Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

GOING TO D.C. all assets deployed - Roads into DC reportedly NOT SHUT DOWN. Get into town asap though!

Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:23 PM PST

Roads into DC reportedly NOT SHUT DOWN. Get into town asap though! CodeMonkey 8:39 PM · Jan 4, 2021
▶Anonymous 01/04/21 (Mon) 17:05:397f70e9 (6) No.12314805 

Just went for a walk to clear my head and I had an epiphany. All you anons who keep saying things like "what in the actual fuck is going on? " in response to Lin Wood's tweets are missing the beginning of The Great Awakening. Lin is a Patriot, a Paul Revere of sorts. This is the 2021 version of riding the countryside warning the citizens of what's coming. He is lighting the way with the bolts of lightning that precede The Storm. And the lightning is producing thunder that is reverberating across the land, waking people up that a storm is coming. 

 Our job as anons is to reply to every Lin Wood tweet by posting our best sauce and our most on target memes to support the topic of his tweet. This is why we are here; this is what we have been waiting for. For whatever reason, Lin is not being banned by Twitter, so this is our chance to make a real contribution to The Great Awakening. Let's get to work anons. Heres's how to do your part: follow Lins tweets, and those of Patrick Byrne, Sydney Powell and the other Patriots out there dropping truth bombs. Reply to their tweets with the best sauce we've come up with, or with a thought-provoking meme that will make the normies stop and think "Wow, I wonder if this is true?" or "I never thought about it that way." 

It's go time. Come on anons. Make it rain sauce and memes. Be part of the storm!.

the very ugly truth

Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:36 PM PST

 you know Hussein's kids aren't hiz ... right?? & BigMike's a tranny .... yes?

& then there are the dualies ...

any questions?!
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