Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:36 PM PDT

Crazy Times Carnival taking place outside of the Arizona ballot recount The carnival did not exist until this week…  Tinfoil hat time! There is almost no information in regards to this carnival up until this week, and it happens to take place right outside of the recount for the 2020 election. Whether you believe in election fraud or not, this is fucking weird.. Why would someone host a carnival with very little to no advertising, during the pandemic, at the same location of a highly controversial election recount? Why? - anon 

meanwhile: three-lawfare-groups-petition-biden-doj-shut-maricopa-county-forensic-audit-cockroaches-fear-light

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Covid vaccine concerning side effects brought up by local news station, doctor came on saying many coming to his office suffering post shot! 

Two Year Old Baby Died Within Six Days Of Taking Second Shot Of Pfizer Vaccine In Clinical Trials On Children 


'I recorded them murdering patients': COVID nurse goes public 


the manifesto from 20 French generals warning the Macron government of an impending “Civil War” due to leftist & islamist radicalization.

Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:20 PM PDT

        Last Wednesday 20 French generals warned the Macron government of an impending "Civil War" due to leftist and islamist radicalization.

Mister President,Ladies & Gentlemen of the Government,Ladies & Gentlemen, 

The hour is serious, France is in peril, several mortal dangers threaten her. We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, in the current circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country. 

Our tricolor flags are not just a piece of cloth, they symbolize the tradition, down through the ages, of those who, whatever their skin color or faith, have served France and given their lives for it. On these flags we find in gold letters the words "Honor and Fatherland". However, our honor today lies in the denunciation of the disintegration which strikes our homeland.

 - Discrimination which, through a certain anti-racism, is displayed with a single aim: to create on our soil unease, even hatred between communities. Today some speak of racialism, indigenousism and decolonial theories, but through these terms it is racial warfare that these hateful and fanatic supporters want. They despise our country, its traditions, its culture, and want to see it dissolve by taking away its past and its history. Thus they attack, through statues, ancient military and civilian glories by analyzing words that are centuries old.

- Discrimination which, with Islamism and the suburban hordes, leads to the detachment of multiple plots of the nation to transform them into territories subject to dogmas contrary to our constitution. However, every Frenchman, whatever his belief or his non-belief, is at home everywhere in France; there cannot and must not exist any city or district where the laws of the Republic do not apply.

 - Discrimination, because hatred takes precedence over brotherhood during demonstrations where the authorities use the police as proxy agents and scapegoats in the face of French people in yellow vests expressing their despair. This while infiltrated and hooded individuals ransack businesses and threaten these same law enforcement agencies. However, the latter only apply the directives, sometimes contradictory, given by you, the rulers.

 The perils are mounting, the violence is increasing day by day. Who would have predicted ten years ago that a professor would one day be beheaded when he left college? However, we, servants of the Nation, who have always been ready to put our skin at the end of our engagement - as our military state demanded, cannot be passive spectators in the face of such actions. 

It is therefore imperative that those who run our country find the courage to eradicate these dangers. To do this, it is often enough to apply existing laws without weakness. Remember that, like us, a large majority of our fellow citizens are overwhelmed by your dabbling and guilty silences.

As Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, said: "When prudence is everywhere, courage is nowhere. "So, ladies and gentlemen, enough procrastination, the hour is serious, the work is colossal; do not waste time and know that we are ready to support policies which will take into consideration the safeguard of the nation. 

On the other hand, if nothing is done, laxity will continue to spread inexorably in society, ultimately causing an explosion and the intervention of our active comrades in a perilous mission of protecting our civilizational values ​​and safeguarding our compatriots on the national territory. 

As we can see, there is no more time to procrastinate, otherwise, tomorrow the civil war will put an end to this growing chaos, and the deaths, for which you will bear the responsibility, will number in the thousands.

The signatory generals: 
General de Corps d'Armée (ER) Christian PIQUEMAL (Foreign Legion), General de Corps d'Armée (2S) Gilles BARRIE (Infantry), General of Division (2S) François GAUBERT former Military Governor of Lille, General of Division ( 2S) Emmanuel de RICHOUFFTZ (Infantry), General of Division (2S) Michel JOSLIN DE NORAY (Marine Troops), General of Brigade (2S) André COUSTOU (Infantry), General of Brigade (2S) Philippe DESROUSSEAUX of MEDRANO ( Train), Air Brigade General (2S) Antoine MARTINEZ (Air Force), Air Brigade General (2S) Daniel GROSMAIRE (Air Force), Brigade General (2S) Robert JEANNEROD (Cavalry), g eneral Brigade (2S) Pierre Dominique AIGUEPERSE (infantry) g eneral Brigade (2S) Roland DUBOIS (Transmissions), gBrigadier General (2S) Dominique DELAWARDE (Infantry), Brigadier General (2S) Jean Claude GROLIER (Artillery), Brigadier General (2S) Norbert de CACQUERAY (Directorate General of Armament), Brigadier General (2S) Roger PRIGENT (ALAT), Brigadier General (2S) Alfred LEBRETON (CAT), General Doctor (2S) Guy DURAND (Army Health Service), Rear Admiral (2S) Gérard BALASTRE (French Navy).
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