Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Message to a Lost Soul: So many Ben's. So little time.

Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST

▶Anonymous 11/28/20 (Sat) 19:15:51d066aa (1) No.11822969

Message to a Lost Soul


I'm not going to mince my words with you my estranged friend.

You have backed the wrong horse in a VERY bad way.

You are obviously completely unaware of what is happening in the background around you.

The people and forces that control Biden are trying as we speak to complete a plan many many years in the making which will ultimately lead to the complete enslavement and depopulation of humanity on a scale which will make the accounts within the Gulag Archipelago seem like a child's game.

The people that you and others who are still unaware so gladly cheer on, are children of darkness. These people have very dark plans for us my friend.

You may be an atheist and not believe in the existence of God or the devil, but let me tell you VERY CLEARLY; the people hiding behind the curtain pulling the strings of Biden, the C_A, the CCP, Hollywood, big pharma and the mainstream news media manipulations are satan worshipping, fucking sick, twisted, child sacrificing pedovores.

Your children and their children if they are capable of having any children after they receive the vaccine are going to experience a level of mental and physical suffering the likes of which have NEVER been seen since biblical times if this is not fixed right now.

If you (you and people like you) don't wake the fuck up and come to your senses right fucking now, we are going to move to a point where there will be no coming back for our children.

Humanity's future will be lost.

It's beginning in Australia now, in Canada and the UK and Europe as we speak. The lockdowns that you cheer are summoning one of the four horses of apocalypse to rise above the horizon. Yes, that's right my friend. We are heading in the next year or two into a global famine never witnessed before in history as the worldwide economy is strangled with your active consent and support.

You have backed the WRONG FUCKING HORSE!

And the ONLY person standing in the way,… the one person to stand up in front of this gigantian behemoth that no one can see is President Donald J. Trump.

If he falls, as they desperately desire, then America falls, and when America falls, the World will fall.

Now, once you lay off the insults and calm your ego and start showing some curiosity, I'll be willing to answer any of your questions.

It's never too late, and I will always reach a hand out to you and bear no grudge because we are brothers in humanity, in this shit together and, you know….. Where We Go 1 We Go All👍

URGENT PRAYER WARRIORS: please fwd to Serious Intercessors

Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:33 PM PST

Father in heaven, thank You that Your angels will do battle for us when we don't know what else to do or say. Abba, we ask You would foil all attacks and traps of the enemy against Trump, his administration, his attorneys and team, Sidney Powell, her team, and those fighting against this fraudulent election. Keep them from the nets of the enemy while they walk by safely. We ask that You surround them, deliver them, and preserve them from trouble, and open their eyes to the plans of the enemy. We ask You go before them and make crooked places straight and prepare successful paths for them in discovery and in the courts. We thank You for and ask You would keep them from hidden danger and let no weapon formed against them be able to prosper.

Holy Spirit we ask for Your anointing against the kingdom of darkness and ask You would avenge them against evil. We also thank You for Your protection and for keeping them safe, having put on the whole armor of God. Please also give discernment to the Supreme Court and lower courts to choose Truth and Justice. Give Trump the true and fast path to the presidency for 2020 election results, which he deserves. 

We ask for as many holy angels of war needed to come and defend them against the demonic forces of Satan. We call for a wall of protection around them which all evil will flee. All glory and honor to You, as we ask this all in the Name of Jesus.

Pennsylvania Judge Upholds Injunction, PA 2020 Elections Likely Unconstitutional ERBN – On Friday, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court judge Patricia McCullough upheld the election certification injunction in the state after Pennsylvania's government appealed the earlier decision.  In her ruling McCullough stated that there is reason to believe that the 2020 elections in the State of Pennsylvania were unconstitutional:  MEMORANDUM OPINION BY JUDGE McCULLOUGH, FILED: November 27, 2020


Pennsylvania House of Representatives 

A newly filed lawsuit in the Wisconsin Supreme Court is seeking to block the State of Wisconsin from certifying the November 3, 2020, General Election results.

CNN: "So, the outcome would be to re-elect Donald Trump. Trump doesn't need to do anything other than to simply accept this outcome, which is Constitutional."

.07 seconds: stay vigilant. do not underestimate the enemy.

Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:18 AM PST

no word on the motive

Abortion IS murder.  Amazing manipulation, wasn't it? Teach the herd to cull itself & call it choice. anon f0206e

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