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#LekkiGenocide: United Nations Calls For End To Attack On Peaceful Protesters In Nigeria

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:30 AM PDT

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, has called for an end to the attack on peaceful #EndSARS protesters in Nigeria.

His call comes in the wake of unlawful killings of Nigerians protesting against police brutality across the country.

Guterres said the UN is ready to help Nigeria find a solution that will swiftly de-escalate the situation.
Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the Secretary-General, in a statement on Wednesday said, "The Secretary-General is following recent developments in Nigeria and calls for an end to reported police brutality and abuses

"He condemns the violent escalation on 20 October in Lagos which resulted in multiple deaths and caused many injuries. He expresses his condolences to the bereaved families and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured. He calls on the Nigerian authorities to investigate these incidents and hold the perpetrators accountable.

"The Secretary-General urges the security forces to act at all times with maximum restraint while calling on protestors to demonstrate peacefully and to refrain from violence.

"The Secretary-General encourages the authorities to swiftly explore avenues to de-escalate the situation. He reiterates the readiness of the United Nations to support national efforts towards finding a solution."

#LekkiMassacre: Nigerian youths blast Tinubu on phone call after his number leaked online

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

The former Lagos State Governor and National Leader of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has denied having a hand in the Lekki Massacre.

His phone number reportedly leaked online and angry youths have been sharing videos and voice records from their conversation with him.

They accused him of aiding and supporting the shooting of peaceful protesters at Lekki toll gate because of the amount of money he has reportedly lost due to the protests.

Tinibu however denied being responsible for the killings. He said he has no control of the Nigerian army, and he has no idea of who caused the killings.

Listen to some of the accusations levelled against him

#EndSARs: Runtown – No matter how many death threats, you can never silence me

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:30 AM PDT

Nigerian singer, Douglas Jack Agu aka Runtown has cried out on getting death threats over his active involvement in the #ENDSARS movement.

Recall that Runtown alongside fellow singer, Falz started and led the #Endsars protest in Lagos against police brutality and harassment. The movement has however been peaceful for the last 12 days until Tuesday night when it took a terrible turn that left many injured.

The singer in a tweet stated that his life is being threatened over refusal to back down on the cause he believes to be just.

He wrote, "No matter how many death threats you send my way, you can never silence me. Our cause is just!"

Rema – “I lost my brother to Nigeria’s bad healthcare system, he was operated with a candlelight”

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:00 AM PDT

Popular Nigerian singer, Rema, has revealed how his brother was operated on with a candlelight which led to his untimely death.

Recounting how he lost his brother to Nigeria's bad healthcare system, Rema said a lot of Nigerians have also lost their lives due to the "decisions of a few people".

In a tweet he shared, Rema revealed that his brother was cut wrongly while being operated on with a candle light.

The singer who disclosed that his brother bled to death thereafter, added that politicians keep diverting the money meant for good healthcare system and borrowing while using the country's pain as a format.

Rema wrote, "I lost my Brother to Nigeria's bad healthcare system, they did a surgery on him with a candle light they cut him wrongly and he bled to death. The money to provide good healthcare system is in an old man's foreign account and they keep borrowing using our pain as their format.
We've lost a lot of people to the decisions of a few people."

Recall few weeks ago, Rema born Divine Ikubor called out the People's Democratic Party, PDP, to answer for the death of his father, Justice Ikubor, in a hotel room.

Policemen caught on camera shooting directly at people in Adekunle, Yaba

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:30 PM PDT

Policemen have been caught on camera shooting directly at people following the imposed curfew in Lagos State. 

The incident occurred on Wednesday morning, October 21, in Adekunle, Yaba. It is unclear if there are any casualties from the shooting. 

"Those speaking up against me are advertising me" - Rev. Francis Mbaka speaks on #EndSARS protest says

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:00 PM PDT

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has commented on the #EndSARS protest which is currently ongoing across states in the country. 

