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Reno Omokri withdraws support for IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:30 PM PDT

Former Presidential spokesperson, Reno Omokri has withdrawn his support for leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu. 

Omokri hinged his decision on some of Nnamdi Kanu's utterances, how he has carried minority groups who he claims are part of Biafra and how members of the group attack those who oppose them.

The former presidential spokesperson reiterated that he has never supported any separatist or secessionist agenda, but has supported and defended the right of Nigerians to express himself and associate freely.

The statement read;

Recently, my perspective on Nigeria changed. I have never supported any separatist or secessionist agenda. However, I have supported and defended the right of any Nigerian to express himself and associate freely. It does not matter to me where such a person comes from.

When the Buhari administration moved against Ibrahim Zakzaky and the Shiites, I was the first person (not one of the first) to defend them. After defending them publicly myself, I called the then President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, and begged him to issue a statement calling for an end to the killings of Shiites. He told me that though it was an Islamic affair, nevertheless, because of his fondness for me, he would speak in support, and he did.

I have similarly championed the causes of oppressed persons or people from every part of Nigeria. As much as is humanly possible, I have refused to be partial in my advocacy.

In the last three years, I have visited 40 nations on my own dime and time, for the cause of #FreeLeahSharibu, seeking freedom for a Christian girl from Borno. I have not collected a dime from anyone and of anyone knows anyone who has given me a penny, then they should publicly expose me.

Before Nnamdi Kanu was arrested, I did not know who he was. I just defended his right to freedom of expression and association. Various Igbo leaders called me privately to thank me. It would be wrong to mention their names, because of the challenges of the moment.

When Kanu was rearrested, I called a British government official and got the facts. I was the first (not one of the first. The first) to reveal that he was arrested in Kenya, and not in The UK. After I released this information, the media ran with it.

Yesterday, a former Presidential candidate sent me a tape of Nnamdi Kanu dissolving the UK branch of IPOB and tongue lashing the members of IPOB UK. He told them to hand over IPOB money in their possession. He then said that he suspected that the British Secret service was running IPOB UK.

I was shocked and refused to believe what I heard, until this ex Presidential candidate from the South pointed me to an IPOB channel where this same audio was broadcast.

So I published it on my page. I did not add or edit or alter the voice. I released it as is.

Given that that broadcast was released earlier this year (I was told it was first broadcast in March if 2021, though I am not 100% sure) and Nnamdi Kanu was arrested so soon after (in June), I asked if that altercation could have led to Kanu being betrayed by his members in the UK.

The result was that various persons, who claimed to be members of Indigenous Peoples of Biafra descended on my page and insulted me, attacked me and accused me of collecting money from Buhari. (Would Buhari even give me money? If Buhari will give me anything, it is more likely to be a letter bomb).

They said Nnamdi Kanu can insult anyone he liked and I should leave him alone.

A certain Northerner, who has been on my page attacking me for what he had previously called my "love for the Igbo", now asked a question. He said 'so you people have forgotten when this man was fighting for you so soon'?

And so I went into deep thought.

If Nnamdi Kanu eventually gets Biafra and I am a minority in that Biafra, what would be my fate? Would I be able to express myself? Would I have the freedoms for which I myself have been fighting for Nnamdi Kanu to get for the last five years? Would I be able to hold sensitive positions?

I am not Yoruba, but because of me, these members of IPOB insulted the Yoruba (why do people always think I am Yoruba?). I was called 'ewu Yoruba'. Somebody even threatened to kill me if I ever stepped into Onitsha (the same Onitsha where I donated money and raised millions for victims of the 2019 Onitsha Market Fire?).

These people in their hundreds descended on me with a consistent refrain, that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is the supreme leader of the Igbos and he could insult his members if he chose and no one could question him.

And that prompted a paradigm shift in my consciousness. If you have been following the dailies, you would have read one or two stories planted by the Buhari administration in the papers of how they have been tracing Kanu and monitoring his movements for two years.

The stories claimed that they were able to get to him through members of the Eastern Security Network that they had captured. Then a few days ago, they released a video testimony of one captured ESN member, by name Emeoyiri Uzorma Benjamin, that has now gone viral, in which the young man claimed that Kanu had given them instructions to kill policemen and soldiers, as well as their fellow Igbos.

He sensationally claimed that Kanu instructed them to bury one of his lieutenants, Nwaokike Kayinayo Andy, AKA Ikonso with 2000 human heads. Even more sensationally, he alleged that Mr. Kanu gave directives to them to kill young girls, who they used for fetish charms.

