you really should not be telling that your boyfriend or girlfriend if you intend to keep the relationship going.

In essence, it's OK to cut down on openness in a relationship from 100% to somewhere in the region of 90% or so. And here's the reason: some people really just can't handle the truth. It does not make them bad people or bad partners; they're not just wired to be calm or stay sane in the face of certain revelations.

So instead of risking something beautiful over an inconsequential detail that'll likely not hurt anyone if forever locked away in a vault, just keep mum and continue coasting with the love of your life.

Here are 7 times when it's OK to leave some things unsaid;

1. Your sexual history
For real, not many boyfriends/girlfriends want to hear the step by step narration and graphic details of how you had sex in a bathroom stall at the mall with your ex or some random babe.

2. Your body count
As we already discussed in detail here, for the ladies, only your doctor and/or gynecologist deserves this information.

3. That someone at work [or anywhere] has a crush on you
Really, this is literally opening the door for problems no one wants. Here's the thing about revealing this information – you put your partner in a position to have his imagination roam and become paranoid.

Don't stress yourself explaining how many people have a crush on you. It may not be a wise move. [Credit: SG Hunter]
Don't stress yourself explaining how many people have a crush on you. It may not be a wise move. 

4. That you have a crush on someone else
Being genuinely in love with a man or woman does not magically take away the inclination to be attracted or to fall in love with other people.

So if you find yourself tripping for some other guy/babe, it may be too much information for your partner.

5. That you don't like their parents
I'm not sure anyone wants to hear her boyfriend say he does not like her mum. Neither is there any guy who would stand for that.

The only time this may be OK is when you no longer value the relationship and you're willing to let go of it.

6. That you snooped through their stuff
Even if you searched and found out that they've been loyal and loyal to you, keep the good news to yourself.

There really is no way to justify snooping through his stuff in the first instance. You're going to come off as distrustful and things may just go downhill from there. Better keep the info to yourself.

7. That you still stalk his ex
Ladies, your boyfriend does not need to know that you have been stalking his ex on social media. You'll come off as insecure and you don't need that.

Same thing goes for guys. You really so not want to give off the vibe of insecurity. Your babe does not need that.

How to lose belly fat in weeks

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:30 PM PDT

So you have acquired a lot of fat around your belly, so much that it either jiggles or has developed into a pouch of sort?

Late night eating is simply bad for belly fat. To lose belly fat in few weeks, snacking too is prohibited.

At first, the teasing was funny but now you don't want to hear it anymore. Right?

Or, maybe, you want your ex to look at you the next time you cross paths and be sorry he left your soon-to-be-hot body with a belly like that of Teyonah Parris and Beverly Naya?

Well, for you, redemption from belly fat has come.

You can totally lose belly fat with a few tricks in a few weeks, or maybe months, depending on your current weight and how much work you are willing to put in. But, first, the tricks that must precede the miracle.

How to lose belly fat in few weeks:

1. Know the carbs, and cut them out
To lose belly fat in few weeks, any white food is not your friend. That which is not your friend is worse than your enemy.

What are carbs?
Carbs are the carriers of those sneaky calories which makes our body expand faster than we know. Like magic, we never see them coming.

White food that increases belly fat includes: bread, rice, pasta, yam, garri anything made from flour is a no-no.

However, the only exception to the white colour rule for belly fat is sweet potatoes which are delicious and healthy with low glycerin index. There's also brown rice or ofada rice, whole grain pasta, wheat bread, wheat crackers.

Yes, not eating white foods are hard but then why are you reading this? Is it not for the purpose of burning out belly fat?

2. Avoid fizzy drinks
To lose belly fat in few weeks, avoid fizzy drinks. Simple!

Any drink or beverage in a can or bottle that has the 'fizz' sound is to your belly what smoke is to an asthmatic patient. Remember, there's inhaler for smokers to counter the reaction to smoking, but you, what do you have to counter belly fat?