The Enugu-based priest averred that the current state of the Nigerian youths is unbearable and intolerable. He also absolved the Buhari-led adminsitration of any blame by saying that the chaos in the country started before him. 

Mbaka who stated that the disbandment of SARS will not stop the issue in the country, also commended youths who are fighting for their future but warned against politicising the protest.

He noted that there are many things to end in Nigeria including the electoral system. The cleric who decried the continous unemployment rate in the country, also pointed out that federal lawmakers are going home with "bags of money". He further noted there are many people who can turn around the fortunes of the country. 

Mbaka who also took a swipe at those attacking him for saying that God told him that Buhari will be Nigeria's President, stated that he can't disobey God when he speaks to him. He added that he doesn't speak out of presumption but from clear visions from God. 

The cleric also averred that those speaking up against him are "advertising him".  Here is the video below; 

Chelsea football star, Antonio Rüdiger reacts to Lekki tollgate gun attack

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:30 PM PDT

Chelsea defender, Antonio Rüdiger has reacted to the Lekki tollgate gun attack after peaceful #EndSARS protesters were allegedly killed on Tuesday night, October 20. 

In his tweets, the German International said he's shocked how the situation got out of control after putting out a statement last week condemning police brutality in Nigeria.

The center-back also stated that the situation in Nigeria has nothing to do with democracy as he noted that it's more like a military rule which he says is a violation of human rights at the highest order. 

The defender wrote: 

After my short statement about Nigeria already last week I'm now even more shocked about how the situation there has got more and more out of control. This saddens me so much. This has absolutely nothing to do with democracy.

It is more like a military rule and it's a violation of human rights at the highest order. President@mbuhari and the Nigerian Army, stop killing peaceful young protesters. Stop killing the people you are supposed to protect.

The protesters didn't ask for war, just for a better Nigeria. #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeria #EndSARS

Mob set ablaze Nation Newspaper head office in Lagos

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:00 PM PDT

The headquarters of the Nation Newspaper located on Fatai Atere street in Mushin, Lagos state, has been set on fire by a mob.

Watch a video from the scene below

#EndSARS: President Muhammadu Buhari's speech today on protests

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT


Fellow Nigerians,

It has become necessary for me to address you having heard from many concerned Nigerians and having concluded a meeting with all the Security Chiefs.

2.    I must warn those who have hijacked and misdirected the initial, genuine and well – intended protest of some of our youths in parts of the country, against the excesses of some members of the now disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

3.    On Monday 12th October, I acknowledged the genuine concerns and agitations of members of the public regarding the excessive use of force by some members of SARS.

4.    The choice to demonstrate peacefully is a fundamental right of citizens as enshrined in Section 40 of our Constitution and other enactments; but this right to protest also imposes on the demonstrators the responsibility to respect the rights of other citizens, and the necessity to operate within the law.

5.    As a democratic government, we listened to, and carefully evaluated the five-point demands of the protesters. And, having accepted them, we immediately scrapped SARS, and put measures in place to address the other demands of our youth.

6.    On approving the termination of SARS, I already made it clear that it was in line with our commitment to the implementation of extensive Police reforms.

7.    Sadly, the promptness with which we have acted seemed to have been misconstrued as a sign of weakness and twisted by some for their selfish unpatriotic interests.

8.    The result of this is clear to all observers: human lives have been lost; acts of sexual violence have been reported; two major correctional facilities were attacked and convicts freed; public and private properties completely destroyed or vandalised; the sanctity of the Palace of a Peace Maker, the Oba of Lagos has been violated. So-called protesters have invaded an International Airport and in the process disrupted the travel plans of fellow Nigerians and our visitors.

9.    All these executed in the name of the ENDSARS protests. I am indeed deeply pained that innocent lives have been lost. These tragedies are uncalled for and unnecessary. Certainly, there is no way whatsoever to connect these bad acts to legitimate expression of grievance of the youth of our country.