Now, it is not possible to say it this fellow is telling the truth, or half truths or lies. However, from his testimony, or account of the inside workings of IPOB/ESN, and the broadcasts which I listened to, and which is also available on some IPOB social media accounts, we see that Nnamdi Kanu had almost total authority over IPOB.

All this time, I was thinking that, though Nnamdi Kanu showed extreme indiscretion by going to a country like Kenya, which is notorious for extrajudicially extraditing people to regimes seeking them (the Turkish government did exactly the same thing the Nigerian government did with Kanu to Selahaddin Gulen, a Turkish dissident that was captured by Turkey's intelligence from Nairobi. In that instance, Kenya first denied complicity, then promised to investigate the event. It happened in 2016. Kenya is still 'investigating' that event), that he nevertheless must have been betrayed by someone in his organisation, who tipped the Nigerian intelligence agencies that Kanu was headed to Kenya.

But my experience with Mr. Kanu's supporters made me have a rethink. With the way they treat him as though he is infallible, could it not be more likely that there was nobody within the organisation bold enough to advise Mr. Kanu not to travel to Kenya, because to do so, or to counter him in any way, would have brought upon such a person weighty consequences.

And then I began thinking about the 'dot in a circle' statement by General Buhari. I had criticised Buhari for making that comment. It is most irresponsible of him to have described the Igbo as such. It showed his malevolent mindset towards some citizens of his own country, and he should apologise.

However, on further introspection, I began to cast my mind to statements Nnamdi Kanu had made in his many broadcasts which I only watched just yesterday.

He unacceptably insults Black people as being less intelligent than other races (how can a Black person say such things? Is that not self hatred?). He attacks Yoruba churches, pastors and media (what is a Yoruba church? Honestly, I had never heard of a Yoruba church until I heard that word from Kanu. I thought all churches belonged to God through Christ).

You can imagine if you are Yoruba and sympathetic to the plight of the Igbo, and you listen to all the bile from Kanu about your ethnic nationality, how would you look if you continue to defend him to your kinsmen?

Then you listen to some of the even more outrageous things he has said about Northerners (Igbos, your enemy is Buhari. Your enemies are not the Hausa or Fulani. Don't mix up the two). I cannot even repeat them here.

Looking back to those broadcasts, it looks to me that it is Nnamdi Kanu himself who made IPOB (not the Igbos as Buhari claims) a dot in a circle.

He made no attempts to be persuasive. He did not even try to win hearts. He made no pretence of anything but contempt to anyone who was not part of his Biafra. Even though I had always thought that Odili, Amaechi and Wike and their people in Rivers state are Igbos, I now understand, but do not agree with Wike's claims that they are not Igbos.

Who would want to be a minority in a country ruled by Kanu? Tufiakwa! You speak your mind and you may be shot on the spot!

To be honest, I had never listened to these broadcasts by Nnamdi Kanu until they were brought to my attention by this Southern Presidential candidate. I was clueless about their existence. In fact, I felt a bit naive. I felt like a fool!

Anyone who has been following me for the last six years would have known how much of my time and money I have devoted to defending, advocating for and promoting the cause of the Igbos.

However, having watched for the first time these videos where Nnamdi Kanu called Black people wicked (I am Black, but I don't think I am wicked), and where he described Igbos who refuse to support IPOB as evil, I am flummoxed!

However, the one that shocked me the most was his statement that (and this is an exact quote), "If you are attending a Yoruba church, you should be ashamed of yourself. Anyone who attends a church headed by a Yoruba pastor is an idiot. A complete fool. An imbecile. I have no time for them. They are worse than Boko Haram. They are very, very foolish. If your pastor is Yoruba, you are not fit to be a human being."

And the funniest thing is that the pastor who provoked him into making that statement is from Auchi. He is not even Yoruba. No wonder they think I am Yoruba. To these lot, anyone Southerner West of the Niger is Yoruba. They have a majority mindset that is not minority friendly AT ALL.

Even more disturbing is that this Auchi pastor, who Nnamdi Kanu calls Yoruba, and used to generalise all Yoruba pastors, was summoned by DSS in December of 2016, and asked to explain why he did a video calling for Kanu's release. Who fights those who fights for them?

How did I miss these broadcasts? Have I been too focused on Buhari to the extent that I was blindsided? Is this the fellow I have been defending?

I am a minority. My late father was a minority. He went to Sokoto as a Youth Corp Member in 1975, and became Nigeria's youngest Director of Public Prosecution and Nigeria's youngest judge (at the time), and was elevated to the Court of Appeal, all from old Sokoto. Would that be possible in Kanu's Biafra?

