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Some Nigerian naming ceremony ideas for a memorable day

Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:00 AM PST

So in essence, naming ceremony ideas are tailored according to the parents' religion. If the parents are not deeply religious or culturally inclined, it is not strange to see some parents name their baby at the point of his birth.

Nigerians are deeply traditional people. It's evident in the way they eat, live and relate with each other. It is also evident in the way they name their children.

There's no point pretending they didn't know the names of choice before the baby was born, considering they had nine months are least to prepare. We will outline the Muslim, Christian and traditional naming ceremony ideas below. Feel free to borrow a leaf from the one that best resonates with you.

Check Out These Naming Ceremony Ideas

The Islamic Naming Ceremony (Aqeeqah)
Many cultures in Africa believe that a name determines the destiny of the bearer. Remember President Goodluck Jonathan? Africans generally believe a person will only go as far as his name will take him. So people celebrate cultural naming ceremonies elaborately, especially the announcement of the baby's names.

In Islam, the family organizes the Aqeeqah on the 7th day after a child is born( 0r 14th or 21st day if the 7th day isn't convenient due to one reason or the other). 3 important things happen during this event. They are:

Clerics shave your baby's hair and the cash equivalent of its weight is given to the poor.
  • You slaughter a goat or sheep or two, and the meat is used to celebrate.
  • You announce your baby's name or names to the public.
  • The Cultural/Traditional Naming Ceremony (Yoruba)
The Cultural/Traditional Naming Ceremony (Yoruba)

Yorubas take naming ceremonies pretty seriously. A lot of thought, research, family tradition, and history goes into picking a name in Yoruba culture.

The Ceremony begins with a small prayer and the introduction of the baby. Then. prayers and songs of praise welcome the new addition to the family. The presiding elder will then officiate the event with 7 symbolic items that are traditionally used to express the hope or path of a successful life. Traditionally, the elder rubs the items on the child's lips. But the modern approach to this practice involves the mother tasting the items on behalf of the child. The items are:
  • water
  • salt
  • honey and /or sugar
  • palm oil
  • kola nut
  • bitter kola
  • pepper
  • dried fish
Thereafter, he announces the baby's names. And then the event morphs into yet another owambe with jollof rice to boot!

In Igbo land, the family announces the new birth by rubbing powder on their necks. However, there's no official naming ceremony. Instead, there's a child dedication ceremony three months after the baby is born.

The Christian/English Way

5 ways to deal with sexual frustration in your relationship

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:30 PM PST

In every relationship that will be healthy, sex between both partners has to be at a level and with a regularity that is satisfactory to the couple. Failure to have this is what leads to sexual frustration.

Below we list five ways to dispel all your sexual frustration so that the satisfaction in your relationship does not fade away.

When one or both partners are not getting sexual contact as often as they want, or in the manner they want it, their relationship comes under stress, and its continuous existence under a real threat.

Sexual frustration is such a big deal because that lack of harmony and satisfaction has a way of diffusing into other parts of the relationship or marriage, up to the point where everything could become irredeemable.

Below we list five ways to deal with sexual frustration so that the harmony and satisfaction in your relationship does not get low to this point of no return.

1. Be willing to experiment
Usually in sexual relationships, people have different perceptions of what sex should be like. Therefore one thing that excites one may gross out the other and this, obviously, creates a hole that needs filling [ignore the pun if you can].

One way for couples to plug this opening is to be willing to experiment and help each other get off in the manners most exciting to them, regardless of how the other person feels about that act.

This requires a really open mind so that one partner who likes some kind of sexual act doesn't get frustrated for not getting it.

If you must have a sexual partner, one thing you should be prepared for is to try various things in a spirit of fun and experimentation and thus reduce the scope of frustration.

2. Compromise
An alternative solution to a disparity in sexual needs is compromise. This way, both partners consider what they both need to attain the climax satisfaction possible, and then decide on a middle ground.

You won't get what you want exactly, but it is certainly a better option as compared to getting nothing and brooding in frustration.

