Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

GOING TO BE TRAFFICKED #BodiesUnderBridges #VeritasArmy , US States That Have Lifted CV-19 Restrictions #MakeAmericansFreeAgain

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 02:13 PM PDT





top comments from Which US States Have Lifted COVID-19 Restrictions? 
▶ I work at a hospital in Iowa and currently we have zero Covid patients in the hospital Im at. You wouldn't know that by listening to the sky is falling local news though.I have never contracted the virus. I attribute this to my personal health regimen of always refusing flu shots on religious grounds and drinking orange juice in the morning for breakfast. I stopped worrying about contracting the virus after the first couple weeks of the scare. I will NEVER take the vaccine mystery serum. My science is superior to their quackery... and yes they tricked everyone to think their was a problem and that Only they haD the solution to said problem. I am convinced that if they hadn't Panicked the public 24 seven for a year straight And forced us to do all those crazy rituals we would not have even known about the virus.
▶ no ACTUAL cases for a couple weeks now in a mid-Missouri hospital
▶ How much longer do you expect to be employed by the hospital without submitting to the jab? How many of your colleagues are also refusing it? Genuinely curious.. trying to get a feel for what's coming in the future
▶ Do you really think healthcare staff including MDs are so easy replaceable ? Think twice. So if the majority of them stand their ground and refuse vaccination they win. Replacing 50% of the staff in a hospital is not as easy as replacing 50% of staff in a restaurant.
▶ 50% is the number, too. The Washington Post, of all places, produced a poll this week showing that 50% of all healthcare workers have not been vccinated and 1/3 of them WILL NOT EVER get vaccinated. Don't be fooled into thinking that your "anti-vax" views are in the minority. It would appear that the only place vaxidiots out number sensible humans who oppose being experimented on is on social media.

Maundy Thursday

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 11:19 AM PDT

Those who know will not rest

Posted: 01 Apr 2021 10:59 AM PDT

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