And when he was interviewed in 2020 by Dr. Damages (I did not even know until the same Southern former Presidential candidate sent me the video), and given an opportunity to denounce his previous statements against the Yoruba, Nnamdi Kanu doubled down on it and said as follows:

"Most of the difficulties we have been having have always come from these Yoruba pastors."

Then he went on to say in that same 2020 interview as follows:

"Yoruba Pentecostalism is the reason why Fulanis are invading us today."

Where is the connection between Pentecostal churches and killer herdsmen?

I was stunned. This video was recorded last year. How come I never saw it. I checked on YouTube and only 27,000 people had seen it.

How can I be against Isa Pantami for saying "We are all happy whenever unbelievers are being killed" and then tolerate these statements from Nnamdi Kanu?

If I do, it will make me a hypocrite. And while I mistakenly may sometimes be hypocritical, I will not be deliberately hypocritical.

Everything I have said here is the truth. It is on video and audio. If you do not like what I have written, then jejely unfollow me. We are obviously not on the same wavelength and I am not about to change in order to make you like me.

Bobrisky Sends Fan N300k For Medical Bills, And Also Promises To Give One Bag Of Rice

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

Bobrisky, the Instagram celebrity, has shared a receipt from a follower whom he has blessed by paying for her medical fees and promising to deliver a sack of rice.

Bob, who promised to help one of his admirers every week to welcome his new body following the butt enlargement, has started to keep his word.

The crossdresser uploaded a screenshot of the warning, which showed he had racked up N300,000 in medical expenditures for her.

He wrote:

"Remember I promise to help @jomiodu with 300,000 to sort her medical bills. I'm glad I was able to send her d money. She said you are talking and do 😂. See listen I don't need any contribution or open any foundation support to help my fans. I'm rich enough to pay their bills. You can support but before you support I will sort the person's need first. God has blessed me with so much money 💰

"@jomiodu I'm sending you one bag of rice tomorrow and we need to talk so your kids can go back to school."

Reacting to this, the lady also took to her page to confirm the monetary gift and appreciate Bob for his kindness.

She wrote;

"My God sent,I can't believe my eyes am in tears, you are an angel in human skin, thank you so much, my lover, for this you shall never know sorrow, blessings, and favor is all you wud ever know, happiness all tru. @bobrisky."

‘Oko Iyabo’ Yomi Fabiyi Reacts After Being Criticized Over New Movie

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:30 PM PDT

Yomi Fabiyi, a Nollywood actor, has reaffirmed his right to write his own story in reaction to a barrage of criticism from both fellow celebs and the general public over his latest film, 'Oko Iyabo.'

Yomi Fabiyi recently stated that his film was not banned, but rather that it was intentionally made private in order to lessen the tensions and heat that had been emanating from several directions since the film's release.

Yomi Fabiyi also stated that Iyabo Ojo and Princess have used his full name in certain films and videos, but he is unconcerned since he believes in human rights.

Taking to his Instagram page, he wrote:

"I hand you all to your consciences and God.

"No amount of all these can pull me down.

"AND NOBODY BANNED MY MOVIE. We private it deliberately just to give room for calm. At some point OKO IYABO MOVIE will be released on DVD, YouTube and others. You can't abort an already born baby.

"Censor's board will rate OKO IYABO when I apply and everybody will enjoy the movie soon because it is about two young actors, Yomi & Iyabo fighting on a case from different angle and personalities.

"The movie has enough message. MY FULL V RESPONSE TOMORROW

"Thank you all for your continued support and genuine concerns.

"Yomi Fabiyi"

Is L.S. Zeickner the Nigerian Jeff Buckley?

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:00 PM PDT

Jasper's Riddle's skill as a multi instrumentalist is astonishing in its own right, but what truly marks him as an icon in the making is his shapeshifting voice.

Nearly a year after the release of his first single, The River, Jasper's Riddle (who's real name is often shortened to L. S. Zeickner) has undoubtedly become an enigmatic figure.

The 23 year old seems to be a cross between Jacob Collier and Jeff Buckley, dubbed "a true 21st century polymath" by Quite Great PR firm (who have represented major labels from Sony and Warner, to artists like Hans Zimmer and De La Soul) in reference to his simultaneous careers as a classical pianist, acoustic musician, writer, painter, sculptor and medical student.

Jasper's Riddle's skill as a multi instrumentalist is astonishing in its own right, but what truly marks him as an icon in the making is his voice. A voice with a 5-octave range and ability to vocally shapeshift in a manner unlike anyone else.