10.    The spreading of deliberate falsehood and misinformation through the social media in particular, that this government is oblivious to the pains and plight of its citizens is a ploy to mislead the unwary within and outside Nigeria into unfair judgement and disruptive behaviour.

11.    On the contrary, both our deeds and words have shown how committed this administration has been to the wellbeing and welfare of citizens, even with the steadily dwindling revenues, and the added responsibilities and restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

12.    Government has put in place measures and initiatives principally targeted at youths, women and the most vulnerable groups in our society. These included our broad plan to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in the next 10 years; the creation of N75 billion National Youth Investment Fund to provide opportunities for the youths and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Survival Fund, through which government is:

a. paying three months salaries of the staff of 100,000 micro, small – and medium – enterprises,
b. paying for the registration of 250,000 businesses at the Corporate Affairs Commission,
c. giving a grant of N30,000 to 100,000 artisans; and
d. guaranteeing market for the products of traders.

13.    These are in addition to many other initiatives such as;
a. Farmermoni,
b. Tradermoni,
c. Marketmoni,
d. N-Power,
e. N-Tech and
f. N-Agro.

14.    No Nigerian Government in the past has methodically and seriously approached poverty-alleviation like we have done.

15.    With regard to the welfare of police personnel, the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission has been directed to expedite action on the finalization of the new salary structure of members of the Nigeria Police Force. The emoluments of other paramilitary services are also being reviewed upwards.

16.    In order to underscore the importance of education in preparing youths for the future, this administration has come up with a new salary structure and other incentives for our teachers.

17.    Let me at this point reaffirm the Federal Government's commitment to preserving the unity of this country.

18.    We will continue to improve good governance and our democratic process, including through sustained engagement.

19.    We shall continue to ensure that liberty and freedom, as well as the fundamental rights of all citizens are protected.

20.    But remember that government also has the obligation to protect lives and properties, as well as the right of citizens to go about their daily businesses freely and protected from acts of violence.

21.    To our neighbours in particular, and members of the international community, many of whom have expressed concern about the ongoing development in Nigeria, we thank you and urge you all to seek to know all the facts available before taking a position or rushing to judgment and making hasty pronouncements.

22.    In the circumstances, I would like to appeal to protesters to note and take advantage of the various well-thought-out initiatives of this administration designed to make their lives better and more meaningful, and resist the temptation of being used by some subversive elements to cause chaos with the aim of truncating our nascent democracy.

23.    For you to do otherwise will amount to undermining national security and the law and order situation. Under no circumstances will this be tolerated.

24.    I therefore call on our youths to discontinue the street protests and constructively engage government in finding solutions. Your voice has been heard loud and clear and we are responding.

25.    And I call on all Nigerians to go about their normal businesses, and enjoin security agencies to protect lives and properties of all law abiding citizens without doing harm to those they are meant to protect. Let me pay tribute to officers of the Nigeria Police Force who have tragically lost their lives in the line of duty.

26.    I would like to thank those state Governors, traditional and religious leaders who have appealed for calm and restraint. I also thank youth leaders who have restrained their followers from taking the law into their hands.

27.    This government respects and will continue to respect all the democratic rights and civil liberties of the people, but it will not allow anybody or groups to disrupt the peace of our nation.

Thank you all. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Post COVID-19 crisis; 3 causes for a difficult social situation – Natixis

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT


Following the COVID-19 crisis, we are going to see a rise in structural unemployment, efforts by companies to improve their financial situation and a contrast between difficulties for wage earners and the rising wealth of asset owners.

The combination of these three developments could obviously trigger a social crisis, according to analysts at Natixis.

Key quotes

"The COVID-19 crisis will lead to a huge shift in the sectoral structure of economies. We are going to see sectors in permanent difficulty (automotive, aerospace, air transport, tourism, restaurants, culture, traditional retail, office real estate) and growing sectors (IT services, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, security, online retail). Jobs will therefore have to be transferred from the sectors in difficulty to the growing sectors. But this is difficult to achieve, as they require different skills. There is a risk that structural unemployment will rise sharply."

