Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

the EndTimes

Posted: 11 May 2021 05:40 PM PDT


Arab youth torched a Synagogue in #Lod 

The people of the levant will not be replaced. 

Anonymous 05/11/21 (Tue) 19:01:48 ac948e (5) No.13637150    Beirut anon here,

This is the first time EVER in my life is see this happening to Israel and Tel Aviv. FIRST TIME EVER. It's always the Palestinian areas that get damaged and crushed. This is the first time i see a bus on fire in Tel Aviv and it's mind boggling. I'm unable to believe what my eyes can see. It's a first for me.

Wait till you find out the rest of the crimes they did to you and us over here in the Middle East. 9/11 was not the ONLY terror act they did to the U.S. What's mind boggling is me seeing happening to them, what they did to us for many decades. Unfortunately there is a lot of chat it's going to escalate.

Ben Gurion airport just got closed because it was hit by Palestinian missiles. And the Israeli media is saying the sky is "thundering" above Tel Aviv. This is a first in modern day history.

I'm going to tell anons in my next post what was taking place for some time here, like 2 or 3 weeks now.

>>13637186 >>13637195 Thank you. God bless you. I'm not welcomed in this place, i got always attacked by the Jews when they found out I'm Lebanese. They are nasty pieces of S as always.

In 2016, around one month before the Presidential election when Potus Trump won, we elected our president = our Champion = our Patriot = Michel Aoun. Ever since his election my president was attacked in the most nasty way possible, exactly same tactics used by US MSM. I was watching the same happen to Potus and to my president,

But what the general local public doesn't know that the local swamp had a plan over here to kick out our president via a military coup. We heard many times it was foiled or postponed. Local swamp has been trying to take down our president for the last 4 and half year. Our president stays in office for 6 years not 4 like the U.S. So when they couldn't take him down, they tried to isolate him or to sabotage him etc. But whenever there was an tiny opening to make the coup, they were to take it = they never dropped that plan.

If that didn't work, they waved the civil war saber over our heads, if that didn't work they waved the religious war above our heads since we are a people made of several religious communities and we live Christians and Muslims side by side.

This kept on happening till the 17th of October 2019. Something huge happened that only a handful of us = Lebanese Anons know what it truly means.

Yes anons….you got it right = 17.

On the 17th of October 2019, my people started to protest against the swamp personified with Rockefeller/Soros local puppet P.M. Saad Hariri. He resigned and after a struggle a very good man was put in the P.M. spot. He was called Hassan Diab.

More to come anons.

When Hassan Diab started to audit and try to investigate local swamp, they retaliated and started to plan and work to cripple him and oust him as well = drive him to resign.

And then, Beirut port explosion happened. We know it was Israel doing it, with the possible help of Turkey and we know France and the FBI are covering up the whole thing. Also local swamp creature are deeply involved in it as well and they are scared as hell to be discovered. We we have plenty of traitors here as well.

Since then, almost a year now, Roths local bank cartel along with local political swamp and trader mafia are hammering us hard on Roths orders to make us kneel. They want to starve us and they are squeeze extremely hard on us. Our currency is the safest worldwide because it's the only currency left in the entire world (probably anyway) that is STILL on GOLD STANDARD. This is something the public doesn't know.

So what happened is under Soros and Roth orders the traitors here gathered and they orchestrated the plan to sink our currency ILLEGALLY. Since we are on Gold Standards our parliament must vote on any changes to our currency or there is another process depending on the type of change, it must pass through the minister cabinets and be signed by our president. But on their own the local traitors directed by Soros and the Roths did whatever shit they wanted to do and made our Lira spiral out of control. Which is all fake, it's a made up crisis we are living ,not a real one.

And here comes 3 weeks ago. We know Soros wants us to give up our Gold and Israel wants to take our oil fields along with our land on our side of the border. But guess what? All of this needs the signature of our president who is none other than Aoun, our Champion, who has been fighting the Bloodlines for more than 4 decades now. Of course he will never sign. They tried to pressure him a lot, including Macron visits and the E.U. and even some american swamp creatures from the State Department. By the way, American Ambassador in here is a Soros puppet and she was leading the coup to oust our patriotic president.

So around 2 or 3 weeks ago, the Patriots started to make a move here, openly where the public can see everything.

We found out that local prosecutors/judges, good patriotic ones were investigating some of the dirty things that took place to starve us and make us submit. And slowly, the noose around the necks of the traitors was starting to tighten

Local swamp was pissing in their pants and their panic was off the charts for some time. The more the investigation advanced, the more they were loosing it. The prosecutor/judge was investigating things that has to do with money. Not just the scams they did to devalue our Lira, but we are suspecting it goes deeper, much deeper = international level.

Starting Monday 3rd of May, word started to spread that Israel had made a plan to pretend they are doing a drill on our Southern border. It was going to be a lie. Their real goal was to start a new war with us; of course accusing us for starting it. So they were going to attack us in general, but mostly Hezbollah supposed strongholds, mostly from the air. While local traitors have been training a militia that was going to attack and encircle Hezbollah and our president on the ground.

So last week, we prepared and made supplies and are bunkered down in our homes. Most of us anyway. We were expecting the war to start just after Ramadan is over. When i tried to post about it a few days ago, to inform anon and ask for help from other patriots to expose everything; hoping with enough pressure from anons, the war wouldn't even start. I got attacked by shills and Jews in this place. Mossad signature all over it of course.

And to my biggest surprise: Gaza is kicking the ass of Tel Aviv. This is a never seen thing ever.

Yesterday I posted and said that there is something strange taking place. I've seen this stuff happen here loads of times anons, but this time, it felt different. As if the bear was poked on purpose and on a specific timing. I have some stuff I'm suspecting but, I rather wait and see. Ever since this war started, the Roths have tightened the rope extremely tight on us for the last 2 days. Something is up anons, this is no coincidence.


White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine - Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD 

Study Coordinator Charged in Scheme to Falsify Clinical Trial Data 

Employers may be liable for 'any adverse reaction' from mandated coronavirus shots: OSHA 

Ontario, Canada "pauses" use of AstraZeneca vaccine DUE TO BLOOD CLOTTING!!!!!!!!!! 

o those suffering trannies!!

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