Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

URGENT: Pastor-phil Biggs

Posted: 18 Mar 2021 08:35 PM PDT

   Mike Pence worked with DR. Anthony Fauci and DR. Deborah Birx who are board members of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Democrats and personal friends of Hillary Clinton who runs the largest child smuggling operation in the world through the Clinton Global initiative.

   DR. Fauci developed the virus beginning in 2014 at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill before it was shipped out of the country in November of 2015 held in storage in Canada and making the journey to Wuhan's level four lab in January of 2016. 

  While DR. Fauci develop the virus Bill Gates applied for a European patent in 2014 using a third party name. The patent was issued to the Gates foundation in 2019 just before the rush to impeach President Trump as ordered by Hillary Clinton to divert attention away from their next moves.

  When the virus struck, DR. Fauci the highest paid government employee in Washington the director of the department dealing with infectious diseases was called in to run the White House front line with DR. Birx. his long time partner in crime. Mike Pence was assigned the task of chairing the effort and since he was a participant in the scheme or was being blackmailed for his life behind the fiscade behind the fake persona he presents to all people Pence went along with the dictates of Hillary Clinton who was behind this medical tyranny. 

  George Soros travelled to Wuhan in mid October 2019 and the virus was deliberately released during the last week of October 2019. At the time the virus was released there were military games going on in Wuhan. In attendance at those games were 200 Canadian Soldiers. One third of them became very ill. When the soldiers returned home on November 18th the sick were quarantined on the plane and all were sent home to communities across Canada. 

  In February of 2020 Trudeau the Canadian Prime Minister was forced to pay an 880,000 dollar bribe to the director of the Wuhan lab to keep his name out of the Democrat scheme, Mike will be well rewarded i am sure for keeping his mouth shut for allowing a cure to be lied about and allowed Fauci Brix Clinton and Gates to commit a world wide crime against humanity. 

  After speaking with several doctors i see how big the scam truly was. It will lead to these owners of Moderna a bankrupt pharmaceutical company to earn and share an 8 trillion dollar payday when it is all over.

  DR. Fauci delivered a speech at Georgetown University days before the Trump inauguration on January 20 2017 in which he stated that the incoming administration will face a pandemic. Documents held by Governments around the world show that the U.N. sent directives out to all governing bodies in 160 nations around the world outlining the five stages of lockdown to be applied slightly differently in each country so that it would not look coordinated. This is a planned global life threatening event with an end date of March 31 2025. From start to finish this was an eleven year plan to cause a major extermination of human life by the global criminal cabal seeking full control of the 500 million they have determined to be the correct population for our world meaning 7.3 billion will die from this pathetic lie. 

  We have four years to fight back. Our only choice is fight or die make your decision now. Pastor-phil Biggs 

Tell them you're not going to take it at this time given your own risk profile and considerations. Remember it only received Emergency Authorization and has not gone through the rigors of full clinical trials. Emergency measures were put in place when the US expected millions and millions of deaths. Now we have much better information along with effective therapeutics. So given your own personal situation, you feel it's best to follow the long established science of a fully vetted drug. 

Meanwhile, everyone is looking at bidets hands: Maricopa, Maricopa & the ECVotes are Swinging

Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:59 PM PDT

... , or that incel shooting up those massage parlors: 

▶Anon       Safe…right

I refuse to be a lab rat for (big pharma, fraudci, gates' profits)

used as a LAB RAT (for profit)!

1) The mRNA gene therapy jab is NOT and never has been FDA approved. No long term effects ever studied, first mRNA injected into humans and won't be FDA approved for a long time (not that 'FDA approved' means anything anyway).

2) You CANNOT sue any of the companies if you suffer effects, and your family CANNOT sue if you die (the companies have ZERO liability for ANYTHING that happens to you, at any time). Check your life Insurance policy…may not be covered under any of your Insurance policies as well.

3) The fake vax can only suppresses symptoms making people asymptotic carriers. Read that one again! The fake vax can only suppresses symptoms making people asymptotic carriers.

4) Will not protect you from Variants of Covid 19, not known if the vax actually causes the or may cause additional variants of covid 19.

5) Not a vaccine, it's an experimental mRNA gene therapy never given to humans before. Corruptly placed under a vaccine for NO manufacture liability (protected from all or any law suits).

6) If it's so safe why Censor those that question it? They wouldn't shove it down your throat if it was safe. Make the Vaccine manufacturers liable for all deaths and injuries if it's so safe!

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Q

Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:46 PM PDT

COUNT ONE: Filename: 143b789d-fb2b-4079-91fd-d4bdf788a98d.mp4 Upload 11-01-2020 14:55:38 UTC Description: The video was one minute and thirty-seven seconds in length. The video began with a close view of, what appeared to be, a young prepubescent Caucasian boy's anus area with an adult Caucasian male licking the boy's anus. The male had brown "scruff" style facial hair. The adult male continued to lick the boy's anus area and then penetrated the boy's anus with his tongue. The male masturbated near the boy's buttocks and then penetrated the boy's anus with his erect penis. The male's hand and penis were obviously large in comparison to the boy's buttocks and pelvic area. The male's hand appeared larger than the boy's buttocks, from one side to the other. 

