Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

'Hang tight fellow Americans it's going to be a wild ride.': the New Constitutional Republic of America?!

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:17 PM PST

THE STORM Anonymous (ID: qTP8FSxe) 01/09/21(Sat)17:45:02 No.301568869 ▶ halfchan/pol/

THEAD 3: The capital being stormed and EVERYTHING was all planned out. EVERYTHING. White Hat special forces were among the people that stormed the capital and went straight to Pelosi's office to take her laptop and other hard drives. The Capital is a huge building and they knew exactly where to go and get out extremely fast. That's also why there were police seen allowing them past the gates.

  Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

  Capitol Police OPEN GATE for Trump Protesters: DC Lockdown RIOT COUP in Washington Inside Job!? 

Trump has spent 2 days at the Military Command Center in Texas flying in and out on the plane with the call sign NIGHT76 (1776).

The National Guard is still occupying DC for a strategical purpose. Not for "Trump Supporters" but instead are waiting for the order to arrest the criminals. Trump has everything, That's why Pelosi losing her mind right now trying to impeach him asap and having communications with out military. She's fucking losing it. That's why every Trump social media account and the accounts of people who surround him are all being purged. Thats why platforms like Parlor are being removed from google an apple. THEY ARE PANICKING

Last Trump Tweet: a GIANT VOICE long into the future.

Giant Voice Mass Notification System. Military Emergency

Everything Q said is true and is happening. The military has planned this for years and Donald Trump is the guy they chose.

Hang tight fellow Americans this is going to be a wild ride.

▶  Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 17:03:02f80af9 (1) No.12430413 8kun

I'm saying there is a difference between

"UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" - a corporation larping to be a nation from 1871 to 2020.


the united "States of America"… which existed from the end of the 1st Revolutionary War until 1871… and was restored on July 4, 2020

That is why people, like Sydney Powell, are saying this is 1776 again. We are right now in another American Revolutionary War for our independence.

After the corruption of the old corporate government structure is rooted and brought to justice, a Convention of States will be called and power will return to We The People to restore our Republic as we see fit to remake it.

My theory….

1. The 1871 "United States of America" corporation is dissolved.

2. Donald Trump and others signed a new American Declaration of Independence July 4, 2020.

3. US Military knows true 2020 election results of all legitimate votes cast before foreign interference altered the results.

4. Donald Trump is the first President of the States of America, a new nation declared on July 4, 2020.

5. Joe Biden's inauguration is irrelevant since the office he assumes to take on January 20th no longer exists.

6. Welcome to a new world and a new nation… the united "States of America", born July 4, 2020.

▶  Anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 17:12:30d5da90 (3) No.12430564  8kun 
Welcome! To the New Constitutional Republic of America and her First President - the same as the Last President of the previous, failed - due to TREASON - constitutional Republic - but in THIS one, the Constitution IS the Supreme LAW OF THE LAND and Donald J. Trump her First President!
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