Sugar infested drinks, or fizzy drinks, are not good for you. Fizzy drinks that include alcoholic drinks are your biggest hindrance to weight loss and a first class ticket to belly fat island. Instead of sugar infested drinks, have naturally made juice and smoothies, they taste great too.

I will share some recipes for natural juice and smoothies with you in future articles. Stick around.

3. Do not eat after 7pm
Late night eating is simply bad for belly fat. To lose belly fat in few weeks, snacking too is prohibited. The only exceptions to eating late at night for losing belly fat are fruits.

Feeling hungry late at night while cutting down belly fat? Drown the hunger with water.

4. Include a lot of Fibre in your diet

Fibres helps you lose belly fat faster than you think. Fibres are good for your digestive system and make you feel full plus they have little or no calorie implication for your body.

To lose belly fat in few weeks, brace your meals with fibres. You will be thankful that you did.

5. Exercise to lose belly fat
So you thought I was not going to mention this? I was only saving the best for the last. You need to work out your salvation. I don't mean crunches, you will be wasting your time with just that.

Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This is an intense form of cardio. It is intense but also very effective and works your core which is where your belly is situated.

Additional tips for losing belly fat in few weeks:

• Drink a glass of water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before meals.

• First thing in the morning, a glass of water with lemon or lime or honey.

• You can also have a glass of Ceylon cinnamon and honey, morning and last thing before bed.

In conclusion, I would urge you to see these few stated points as offered help, and ensure you make use of them with action.

Why are Nigerians abandoning ship and migrating to Canada?

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:00 PM PDT

The desire to leave Nigeria and settle in a foreign country for greener pastures has been strong since the economic recession in the early 80s.

The number of Nigerians living in Canada crossed 33,000 in 2016 and the number keeps rising.
The United Kingdom and the United States of America are the two top destinations for Nigerians who want to migrate. Now it seems Canada is the prime destination for middle-class people willing to check out

According to a 2016 census, there are 68,680 Nigerians living in Canada.

Over the last decade, Canada has become a choice destination for Nigerians wishing to relocate.

However, the migration of Nigerians to Canada can actually be traced to the Biafran War. By 1973, three years after the war, Nigerians were identified separately by immigration authorities.

From 1973 to 1991, there were 3,919 Nigerians in Canada. This number has incrementally increased since then.

Canada is a hot cake for Nigerians willing to move their family but why is this so?

Pulse looks at five reasons why Nigerians are flocking to Canada;

According to Canada Immigrants, over 27,625 Nigerian immigrants resided in Canada in 2011 alone. In 2016, the number crossed 33,000. As at 2017, there were over 11,000 Nigerian students in Canada, according to Sun News Online. These numbers seem to be increasing sporadically as the months go by.

Due to the high number of applications, the process of obtaining legal visa entry into Canada has become increasingly difficult. Nigerians who couldn't succeed at the pool took to the refugee option, making Canada toughen its asylum policies.

In fact, over 5,000 boarder-crossing refugees through the US into Canada in the first half of 2018 were Nigerians with valid US visas.

1. For Their Kids
Adult Nigerians are moving their families mainly to create a better future for their kids. This year Nigeria became the poverty capital of the world. Opportunities are becoming slimmer and slimmer for young people.

With deteriorating physical living conditions, Nigeria is not the ideal place to raise your child. A lack of a comprehensive health care system, good standard of education, and provision of jobs have served as reasons why Nigerian parents are moving to Canada with their kids. It's a hope for a better future for them.

2. Skilled Labour

People are quitting high-paying jobs to go join the Skilled Workforce abroad. Nigeria, who used to be fondly referred to as the giant of Africa is now being said to have economic difficulties, lack of jobs and unstable political and physical living conditions.

Many are of the opinion that the grass is greener at the other side and their skills will be more valued abroad than in Nigeria, where they are being taken for granted and undervalued.

