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During TB Joshua’s Funeral In Lagos Mourners Vomit Blood, Poisonous Substances [PHOTOS]

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 06:00 AM PDT

According to the latest report from The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), late Nigerian pastor and televangelist TB Joshua is still working miracles in his grave.

TB Joshua's church stated on Twitter that some mourners vomited blood and other poisonous substances during TB Joshua's week-long burial ceremony while he lay in state at his Lagos church.
See photos below:

After the contrary spirits in them manifested and they vomited the poisonous substances in their systems, several people testified about the healing and freedom that they received. #TBJoshuaLegacy pic.twitter.com/a1Wl8o9Bci

— TB Joshua (@SCOANTBJoshua) July 8, 2021.

How to get a bigger bum in seconds, Cupping therapy

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:30 AM PDT

Cupping is the term applied to a technique that uses small glass cups or bamboo jars as suction devices that are placed on the ski to disperse and break up stagnation and congestion by drawing congested blood, energy or other humors to the surface.

In dry cupping, the therapist will simply place the suction cups on the skin. In wet cupping, the practitioner will make a small incision on the skin and then apply the suction cup to draw out small amounts of blood.

There are several ways that a practitioner can create the suction in the cups. One method involves swabbing rubbing alcohol onto the bottom of the cup, then lighting it and putting the cup immediately against the skin.

Suction can also be created by placing an inverted cup over a small flame, or by using an alcohol-soaked cotton pad over an insulating material (like leather) to protect the skin, then lighting the pad and placing an empty cup over the flame to extinguish it.

Flames are never used near the skin and are not lit throughout the process of cupping, but rather are a means to create the heat that causes the suction within the small cups.

A more modern version of cupping uses a rubber pump instead of fire to create the vacuum inside the cup. Sometimes therapists use silicone cups, which they can move from place to place on your skin for a massage-like effect.

People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

Cupping has been said to promote healing and has been used for sore muscles. Cupping treatment can also strengthen the body's resistance, restore balance between positive and negative forces, remove disease-causing factors, and promote blood circulation.

Cupping has also been used for

back and neck pain
skin diseases such as acne and hives
lowering cholesterol
knee arthritis
improving immune function.
brighten skin
minimise the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles
tone chin, jawline, neck, and decolletage
decrease puffiness
regulate oil production
improve nutrient delivery and product absorption
Furthermore, cupping can be used for cosmetic reasons, for example to enhance ones assets. In a recent video which went viral on Twitter, a woman was shown getting 'cupped' on her buttocks and the results were outstanding; an instant bum lift.

The technique is called fire cupping and the flames create a vacuum of hot air around the butt cheek, sucking it into the pot and making it swell.

The results are pretty amazing and thecheek in the video immediately inflates to twice its size giving an instant Kim K style booty without the surgery.

The problem is, of course, the butt will gradually deflate over the next couple of days.

Would you dare try it for yourself?

The health benefits of Pineapples are wonderful

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Pineapple has the ability to reduce the inflammation of joints and muscles, particularly those associated with this arthritis.

Studies have shown that the sweetness of pineapple is accompanied by some wonderful health benefits.

The tropical fruit which is rich in vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants does not only rank among the sweetest fruits in the world, it helps boost the immune system, build strong bones and aid in digestion.

In addition, it is low in calories despite the sweetness.

Studies have also shown that pineapple strengthening bones, support immune system, fights against infection, and much more. Read on to find out some of the wonderful health benefits of pineapple.

Here are the health benefits of pineapple

1. It treats Arthritis
Arthritis is a debilitating disease that seems to be affecting a lot of people around the world. It is a disease that causes painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.

Be that as it may, pineapple has the ability to reduce the inflammation of joints and muscles, particularly those associated with this disease.

Pineapple contains a relatively rare proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, which is primarily associated with breaking down complex proteins and has serious anti-inflammatory effects.

Bromelain, on the other hand, is positively correlated with reducing the signs and symptoms of arthritis and this has been observed in many people suffering from this illness.

2. It strengthens bones
The level of mineral magnesium in pineapple is extremely high. And this magnesium is needed by the body in other to build healthy bones and support connective tissues.

Owing to this, it becomes easy to see that pineapple does not only strengthen the bones, it also makes it healthy and helps in the connection of tissues as well.

Thus pineapple is very important for growing children and teenagers. It is also good for elderly ones whose bones are likely to be weakening as they get older.

3. It helps in reducing the risk of hypertension
Doctors have advised people suffering from hypertension to either eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice regularly because pineapple juice reduces hypertension due to the adequate presence of potassium and a lesser amount of sodium.

Researchers have also said that this proportion of potassium and sodium is the best way to combat high blood pressure. A cup of pineapple juice contains about 1 milligram of sodium and 195 milligrams of potassium.

