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Natural Remedies :5 ways to treat tooth ache

Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:30 AM PDT

Around the home, some natural remedies can alleviate toothache almost immediately.

Toothaches can be incredibly discomforting and painful. If you wake up in the middle of the night to a toothache, how do you deal with the pain?

To reduce the effect of whatever pain you might be feeling, you should try the following natural home remedies.

1. Salt water solution

Rinsing your mouth with salt water is an effective treatment for almost every pain you feel in your teeth.

This is because saltwater is a disinfectant. It helps to treat inflammation and wounds in your mouth and remove substances that might be stuck in your teeth.

2. Cold compress
A cold compress can be used to make most pain and inflammation better. So if you notice pain around any area in your mouth, apply a cold damp towel to it.

It will cause the blood vessel to constrict and reduce whatever pain you may be feeling.

3. Garlic

Garlic is an anti-bacterial substance that helps to fight the bacteria that causes dental plaque.

Garlic also helps to relieve pain. Chew raw garlic or apply the garlic to the area affect. Add some salt to it too.

4. Guava leaves

Guava leaves are also good for protecting your teeth and relieving you from the pains of toothache. Guava leaves help to heal wounds when chewed or used as a mouth wash.

5. Onions

Onion has anti-inflammatory and microbial qualities that ease pain and reduces swelling in the mouth. Take a slice of onions, place it between the teeth and chew.

Here are 7 ways young Nigerians are making money

Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:00 AM PDT

Young Nigerians are cashing out big with these ideas.

Earning your salary alone will not be enough, you might need to engage in some side hustle to augment what you get from your job or create an opportunity for yourself to earn more money.

Young Nigerians are doing a host of things to make money legally. We explore seven of them.

1. Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is so complex, I cannot attempt to be an expert but here is the gist; it is a digital currency people invest in.

It is best to do your research before jumping on it; it's not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's simply a way to invest in good coins and sell when the prices go up.

just like every other business, there are loss and profits in crypto trading.

2. Forex
Another means of earning extra cash is forex trading and, just like crypto it is complex.

With crypto, you are investing in digital currency, with forex, you are investing in stock.

A research is also necessary.

3. Trading
Checking your WhatsApp status is enough to see young people buying and selling everything buyable and sellable, clothes, wrist watches, bags, wigs and all of that.

Social media platforms are now filled with young Nigerian who vend all type of stuff from clothing to food, used phones etc.

4. Business
This is different from trading which is buying and selling. Young people pool money to do businesses like car hire services, logistics companies, tech companies, real estate firms, and fashion companies.

5. Art and graphic design
For many, they've chosen to do art or graphic design either on the side or to get out of salaried employment and, they can earn a decent living from it.

6. Content creation
Young people earn a living or make a few extra bucks by making creating exciting content on social media platforms.

With consistent creation and posting, they get enough audience to attract advertisers.

It takes a lot of patience and passion to do.

7. Photography or videography
With the pervasion of the internet with videos and pictures by celebrities and non-celebrities alike, the demand for photographers and videographers has increased, and young people have plugged themselves into this to earn a few extra bucks.

Contrary to popular belief, Nigerian youths are not lazy especially, when it comes to creating wealth.

The health benefits of Avocado Pear are priceless

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:30 PM PDT

 The health benefits of Avocado Pear are priceless

Avocado pear also helps prevent and combat cancer, aids great vision, prevent osteoporosis, and other chronic diseases.

Fruits are nature's gifts to man, and avocado pear is a priceless one.

Priceless because the avocado pear stands out among the fruit species. From its unique taste to its endless nutritional value, the evergreen fruit is loaded with a lot of health benefits that guarantee our well being.

And as described by Chris Gunnar, avocado is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids; with 77% of its calories coming from fat, thus making it one of the fattiest plant foods in existence.

However, it is important to note that avocado pear doesn't just contain any fat...the majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid.

And oleic acid, on the other hand, has a lot of health benefits which include, lowering blood pressure, weight loss, protecting cells from free radical damage, prevents type 2 diabetes, as well as ulcerative colitis and generates brain myelin.

Here are six health benefits of avocado pear

1. Regulates the blood pressure
A significant risk factor for heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease, is due to the rising blood pressure of the body that is lacking in potassium.

While bananas are known to be rich in potassium, studies have shown that the avocado pear far outpaces the banana in potassium value, thus making it a truly underestimated superfood when it comes to lowering blood pressure.

2. It treats arthritis
Arthritis is a painful condition that is caused by swelling and inflammation of the bone joints. And this pain could often be worsened by staple foods such as wheat, corn, sugar, etc.

However, avocado is one fruit scientifically renowned for it anti-inflammatory properties and painkilling.

Laced with a substantial amount of monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids, the evergreen fruit have a palliative effect on arthritis symptoms.

3. It prevents cancer
Studies have shown that adequate intake of folate from food tends to protect against colon, stomach, pancreatic, and cervical cancers.

Although the mechanism behind this apparent reduction in risk is currently unknown, researchers believe that folate protects against undesirable mutations in DNA and RNA during cell division.

It has also been suggested that avocados may even have a role to play in cancer treatment, with some research finding that phytochemicals extracted from avocado can selectively inhibit the growth of precancerous and cancerous cells and cause the death of cancer cells.

