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This is why you keep having boils repeatedly

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:30 AM PST

Have you been battling with boils too frequently? You're about to find why.

A boil is a skin infection that starts in the hair follicle, turns the area of infection red, and a tender lump develops as a result of this.

Boils are common infections and they tend to cause a lot of discomfort to the affected area and person. They typically occur in areas where hair and sweat coexist, such as the armpit, facial area, butt, thighs, shoulder, neck, and some other areas.

Sometimes, boil can reoccur due to the presence of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (micro-organism that causes boils) in the body. Once this organism is dominant in the body system, boils will keep recurring.

Also, those are suffering from diabetes, autoimmune diseases like sclerosis and lupus often have recurring boils. If you're receiving chemotherapy, you're susceptible to have boils frequently.

Causes and treatment of fingernails falling off

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

Fungal nail infection can be one of the many reasons for fingernail falling off.

There's nothing as painful as a fingernail falling off from your nail bed.
At least this is how people who have had the experience, describe it.

We find it hard to agree with them though because it is hard to concur with the claim that it is the most painful experience to have.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to argue against the fact that losing one's fingernail can be very painful and frustrating.

It makes a simple task more difficult and painful to execute.

It makes a simple task more difficult and painful to execute.

There is also the painful ugliness that comes with the exposure of the nail bed. It gives the finger a look that can be said to be gruesome and unsightly.

However, it is important for us to know the causes of this painful condition; as it will not only help us prevent a re-occurrence but also help identify the best treatment option.

Read on to find out the possible causes of falling fingernails.

1. Injuries
A serious finger injury may damage your fingernails, which often lead to the fingernails falling off from the nail bed.

The experience is always unbearable.

However, anyone can sustain such injuries but they are relatively more common in sportspersons related to volleyball, basketball, etc.

2. Fungal nail infection
Fungal nail infection can be one of the many reasons for fingernail falling off. Because there are many types of fungi that can cause nail infections.

Once your fingernail is infected, chances are the appearance of your nail will change. Your nails will become discolored first and then damaged and thickened.

It will fall off, eventually and leave you in serious pain.

3. Onychia
Onychia is nail disorder caused mostly by virus and bacteria. It can affect both adults and children, and it can cause the tissues of the nail bed to become inflamed.

Additionally, it sometimes affects the tissues around the fingernail plate.

You develop this problem when a virus, bacteria, or other pathogenic microbes enter these tissues through cuts and injuries. And can develop pus around and underneath the nail plate.

When this happens, the affected fingernail usually falls off.

4. Other causes
There can be many other relatively uncommon causes of fingernail falling off. They include:

However, problems with the nails can sometimes be related to serious medical conditions and should be investigated.

The doctors who will be well qualified to discuss this issue with you include your primary care doctor or your dermatologist.

On the other hand, it can occasionally be normal for an isolated nail to fall out; especially for people who repetitively tap their fingernails.

There are also cases where severe nutritional or vitamin deficiency may lead to nail loss. And for people taking chemotherapy, various drugs or toxins may also cause them to lose nails.

Natural remedies are usually best when it comes to healing and relieving the pain.

Treatment usually involves removing the nail and keeping the affected area dry to prevent any kind of added infection.

You have to take precautionary measures until your nail grows back. And while you do, treating the underlying condition that may have caused the nail to fall off in the first place is equally important as well.

Here are some steps to take when you have your nail falling off:

Do the following to prevent infected fingernail

Why do guys still masturbate when they have girlfriends?

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:30 PM PST

It's not always about selfishness and addiction to sex.

What will your reaction be if your partner still masturbates even though you have an active sexual life?
For most women like Dammy, this could be the end of that relationship, especially if it's a serious relationship.

Dammy, 26, is an entrepreneur in Lagos whose boyfriend confessed to habitual masturbation.

"I know we don't have sex all the time because of distance and all, but we do every time we spend time together.

"Do you think I don't feel horny in his absence, too? If I can hold it in till we see, I'm disappointed he can't hold out for me, too," she says.

She then asks "Why do guys even masturbate when they have girlfriends with whom they can fulfil their sexual desires?"

Five guys provide answers to this question below

1. Habit
"I'm not masturbating because my girlfriend isn't enough for me sexually or anything like that. It's just something I do. It's something I've always done. I don't even give it a second thought. It feels good and it relieves tension. That's all I have to say about it, really," Sam says.