COUNT TWO: Filename: ac42ede1-6a03-4c1c-8c8b-925aabadb86c.mp4 Upload 11-01-2020 15:05:15 UTC Description: The video was one minute and fifty-three seconds in length. The video began with a young prepubescent Caucasian boy on a turquoise-colored cloth. The boy had his knees tucked beneath him and his upper chest was against the cloth. The boy was not wearing any bottoms and his buttocks were exposed. Within the view of the camera was an adult Caucasian male's erect penis. The male stroked his penis and ejaculated on the boy's buttocks area. The male then attempted to penetrate the boy's anus. The male's hand was obviously large in comparison to the boy's buttocks and torso. 

COUNT THREE: Filename: 517fb0f8-f5a9-465e-8ddc-8a5190e3ae20.mp4 Upload 11-01-2020 15:05:48 UTC Description: The video was one minute and fifty-eight seconds in length. The video began with an adult Caucasian male laying on his back on a bed. The male was not wearing any bottoms and his erect penis was exposed. A young Caucasian prepubescent boy, wearing a neon green shirt, was between the male's leg. The male was holding the boy's head with his hands and the boy's tongue was touching the male's erect penis. The boy pulled away and began rubbing his eye. The male motioned for the boy to come back towards him and then held the boy's head on the side of his penis. The boy's tongue touched the male's penis. Those acts continued until the conclusion of the video. 

COUNT FOUR: Filename: 6384c350-c943-406c-856e-54d86d01f8d0.mp4 Upload 11-01-2020 14:52:40 UTC Description: The video was three minutes and fifty-two seconds in length. The video began with a prepubescent Caucasian boy standing in between the legs of a seated adult Caucasian male. The camera view was of the boy's torso down to his thigh area. The boy was not wearing a shirt and was wearing dark colored bottoms. The boy pulled down his bottoms, exposing his bikini style underwear. The male pulled down the boy's underwear and then picked the boy up and placed him on his lap. The male's hands were large compared to the boy's torso. One of the male's hand appeared to be larger than the boy's stomach area from one side to the other. The boy's penis was exposed. The boy lacked pubic hair and development. The male utilized his fingers to masturbate and stroke the boy's penis. The video then cut to the boy standing next to the seated male and the male's erect penis exposed. The boy utilized his hand to stroke the male's penis. The video continued with the male manipulating the boy's penis with his fingers and the boy stroking the male's penis. 

COUNT FIVE: Filename: e8612d31-7754-49a8-afbe-c03f9fb96a17.mp4 Upload 11-07-2020 14:36:03 UTC Description: The video was one minute and thirty-eight seconds in length. The video was of a toddler aged Caucasian boy laying on his back, on what appeared to be blankets. The boy was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt, with white sleeves, and Mickey Mouse on the front of the shirt. The boy was not wearing any bottoms. The camera showed the boy's face, which was red and showed he was crying. SA Taubel could also hear the boy crying through the audio of the video. The camera view then moved to the boy's unclothed lower torso, pelvic area, and upper leg area. The boy's penis was exposed, and an erect adult Caucasian male's penis penetrated the boy's anus. The boy continued to cry as the adult male forced his erect penis in and out of the boy's anus. The boy pushed his hand and against the male, appearing to be pushing the male away. The male told the boy to move his hand and continued to penetrate the boy while the boy cried. 

COUNT SIX: Filename: 7ad2087c-4711-456e-b569-7eda6f6c518d.mp4 Upload 11-12-2020 14:05:50 UTC Description: The video was thirty-seven seconds in length. The video began with an Asian toddler, wearing a blue and white long-sleeved shirt, standing on a wood floor. The toddler was holding, what appeared to be, toys with each of their hands and arms. In front of the toddler was a Caucasian male's erect penis. The adult male utilized his right hand to grab the toddler's head and pushed his penis against the toddler's mouth. The toddler backed away and then moved their face back towards the adult male. The adult male then placed his penis into the toddler's mouth. The male again grabbed the toddler's head and moved their head back and forth forcing the male's penis in and out of the toddler's mouth. 

COUNT SEVEN: Filename: b7137c9f-0763-4aba-a5a8-d9d27718b125.jpg Upload 11-12-2020 18:34:54 UTC Description: The image was of a prepubescent Caucasian boy with short blond hair and blue eyes. The boy was wearing a yellow and blue sleeveless shirt and was laying on his back on a blue cloth. The boy was holding his legs back, towards his head. The boy was not wearing any bottoms and both his penis and anus were exposed.


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