Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

when the white buffalo returns, ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:36 PM PST

evil is as evil does but the Human Heart is Good & Beautiful

Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:53 PM PST

American Update: peachmint2.0 day 4

Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:02 AM PST

Today we need a sort of national exorcism, and this begins with prayer. Satan must be revealed, identified, and exhorted to be gone in the name of Jesus.


▶ /pol/No.307602280

Actually, the military has this under control.

WE know this.

President/CiC Trump sent troops to DC and fenced it, then it was announced they would stay until MID-MARCH.

DC is foreign territory and is OCCUPIED by our troops.

Members of Congress have been asking why they are still there.

If President*/CEO of US Corp Biden was CiC, they would simply ask HIM and get an answer.

The rest is theater.

You know it, I know it, >without a single death in less than 12 hours

Did you see the riots all summer and read the Time article stating it was being funded (which you should have known anyway) and you think they went to all that trouble just to lay down peacefully?

Here's the truth: We don't do a DAMN THING unless/until the MILITARY tells us.

Pro-2nd Amendment Americans will be ready to answer the call, should it be given.



Insider here. For the last few days I have been keeping you all updated about how we almost won back the presidency in secret military tribunals for Trump. And then yesterday the elites stepped in and vacated the convictions of Biden and Harris... I thought we were fucked. Even I doubted Trump. But boy was I wrong. I have to let you guys know we still might win this thing.

Long story short, Trump had dirt on one of the top shadow court justices (shadow courts are secret military tribunals that supersede the Supreme Court in matters of national security). He used his dirt brilliantly to force another appeal. This justice got us a new, two week, trial for overturning the election results. We are still going to win this.

Shill jannies have been trying to censor me but I will not stand down

Stay tuned guys Trump has done it again. He is so fuckign amazing. We are really going to overturn this thing. The globalists and the elites thought they had us beat but the underestimated Trump yet again. These next two weeks will decide the fate of humanity. We got this. MAGA forever.

Thanks for letting me speak my truth, it has been an honor fighting the good fight with you.


EDIT: People keep blowing up my reddit and donald.win inbox for more details. I can't post who exactly I am or what my position is because I have a wife and family to look after. But I thought that the people had a right to know. You guys don't need to risk prison or anything by rioting, it's already under control. Trust the plan. Just sit back and relax.

And just know I am a very well connected insider. I have first hand knowledge of the plan and what's going down. You guys are going to be shocked. You were right about everything with the deepstate. IT WILL ALL BE EXPOSED IN TWO WEEKS

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