4. It is good for heart health
How is pineapple good for the heart? Well, pineapple juice improves blood circulation and ensures smooth blood flow in the circulatory system.

The juice also contains bromelain which makes blood thinner and as result reduces the chances of heart attack, stroke and other heart diseases.

Antioxidants in vitamin C also lower the risks of heart diseases by combating free radicals. Vitamin C also prevents atherosclerosis. It acts like as anti-coagulant.

5. It combat cancer
Such are the wonders of pineapple's health benefits that combating cancer is one of them. How?

Pineapples have been shown to be very rich in antioxidants and vitamin C and these can help bolster the body and protect it from cancer.

Apart from the fact that flavonoids, bromelain, and other antioxidants are important components in cancer prevention, it is the high level of mineral manganese content in pineapple that makes it great for cancer prevention.

Free radicals are responsible for causing a number of different cancers; and manganese, which is a mineral contained in pineapple, is a critical co-factor in the production of superoxide dismutase – which helps to deal with free radicals in the body.

You should not do any of these while visiting the Oba's palace in Benin

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:30 AM PDT

The Oba's palace in Benin is one of the most popular attractions in Africa.

The Royal Palace of the Oba of Benin is a sacred site therefore you should not do any of these while visiting the Obas palace.

The Royal Palace of the Oba of Benin is the most prestigious sites in Benin and one of the top things to see when in Benin City, Edo state. It is one of the most famous Royal Houses in the whole of Africa. It is The palace, built by Oba Ewedo (1255AD – 1280AD), is situated at the heart of ancient City of Benin. It was rebuilt by Oba Eweka II (1914 – 1932) after the 1897 war during which it was destroyed by the British. The palace was declared a UNESCO Listed Heritage Site in 1999.

It is seen as a sacred site so it has its dos and don'ts — including no wearing of black, no whistling, no pointing at the Oba or his chiefs, etc.

1. Whistling

Whistling is seen as a way for mortals to wake up the dead, so in the Oba's palace where there are a lot of deities, whistling is seen as a rude act in Benin City, especially at the Palace.

2. Pointing
Pointing is seen as sacred, an act with deep spiritual for blessing and cursing so pointing fingers at either Oba or his chiefs are not allowed at the Oba's palace. It is a punishable offence.

3. Using umbrellas

During festivals, only the Oba of Benin is allowed to use an umbrella, no matter the weather.

4. Wearing black

Anyone wearing a black attire is not allowed entrance into the palace because black is seen as a symbol for mourning. It is a taboo for the Oba to set his eyes on the colour black.

5. Carrying palm fruits

The colour red is not allowed near the Oba's palace at all. Hence, palm kernel in its fruit form, which is as red as blood is considered a bad omen when seen around or in the Oba's palace.

6. Dogs

Dogs do not enter the Oba's palace if not they will die. This is because, after human sacrifice was abolished in Bini Kingdom, dogs replaced humans as offerings to the gods.

7. Male visitors

The only males allowed to enter the harem, where the queen and other Oba's women dwell, are males with royal blood, i.e. male offsprings from the royal family. Hence, male visitors are forbidden.

Why is it difficult for men to forgive when women cheat?

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:00 AM PDT

One reason for this is that men are rarely prepared to be cheated on.

Somehow, women seem to be.

Men are famed for being unforgiving when they find out that they have been cheated on. And this is quite ironical, given how men are still believed to be the worse cheats of both genders.

It needs to be said that women cheat, too. And there seems to be an increase nowadays in the number of cheating women. But the major thing that separates a cheating man from his female counterpart is in the ability of the latter to cover her tracks. Women have come to be known as great concealers of their tracks.

When a woman is cheating on you, you will never know, goes the word on the street.

Whether you are a man or woman, whether or not you are discreet and careful, every cheat runs the risk of being caught. That risk can only be reduced, it never goes away.

So why do men never forgive when they catch a cheating partner?
Amaka Nicholas says in her column "Amaka's Diary," published on The Sun in March 2018 that:

"An average Nigerian man sees forgiving a cheating wife as a weakness.

"It doesn't matter if his behavior pushed her into it or it was just a moment of weakness.

"To a man, infidelity questions his sexual prowess, an offence against his manhood, threatens his masculinity, and affects the core of his identity.

"Men react negatively to their wives' infidelity because the sexual component of the affair is very important. Just the image of another man thrusting his woman in her favourite position and she moaning in ecstasy drives him nuts."

Another reason for men's refusal to forgive cheating is that men are rarely prepared to be cheated on. The shock is there when a man finds out that his babe or wife has been cheating on him.

This is unlike women, many of whom believe that the possibility is always there at the back of their minds that their man would cheat. Therefore, many are rarely surprised when they find out.

For them, it's a confirmation of a fear they've always nursed.