3. Communication!
This can't be said enough, ever!
Communication is very very necessary for relationships to not be soured by frustration, resentment and unexpressed feeling on all grounds. This is more important when it comes to issue of sex and sexual preferences. That's why you have to talk about sex, whether or not you are having it yet.

Our articles here and here are very well detailed on how to go about that.

4. Take sex out of the bedroom
Not in the literal sense now although you should also consider having sex in other places apart from your bedroom

What we mean in this context is that you need to boost intimacy and the emotional connection in your relationship so much that the closeness will naturally roll into steamier sex and an increased willingness to try to please each other in the sack.

"Engaging in acts of non-sexual acts of affection like kissing, holding hands on a walk or cuddling in front of the TV works both ways to enrich a couple's sex life.

"The partner with lower libido feels loved and cherished by acts of affection which in turn helps him/her to be emotionally connected and thus more amenable to future sexual encounters. The partner with the greater sex drive on the other hand knows that such acts of non-sexual affection are important investments needed for a fulfilling sex life," writes Kaylani10 of the BlogSite, Future Scopes.

5. Plan sex dates
Instead of waiting forever for the right time to initiate sex and becoming frustrated when it doesn't happen, plan sex dates ahead.

According to Kaylani10 "scheduling sex in fact works equally well for both partners – the one who want more sex can look forward to a night of fireworks while the one who wants it less gets a break from fending off amorous advances and can even do what is necessary - like a warm relaxing bath or a visit to the spa – to get into the mood."

That, really, doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.

6 clear signs he wants to marry you

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:00 PM PST

At times in relationships especially long-term ones, single ladies find it hard to catch those low-key signs their partner send to them concerning marriage plans.

It's easy to think your man isn't ready to get married but you should be careful not to jump into conclusions.

It's easy to think your man isn't planning for the future but you should be careful so you don't jump into conclusion.

Inspired by Lifehack, here are 6 clear signs he wants to marry you:

1. He doesn't hit the door when challenges come
There'll always be challenges and things may get harder with time. If your man stays by your side during these trying times then he is in for the long haul with you.

2. He sees just you alone
You can be in a room full of people and he'll still search you out because he doesn't have a wandering eye rather he's focusing on just you.

3. He takes you everywhere with him
He can't go to his most important events without you by his side. Family holidays, special events and outings, he has you with him. He is proud and wants to show you off to his family and friends.

4. He tells you everything
Men are known to keep to themselves a lot. But when he starts to open up to you, it means he trusts you completely and your opinion matters a lot to him. This could be an indication that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

5. He tells you he wants to marry you
Only jokers blurt out the marriage word easily, but if you know your man is serious-minded and he tells you he wants to marry you, then he's really serious about taking you to the altar.

6. He plans the future with you
When he starts involving you in his future plans and asks your opinion on them because they matter, it could be a huge sign that he's ready to settle down with no one but you.

Dates increase sperm count this is why men should eat dates often

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:30 PM PST

That's why during Ramadan, Muslims break their fast with dates. Since fasting deprives your body of strength, eating calorie-dense dates helps boost your energy. But apparently, dates are capable of revving up more than just your energy levels.

Dates are arguably one of the tastiest dry fruits and are available all through the year. Chock full of nutrients, people eat these dried fruits mostly for energy.

Science says that date fruits can even crank up your libido; improve your sperm quality and save your marriage. Research has proven what traditional wisdom has been saying all along. Dates boost your sex life by increasing your libido and improving your sexual performance. Also according to science, dates increase sperm count, and this is another reason why men should eat dates often.

How do dates increase sperm count? Have a look at what the research has revealed below.

How Dates Increase Sperm Count
Traditional medicine practitioners used the pollen of the date palm to make an antidote to male infertility. With that background, some researchers decided to investigate the substance of the local antidote.

There was an experimental study led by Bahmanpour et al. in 2006. The researchers discovered that dates did impact sperm and the reproductive system of adult male rats, who were the subjects of the experiment. The scientists noticed that eating dates greatly improved the count, the motility and DNA quality of the rats' sperm. It also increased the weights of the testes and epididymis. The credit went to estradiol and flavonoid; components in dates that seem to have a positive effect on the quality of sperm.