2. It's part of our sex routine
According to Tunde, "My girlfriend and I actually masturbate in front of each other sometimes.

"She's more into it than me, I think, because she was the one who initiated it the first time, but it's really hot. If you haven't tried it, you should."

3. It reduces premature ejaculation
And in Chinedu's case, helping himself reach climax is important to his sexual relationship with his partner.

"I think masturbation helps make me a better lover, which is one reason I still do it even when I have a girlfriend. If I don't have an orgasm for a few days, I'm pretty sensitive and cum quickly. Usually too quickly," he says.

4. Pregnant partner
Folarin's partner is pregnant, so it is "My fiancé is pregnant, and we're not having sex as much as we were before that happened. I think that's normal. So sometimes I masturbate."

5. Boredom
Sometimes, boredom hits and for Benson, tugging one out is a quick fix for that.

"To be honest, I beat off to alleviate boredom sometimes. This happens whether I'm single or not," he says.

5 romantic things you should do on your honeymoon

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:00 PM PST

Five romantic things you should do on your honeymoon

When we talk of honeymoon destinations, it should offer the newly married couples the environment to relax, enjoy and plan as well.

A honeymoon is one of the most memorable experiences you can have. It's the icing on the cake after an amazing wedding and marks the beginning of the 'married life' for the newlyweds.

Every couple enjoys their honeymoon differently. Some travel to new destinations. Others opt to have a fun day at home which is fine because not every couple can afford the opportunity to pack up and globe-trot.

Still, the most important part is to find ways to bond as a couple. Here is a list of things you can do for the ultimate romantic honeymoon no matter where you choose to have it.

Plan a mini road trip
There's something about a road trip that makes it very romantic. You could always fly to your chosen destination but it's not the same as going on a romantic road trip with your partner.

The quality time you spend helps you bond as you share interesting stories, listen to your favourite music and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. It literally doesn't get more romantic than that.

Have a romantic dinner date
There's no way you can end your honeymoon without having at least one romantic dinner date.

This can give you the feeling of nostalgia as you recall your first date and spark that romantic feel all over again. This time around, the experience will be even better since now you're a married couple. This is how you create wonderful, new memories as newlyweds.

Have a picnic
The good thing about picnics is that you can have it anywhere. You can choose to go to the park and have a classic picnic, set it up in your backyard if you'll be home for your honeymoon, have it on your balcony or even in the hotel room.

All you need to do is get all the important parts of a lovely picnic like some fresh flowers, a few candles if you like, background music you both enjoy and snacks you love. A simple activity like a picnic is enough to make you feel like you're in the most romantic movie scene ever.

Indulge in local culture
If you're planning on travelling for your honeymoon, you shouldn't spend too much time locked up in the hotel. This is the perfect opportunity for you to explore your new location and create new memories together.

Taking time to explore the local culture in the area you're in is a great way to strengthen the bond between you. The homely aura of the locals will give you a sense of closeness on your new journey.

Set up a Jacuzzi date
I'm sure you've probably dreamt of having one of those amazing Jacuzzi dates with the love of your life at one point. You can already picture a trail of bright, red, rose petals leading to the Jacuzzi and two glasses of the finest champagne waiting for you.

You can take the initiative to prepare a Jacuzzi date for you and your partner and it's a guarantee you'll always remember that amazing honeymoon you had.

7 easy guides to being a great kisser

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:30 PM PST

These are the eight easy guides you need to become a fantastic, great kisser.

Mind you, most of the job will be learnt while on the job but this guidelines are here to give you the confidence to help you kickstart your journey to becoming a pro kisser!

1. Fresh breath is key
First things first: stay off things that'd mess up your breath hours ahead. Oh, and always remember, mint and other breath-freshening sweets are your friend here.

3. Start slow
Go slow at first and increase the tempo later. Gentle soft kisses before the intense ones.

4. Your Tongue!
Tongue use can be great when used right.

Use sparingly, carefully if you are unsure and yet to build a rhythm. As time progresses with that same person, however, you can find a rhythm and discover which kind of tongue action works best for that particular partner.

5.Be in the moment
You need to stay in that moment because good kissers will mirror each other's movements, so that they're both on the same page.

6. Be Spontaneous
Once you have found a balance with someone, the rules can be switched up at any time.

You don't always have to start slow, for example. But that should be after you've reached an understanding of each other's kissing game.

7. Kissing is not for the lips only
Ear lobes, nose, collarbone, and the neck— just think of all those nerve endings and all the sexy possibilities!