[peanuts]: The health benefits of eating groundnuts

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:30 AM PDT

While groundnuts, also known as peanuts, may be a common snack and recipe ingredient around the world, they also have a lengthy list of health benefits and beauty benefits.

Additionally, If you include the groundnut skin in the equation, the list of health benefits extends dramatically.

It is important to remember that, to really reap the potential rewards of groundnut, consuming unsalted peanuts is best. High levels of salt have negative health effects, and can contribute to high blood pressure amongst other concerns.

The Health Benefits of Peanuts:
1. Peanuts are rich in antioxidants
A study in the Longdom journal found that groundnut skins are rich in phenols, a form of antioxidant. Like other antioxidants, phenols are powerful substances that protect your cells against the harmful effects of free radicals.

According to a 2012 study from North Carolina University, published in the "Journal of Food Science," it was reported that adding a 5 percent concentration of peanut (groundnut) skins to peanut butter significantly increased its antioxidant levels without sacrificing taste or texture.

2. The nuts are rich in heart-healthy fats
High cholesterol causes fatty deposits in your arteries, which can eventually lead to heart disease. Groundnuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that may keep the heart healthy, by helping to lower blood cholesterol levels.

3. Groundnuts are a high source protein
Protein is an essential component of our diet, since there are over 10,000 types of protein in our bodies. Peanuts have been shown to be an extremely high source of plant protein, and they are often incorporated into the diets of vegetarians and protein deficient people.

4. They are a rich source of minerals
Peanut is a rich source of minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium, sodium, etc. These minerals are essential to many processes in the body, and an adequate supply of these minerals minimises the risk of mineral deficiency diseases.

5. Peanuts are rich in folate
The high levels of folate in groundnut could make them particularly beneficial during pregnancy, since studies have shown that folate can reduce the incidence of birth defects and anaemia related conditions. (Always follow your medical practitioner's advice during pregnancy.)

6. Groundnuts may help with weight loss
While peanuts are high in calories, they are also rich in fibre and protein, factors that increase and prolong satiety (the sensation of being full and satisfied). This means that having a small number of peanuts as a snack helps to reduce your overall food intake, compared to say the equivalent amount of calories consumed through a chocolate bar.

7. The nuts may have antidepressant qualities
Research published by the European Journal of Nutrition has shown that regular nut consumption resulted in a 66% lower risk of anxiety in men. This may be due to the high level of tryptophan in peanuts. Tryptophan increases the level of serotonin in the brain, which mirrors the action of some antidepressants, so it is thought that peanuts may also have a role in relieving depression.

The Beauty Benefits of Groundnut:
1. Groundnut may help with eczema
Groundnuts may improve inflammatory skin concerns like eczema, because peanuts boast a high level fatty acids, which may help to make your skin feel better, and look healthier by decreasing inflammation.

2. They may have anti-aging effects
Peanuts contain vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that may help slow down the aging process. Antioxidants work by protecting cells against the damaging effects of free radicals.

3. Peanuts may promote skin elasticity
Groundnut contains Vitamin C which is an essential factor in the synthesis of collagen, a main component in the structure of connective tissues. Maintaining healthy collagen levels helps to keep skin firm and elastic, so eating peanuts may help keep your skin looking young and supple.

It's really simple to consume groundnuts by shelling and eating the nut inside, but as an alternative, you can also easily make peanut butter at home.

Peanut butter recipe ingredients
300 grams unsalted shelled peanuts / groundnuts
Pinch to 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 to 2 teaspoons honey
1 to 3 teaspoons peanut or vegetable oil, if needed
Peanut butter recipe directions
Roast the peanuts in the oven at 350F/175C/Gas Mark 4 for 3 to 5 minutes, then let them cool.
Add the roasted groundnuts to the food processor. Process for 3-4 minutes.
Add the salt and honey then process until combined.
Check the consistency, if it seems too thick, add oil, a teaspoon at a time until it is right for you.
Source: Inspired Taste

Remember to always consult with your doctor about any medical concerns, conditions and supplements that you may be taking. Always take the advice of a medical professional on how to proceed with your treatment.

Surprising side effects that you probably didn't know about Coconut Oil

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:00 AM PDT

Coconut oil is one of the most beneficial natural oils but unexpectedly has side effects.

Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat, which is beneficial to health, and many people opt for it because of its benefits to the skin.

However, if you're not careful about when and how you use this product, the risks of coconut oil can become apparent. Virgin coconut oi, which is the purest form of the oil doesn't have side effects, but when it's processed into the commercial oil we use, it develops side effects.

Although coconut oil is a natural source of vitamins and fats which have numerous health benefits, too much of anything can be dangerous. The best way to use coconut oil is by using the right quantity.

Today's post will show you the side effects of coconut oil you probably didn't know about.