"After the COVID-19 crisis, companies will have been hit by both a fall in their equity due to the fall in their earnings and an increase in their debt. Companies will therefore try to improve their balance sheets and lift their profitability, leading to a number of developments that may exacerbate social tensions: slowdown in wages, afresh wave of offshoring, the search for monopoly positions, calls for tax cuts (and the rejection of environmental standards. Capitalism therefore risks become 'harsher' after the COVID-19 crisis."

"The economic policy response to the COVID-19 crisis has consisted in huge fiscal deficits monetised by central banks, which have kept long-term interest rates very low and brought about a huge expansion in liquidity. This monetary environment will lead to a sharp rise in asset prices (equities and real estate), especially once the uncertainty over the public health situation subsides. Public opinion will therefore see  difficulties for wage earners on the one hand (rising unemployment and a slowdown in wages) and rising wealth on the other hand."

Source: Natixis

Nigeria Youths discover secret warehouse with COVID-19 palliatives in Monkey village, Lagos. Update!!!

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT

Nigeria Youths have discovered a secret warehouse full of COVID-19 palliatives meant for the people during the pandemic in the Monkey village, of Maza Maza in Mile 2, Lagos.

All the items which includes Bull bags of rice, noodles and host of others found in the secret warehouse were marked COVID_19 meant to be given to Nigerians to cushion effects of the pandemic, especially during the lockdown.

It was learnt that the youths after discovering the warehouse, invaded it and started carting away the Covid-19 palliatives.


According to some social media reports, the warehouse which is a 600 x 600 warehouse was packed to the brim with assorted food items, and was allegedly diverted.

However a report from  Lagos State Government few hours ago showed that the COVID-19 Palliatives were received on the 22nd of September, 2020 and was kept in one of their  central warehouses in the Maza Maza area of Lagos and was ransacked today, by hoodlums.

A look at a video shared by an eye witness, said the Youths broke into the warehouse based on information and it had been a free loot for all.
According to the eye witness, security operatives who wanted to intervene were turned back by the angry youths who insisted that this is their right.

Tory Lanez pleads with his celebrity friends to help bring awareness to #EndSARS campaign

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

Canadian rapper, Tory Lanez has lent his voice to the #EndSARS campaign against police brutality and extrajudicial killings in Nigeria.

Speaking during an Instagram live with his fans last night, the rapper spoke about the ongoing unrest in Nigeria and pleaded with his celebrity friends to also help bring awareness.

Watch the video below.

Beyonce's publicist reply Tiwa Savage?

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:30 AM PDT

On October 21, 2020, Beyonce's publicist, Yvette Noel-Schure responded to the Grammy winner being called out in a 20-minute video by Nigerian superstar, Tiwa Savage.

This comes after Tiwa Savage posted this viral video asking Beyonce to speak on the ongoing crisis in Nigeria.

Noel-Schurre wrote that, "" Not all activists live on social media. Not all doers look for validation nor your approval. Not all work is for a Photo Op. Make it normal to stop judging people's actions based on posts.

"Posts don't make you an activist. Actions make you an activist. Whether in the background or out in the streets. We all choose a different path to get it done. Blessed are those who do not see yet they believe. Actions speak louder than posts! Stop Judging. S.T.O.P."

This comes after Tiwa Savage posted this viral video asking Beyonce to speak on the ongoing crisis in Nigeria.

Barzini goes hard in new video for, 'Rugged You'

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Details/Takeaway: The song documents the tendency for celebrated and normalized violence across inner-city Nigeria with an amazing hook, delivered in street-esque forms.

The song is sonically similar to 'No Okada' of the 2017 Mars and Barzini EP, In Spirit.