5 nutritious foods for breakfast

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you have to start your day with a healthy option.

A nutritious meal helps you start your day and also put you on a good mood throughout the day.

Most people miss breakfast because they don't have the time to make one. Unfortunately, skipping breakfast has a lot to do with weight gain and also influences energy levels, mood, and cognitive function. Several studies consistently support the idea that consuming breakfast will make your visit to the hospital limited and a lower body mass index (BMI).

Some that have breakfast rarely eat healthily. They eat fried foods and other fat-related foods, which is not a healthy breakfast. A good breakfast should contain protein, stick-to-your-ribs fat, and some fiber-filled carbs. This is your key to feeling satisfied, energized, and not ready eat a better lunch.

If you don't know how to put these together, we got you covered. This article will give you some foods that make a healthy breakfast list. You can start following them from today.

1. Oatmeal
For the cereal lovers, oatmeal is the best breakfast choice. As a 100% whole-grain, they're filled with fiber, plant-based protein, B-vitamins, and minerals, including iron, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients helps to reduce risk of having a heart disease thanks to a type of fiber called beta-glucan that has been shown to improve cholesterol levels. Oatmeal is also filling so you don't need to worry about getting hungry easily.

2. Eggs
Full of vitamins A, D, and B12, eggs are inexpensive and nutrient-dense breakfast options. Two large eggs contain more than 50% of the choline, which affects your memory, mood, and muscle control. Why would you drop this for an unhealthy option? Protein takes longer to digest than carbs, keeping you fuller, longer.

3. Greek yoghurt
Greek yogurt is a perfect grab-and-go option. Like regular yogurt, greek yogurt contains important nutrients such as calcium and B vitamins. It also provides double the protein of regular for around the same number of calories. You can find greek yoghurt in several supermarket. It's better to take the plain type rather than fruit-flavored varieties that are loaded with added simple sugars. If it's too boring, add fruits like berries, banana or a handful of walnut.

4. Bananas
Bananas helps to fill up the food. The folate and vitamin B6 in bananas help your body produce serotonin, which improves mood and reduce anxiety. For other interesting options, slice bananas on top of morning oats or make a banana smoothie.

5. Sweet potatoes
Just one medium-sized sweet potato provides almost 400% of your daily vitamin A. How amazing is that?The flesh of potatois high in beta-carotene, which is improves the immune system. One sweet potato contains 15% the daily recommended fiber intake for everyone, which will lower LDL cholesterol levels. Sweet potato is a good replacement for your morning bread.

5 things that could happen if you are in a sexless marriage

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:30 PM PST

Marriage is an institution with many moving parts. Parts that need to move for things to go smoothly. Sex is just one of those parts but a very important one nonetheless.

But as it happens, marriage can descend into a place where the couple grow so apart emotionally that sex ceases to be a part of the marriage. Though they still live under the same roof, sleeping in the same bed. The consequences of a sexless marriage are far-reaching.

However, conditions that lead to a sexless marriage are not always black and white. A couple can be happy and be in a sexless marriage, wondering what happened to their once blossoming sex life. And sexless marriage isn't as rare as you may think. According to one study, 15 per cent of married couples are in a sexless marriage. A marriage is said to be sexless if a couple have not had sex for 6 to 12 months.

What are the consequences of a sexless marriage?

Below are ways in which a sexless marriage can affect you.

Reduces emotional intimacy

Intimacy is important for a couple in marriage. It is about being close to your partner on an emotional level. Intimacy allows one to be vulnerable and open to their partner. It fosters comfortability, allowing each person in the union to do things like walking naked before the other person. And sex hugely contributes to this, hence the reduction of intimacy.

More temptation 

Sex is a physical activity that brings pleasure and promotes bonding between a couple. The body is programmed to want sex, if not for the bonding, then for the pleasure. So when your physical needs are not being met you are bound to be starved and lonely. And that starvation and loneliness may lead to impulsive behaviour, bringing your fidelity into question.

Reduces trust

There is a hormone known as the "Love hormone." Scientists call it oxytocin. This hormone is secreted when one reaches orgasm, the height of sexual pleasure. Oxytocin increases the feeling of trust between partners. In a sexless marriage where there is no sex or intimacy, oxytocin is absent. Therefore, trust is lacking, which will make you begin to question your partner's loyalty. Why aren't they having sex with you? Are they getting it somewhere else?