NOTE: All these side effects occur when the coconut oil extracted has been adulterated for commercial use.

1. Diarrhea
This is the most common side effects of coconut oil. When coconut oil is taken orally to fight the internal bacterial infection, the process of destroying the bacteria can lead to certain short-term side effects like diarrhea.

2. Increase cholesterol levels
Coconut has high levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol) and good HDL cholesterol, this can still be troubling to people who already have a high amount of cholesterol in their bloodstream. The saturated fat content in coconut oil is higher than other fats or oils (butter or olive oil).

It has been found that high levels of saturated fat lead to an increase in bad cholesterol, which can eventually result in health complications.

ALSO READ: Amazing benefits of using coconut oil on your skin

3. May cause allergies
Ensure you find out what you're allergic to before consuming coconut oil. You can check by applying a little amount to your skin, to see changes. Coconut oil does cause allergies if one is sensitive to it. Some of the allergic reactions include nausea, rashes, eczema, hives, vomiting, and anaphylaxis (a lethal emergency that involves troubled breathing).

4. Headache
Individuals undertaking detoxification using coconut oil (for yeast infections) often experience headaches. This happens when the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil break down the yeast cells (that causes the infection), thereby releasing a wave of fungal toxins into the bloodstream. This, therefore, causes a headache.

5. Acne breakout
This is more likely to happen to individuals with excessively oily skin. The lauric acid in coconut usually helps in killing the acne-causing bacteria for a skin that's not oily. Otherwise, there could be a problem.

The only way an oily skin can use coconut oil is by mixing with a friendly essential oil to get rid of that acne.

Here are 3 worst things any man can say to the woman he loves

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:30 AM PDT

Be supportive and kind with your words, even when you are absolutely pissed off.

If you love anyone in the true sense of it, you will nurture them and always hope for their growth. You will be supportive and kind with your words and nice and affectionate with them at all times.

Even at your angriest and when they rile you up the worst, you still watch how you speak to them simply out of respect.

If you are in love with a woman, here are the three things you will hardly ever say to them:

1. Talk about their weight in hurtful ways
Rule of thumb: if she asks whether she is fat or not, the default response is a no. And it is not a joke. Unless she says it's cool to say so, then you can.

Even at that, weight is one of the things people are most sensitive about and the effect of a carelessly made comment, or worse, one aimed at being hurtful, can be really, really far- reaching.

Be nice and kind with your words to your partner at all times, even when you have to address issues as unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits.

2. Dismiss their concerns with harsh words
Words such as "you're not my mum" could pour cold water on your girl's desire to care for you as many women in love are wont to do.

"It's common to say this when someone is feeling as if their partner is being too nurturing, overprotective, or controlling," says Lori Bizzooo, a relationship expert.

"But the last person your partner wants to be compared to is your parent. Their feelings will likely be hurt, especially if they have good intentions."

Before you let those words slip out, "try letting them know what you prefer they not do rather than making them feel like they're coming on too strong."

3. Unsupportive words
Anyone and everyone can be supportive of you, but it slaps different when people you really care about say it.

Everyone could be proud of you, but you know you desire someone's approval and validation more than that of others. The same rule applies to your woman. She is doing what she is doing for herself, and yeah she could be proud of her journey and how much she has overcome to get where she is now; but you really have to say it too.

Let her know you are just as proud and supportive of what she's done with her life so far.

The worst thing you can do is downplay her successes and/or make it feel like she's not done anything special. Even when the victory is little, gas her the hell up and cheer her on.

Don't be a wet towel. Don't be a horrible boyfriend.

A trip to Erin Ijesha waterfall

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:00 AM PDT

Nollywoodtimes speaks with Dimeji about his trip to Erin Ijesha waterfall.

The Erin Ijesha waterfall in Osun State, Nigeria is believed to have been discovered by Akinla, the first daughter of Oduduwa.

Oduduwa is the ancestors of the Yorubas. There was a time Oduduwa was so old and feeble he could not rule the Yoruba kingdoms anymore.

A disagreement came up about the custody of the Iro, a symbol of fertility. Ayinla believing it to be hers rightfully by virtue of her position as the first daughter fled with it.

She was accompanied by her loyalists to find a new settlement.

While looking for a place to settle, Erin Ijesha was discovered. It was a magnificent waterfall with pure white water cascading.

It was named Olu Mirin meaning 'Another god'. They worshipped the waterfall.

It is believed to have some healing properties and, women looking to conceive children go there to pray to a statue of Yemoja.

The trip
I spoke with Dimeji, who went to the waterfall with his friends when he was a final year student at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

At the gate, they paid a discounted gate fee because they were a large group of 11 people.

This is what he had to say about the place and the journey up;

"Well, it was an awesome experience, I mean all I wanted to do is just to have fun with friends and all, and yeah, I did have fun.