This applies to Nigerian doctors and nurses who are leaving the country in droves to countries where they are properly compensated for their expertise.

In September 2018, the Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, faced backlash on social media after he fumbled a question on why it is hard for doctors in Nigeria to get residency training to become specialists in the country.

Around the same time, 500 doctors in Canada went on strike for being "paid too much". Statements like that of the minister make opportunities like this in Canada, being brandished on social media, seem like a gold mine.

3. Immigration Friendly
Canada is one of the most immigration-friendly nations in the world and has been rated as one of the best countries to live in by the United Nations. The country is rich in natural and oil resources and also has some of the best universities in the world. The country has low crime and violence rate and a high standard of living.

Canada presently has no limit on the number of people who can apply for a visa. This is due to the urgent need to refuel their ageing population and workforce. Canada still hopes to admit 85,000 skilled migrants by 2020.

4. Donald Trump
President of the United States, Donald Trump has maintained a hardline on illegal immigration. His tough approach on the matter has seen an upswing in the number of Nigerians seeking asylum in America.

Nigerians notoriously make up a sizable majority of thousands of people who have walked into Canada from the United States to file refugee claims since January 2017.

The trend worried the Canadian government so much that two officials were sent to Lagos earlier this year to work directly with their counterparts in the U.S. visa office to collaborate on how to lower the number of migrants who make asylum claims in Canada using a U.S. visa.

This was because many of the Nigerian asylum seekers in Canada were observed to have arrived bearing valid U.S. visas after having spent very little time in the States.

5) Education
In a Vanguard article published on July 18, 2017, an immigration Consultant, Taiwo Roluga says Canada is one of the top destinations for young Nigerian adults seeking for a degree because of the high quality of the educational system. According to the article, in 2017, Canada ranked 7th in the World's Most International Universities list.

In Lagos, you can spot several posters of agencies advertising the possibility of studying in Canada for those interested. Within the last decade, there has been a noticeable increase of young Nigerians furthering their education in Canada. This no doubt has helped increased the number of Nigerians there. According to Canada International, Canada welcomed 10,000 Nigerian students in 2017.

Peter Okoye ‘Mr P’ reacts to ban on #EndSARS protest in FCT

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Peter Okoye a.k.a Mr P has reacted to the ban on #EndSARS protest in the Federal Capital Territory.

The singer who described those behind the ban as "clowns", also queried them on what happened as politicians campaigned during the Edo and Ondo governorship election.

Mr P tweeted;

And what then happened during Edo and Ondo election campaign? Una Dey mad! Clowns

Nigerian allege that officers of disbanded SARS unit broke into people’s homes overnight in Yaba and Surulere

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

Some Nigerians including celebrities have raised an alarm of some operatives of the disbanded SARS unit allegedly breaking into people's homes Pedro community of Surulere, Lagos state.

The alleged officers of the defunct police unit were also accused of assaulting and whisking people away in a police van they allegedly stormed the community with. It was also alleged that there's been raids in Ojuelegba, Shomolu, Yaba areas of Lagos state.

Actress Adunni Ade wrote;

I cannot confirm how true this is. I have been tagged severally on this video from different posts. My DM's with multiple videos , text and all. In the case of it being true Sir,
@jidesanwoolu @jidesanwoolu @jidesanwoolu Sir, how true is this Sir? The disbanded SARS officers still have access to work? Picking up men at night? Shooting? Could you confirm where this men are been taken to?
This is said to have happened at Feyisara close, close to Pedro police station in somolu. Please send help Sir.

I cannot confirm how true this is but my damn DM's is full with this. I am only posting this just in case it is true.
HER NAME IS BISOLA!!!! She was caught recording my previous video. Good enough isge was able to post the videos before they got to her. Anyone close to Pedro police station in somolu???? @jidesanwoolu @jidesanwoolu please im not sure who you could send since the police are doing this but please look into this. I pray this young Lady isn't touched! What is this???