Low self-esteem 

Apart from the pleasure that comes with sex, what it does for a couple is that it confirms to each of them that their partner wants them. Therefore, this translates into a feeling of attractiveness and being wanted. But in a sexless marriage where sex is nonexistent, it will make you start to feel like you're the problem. That you're not attractive enough.


To many people, sex is only a physical activity, but it goes beyond that. It is a time when two souls bond and achieve the feel-good factor. And so it makes sense that when that good feeling is no longer there, resentment and irritability might take its place.

There is never shame in getting help. Talk to your partner. Communicate. If you both want to work things out and rekindle that passion for sex, find a counsellor with years of experience in marriage counselling.

DJ Cuppy reacts to claims of cheating Zlatan Ibile after Gelato made a hit

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:00 PM PST

The popular disc jockey, Ifeoluwa Otedola aka DJ cuppy has reacted to claims of cheating  Zlatan Ibile after making a hit song together.

It would be recalled that the Zanku master denied ever knowing the billionaire's daughter after blocking her on social media.

Davido's logistics manager, Isreal DMW, revealed in a recent post on Instagram that the Dj spent alone the proceeds from the hit single 'Gelato' made together with Zlatan which was the cause of the brawl.

In reaction, Dj Cuppy took to Instagram to mock Isreal's claim by calling it a 'super story.'

"Super Story 😅🤣 #FreeCuppy," she wrote.

In another tweet, she wrote, "I've learnt to kill them with kindness and rise above the noise! ✨ #CuppyGoldDust."

Obama, Oprah, Viola Davis, Tyler Perry join Hollywood's heartfelt tributes to Cicely Tyson

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

The Hollywood legend passed on at age 96.

News of the shocking demise of iconic Hollywood actress, Cicely Tyson recently rocked the internet.

The legendary actress was famous for shattering stereotypes in her film and television career that spanned over six decades. Tyson was known to play roles of strong African-American characters.

Some of her most iconic performances include playing Rebecca Morgan, a Louisiana sharecropper's wife in 1972 classic 'Sounder'. Her performance earned her an Oscar nomination. She also starred in 1978 TV series, 'The Woman Called Moses' based on the life of Harriet Tubman among other notable characters.

In the wake of news of her demise, politicians, Hollywood stars have taken to social media with heartfelt tributes to the legendary actress.

Barack Obama
"In her extraordinary career, Cicely Tyson was one of the rare award-winning actors whose work on the screen was surpassed only by what she was able to accomplish off of it. She had a heart unlike any other—and for 96 years, she left a mark on the world that few will ever match"

Viola Davis

"I'm devastated. My heart is just broken. I loved you so much!! You were everything to me! You made me feel loved and seen and valued in a world where there is still a cloak of invisibility for us dark chocolate girls. You gave me permission to dream....because it was only in my dreams that I could see the possibilities in myself. I'm not ready for you to be my angel yet. But...I also understand that it's only when the last person who has a memory of you dies, that you'll truly be dead. In that case, you will be immortal. Thank you for shifting my life. Thank you for the long talks. Thank you for loving me. Rest well"

"Of all the times and experiences we shared together, this was one of my favorites: The weekend of the Legends Ball in 2005. The idea for the ball originated because I wanted to celebrate HER, and other remarkable Black women who carved a path and built a bridge for me and generations to follow. What a joy to honor her and feel her receive it! I loved her hat so much, she sent it to me afterwards.

Cicely decided early on that her work as an actor would be more than a job. She used her career to illuminate the humanity of Black people. The roles she played reflected her values; she never compromised. Her life so fully lived is a testimony to Greatness".

Tyler Perry
"I was sitting at the table working when I got this overwhelming feeling to watch Miss Jane Pittman. I hadn't seen the movie in years. I didn't even understand the feeling to turn it on, but I did anyway. Not 12 minutes into the movie my phone rang. It was Oprah calling to tell me that Cicely had died. This one brought me to my knees! She was the grandmother I never had and the wisdom tree that I could always sit under to fill my cup. My heart breaks in one beat, while celebrating her life in the next.

"To think that she lived for 96 years and I got to be a part of the last 16 brings me great joy. She called me son. Well, today your son grieves your loss and will miss our long talks, your laughter from your belly, and your very presence. Always so regal, always so classy, always a lady, always a queen. Every time we would talk I would ask, "How are you?" and you would say, "I'm still here. He must have something he wants me to do." Well, I think it's safe to say you have done all you were put here to do, and we are all better for it".