And on the place in general, it was not actually how I pictured it, I do not feel that it is well maintained. Most of the stepping to take you up is in bad shape.

It was not easy climbing up because we had drinks and some refreshments with us and trying to go up was scary.

I think the bad maintenance culture spreads everywhere in Nigeria.

The statues at the entrance are even okay sort of but those after is not something to write home about."

The Waterfall
The Waterfall is in seven layers, and you would probably have to take a hike to get up.

The first layer has a waterfall pouring out of two tree trunks. The second level is where most people like to stay. It has a waterfall that is about 40 meters long.

This is where Dimeji and his friend hung out and took pictures. He enjoyed playing in the water even though it was cold.

The water is shallow enough to stand on, you do not need to know how to swim.

The seventh layer is plain, with a settlement inhabiting it. You can lay down your picnic mat or cloth and have a picnic there. It is also scenic with a lot of trees surrounding it.

Temi Iwalaiye

Here are the best ways to avoid visa rejections

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:30 AM PDT

Being smart and avoiding these mistakes will spare you time, money and visa denials.

The success rate of visa approval depends on many factors. It also depends on the country you are applying for and what proof of documentation you have. But sometimes, even simple mistakes can get your visa denied.

We all are a bit apprehensive when called for our passport verification. But not as nervous when called for a face-to-face round for visa issuance, that was probably the toughest interview situation so far. Well, if you believe that it was or will be the most intimidating meeting of your life then I wouldn't hesitate even a little bit to say that you are absolutely right. But what if for your next visa application, we can make this whole scenario a bit calm and easy? Wondering how?

Well…it's simple, you just have to make sure that you don't do these blunders that most people do while filing an application for an international visa.

Leaving information columns empty on your form
Even if you hate to rechecking, make sure you do once during the visa application form. Sometimes we undesirably leave some important columns or just simply forget to sign. This most of time give visa official a reason to reject an application. A good way to getting rid of this is that do a detailed rechecking after filling a visa application. Also, make sure all the asked documents should be attested with the form.

Writing errors
One of the silliest and also the most common visa application mistakes done by numerous applicants is misspelling their names. The visa officers are very much stern when it comes to the spelling of your name. Doesn't matter if your actual name is Michael, if it is Michal in your government IDs then make sure your name should match with your government IDs. Also, double-check the spelling of all the major information provided in the form.

Inconsistent signatures
There are times you face this situation wherein some documentation work, you must have pointed out for your inconsistent signatures. Well, it has happened to me a lot of times but eventually, that does not turn out to be a rejection. But unlike other documentation works, there is no room for any errors while filling an application for an international visa. So, make sure that your signatures must match with each other otherwise you will be declined for your application.

Nervous during the visa interview
Almost all the embassies asked you to present physically to verify documents and also to ask you some questions, which is basically a visa interview. A visa interview is like a job interview so you have to ensure that you don't get a feeling of nervousness. Moreover, make sure you are ready with spontaneous answers to every question. While going for the interview, it is also important to carry yourself in the most presentable manner. Formals are the best wardrobe option for both men and women to wear for the visa interview.

Providing unnecessary details
Do not speak until and unless you asked for! Whether admit it or not but sometimes giving too much or unnecessary information in your application could result in rejection. With unnecessary information, I mean to say that do not attest documents that are not asked. Similarly, during the interview, speak only when you will be asked to, unnecessary talking is one of the top mistakes to avoid during a visa interview.

Submitting application at the last moment
Before waiting until the last time to submit your visa application form, it's better you do it ASAP. Since hundreds of people file their applications each day, hence, there is always a long queue of the application. This is the most important point to look into if you are already in some other country.

Suppose if you are in a country for some business or travelling purpose and want to extend your duration of stay in that particular nation, in that case, you must file your visa extending application before the expiration of your current visa. And waiting till the end sometimes gives you no chance to rectify the mistakes or to submit the missing paper to reconsider your application which eventually results in visa rejection.

Using a sponsor for your visa application
If you are using a sponsor then the chances of your application getting approved depend on the sponsor's previous track record. For that, factors like legal status, prior visa denials, tax obligation and more are considered before approving the visa. You are taking a huge risk if you don't know much about your sponsor. To be honest, it's always easier if you just apply for the visa on your own because if you have all the documents and employment proof and also enough funds to sustain a lifestyle there, there is no point in going for a sponsor.

Insufficient balance
Before granting a visa, the official checks your bank statement and ascertain whether that balance would be enough to sustain a lifestyle in a country for a particular period of time. This is certainly the most important aspect which is taken into consideration by the visa office to make sure that you will not become a liability for the country. So, getting a visa would be easier if you will have a sufficient balance in your bank.

