Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm


Posted: 15 Jun 2021 03:18 PM PDT

ATTN. TOM MACDONALD! 'Those [good] who know...

Posted: 15 Jun 2021 03:02 PM PDT

From Dave Morgan, 2021: I did a search for medical records of patients at Tranquille around 1939 to 1941. I did get into the Vancouver Medical Archives only to be told they have all been destroyed.


"it was @ this point that I realized that this wasn't a 'regular' town ... there was something going on here ... something that required every house in town to be accessible by these underground tunnels that all led to a massive underground medical lab ......" Tomas M.

7. In conjunction with these grisly experiments and cult ritual killings, an extensive child trafficking network operated out of the Kamloops center, as in many other Indian residential schools. Sixteen separate Kamloops survivors have described how as children as young as four years old they were lined up "like at a slave auction" and bought for sex "and worse" by local residents and RCMP, church and government "visiting dignitaries". Kamloops school Principals managed this aboriginal slave trade and personally profited from it, with the knowledge and collusion of Indian Agents and their bosses in Ottawa. The same Principals also routinely hired out students as unpaid slave laborers to local white farmers for monetary kickbacks.

"...train tracks that encircled the town" T.M.

11. (*Note: This Creek was the same location where on October 10, 1964 William Combes observed Queen Elizabeth leave with the ten Kamloops school children who were never seen again.) Of the thirty nine Kamloops survivors interviewed by our investigators, all of them described undergoing the following tortures while interred as young as five years old at the Kamloops school: a) routine rape and beatings with leather straps, clubs, metal rods and whips, b) denial of regular meals and proper food, c) unheated, dirty and unventilated dormitories, d) being locked in closets or a special underground prison for days without food, e) exposure to those with tuberculosis in their dorms and cafeteria, f) no regular medical care, g) constant death of children around them, h) immediate punishment for speaking their language including from beatings, imprisonment, denial of food, and tortures like having needles shoved through their tongues, penises and hands, and i) regular forced labor.

'Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.' Q

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