Also, in November of 2016, two experts in sexual health in Lagos advised men to eat dates; saying its consumption would enhance their sexual performance and increase their libido.

The man told the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) that when men took dates appropriately, they could also improve their health conditions in many other ways. It could save them the shame of not satisfying their sexual partners, the experts said.

One of the men, Dr. Aminu Kazeem, a sexual health therapist who works at Energy for Sex Clinic in Lagos; said men who had performance problems should incorporate dates in their diet.

"Eating dates will promote sperm quality and quantity as it is one of the best natural fruits used for male fertility. It also increases the size of the testes in men and the size of breasts in women. Consuming the fruit can help to treat sexual disorders because it is a natural aphrodisiac."

He further confirmed that dates contained high levels of estradiol and flavonoid which aid sperm motility and increase sperm count.

Dates Increase Libido And Do Other Things For You
Dates do more than increase sperm count and motility. They are good for your all-round health and vitality. Here are some other health benefits of eating dates below:

Maintains your sugar levels:
Want to satisfy your sugar craving? Instead of gorging on candies coated with sugar, have a few pieces of dates or sweets made out of it to beat your sugar craving in a healthy way. They are a good substitute for white sugar as they are free of sodium, cholesterol and fats. But remember, their calorific value is higher than other fruits so too much can lead to weight gain.

Aids your digestion
These little nuggets are rich in fibre, which means they are good for your digestive system and bowel movements. It also means they prevent the build-up of LDL cholesterol; which can put your heart health at risk by increasing your chances of getting hypertension, stroke, heart disease, etc.

Prevents anaemia
Iron is an essential nutrient your body needs to prevent anaemia. It helps your red blood cells carry oxygen better to various body parts which help in their better functioning. Lack of iron can leave you feeling fatigued even after doing the smallest of tasks. Eating dates can beat this deficiency.

Lowers your risk of heart disease
Dates contain about 656 mg of potassium per 100g which makes them a powerhouse of potassium. According to WHO guidelines, an adult should consume 3,510 mg of potassium every day. Lower levels of potassium can make one more susceptible to high blood pressure, stroke, etc.

Improves overall health
Apart from all the above goodness, dates are also rich in other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6. The body needs both magnesium and calcium for proper bone growth; while vitamin B6 is needed to break down protein, and maintain normal levels of nerve function.

These symptoms indicate that you might be infected with Coronavirus

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:00 PM PST

Coronavirus is one of the deadliest diseases out there today and it's spread to different nations is alarming.

Everyone is all about preventing Coronavirus but these are symptoms you should look out for.

Nigeria recorded its first case on Friday, February 27, 2020, and since then, the awareness of preventive measures has been put to place. The federal and state governments have been working tirelessly to contain and control the spread of the disease.

Coronavirus is a type of virus that affect majorly the respiratory tracts of humans. Many have heard about the disease but how do you know you have not been infected.

This article will show you the symptoms you're likely to have when you have coronavirus.

Here are the symptoms of coronavirus you should watch out for.

1. Cold or flu sets in two-four days after you're infected with the virus. So the first thing you notice is uncontrollable sneezing with a runny nose.

2. When you get tired easily without doing things that will exhaust your energy, it might be indicating something more than stress.

3. Coughing uncontrollably for days is not normal at all. When it last for more than three days, you might need to get a nose mask and see a doctor

4. Sore throat is one of the symptoms that develops as a result of cold, flu and cough.

5 common things you do that turn men on

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:30 PM PST

It turns out that there are plenty of more 'subtle' things about a woman that excites the (interest of a) man.

Unlike women, men are such simple beings, hence, you don't need to try too hard to turn a guy on.

Once you find a man that you're into and you start getting physical, you start looking for turn-ons for guys in an effort to keep things nice and steamy in your relationship.

