Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

LEVEL 5D �� LIVE: Trump Legal Team, & in the UK

Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:26 PM PST

THE UK: WHAT DID HE JUST FKNG SAY! "Remind me again why Bill Gates won't have his children vaccinated against anything." @JaniceW78256134 · Dec 2

In an October article Dr. Michael Yeadon,who "spent over 30 years leading new [allergy and respiratory] medicines research in some of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies," and retired from the COVID-19 vaccine developer, Pfizer, with "the most senior research position in this field," dismissed the need for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Yeadon stated: "There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I've never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren't at risk from a disease. You also don't set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn't been extensively tested on human subjects."

The technology involved in administering the vaccine, as used by Pfizer and Moderna, is so novel that it has yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as admitted by Pfizer itself.

▶Anonymous 12/03/20 (Thu) 12:18:40df48a7 (2) No.11888721

Lots of lowlife demons and foul mouth butt wookie shills today anons.
It's excellent training. As long as we feel rather than recognize logically, the trigger being used – we know we have more work to do.
Anger is a conditioned response. We want to get rid of those. To fight evil effectively we must be rational.
When we are mastered by our fear we express hate in response.
The expression of hate is bad for us Spiritually as well inhibiting or distorting our understanding and blinding us to the presence of the living God..
Here we have the dumbest most despicable shills in the universe. We have masons and dements pervert and CP posting psychopaths – all trying to trigger us.
One of the most important things we learn is that when someone asks a question they are no looking for 'our answer'; if we then ask ourselves what answer would be most helpful to this person at this stage to develop the whole self - that is the answer we should consider
Different degrees of knowledge means we all live in different worlds. Some autists tend to be literal, and dump a mass of data which traumatizes the poor brainwashed MSM viewing NPCs it's our object to help. A humorous situation - although not for the normie
PsychoSpiritual boot camp is where we are now and if we are not getting better and stronger, kinder and more gentle we are failing.
Failing is not acceptable. WWG1WGA
Be kind to the newfags if there ever are any, and don't get sucked into shill kayfabe, or feel compelled to speak in the language of Hell. We are in the presence of the living God.

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