Ava DuVernay
"Your hugs I'll remember. How your petite arms wrapped around me like mighty branches of a sunlit tree, strong and warm. Your laugh I'll remember. How it came easily and heartily and sounded like good music. Your work I'll remember. How your brave portrayals transformed the way the world witnessed Black women, whether they could accept what you shared or not. Your words I'll remember. How each time I hung up the phone, I'd write them down so as not forget the precious jewels of encouragement and wisdom you'd gifted me. Your love I'll remember. You loved me for some reason. You told me so often. I thank you for that forever and I'll carry your love with me as I go. Bless you as you journey ahead, Your Majesty. Until we meet again..."

Taraji P Henson
"WOW...what a life!! 🙏🏾 Rest In Peace Cicely Tyson, you paved the way for SO many of us and I can't express my gratitude enough! A true icon, legend, and showstopper—you will be truly missed "

Gabrielle Union
"We have lost a visionary, a leader, a lover, an author, an ICON, and one of the most talented actresses the world has ever seen. A life, a career, a fire to be celebrated forevermore! #RIPCicelyTyson "


"This one hurts, today we honor and celebrate the life of one of the greatest to ever do it. Thank you Cicely Tyson. Rest in great power."

Interesting facts about the Silhouette Challenge that is taking over the internet

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:00 AM PST

How do you do the Silhouette Challenge on TikTok? Here's everything you need to know.

Move over, Buss It Challenge – the Silhouette Challenge is the latest viral trend taking over TikTok during the pandemic.

Even celebrities are getting involved. Chloe Bailey, one half of the chart-topping R&B sister duo Chloe X Halle, caused jaws to drop to the floor with her sultry purple-hued Silhouette Challenge.

But what is the Silhouette Challenge? How do you do it and what song are people using?

What is the Silhouette Challenge?

Basically, the Silhouette Challenge sees users pose seductively in a doorway before quickly turning into a completely black silhouette against a red background.

The hashtag #silhouettechallenge has amassed almost 100 million views at the time of writing. It's not known who first started the trend, but it's taking social media by storm.

How do you use the Vin Rouge filter?

Wanna know how to get that red background? Well, you're going to need to head over to Snapchat and find the Vin Rouge filter on there.

The Vin Rouge filter is a camera effect that turns your whole screen red, leaving your silhouette black. It makes it look like your whole room has been lit up by red studio lights.

To find the Vin Rouge filter, open Snapchat and hit the camera screen, then click on the smiley face to the right-hand side of the camera button to browse filters.

Then, press 'explore' next to the browse feature and type 'vin rouge'. Et voila! Time to get filming. Make sure you're wearing form-fitting clothes to really emphasise your silhouette for the second half of the video.

For the challenge, you'll need one video of yourself standing in a doorway which ends in the same body position you start with in the second video, the one using the Vin Rouge filter. It's all about the seamless transition.

What song is used for the Silhouette Challenge?

The Silhouette Challenge starts with 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' by Paul Anka, and changes into 'Streets' by Doja Cat.

Check out some of the best Silhouette Challenge videos below.

“The ship has sank” – Nengi opens up on relationship stopping her from dating Ozo

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:20 PM PST

Ex-beauty queen, Nengi Hampson has opened up on her last relationship that stopped her from giving fellow ex-housemate, Ozoemena a chance.

In a recent interview with a Ghanaian radio station, JoyFM, the reality star cleared the air on the relationship she had going on during the reality show with a mystery man.

When asked about her relationship status, Nengi responded;

"I'm more focused on how to better myself, how to build my future, men are not my problem; I've always been a fine girl, it's what comes with it."

When asked about Ozo's advances to her, the second runner-up of the 2020 BBNaija reality show replied;

"I'm a one girl one guy kind of person, that's why I didn't want to do anything because I wasn't sure about the status of that relationship," she said.

In another news, Nengi described Ozo as a perfect man with a heart of gold despite misreading his advances as fake during the reality show.

Watch the video below …

Davido’s PA gives details on what happened between Cuppy and Zlatan

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

Davido's PA, Israel DMW, has revealed why popular singer, Zlatan Ibile quit his friendship with Cuppy and blocked her on social media platforms.

Recall, Cuppy recently called out Zlatan for not talking to her anymore and blocking her on WhatsApp and Instagram.

When asked why he took such action against Cuppy during an interview, Zlatan denied knowing who DJ Cuppy is.

