Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Sea Glass

Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST


Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:48 PM PST

Johns Hopkins: COVID Has Had No Effect On US Death Rate

MAX HAPPENING: SCOTUS LEAK WAS REAL Anonymous 02/22/21(Mon)23:57:46 No.309318497 
So the SCOTUS decisions were released today, it's disappointing that they refused to take the Trump vs PA case but some other ones were allowed to proceed.

That's not important though, what is important is the division.

Gorsuch, Thomas and Alito all voted to hear the case, with ACB, Keggar Kav and Pedo Roberts voting to reject.

>3 vs 3

Yes, it's a perfect division, only tipped because Roberts has seniority. That's the last thing keeping these cases from open hearings, fucking seniority!

Additionally, it validates the leak. Roberts was shitting himself worried about riots, but really he's comped.

We're about to see some shit, MILINT is going to get curious why these cases and ONLY these cases keep getting dropped, lead purely by Roberts every time. And now Lin Wood promises to release blackmail this week, proving Roberts was comped.

Gorsuch was the only real Trump approved SCOTUS pick, both Kav and ABC were RINO operatives.

The corruption goes all the way to the Supreme Court bros.

TL;DR Someone leaked Roberts having a meltdown, it now has greater validity.

Roberts is 90% likely comped, using seniority to reject cases.

▶ there are more cases for next friday. Anonymous 02/23/21(Tue)00:31:21 No.309322377 

Writ of Certiorari >The word certiorari comes from Law Latin and means "to be more fully informed." A writ of certiorari orders a lower court to deliver its record in a case so that the higher court may review it. The U.S. Supreme Court uses certiorari to select most of the cases it hears. They still are allowing the amicus go through which could mean an appeal >(1) Amicus curiae Briefs Authorized.—An amicus curiae may file a brief (i) during merits briefing; (ii) in support of or against a petition for allowance of appeal, if the amicus curiae participated in the underlying proceeding as to which the petition for allowance of appeal seeks review; or (iii) by leave of court. An amicus curiae does not need to support the position of any party in its brief. 

Lightning engulfing a volcanic eruption in Chile.
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