I'm sure you don't need a ton of help in this department, but if you need a little inspiration, below are some traits that can actually turn a man on:

Ambitious and independent
A lady that has her ducks in a row and can bankroll herself is a major turn on. But, be sure that you don't come off as a braggart talking all about your achievements and showing off, that's when independence becomes a turn-off. Remember men are not into high maintenance women.

A lady with an appetite
First of all, a man will appreciate it when you can cook a good meal for him. You don't have to match Gordon Ramsay's culinary prowess it's the thought that counts. It's also super cute when you can chow down a bowl of food. Men generally love food and eat a lot so if you have a great appetite, that's a good thing for most guys.

Wearing men's clothes
You know those lazy weekends when you wake up and wear his shirt or t-shirt? No makeup on, hair down etc, men like that. Of course, every now and then you can get dolled up for your man but you should also show him that you're confident in your own skin, without the makeup or stylish clothes.

In fact, once in a while surprise him by showing up in say baggy or boyfriend jeans or something if he's always used to seeing you in girly outfits. The fact you can switch up outfits and look good in anything is a major turn on for most guys.

A girl that can play PS with the guys or knows a thing or two about sports
You don't have to know all the footballers out there but men will appreciate a girl that can just kick it with boys, play PS together or watch a football game without nagging or complaining every other second. On this point, the men also appreciate competitiveness – you know when you're playing say a game of cards with your man and you nudge him after you win? Not like in a fighting way but just being a little bit extra? Yeah, that shit is cute.

It'll boost a guy's confidence to know that he can make you happy. Even if the joke was lame, smile. Happy girls are the prettiest, they say.

Smart tips on how to ensure your child eats healthy over Christmas

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:00 PM PST

1. All Public holidays 
2. Christmas 

Public holidays simply because it gave me a breather from all the school work which I considered hectic at the time.

Christmas because of the occasional trips, the gifts and cash that came with the unexpected visits from family and friends. Not leaving out the soft drinks that were usually in surplus and most importantly, the delicious rice and chicken that is usually made specially for Christmas.

Looking back in retrospect, I would say that a lot of unhealthy eating habits are practiced during the festive season and this is why I would like to share a few smart tips on how to ensure that children eat healthy during this Christmas Season.

The tips I am about to share are simple and should be considered to ensure the well-being and health of growing up children against the new year; which is usually the start of a new school term. Christmas can be a time for excesses, when all our healthy habits go out the window, but it doesn't have to be that way.

If you agree with me, let's explore some tips below:

1) Begin the day with a balanced whole food breakfast. Provide your child with foods that fuels the energy they expend at this time of the year and keep them feeling fuller for longer.

A great way to start their day is with nutrient packed meals before they reach for the Christmas treats. For example oats with fresh fruit, milk and nuts. Even a veggies-packed smoothie made with the right milk for their age can provide them with a good start.

2) Make eating vegetables and fruits more fun, by implementing a healthy eaters game designed to educate your child about the benefits of fruit and vegetables. Try matching games, memory games, and quizzes. Children will learn the link between healthy foods and the benefits it provides their body.

For example, carrots support good eyesight. Don't just limit it to fruits and vegetables, try it with other food groups - dairy or milk for strong bones and teeth. This game also builds their memory skills and supports mental development.

3) Reach for Health Drinks: Soft drinks and juices often make their way into Christmas parties. While it might be considered a harmless Christmas treat, they may contain additives and excess sugars that have no health benefits to your growing child. Reach for healthy alternatives such as water, homemade smoothies made from fruits & milk or milk itself.

Drinking water will not only help keep your child hydrated, but it will also help support their liver and digestive function, reducing the risk of constipation. Also milk is a rich source of key nutrients, such as protein and calcium, essential nutrients that support healthy bone growth in growing children.

Furthermore, age appropriate milk like Peak 456 Growing Up milk for children 4-6 years of age, are fortified with essential nutrients like DHA and vitamins that support physical and mental development.

4) Keep Children Active: While children are mostly at home and cannot wait to spend more time watching movies, cartoons or playing video games, it's really important to make a conscious effort to keep them active. Start your Christmas day with a walk around the house, dancing to some child-friendly music or an outdoor game. Keeping them on the active not only supports their physical fitness but aids mental alertness.