#EndSARS: “Mind what you eat at protest ground”- Nkechi Blessing Sunday cautions

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

Actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday has cautioned protesters to be cautious of the food they eat at protest grounds.

She gave the advice against the backdrop of the recent attacks on the protesters in Abuja and Lagos.

She opined that those behind the attacks might want to use the food shared at protest grounds to also get at the protesters.

Dear youths! Please this one this people are trying to spoil the protest by all all means…..please lets verify and mind what we eat at the protest grounds! Because that might be another way to attack"she wrote on her IG page

Rapper, Nicki Minaj reveals her Baby's Gender

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

Nicki Minaj has finally revealed the sex of her newborn child with husband, Kenneth Petty.

The rapper, who welcomed the child on September 30, 2020, took to Instagram appreciate Beyonce, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, Riccardo Tisci, Winnie Harlow, Karol, and everyone who sent well wishes, before disclosing that she gave birth to a baby boy.

Posting some of the cards she received, the proud mother wrote: 'Thank you to Queen B, Kim & Ye, Riccardo Tisci, Winnie, Karol & everyone who sent well wishes during this time. It meant the world to me. I am so grateful & in love with my son. Madly in love. My favorite liddo boy in the whole wide world. '

Nengi shows off her British passport with proof of her age

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:30 AM PDT

Former big brother Naija housemate, Rebecca Nengi Hampson has provided  proof of her age for doubters.

The reality star who just got back from South Africa to Nigeria, showed off her British passport and her age on it. This has debunked rumours that the former beauty queen is older than 22, which she gave in the BBNaija house.

"Thank God for safe travels" she wrote.

Nengi's trip to South Africa was sponsored by her new management company, Play network Africa, which she signed with last week.

"Officially a member of the @playnetworkafr @playmanagementafr family ! A toast to a great start!🥂" The second runnerup of the just concluded Big Brother Naija reality show wrote.

Adorable photo of singer Seun Kuti with his partner, Yeide and their daughter

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Yeide shared the photo above on her Instagram page to appreciate everyone who wished her a happy birthday yesterday October 14. In the post, the mum of one described Seun as her husband.

"Yesterday was a special day and you guys made my day with all the love, gifts and beautiful messages. I'm grateful..

I truly appreciate and to my beautiful daughter @adarakuti and my wonderful husband @bigbirdkuti thank you guys. I love you guys forever.." she wrote

'Living In Bondage' star Swanky J.K.A denies marriage reports

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Nollywood movie star Jideofor Achufusi popularly known as Swanky J.K.A has come out to deny the reports that he recently tied the knot.

The movie star deletes wedding photos from his Instagram page.

The movie star made this known via his Instagram page on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

"Please o. I am NOT a MARRIED MAN Now we are all protesting; let me just say it. Bloggers pls o; make dem no deny me visa o," he wrote.

J.K.A's post is coming, a month after he shared photos on social media announcing that he had tied the knot.

Interestingly, he captioned the photos with a quote which indicated that it was his traditional wedding ceremony.

"From Our Mouths To God's Ears 🥰😁🥰 Igbo Amaka #chijide20."

He has, however, taken down the photos.

Swanky J.K.A gained prominence after he starred in the sequel of Nollywood classic 'Living In Bondage.'

'Americanah' series adaptation put on indefinite hold

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

Lupita Nyong'O and Danai Gurira's 'Americanah' series adaptation will not be premiering anytime soon.

The anticipated 10-episode series will reportedly not be moving forward and the Covid-19 pandemic is to blame.

According to an exclusive report by Variety, the anticipated adaptation of Chimamanda Adichie's 2013 novel of the same title, has been put on indefinite hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Production for the HBO Max series was originally billed to kick off earlier this year but the unannounced date was pushed back due to the pandemic. Co-showrunner, Lupita Nyong'O then reportedly dropped out as it conflicted with other scheduled projects.

