For the past six months: I have been creating the
We Can Do Hard Things podcast for us!!!
Right now, please go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and search for "We Can Do Hard Things." Our trailer is available there now! FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to our podcast, so you'll be the first to hear our first episode on TUESDAY, MAY 11, and so you'll never miss an episode!

Hi, Loves.
One morning during COVID: Allison, my friend and teammate, told me that every Friday afternoon she and her friends would meet and take a long walk together. Each friend brought the hardest thing she was facing that week—either in her life or marriage or friendships or work or world—whatever. And they'd talk about it as they walked. Nobody had any answers: Just time, just honesty, just solidarity. 

Allison told me that this little group of friends had become tighter than ever. And that she felt happier and less alone. OF COURSE—because this group of friends finally began bringing to each other the heavy stuff we were meant to help each other carry.
As soon as Allison stopped talking, I said: That's it. We will make a podcast that is the equivalent of your walk. We will meet on the podcast each week and bring our hard to each other and will walk together LAUGHING AND CRYING AND TRUTHING AND HELPING EACH OTHER CARRY THE HARD.
For the past six months: I have been creating the We Can Do Hard Things podcast for us.
Here are the THREE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW about the We Can Do Hard Things Podcast:
1.     I am making it with MY SISTER, Amanda. You will finally get to know her. She is the best gift I could ever give you. This podcast is a family affair so you'll also hear from Abby, Allison, Dynna, the kids, even Craig will stop by. And since you are family to me: YOU will come on and tell your stories and ask your questions. Making this podcast is so much less lonely for me than writing books. I am not even suffering making it, which makes me afraid that it will fail because can things succeed without suffering? I don't know, I hope so. Please love it so I can keep doing this.
2.     It is like going back to the beginning. Things have gotten so big lately and I've very much missed just me talking to you. This feels like the early days when I used to wake up at the crack of dawn and write to you on the blog about REAL things like anxiety and sobriety and infidelity and boundaries and body stuff. I just use a microphone instead of a keyboard so my actual voice will come directly into your actual ear!
3.     As a matter of fact, I already recorded a little something for you to listen to today. So now comes the really important part. I would like to ask you to do something. I would really really like for you to do this thing. It will take ten seconds and it's free. It is a thing called FOLLOWING or SUBSCRIBING TO A PODCAST. It is something that the young kids like Abby do and we are going to try it today because We Can Do Hard Things.



I want you to think of a few people that you might like to deepen relationships with—and share with them a link to this podcast. Ask them if they want to follow and listen with you. See if it opens up conversations and helps you begin to build deeper friendships or familial relationships–based on the messy truth, not surface stuff. Just Text them this episode and say: Wanna start listening with me? Like a book club but easier and free: POD SQUAD!
Also, if you are someone who doesn't have a person or people to invite into this journey with you, don't worry, Sister and I didn't either—that's why we started the podcast. We will be your pod squad. Okay. You come back here each week and Sister and I will be your pod squad and we will have these conversations together.
So Next Right Things: Please follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts—that way you'll get each episode as soon as it's released.  
I AM SO EXCITED. Thank you. First episode is TUESDAY, MAY 11!!!


So you'll never miss an episode!

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