However, speaking on what caused the rift between the duo, Cuppy and Zlatan, Israel DMW referred to Cuppy as a "fake friend" while revealing that after their hit collabo, "gelato", Cuppy didn't give Zlatan a dime, and Zlatan had to cater for himself and his friends with his own money.

See details below;

Veteran Nollywood Actor, Prince Emeka Ani Is Sick, Seeks Financial Support

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:30 AM PST

Days after the death of two Nigerian actors, new reports reveal that Nollywood actor, director and producer, Prince Chukwuemeka Ani is sick and has been admitted in a hospital in Owerri.

Some Nigerians who paid him a visit shared a video showing him lying down on his hospital bed. In the video, the ailing actor revealed that he has been on admission since December of 2020, and that he has undergone some operations in a bid to saving his life.

Further, he begged for financial support as he can no longer bear the burden alone.

According to the information obtained from the YouTube channel, the ailing actor is down with Chronic sore of the anus and diabetes, and the cost of his treatment is put at about 2.8 million Naira, which the actor can't afford alone at the moment, hence the outcry for help by the Nollywood's veteran.

Prince Emeka Ani does not need much or any introduction as he has remained one of the most popular faces in Nollywood for decades. No doubt, he has featured in over 100 hundred movies for the industry, and has equally bagged several awards in the course of his beautiful career in Nollywood and the entertainment industry in general. The actor is mostly known for his native doctor roles in movies

Nollywood Actor Uche Maduagwu Declares He Is ‘Proudly Gay’

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:00 AM PST

Uche Maduagwu, a controversial Nigerian actor,  has stunned many as he declared he is 'proudly gay', thereby, urging his followers to not judge.

According to the actor and brand influencer, we have to appreciate others and share only love as we need to respect people's choices and not judge them by practicing Jesus' kind of love.

Uche Maduagwu shared a photo with the tag "Proudly GAY" after the gay video of a certain upcoming actor went viral on social media on Wednesday January 27.
He posted the photo and wrote;

"Appreciate others and #share only love we need to respect peoples choices not to judge them so lets practice jesus kind of love"

See some reactions to his post below;

sunday_self_made: Na wao! So you get big hole for back so?

prince_afunwa_: You need God bro, let me unfollow you I hate nonsense!

badboylavish: Wey better babes full everywhere

the_black_conqueror76: What the hell has happened to Nigeria?

In a similar development, one of the sons of former presidential aide, Doyin Okupe identified as Bolu has publicly revealed that he is sexually and romantically attracted to people of one sex same, gay.

Hollywood Legend And Icon Cicely Tyson Dies At 96

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:30 AM PST

Emmy- and Tony-winning actress Cicely Tyson, who distinguished herself in theater, film and television, died on Thursday afternoon. She was 96.

Tyson's career of seven decades in Hollywood included films like Sounder and The Help.

Her manager, Larry Thompson, who managed and worked with her for over 40 years, said in a statement "Cicely thought of her new memoir as a Christmas tree decorated with all the ornaments of her personal and professional life. Today she placed the last ornament, a Star, on top of the tree."
Tyson made her film debut with a small role in 1957's "Twelve Angry Men" and her formal debut in the 1959 Sidney Poitier film "Odds Against Tomorrow," followed by "The Comedians," "The Last Angry Man," "A Man Called Adam" and "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter."

Tyson received an Oscar nomination in 1973 for Martin Ritt's drama "Sounder" and an Honorary Oscar in 2018.

Some of the actress's best work in television includes, "Miss Jane Pittman," "Roots," "The Wilma Rudolph Story," "King: The Martin Luther King Story," "When No One Would Listen," "A Woman Called Moses," "The Marva Collins Story," "The Women of Brewster Place," "The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All" and the TV adaptation of "Trip to Bountiful."

Throughout her career Tyson refused to play drug addicts, prostitutes or maids, roles she thought demeaning to Black women.

Her latest work before her death was her memoir "Just As I Am" which was published on Tuesday, January 26.

Rapper T.I. And Wife, Tiny Accused Of Drugging, Sex Trafficking At Least 15 Women And Minors

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:00 AM PST

The year has definitely started off on a sour note for T.I. who in the space of a week has been accused by Atlanta entrepreneur Sabrina Peterson of holding a gun to her head in front of her kids and heavily criticized for playing a character with vitiligo in the RZA directed Netflix movie "Cut Throat City."

