Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Next domino Georgia: Arizona providing fuel for forensic audits in more than 20 States. Tipping point? First domino? The more you know…

Posted: 21 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

Patrick Byrne: "Make No Mistake, We Have Everything"

>They "have everything" to prove what they need, they are just going the audit route to make it as open and undisputable as possible

>Not only was this election stolen, they have proof elections have been stolen from as far back as 2004, from positions as low as board of education up to President

>The implications are the entire Bureaucratic system of the USA may be insolvent, fraudulent policy compounded on top of fraudulent policy

>The enemy knows they have everything, expect psyops and false flags. "Focus on the audit"

>Starting shortly, expect a non stop stream of info dumps. They plan to overwhelm the media with so much in a short span that they cannot possibly hope to bury it Anonymous (ID: PwoSAr5F) 

Election Audit General: Seething Shill Edition Anonymous (ID: xW/9DS0t) 05/20/21(Thu)16:30:54 No.322460619

Part 3, they move fast because shills on suicide watch. We're over target frens.

https://gofile.io/d/mC5W4L  >Patrick Byrne claims they "have everything" to prove this election and many others were stolen

ttps://gofile.io/d/l1OyVG  >Mike Lindell hired top level white hat intel agency hackers to verify the intel on fraud he receive, they did.

https://youtu.be/__APdRciZpU  >A Dem that flipped in GA and is now running for Gov also demanding audit

https://rumble.com/vek1wz-patrick-byrne-the-deep-rig-interview-12142020-steel-truth-i-bribed-hillary-.html  >Patrick Byrne claims he was involved in a sting to offer Clinton an 18M bribe that ended up being a play by Obama to gain leverage over her, expecting her to win the election.

https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/scientific-proof-internationally-renowned-physicist-absolutely-proves-2020-election-was  >Physicist breaks algorithm of machine vote flipping, it was nation wide.

https://streamable.com/4s7sv0  >Election database undeleted bullies poor stuttering Maricopa County official 

Arizona 2020 election fraud audit Trump 4 


▶Anonymous 05/21/21 (Fri) 18:34:34 a09bdb (2) No.13720647

  Re: The Heist

  It's all one giant puzzle.

  1- Mi- Explains how votes are flipped within the system and demonstrates it.

  2- NH shows that Votes for GOP candidates flipped. Literally..

  3- PA is currently showing that GOP candidates in the current primary are not getting their votes counted. They tried to blame the folds.

  4- PA again in this Primary now blames a coding error. Dominion is "shocked"

  5- AZ is showing the network.

  6- GA is showing how they scanned ballots over and over and that the chain of custody was broken and that's how they adjudicated votes.

  All of these things came out during the respective state legislature hearings, but the MSM refused to cover it, and the talking point memos went out for all of the useful retards from the left to vomit all over social media.

  ▶Anonymous 05/21/21 (Fri) 18:42:44 fb2ec4 (6) No.13720678

  That's genius. Step by step, little by little. Small enough to be ignored and not blocked. And lots of news, widespread - hard for the fraudsters to put their best lawyers in all places.

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