Featuring Port Harcourt emcee, Dr. Barz's testament, the song is hard and real. This is Hip-Hop! The song is sonically similar to 'No Okada' of the 2017 Mars and Barzini EP, In Spirit.

Date: September 25, 2020

Song Title: Rugged You

Artist: Barzini featuring Dr. Barz

Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop

Producer: TBA

Album: TBA

Video Director: Chikezie Ifediobi for Qtoz Media

Label: TBA

Play the song below;

Taraji P. Henson confirms her split from fiance Kelvin Hayden

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

American actress Taraji P. Henson has confirmed that she is no longer engaged to Kelvin Hayden.

Henson and Hayden got engaged in 2018.

The award-winning actress confirms her split from fiance, Hayden during a recent interview with The Breakfast Club.

"I'm devoted to the Black man, y'all. I simply turned 50 and I haven't stated it but, but it surely didn't work out. attempted, I used to be like, 'Let's do the remedy factor.' However, if you happen to each not on the identical web page with that then you definitely really feel such as you're taking it on yourself, and that's not a good place for anyone to play in a relationship," she said.

"My happiness isn't his duty and his happiness isn't mine. We have now to first depend on how one can make ourselves pleased to make one another pleased. So, when one particular person is taking up the burden of the whole relationship, it's by no means going to work. It's important to present up and sure you need to be understanding, however, you may lose your self in that understanding."

Henson and Hayden got engaged in 2018.

They sparked separation rumors in September when the former NFL star did not attend Henson's 50th birthday party.

See the trailer for Chadwick Boseman's final film, ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:30 AM PDT

Netflix has debuted the trailer for 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom', Chadwick Boseman's final film before his tragic demise.

The Netflix film which will see Chadwick Boseman's posthumous performance, premieres December 18, 2020.

The film directed by George C. Wolfe is an adaptation of August Wilson's 1984 play. it follows the story a Southern singer, Ma Rainey(Viola Davies) and her trumpeter, Levee (Chadwick Boseman) as they navigate they the music industry in 1920's Chicago.

The Netflix film was Boseman's final film appearance before he succumbed to colon cancer on August 28 at age 43.

Watch the trailer;

'Eyimofe' (This Is My Desire) set to screen in 3 European countries

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

The Nigerian feature film directed by Arie and Chuko Esiri will now screen at festivals in Austria, Netherlands and Spain.

Jude Awudike as Mofe in 'Eyimofe' [Instagram/@chukoesiri]

Arie and Chuko Esiri's 'Eyimofe' (This Is My Desire) has been confirmed to screen at three prestigious festivals in Europe.

The film will reportedly screen at this year's 013 Cinecitta International Film Festival (CIFF), Tilburg, Netherlands before moving to Austria for the Viennale film festival where it will screen on October 25 and 26. Also listed is an appearance at the Valladolid International Film Festival in Spain.

The movie which was reportedly shot in 48 locations in Nigeria, follows the stories of Mofe, a factory technician, and Rosa, a hairdresser, on their quest for a better life as immigrants.

Some of the feature film's cast include Jude Akuwudike, Temi Ami-Williams, Cynthia Ebijie, Sadiq Daba, Tomiwa Edun, Jacobs Alexander and Chioma 'Chigul' Omeruah. Its executive producers include Maiden Alex Ibru, Toke Alex Ibru, Olorogun Oskar Ibru, Kayode Akindele and Ifeoma Esiri.

Ortisefemi and wife Nabila Fash settle marital crisis, attend #EndSars protest together

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:30 AM PDT

Oritsefemi and his wife Nabila Fash have both resolved their marital crisis as they attended one of the #EndSars protests in the country together.

The couple attends #EndSars protest in Lagos.

Fash was reported to have moved out of their matrimonial home weeks ago over the music star's infidelity.

The music star took to his Instagram page on Sunday, October 18, 2020, where he shared a photo of himself and Fash at one of the #EndSars protest grounds.

"Freedom Movement with my cR 👸🏻💯✊
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