Both Gurira and Nyong'O were to serve as executive producers of the now abandoned show. It was to star Uzo Aduba, Corey Hawkins, Zackary Momoh Tireni Oyenusi and Nyong'O who was to play the lead character, Ifemelu.

Nyong'O confirmed she secured rights to the bestselling novel back in 2014 and in 2018, she revealed plans to adapt it to a series instead of a feature film.

The novel follows the story of Ifemelu, a Nigerian born woman who moves to America and must grabble with the realities of race, cultural diversity and love.

Cardi B explains why she's back with hubby Offset, says she's crazy and wants his d***

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:30 AM PDT

American rapper Cardi B has been explaining reasons why she decided to go back to her husband, Offset.

Cardi B says they are two young people who got married pretty early and navigating their way around marriage.

Cardi B filed for divorce from Offset back in September.

The rapper took to her Instagram stories on Thursday, October 15, 2020, where she talked about the reconciliation moves between Offset and herself.

"Listen y'all, I'm just a crazy bitch. You know how I be arguing with y'all on social media? That's exactly how we are, between me and my man. So when people be saying I be doing s–t for attention, with this and that, no, I'm just a crazy bitch," she said.

"One day I'm happy, the next day I wanna beat a n**ga up. I just be starting to miss [him]… It's hard not to talk to your best friend. It's really hard not to talk to your best friend. And it's really hard to have no d–k."

There have been speculations that the 27-year-old rapper's decision to reconcile with her husband was because of the gifts, especially the Rolls Royce birthday gift she got from Offset on her last birthday.

"People been saying that I took him back like I'm materialistic. I do like material things, I like material things and everything, but I just didn't … What do you want me to do? The n—a gave me a Rolls-Royce and I snub him?," she said.

"And I really wanted some d–k for my birthday," she added. "We're just really typical, two young motherf—as who got married early, that's what we are. We're not no different than y'all f—in' dysfunctional-a– relationships. We're the same way. We're just more public," she concluded.

View this post on Instagram

#cardib #offset #cardibandoffset #birthday

A post shared by Cardi B and Offset (@cardiboffsetworld) on

Cardi B filed for divorce from Offset back in September following his alleged serial infidelity.

According to documents obtained by PageSix, the hearing for their divorce, which is contested, is set for November 4, 2020.

It is not clear of the court hearing will still hold.

Dice Ailes dedicates new single, 'No One' to EndSARS protests

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Details: As he releases the song, Dice Ailes says, "I just released a song titled 'No one.' This song is dedicated to recent events happening in Nigeria and the initiative we the people have taken to #EndSars.

"This stands as a reminder that this movement concerns each and every one of us. As we actively continue to amplify this injustice in our country and other parts of the world, let us remember that no one stands alone. No matter our differences, we are stronger together!"

Date: October 15, 2020

Song Title: No One

Artist: Dice Ailes

Genre: Afrobeat

Producer: TBA

Album: TBA

Video Director: TBA

Label: Chocolate City/Warner

Play the song below;

Actress, Beverly Osu Narrates Her Ordeal With SARS Officials

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:30 AM PDT

Nollywood Actress, Beverly Osu has recounted her unfortunate experience with the disbanded Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS.

Taking to her Instagram handle, the ever dazzling actress said she was arrested and beaten by SARS officials.

"… Was taken from Ikate to Ojuelegba around 1 A.M" she reveals.
Joining the #EndSARS protesters to call for the total reform of the police, the actress said she was also locked up and had to bail herself after two hours.

She also calls on her non-Nigerian friends to join her in the fight against the Nigeria police brutality with the #EndSARS on social media.

Read her post below;

"We want a total Reformation of the Nigerian police force …I've been beaten and arrested by SARS, Taken from IKATE to OJUELEGBA around 1 am.

"I literally had to be BAILED OUT of prison after being locked up for nothing. 2 hours later."

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