Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Full Snow Moon Hunger Moon Storm Moon Bone Moon: Congressman Jerry Nadler: “God’s Will is No Concern of This Congress”

Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

Either forced out, or submitted his report and is now going into hiding. John H. Durham will continue as special counsel in the investigation of the origins on the Trump-Russia inquiry, but is being asked to resign as U.S. Attorney by the Biden administration

billowing in the wind off its port side. .......  https://youtu.be/D4JZS95dZD4 

& Biden still isn't flying on AF1

Congresswoman Marie Newman - Without the Equality Act, millions of Americans like my daughter (who haz a dick) can be denied housing, education, and more simply because they identify as transgender. I'm voting to pass the Equality Act for my daughter (who haz a dick) - the strongest, bravest person I know.

Chinese Whistleblower Releases Video and Photos of Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations

"Can you imagine if they had tried this with Pompeo?! Kek. We'd have dropped a nuke on their damn heads." anon


Congressman Jerry Nadler: "God's Will is No Concern of This Congress"


▶No.13053438 Iran wanted Bidan to reimburse their losses caused by Trump's sanctions.

Tells me Iran has goods on Bidan if he doesn't play ball.

Airstrikes on Iran proxies in Syria follow. Heels up bitching about not being told.

I don't think Bidan is calling the shots. He's taking orders from the military. Harris doesn't know what's going on because the military has blackedballed her. My take. Myanamar 2.0 if she assumes office.

Iran also has the goods on the Obama/Harris gang, if you ask me. Obama/Harris need to get their shit right to protect Iran or we might see some DECLAS, Iranian style.

Could be a move underway to get foreign entities to blow the US DS up. Can't blame Trump for that.

▶No.13053930 >but that's just indicative of the fog of war.

Keep comfy.

For 4 years, PDJT set the stage for the draw down. Remember lobbing tomahawks and hitting jack shit except a runway? Now Joe's "in charge" and all of a sudden we rush off to war. Except, think for a moment who's really in charge, and OPTICS.

What's happening in Syria?

What's it look like to the people watching?

Keep reminding yourself who's in charge, and it makes sense.

American Samurai.

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