Here's the trailer for Showmax's first true crime docuseries 'Devilsdorp'

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:00 AM PDT

The David Enright directed documentary series is based on the Satanic murders which took place in Krugersdorp, South Africa.

The official trailer for Showmax's first true crime series 'Devilsdorp' has premiered ahead of its July 29, 2021 release.

Directed by David Enright, the documentary series will follow the shocking details of the spate of murders that occurred in Krugersdorp, Gauteng province in South Africa.

The murders were soon discovered to be masterminded by the Electus per Deus (Chosen by God), a dreadful cult led by Cecilia Steyn. Between 2012 and 2016, the group had murdered 11 people.

"The result of an 18-month research process, 'Devilsdorp' shows again that truth is stranger than fiction, especially in South Africa," says director David Enright. "This is the story of the events that rocked an entire community and forever changed the lives of those involved, especially the families of the victims.

What started as a group of devout Christians trying to help a former satanist escape the satanic church ended in a murderous spree involving a killer mom, her two children, and a cult with more victims than members. It may all sound too far-fetched to be believed, except it really happened - just down the road from us."

The four-episode series will feature exclusive interviews with police investigators, friends of victims alongside extraordinary footage of exorcisms, church meetings, trial testimonies and judgments.

Watch the trailer:

'A Simple Lie'- Biodun Stephen shares teaser poster for new romcom

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:30 AM PDT

The film is co-produced by Stephen's Shutterspeed Projects and Dwade Production.

'Breaded Life' director, Biodun Stephen has announced her latest project, a romantic comedy titled 'A Simple Lie'.

The forthcoming production is in collaboration with co-producers of 'Breaded Life', Stephen's top grossing film.

ALSO READ: David Oyelowo talks first time directing in 'The Water Man' [Pulse Interview]

According to the director, pre-production has been ongoing for a while with filming anticipated to commence soon.

"I am excited to announce @shutter_speed_projects & @dwadeproduction are teaming up again!! We've been prepping this for some time and yes we ready to roll Cam! This one is called #ASimpleLie. It's hot, it's sexy and definitely dripping juiceeeee, with a dash of funny; plus your favs are on this one. Coming to the Big Screens soon," the filmmaker wrote.

Stephen also unveiled the cast which include Bisola Aiyeola, Emmanuel Ikubese, Bolaji Ogunmola, Kie Kie Adeaga and Kachi Nnochiri.

I Go Dye bashes DSS over attack on Sunday Igboho's residence

Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:00 AM PDT

The comedian says the DSS should not give room for partisanship.

Nigerian comedian Francis Agoda popularly known as I Go Dye has berated the Department of Security Services (DSS) over their perceived one-sided activities.

According to the comedian in a post shared via his Instagram page on Friday, July 9, 2021, he said the DSS should use the same application they used in attacking the residence of activist, Igboho on the bandits and kidnappers in the northern part of the country.

"The DSS should use same application they used to attack Sunday Igboho house, should be used on the bandits and kidnappers of the school children in the north," he wrote.

"What's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong and should be spoken against, because violating ones right by attacking someone's residence without inviting the person to the security institutions is wrong."

"We shouldn't wait till it affects your immediate brother before you condemn the attack on Sunday' Igboho resident. Yes security institutions can make arrest at anytime, but lets not give majority of Nigerians that this promptness of action has a regional or ethnic sentiments."

"The same application should be used on the bandits and kidnappers of school children in the North. Amb Francis Agoda."

The comedian's post came weeks after the Ibadan residence of the activist was attacked by unknown gunmen.

Lucky Daye, American singer features on Adekunle Gold's new record, 'SINNER'

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:30 PM PDT

'Sinner' follows a love story with subtle dysfunctional, possibly broken or even toxic tendencies.

Details: Lucky Daye is an American artist signed to Tunji Balogun's Keep Cool. Earlier in the year, AG Baby began his journey to Afro Pop Vol. 2 with the single, 'It Is What It Is.'

'Sinner' follows a love story with subtle dysfunctional, possibly broken or even toxic tendencies.

Date: July 7, 2021

Song Title: Sinner

Artist: Adekunle Gold featuring Lucky Daye

Genre: Afro-pop, R&B, Afroswing

Producer: TBA

Album: TBD

Video Director: TBA

Label: Platoon

You can play the song below;

'Understand'- Omah Lay gets emotional on new single,

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

Last year, Omah Lay released two EPs, Get Layd and What Have We Done, the latter of which features the 6LACK-featuring "Damn."

Rising Nigerian pop star Omah Lay shares the emotional "Understand," his first solo release of 2021, out today on KeyQaad Records. On "Understand," Omah Lay finds himself in deep reflection about romance, wondering why his beloved seems less invested in their relationship than him.