5) Consider nutritional support: Nutrition plays a vital role in the overall health of growing up children including their mental development. Christmas brings with it several food indulgences that if not taking in moderation, may affect your child's nutrient intake.

Reaching out for multivitamins and age appropriate milk can help to ensure your growing up child gets the right nutrients at the right time for their age group. Consider switching from family milk to growing up milk that are fortified with DHA and other nutrients that are specific for their age needs.

Your children formative years need the right nutritional support for healthy, physical growth and mental development. Did you know 90% of brain growth occurs in the first 5 years of life? Age appropriate milk, like Peak 456 Growing Up Milk is made to support the nutrient needs of children 4- 6 years to help them grow up strong and smart.

Not only is it rich in calcium and proteins that are essential for strong bones and muscles, but it is fortified with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – a major building block of the brain. DHA is the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and retina (a part of the eye).

Try adding Peak 456 Growing Up Milk with DHA to your child's breakfast, smoothies or give them as plain milk drink.

No need to look too far, Peak 456 Growing Up Milk supports your child's nutritional needs this Christmas and beyond. It helps your child resume the new school term ready – physically strong and mentally alert!

Merry Christmas!!!

Written by Opeyemi Abe – Child and Public Health Nutrition Expert.

Juliet Ibrahim says the believe that a woman is incomplete without a man is mental slavery

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:00 AM PST

Juliet Ibrahim had a few words for a follower who told her to go and get a man for her to be complete.

The actress spoke about living her life to the fullest in the caption and a follower commented: "No dey talk this thing, try go find man make ur beauty for complete."

Juliet reacted, telling him to emancipate himself from mental slavery.

See the exchange below.

DJ Cuppy receives another luxury gift on her second date; Its a PINK BIRKIN bag

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:00 AM PST

DJ Cuppy has received another luxury gift on her second date with the same mystery man who gifted her a Bulgari wristwatch on their first date to 'kick things off.'

The Billionaire daughter and entertainer, took to her Instagram page to flaunt a pink Birkin bag she was gifted this time and noted that it's not her Christmas present, meaning there is another gift on the way.

She wrote: "Second date and he bought me a PINK BIRKIN … (This is apparently NOT my Christmas present!) #CuppyDat."

Moments Tacha broke down in tears as fans gift her delivery bikes, a bus and N6 million for her 25th birthday

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:00 AM PST

BBNaija's Tacha turned 25 on Wednesday, December 23. She had a birthday that was attended by some friends and her fans.

The highlight of the birthday dinner was the moment her fans presented her with a cheque of N6 million, three dispatch motorcycles and a delivery bus. Tacha couldn't contain her joy as she broke down in tears.

Watch the videos below;

Watch How Bobrisky Spoils Tacha With Money On Her 25th Birthday

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

Bobrisky sprayed BBNaija's Tacha with so much on Wednesday, December 23 when the reality tv star held her birthday that was attended by some friends and her fans.

Watch video below;

Davido cries out as he misses his first show in Jamaica

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:30 AM PST

Nigerian superstar, David Adeleke popularly known as Davido has cried out on social media after he missed out on his first show in Jamaica due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The multi award-winning afrobeats singer disclosed this in a post he tweeted via his official Twitter handle on Wednesday, December 23.

According to the FEM crooner, the show he just missed was supposed to be his very first show in Jamaica.

Taking to Twitter, Davido tweeted… "MAHN COVID Sucks .. Was meant to have my first show in Jamaica 🇯🇲 today 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️😢😢😢"

Meanwhile, in a related news, social media commentator, Uche Maduagwu has given Davido a heavy knock after he called him out over his delayed marriage to baby mama, Chioma.

Uche Maduagwu reminded him that Chioma is neither a feeding bottle or a lord of rings. 

D’Banj recovers Instagram account days after losing it to hackers

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:00 AM PST

Singer D'banj has recovered his Instagram account after it was hacked.