The Atlanta-based rapper and his wife, Tameka "Tiny" Harris are once again in the news for all the wrong reasons.

So far, at least 15 women have accused U.S. rapper and his wife of drugging and sex trafficking them.
These women came out after T.I. was called out by Sabrina Peterson who claims T.I. put a gun to her head in front of children.

On Thursday, January 28, Sabrina posted on her Instagram Story messages which she received from the alleged abuse victims.

The women also went on Instagram Live with Sabrina Peterson to share their extremely detailed and shocking stories about alllegedly being drugged and abused by either the Harris' or associates of their's, with the "couple's knowledge."

In the screenshots shared by Peterson, different women have claimed T.I. refers to women as "cattle. They also claimed Tiny is the "ringleader, a worse abuser than Tip (T.I.)."

The women also claim to have seen Tiny consume cocaine and molly. They said she forced them and her own friends to consume drugs before entering their home.

One person detailed an alleged incident that took place during CIAA in Charlotte in 2016. She said her phone was confiscated when she went to T.I. and Tiny's hotel suite at the Ritz-Carlton. Molly and cocaine were reportedly handed out at the party and only guests who removed their pants were allowed to stay.

"I watched him drag girls back and forth from the bedroom, to the bathroom, to the living room," she wrote. "One girl was crying because she wanted to leave but they refused to give her her phone to call an Uber."

The woman, who said she was excused from the activities because she knew someone in T.I.'s entourage, added that she witnessed the rapper tell his security to come "pick this b***h up off the bed" because she couldn't walk. The alleged victim was "almost unconscious" and her pulse was "barely there," according to the witness.

Based on her own experience, the anonymous source described T.I. as an "absolute monster who uses money and power to manipulate people and Tiny is his secret weapon."

Another woman said she was working as an escort/stripper in 2013 when T.I. invited her to take drugs and have sex with him and Tiny in return for payment. But then Tiny got jealous of her and hit her, before T.I. "choked" her out. When she threatened to reveal their treatment to her, she was allegedly told that she could face deportation. "I was threatened to the point I was in fear I left Atlanta and never looked back," so the woman told Sabrina.

Another alleged victim, who claimed she was a minor when the abuse happened, said she and her friend were "pressured for sex" during 2005 NBA All-Star Weekend in Colorado. Another woman said the "girls were so high it seemed like they were dead."

Among the accusers is a woman who claims her neighbor's door was kicked in by the couple, after which they allegedly beat and kidnapped the husband. One said she was just 16 when her abuse happened. All of the women claim in their stories that they've each been traumatized by the couple and all are seeking justice.

T.I. has not yet responded to any of the claims.

See below…

See screenshots below;

Nollywood Actor Emeka Amakeze Slam Colleagues Over Posting And Mourning When A Fellow Celebrity Dies

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:30 AM PST

Following the untimely demise of some Nollywood stars,  actor Emeka Amakeze has called out his colleagues who come online to shame other celebrities for positing and mourning when a fellow celebrity dies.

Amakeze said that people should not be shamed for mourning who they want to mourn.

He added that most of those accusing celebrities of not remembering their dead colleague while still alive, only to remember them in death, are feeling too important because they donated just a little towards the dead person's care.

He pointed out that some donate in secret and do not make it known, therefore it is wrong to assume that those mourning didn't do anything for the person while they were alive.

This comes after celebrities were accused of posting Ernest Asuzu after his death yet doing nothing while he was sick.

He wrote:

"Please, allow people to mourn the dead by posting their pictures and wishing a peaceful rest. (RIP) if that is the way they deem fit. You might not like it but I don't get to see you celebrating the success of everyone you know.

"Your hypocritical ass that does not give without making t a social media post wants to judge people who give with the right hand without letting their left hand know what happened.

"Please, let us be guided."

Below is a video of Emeka's response;

Actor Akah Nnani Celebrates His Wife As She Turns A Year Older

Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:00 AM PST

Nollywood actor, Akah Nnani is celebrating his wife, Claire, today as she marks her birthday.

The seasoned actor took to his social media handles to profess his love for her and also prayed for her. Posting a photo of them kissing, he wrote;

"Happy birthday to the love of my life. My everything. The most important person in my life. The other me. I love you with everything I am and have. This year, I give you the gift of me. I pledge to give you my best. To be there for you all the way. To love you like you have never known love before.
I pray that this year, you will enter into the fullness of what God has planned for you. You will enter into your rest.
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