Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:29 PM PST

  HERE WE GO ..............................
"Seeing the Congressmen and Senators cratering instantly in the face of the breach of the Capitol building tells me this was planned. These elected shills have done nothing but watch America burn from lawless Antifa and BLM. Their claims of protecting democracy by certifying a fraudulent illegal election that is a coup and communist takeover of this country is a lie." Sidney Powell

▶Anonymous 01/06/21 (Wed) 20:14:16b8f044 (1) No.12361441

Been an emotional day.


Did Trump know ANTIFA was likely infiltrating the protest to cause havoc and damage the MAGA movement?

And yet, he still encouraged the crowd to follow him to surround the Capitol Building?

Did he provide any warning to the potential ANTIFA threat, at any point during or prior to the event? ("We know you are here. You better not do anything stupid!")

Why was the National Guard initially turned away? (To protect innocent Patriots?)

Did Trump ever instruct people to NOT enter the building? Knowing it could happen?

Why did Trump so abruptly tell everybody to leave?

What is the required action by the President necessary to take in order to issuing the Insurrection Act?

Why are Democrat Congressmen now describing the MAGA protests as "insurrection?"

What will the public response/optics be if Trump decides to now activate the Insurrection Act?

What would have the public response/optics have been of Trump had activated the order against the BLM protests this summer? Racist? Dictator?

Can the Democrats protest the move, now, without exposing their ANTIFA operatives?


Q4414  ... "Cover for Red 4? DC = central location…reason: riot control. Only unit could be 10th Mtn + POTUS' marines. Wait until they commit the treason certification and their votes are recorded for trial. Then arrest them all." anon

?? ▶Anonymous 01/06/21 (Wed) 20:25:407b5ccc (2) No.12361821
The girl that was shot was trying to climb through a broken window. Normal people do not have that kind of inclination. She is also surrounded by two photographers one is black and several grey hats. The grey hats I believe were antifa they like to color code for identification reasons. She also has a pretty hefty backpack. Was she antifa? What do we know about her? Here is another angle of the shooting. Also it looks like an antifa trained medic came to her aid. { video removed  https://streamable.com/jneyxp }

Epiphany, the Feast of The Three Kings

Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:01 AM PST

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