It can be astonishing to discover the songs of Jasper's Riddle are performed by just one person. L. S. Zeickner seems to travel through time with his voice, from the days of Anita Ellis to the jive of Art Blakey, and soul of Jeff Buckley.

To be likened to Jeff Buckley is no small feat, and it is no small feat how his voice can almost be mistaken for Jeff himself in the rarely-covered song 'Grace'. His acoustic cover, a tribute to the legendary singer entitled "The Grace of Jeff Buckley", brings back to life the famous icon – if only for a moment. Zeickner is not scared to take the song in a different direction and delivers beautiful moments that are just as haunting.

As a pianist, L. S. Zeickner is becoming a name in both the jazz and classical sectors. He is known for the incorporation of a traditional Benin bronze head in his image, representing his heritage, and for his diverse compositions written for piano, guitar and voice.

His debut album 'Noir in 3 Moods' is the basis of a brand new musical and 'live' film noir premiering in December 2020, with his upcoming album from the musical "The Neo-Twenties" set for release this summer.

At only 23, the rising star certainly looks set to be in the top 10 performers of the century.

Singer Zinoleesky buys Chevrolet Camaro sports car worth N22M

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:00 AM PDT

Singer Zinoleesky buys Chevrolet Camaro sports car worth N22M

Nigerian singer Oniyide Azeez popularly known as Zinoleesky has bought a Chevrolet Camaro sports car worth N22M.

The fast-rising music star shared the good news on his Instastory with a photo showing the key of his new ride.

He later took to his Instagram page on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, where he shared more photos of his new ride.

"The door to my blessings cannot be locked! I am sure this cannot be luck! 🤞🏽🤞🏽 Price just went up 😂🤞🏽," he captioned the photos.

Zinoleesky's new ride is a 2019 Chevrolet Camaro.

Baba Ijesha Saga: Yomi Fabiyi Under Attack Over New Movie ‘Oko Iyabo’

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:00 AM PDT

Following the premiere of his new film, 'Oko Iyabo,' Twitter fans are asking for Nollywood star Yomi Fabiyi's head.

Fabiyi features characters with names of those engaged in the case, including actors Iyabo Ojo and Olarenwaju Omiyinka alias Baba Ijesha, in the video posted on YouTube on July 4, 2021.

The film begins with a scenario in which Iyabo, played by a child actor, tells a classmate that she wants to be a prostitute when she grows up.

In a moment in the film, Fabiyi similarly presents the distressing CCTV tape, but he portrays Baba Ijesha's minor victim as his consenting lover.

The scandalous scene is fast garnering online outrage with social media savvy Nigerians calling the actor out for trying to distort facts in the ongoing sexual assault case against Baba Ijesha.

Watch video below:

Check out some reactions gathered below:

@adabekeeblog tweeted, "Please, simply go on YouTube and report the movie 'Oko Iyabo'. Yomi Fabiyi is an evil man. How do you produce a movie about an ongoing rape case and paint the 14-year-old victim as a sugar baby, all to make money and shame the victim?? Nah, it can't be well with you. Report it!!"

@bimbexy tweeted, "Yomi Fabiyi is a colossal disgrace. This 'Oko Iyabo' movie he just released is a total fail. Poor acting, poor script, everything about the movie was poorly done, see the way he tried to shame Iyabo Ojo by saying she is a prostitute and did juju to become famous."

BBNaija’s Vee Reacts After Being Called Out For Owing A Fashion Brand

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Vee, a former Big Brother Naija housemate, has reacted on social media after a fashion business accused her of owing N1.9 million following the termination of her ambassadorial arrangement.

As previously reported that the firm called out the reality TV star's harsh attitude during the product photography in an Instagram post.

Vee refused to reimburse the money paid for the ambassadorial arrangement, according to the brand, and took some of the goods used in the product shoot.

However, contrary to the brand's claims, the reality TV personality disputed reaching out to the clothing company and asking an ambassadorial deal in a message uploaded on the microblogging platform Twitter.

According to Vee, the brand told her that she would have to wait two weeks for the brand cargo to arrive once the payments were agreed upon.

According to Vee, she was forced to use hair from a different brand for the product shooting, which was not part of their contract agreement, and she agreed so she wouldn't be labeled problematic.

On the second day, however, she refused to use the hair, which became the source of the trouble. She went on to say that she was shown a video and that she urged the company to work on it, and that the brand owner began screaming tantrums at her.

See screenshot below:

[Video]: Nigerians Go Crazy As Laura Ikeji Eats Raw Pepper

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:30 AM PDT

Laura Ikeji Kanu, a popular social media influencer and mother of two, has enraged her fans and following by sharing a video of herself chewing raw scotch bonnet peppers (Red pepper).