The 40-year-old told his followers that his account was hacked from December 17 to December 22 on Wednesday.

"My people, a big thank you for all for the support so far, the calls and messages are deeply appreciated.

"My account was hacked by scrupulous people. I will like to give a big thumbs up to my technical team in conjunction with @csa.global and the @facebook team who worked tirelessly to retrieve my account," he wrote.

Nigerian lady ‘gifted’ N2m after talking about no one asking for her account details for Christmas on Snapchat

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:30 AM PST

A Nigerian lady has shared screenshots which captured a N2m alert she claims she got after talking about no one asking for her account details for Christmas on Snapchat.

@ama_reginald tweeted "Posted this. And this happened Thank you Santa".

See the screenshots below;

[Video]: Moment Tiwa Savage’s ex-husband, Teebillz surprised their son with the best Christmas gift

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

It was in deed a heartwarming moment when Tiwa Savage's ex-husband, Teebillz woke their son, Jamil Balogun to his most surprising Christmas gift he won't forget in a hurry.

Well, just in case you're wondering what sort of gift he gave the little boy, Teebillz surprised Jamil with a gift of himself.

Of course JamJam hasn't set his eyes on his dad for a long time after his parents got divorced years ago, and getting to see him again is definitely an Xmas gift the young lad won't forget in a hurry.

The video Tiwa Savage shared, captured moment Teebillz walked in on a sleeping Jamil and the younger Balogun waking up to see his dad.

Tiwa Savage who was happy this finally happened, thanked her ex-husband for making it possible to reunite with their son after a long time.

She captioned the heartwarming video clip, "And this happened. Truly priceless @teebillz232 thank you for surprising @officialjamilbalogun and giving him his best Christmas gift".

Fuji singer, Pasuma celebrates his daughter as she joins the US Navy

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:30 AM PST

Nigerian Fuji superstar, Pasuma, has taken to social media to celebrate his daughter, Opeyemi who just became a member of the US Navy.

The 53-year-old singer excitedly took to official Instagram page to break the good news to his fans and followers.

Pasuma also seized the opportunity to pray for God's continuous guidance in the life of his daughter as she kicks off her military career in America.

The excited father wrote, "Congratulations to me,my gurl is a Navy now in USA,Opeyemi L'america congrats my dearest daughter,yhu alwayz make me and yhur mum proud alwayz 🙏🙏🙏🙏may God almighty guide yhu in yhur choosing career(Amin yah ALLAHU 🙏 🙏🙏🙏E MA LO WA OOO IJOBA LAWA OOO"

Femi Kayode – Any man that doesn’t give his woman at least N2m for Christmas is in trouble

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:00 AM PST

Nigeria's former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode has said any man who doesn't give his woman at least N2million for Christmas is in trouble.

The controversial politician disclosed this in a tweet he shared via his official Twitter page on Wednesday, December 23.

He said this in light of the expensive material things women of this generation hunger for and go after, such as; bone straight hair, ripped jeans and their likes.

Kayode however expressed worry that the two million Naira cash gift which is coming after the man must have given her woman other physical presents may not even serve.

In his words, "In this era of "kanyamata", "bone straight" &"rip jeans" any man that doesn't give his lady at least 2 million naira to buy HERSELF goodies for Christmas is in trouble. That is 2 million cash OUTSIDE of the traditional Christmas gifts he has to go &buy himself &present to her!😪"

[Video]: Flavour serenades his father as his Christmas gift for him

Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:30 AM PST

Popular Nigerian highlife musician, Flavour has melted hearts as he serenades his father with lovely in-house music performance as his own Christmas gift to his him.

In a video released by the singer, which has now gone viral on social media, the singer can be seen performing for his aged father during his visit to his family house.

The video showed moment Flavour played guitar and also sang a song for his aged father, Elder Benjamin Okoli during his Christmas visit.

While serenading his father, Flavour praised him as a legend who gave birth to a great man and his father affirmed that he is right.

Fans and industry colleagues have since taken to his comment section to appreciate him for his show of love towards his aged father.

Watch video clips of the lovely performance below;

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