In a reunion with Tempoe, who produced last year's breezy, introspective smash hit "Godly," Omah Lay's strengths as a songwriter and vocalist are in full bloom. "I enter rain 'coz I give you umbrella / I thought we in this together," he sings in disbelief. "Give you my last card you spend am." Omah Lay's silky vocals carry so much emotion—even when submerged beneath the soothing, hypnotic production, you can feel every bit of hurt and confusion in his voice.

"It was a tough one to record and I hope the fans listen, understand and connect with it," he explains, adding poignantly, "Most importantly, I hope she listens."

Omah Lay most recently featured on the Masterkraft remix of Justin Bieber's chart-topping "Peaches," with Alpha P, a fellow Nigerian upstart. Bieber, who is a fan of Omah Lay's, personally reached out to invite him onto the remix.

Last year, Omah Lay released two EPs, Get Layd and What Have We Done, the latter of which features the 6LACK-featuring "Damn." In the wake of recent tragedy, Omah Lay used his platform as an artist to bring awareness to the #EndSARS movement in Nigeria, speaking with Teen Vogue and Harper's Bazaar about the situation and ways to support the affected communities. "Understand" shows that all these textured, introspective singles are just the start for Omah Lay — 2021 is set to be his year.

Listen to the song below;

Bill Cosby is reportedly working on a docuseries

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:30 PM PDT

The five-part series will explore his life, legacy, sexual assault trial and his time behind bars.

Bill Cosby is out of jail and already back to filmmaking. According to new reports, the TV star is working on a documentary series based on his life.

TMZ reports that interviews are ongoing with family, friends and associates for the docuseries set to focus on Cosby's legacy, infamous sexual assault trial and his jail time.

Andrew Wyatt, Cosby's rep further disclosed that the TV star is also set to launch a comedy tour to reunite with his fanbase following his jail time.

ALSO READ: Anthology film 'Juju Stories' to world premiere at Locarno Film Festival

Recall Cosby was acquitted of his sexual assault sentence on June 30 by Pennsylvania's highest court. The celebrity comedian was sentenced in 2018 to serve 3 to 10 years in a state prison for aggravated indecent assault.

American actress Naya Rivera died one year ago

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:00 PM PDT

The actress drowned while out on a boating trip with her son.

American actress Naya Rivera died exactly one ago.

The movie star had gone missing after going on a boating trip with her 4-year-old son.

Rivera's son, Josey, was found asleep in a pontoon on Lake Piru three hours after the actress rented the vessel on Wednesday, July 8, 2020.

Naya Rivera [Instagram/NayaRivera]

Rivera's son told authorities that his mom had jumped in the water but never came back up.

The boy was found with a life vest, but Rivera was not wearing one. While her wallet and purse were found in the boat.

The body of the actress was found on Monday, July 13, 2020, about 56 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles.

The team during the search of Naya Rivera's body.

Divers discovered the body floating around 9:10 a.m. local time while searching for the actress in the northeastern portion of the lake where she was last seen, the report said.

To mark the first anniversary of her demise, late actress' mother, Yolanda Previtire, told "Good Morning America" that there are "no words to describe what we're going through" as the family deals with day-to-day life, which includes helping to care for Rivera's 5-year-old son, Josey.

"Sometimes we're afraid of the sorrow being so heavy that we're afraid for our own self, 'cause this is hard," she said in the interview

The movie star hit fame when she played mean girl Santana Lopez on the Fox drama 'Glee,' between 2009 - 2015.

The 33-year-old actress was married to movie star, Ryan Dorsey for four years before divorcing in 2018.

Jim Iyke Slams Troll For Saying He’s Too Short

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:00 AM PDT

Jim Iyke, a Nollywood actor, is one of the few Nigerian celebrities willing to take on anyone who messes with them.

Jim Ikye published some images of himself on his Instagram profile in a recent post that went viral; however, a toll revealed when replying to the photos that he had no idea the actor was that short.
"So Jim is short", the troll wrote with laugh emojis.

The actor retaliated by dragging the troll through the mud and insulting his family.

"Your mother and sister might disagree if you know what I did to the sl.uts", Jim Iyke replied.

Tonto Dikeh Reveals Why She Kissed Her Dad In Viral Photo

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh has slammed a follower who criticized her for kissing her father in the mouth in a photo shared on her Instagram page.

Tonto Dikeh had taken to her Instagram page to celebrate her father's birthday with a lovely tribute and a photo that captured her and her father kissing.

Reacting to the post, an Instagram user berated the actress, stating that kissing an Africa father on the mouth is wire and surprised that her father could allow it.

Responding, Tonto blasted the Instagram user saying her father is not a regular Africa dad as he grew up in Ohia and got married to a black American.