Laura shared a video of herself eating the scotch bonnet with her banana and straw berry smoothie on her verified Instagram profile.

She wrote, "Try with raw pepper and thank me later. Someone cc @officiallindaikeji"

"Pls Do No do this if u don't wanna run mad, but if u like pepper 🌶  go ahead boo. Taste good"

Watch video below:

Nigerians Rain Curses On Faithia Balogun Over ‘Oko Iyabo’ Movie

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Despite not appearing in Yomi Fabiyi's controversial film, Oko Iyabo, Nigerians have descended on Faithia Balogun, now known as Faithia William's Facebook to shower curses on her.

36ng previously reported that the new film "Oko Iyabo," which chronicles the Baba Ijesha rape scandal, has enraged not just Nigerians but also celebrities.
Recall that Baba Ijesha was detained by the police in April for allegedly sexually assaulting Princess, the comedienne's 14-year-old foster daughter.

Fabiyi had organized a demonstration against Baba Ijesha's incarceration and declared his willingness to stand as his surety.

Fabiyi, the actor, produces the film, which is also directed by Dele Matti.

Last month, Fabiyi had tweeted "The Movie "OKO IYABO" location loading. A lovely story & concept. We are gettng ready. Una don watch OKO RAMOTA & u enjoyed it, get ready for OKO IYABO."

Hassan Ogogo, Adewale Elesho, Toyin Afolayan, Baba Olafaina, Akeem Alimi, and other Yoruba veteran actors appear in the film.

See reactions gathered below:

@Call Me Dammy wrote: "I always wonder why people disrespect so much, your presence in yomi's new movie explains it. You are indeed a classless woman. So disappointed."

@Wumitepretty wrote: "Abeg how much yomi give this woman, that makes her to disgrace her generation like this@faithiawilliams just bcoz it involved anty iyabo, this is bad, ontop change, I don't blame u Sha,when guy way no reach ur age carry u go Dubai for ur yeye birthday, how u wan get sense.Na small boys dey."

@Peyemi_Vopel wrote: "I can't believe my niece is your daughters friend in NTIC, I will warn her to stop talking to your daughter. For you to agree to act a movie that states it's ok for a minor to date an elderly man shows that is what you are teaching your daughter. I will tell my niece my niece to avoid your daughter at all cost."

[Video]: Actress Ada Ameh Blasts Yomi Fabiyi Over Controversial Movie

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:30 AM PDT

Actress Ada Ameh has slammed actor Yomi Fabiyi for his controversial new film, which is said to be based on the rape drama of Baba Ijesha and uses genuine identities of individuals involved.

Yomi Fabiyi, according to Adah Ameh, is a self-centered and wicked guy who will reap the same wickedness he sows.

She went on to say that the filmmaker has no family values and only released the video for the sake of popularity. The actress went on to say that he should be "mended" (beaten) for his actions, and that none of Yomi Fabiyi's children or the performers in the film should be molested.

Ada Ameh wrote;

"It is a Shame, don't because of money, cheap fame do the wrong things!!!
all the actor's on that movie should may your children not be victims
you all failed before you started
@realyomifabiyi you will meet your Waterloo"

Nigeria Artist Wizkid Releases ‘Surprising’ Marriage Requirements

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:00 AM PDT

Ayo Balogun, well known by his stage as Wizkid, has said that whoever he eventually marries will be the one to buy the ring and propose to him on both knees.

His point of view contradicts the traditional style of proposing in this climate, in which a man purchases a ring and proposes to the lady he intends to marry.
The musician, who has three sons from three separate mothers, made the announcement on his Snapchat account.

The Grammy Award winner said, "Big shoutout to da one ima spend the rest of my life with, whoever you are. U go try with this mad man. By the way, my girl gotta buy me a ring and propose on both knees." (sic).

Man Killed His Aunt For Making His Manhood Rise Spiritually

Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:23 AM PDT

The Cross River Police Command has paraded a man who allegedly killed and beheaded his aunt in Calabar South Local Government Area of the state.

It is reported that the suspect, Christian Edem-Eyo,34, allegedly murdered Uduak Effiong Okpo, 65, and buried her head and the body separately on June 23, 2021.

The suspect told reporters that he murdered Okpo because she belonged to the spiritual world. "I killed Uduak Okpo because she belonged to the marine world. She was terrorising me spiritually in the compound. She was making my manhood to rise spiritually, that was why I killed her," he said.

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