See conversation below:

__brownieeee wrote: Kissing African papa on the mouth? This is all shades of weird abeg, I'm even surprised he allowed it.

tontolet wrote: @__brownieeee my dad grew up in Ohio, married a black American. Came home to rest, not your regular African pops I must say!!

“Is this now legal in Nigeria?” – Ka3na subtly shades Bobrisky over post-surgery photos

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:00 AM PDT

Self-acclaimed boss lady, Ka3na Jones throws a subtly shade at the controversial crossdresser, Bobrisky over his post-surgery photos.

This is coming following the release of Bobrisky's photos to the internet space after recuperating from a butt enlargement procedure.

Taking to Twitter, Ka3na questioned the legalization of gay in Nigeria while picturing the backlash that would have hit her if she pulled such a stunt.

In her words;

"IS GAY NOW LEGAL IN NIGERIA? Cos I don't understand what I'm seeing on the internet today oh… If Is Me Now FIRS Will comma give crazy bill of 106Million for a business government did not know how I built to this level 😩🥴 #Venting.

A country with no job opportunities whatsoever… We go hustle build the business government go come take tax. What are they doing with all these crazy tax??‬

‪Like this is crazy. N106 Million?? They should kuku comma carry me cos I AM NOT PAYING😡😡."

”You no dey fear?” Fans tackle troll who called actor, Jim Iyke short

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actor Jim Iyke is one of the few Nigerian celebrities ready to tackle anyone who tries to mess with them.

In a recent post that has gone viral on social media, Jim Ikye shared some photos of him on his IG page; however, a toll while reacting to the photos disclosed he never knew the actor was that short.

"So Jim is short", the troll wrote with laugh emojis.

The actor responded by dragging the troll to filth and extended the insult to his family members.

"Your mother and sister might disagree if you know what I did to the sl.uts", Jim Iyke replied.

Actor Ugezu – “I don’t know why people fear my face”

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:30 AM PDT

Nigerian actor, producer cum director Ugezu Jideofor in a recent post via his social media timeline has questioned his fans and followers why they feel he has a scary face.

Ugezu Jideofor, who is known for playing the roles of a king or a wicked family member who ended up killing his opponents in Nollywood movies, has made many people believe he's the same in reality.
Sharing a video via his IG page, the actor captioned it, "Just wondering why many people are said to be scared of my face. No be this face????? Nothing serious…. all na montage".

See his post below;

[Video]: Fans caution Johnny Drille as he plans to use Zebra Crossing in Nigeria after trying it out in LA

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Fans of talented Nigerian singer and songwriter Johnny Drille have taken to the comment section to advise him against an action he plans to take.

John Drille, who is currently in LA shared a video of him making use of the Zebra crossing and showed how the drivers waited for the pedestrians to pass.
The singer could be seen putting his hands in his pocket while he walked on the Zebra road calmly.

He, however, said he would replicate the same thing in Nigeria when he arrives next week.

He wrote, "All dem LA drivers stopped for pedestrians to cross. I'm impressed 👏🏽
I'm gonna try zebra crossing back in Naija next week, maybe in Obalende or Ajah🤞🏾

See some of the reactions by fans below;

“We’re on different lanes; we love each other” – Burna Boy speaks on competing with Wizkid

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:30 AM PDT

Self-acclaimed African Giant, Burna Boy opens up on his supposed competition with fellow Afrobeat superstar singer, Wizkid.

In a recent live broadcast with American–Haitian Hip Hop disc jockey, DJ Whookid, when asked about seeing Wizkid as a competition especially when nominated for the same categories of awards, Burna Boy replied that aside from coming from the same place, he never sees the singer in question as a competition.

Adding to his point, Odogwu affirmed that the two of them are completely different on all levels as he emphasized the love they have for one another.

"Nah, we're on two very different lanes in life, you know? And the only similarity really, is the fact that we're from the same place and we love each other, you get me? That's what brings us together.

It's where we're from and the love we have for each other. Other than that, we're on two different lanes mehn. Wiz is about the b*ches, you get me? Wiz is all about the b*ches. Me? I'm about real life… and the b*ches," he stated.

Watch the video below;

“Do not preach what you cannot do” – James Brown tackles Bobrisky over post-surgery photos

Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:00 AM PDT

Gradually it seems we are about to witness a clash between two cross-dressers in Nigeria as James Brown in a recent video has come for Bobrisky after he shared some photos of his new body on Instagram lately.

The self-acclaimed Princess of Africa faulted the fact that Bobrisky posted some bikini photos of himself largely because when he did the same some days back, Bobrisky went on a rant and blasted him for doing so.

He further said that Bobrisky went as far as saying that exposing one's body would not attract men and claimed to be more matured and responsible.

It is because of this that James Brown has attacked Bobrisky while stating that one ought not to preach what he cannot do, as it is obvious that Bobrisky is now a doer of what he once spoke against.

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