In addition, the delicious food has also been shown to decrease chromosomal damage caused by cyclophosphamide, a chemotherapy drug.

4. Eye protection
According to recent studies, certain antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin are needed for a healthy eye.

And avocado pear is particularly notorious for extracting such antioxidants from other food sources, while it also has them in high quantities.

These nutrients are front liners in addressing the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, especially among the folks.

5. Avocado helps to reduce bad breath
More often than it is known, bad breath is not an exclusive issue of an unhealthy mouth, but also an imbalance in your stomach and intestinal system.

Well, if you're suffering from this condition, the avocado juice is a natural cleanser for both your mouth and intestine.

It also helps to remove the microbes that are the cause of bad breath.

6. Excellent food during pregnancy
For expectant mothers, the health benefits of avocado pear cannot be overemphasized.

Loaded with folic acid, avocado pears does not only help in forming the nervous system of the unborn child, it also ensures healthy brains, cells, and blood.

In addition, it helps to reduce the cholesterol levels of the pregnant mother and reducing the risk of depression as well.

In conclusion, it is important to note that the health benefits of avocado pear are almost endless.

With its cancer-protecting features, skin care potentials, helping on weight loss, and normalizing sugar levels, it has been discovered that people who consistently eat avocados are usually blessed with robust health.

Here are 7 important rules of friends-with-benefits relationships

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 11:00 PM PDT

First things first: you are not allowed to catch feelings.

Friendship-with-benefits [FWB] is a kind of sex-heavy relationship which excludes emotional attachment and commitment.

While the concept is in essence against the tenets of traditional relationships, It is still an obvious reality in today's society and much of that has been discussed here.

Being different from relationships as we know it, the rules that guide the operation of this special union are also very different from the relationship rules you might be familiar with.

So, here are seven important rules to guide you through it if you ever find yourself in one:

1. Love's not welcome here
The possibility that one or both of you will start catching feelings is pretty high.

Allowing these feelings to blossom changes things dramatically. Acting on them graduates the relationship from FWB to a proper relationship. And that's not OK unless, you both decide that that is what you really want.

2. Sext, don't text
The only text message you should be sending a friend with benefits is "my place or yours?"

If you text in the same manner as normal boyfriends and girlfriends do, you leave room for awkwardness and confusion to creep in.

3. Dates are for couples, not you
This one is very tricky as there might be need to get food together at some point along the line. If this need arises, don't treat it as a date in a romantic sense.

And going together to any other event or occasion is so not allowed in this kind of relationship. These are the types of things that makes people catch feelings.

And you don't want to catch feelings here. Chances of having those feelings unreciprocated are really high.

4. You can't do this with a friend
Friends with benefits is a relationship that works best with someone you've recently met and haven't really bonded with. You don't want to ruin great friendships with this.

If you are hopeless romantic, this is not the best for you either, as it is a completely watered down version of the kind of relationship you'll really be longing for.

No matter how good the sex is, never ever feel entitled to it. Your 'partner' is not yours and getting entitled will breed feelings of jealousy.

All that stuff has no place in a FWB relationship.

6. You're allowed to meet new people
FWB is usually what people do when they're not ready for relationships but you still need to regularly satisfy their sexual cravings.

When the time comes though, don't shut out new people because you have an ongoing FWB relationship.

You owe him/her no loyalty or anything like that.

7. No introduction to friends
Your friends and family don't need to know about them. Nope.

Efik History, marriage, food, and belief of this adorable ethnic group

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:30 PM PDT

It is important to state here that in addition to their present homeland, the Efik people also occupy southwestern Cameroon including Bakassi.

It took the loving people of Efik over five hundred years of migration to finally inhabit the coastal area of South Eastern Nigeria, Cross River State.

Although the actual origins of the Efik people seem to be unknown but traditional tales have it that they sojourned from Nubia through to Ghana and then Arochukwu in present-day South East Nigeria.

It was not stated how long their exodus took to get to Arochukwu, but what is known is that the Efiks lived peacefully as guests for about four hundred years (11th - 15th century) with the Aros.

They would later leave after a disagreement erupted between them and their host.

During the second phase of their exodus which saw them leaving Arochukwu, the majority of them left to Uruan in present-day Akwa Ibom State, while a few to Eniong and surrounding areas.

And just like their ancestors did at Arochukwu, they settled peacefully in Uruan.

However, they would again move from Uruan without history telling us the reason why. And when they did, it was in Ikpa Ene and Ndodihi they found themselves.

But this time around, it was a brief stay they had before crossing over to their final destination in Creek Town (Esit Edik / Obio Oko).

Creek town and its environs are what is today referred to as Calabar.

Until 1954 before it achieved autonomy, this area was formerly a trust territory from German Cameroon which was administered as a part of the Eastern Region of Nigeria.

It was only after their autonomy that the political separation occurred.

On the whole, the history of Efik migration and settlements seems to have three successive stages; (a) an Igbo phase (b) an Ibibio phase and (c) the drift to the coast.

And it is for this reason that the Present day Efiks are related to the Annang, Ibibio, Igbo, Oron, Biase, Akampkpa, Uruan, and Eket people.

Efik marriage culture
The old 'Fattening Room' tradition is the first thing that comes to mind whenever this subject (Efik marriage) is to be discussed.

Although greatly modified for today's generation, the fattening room tradition of the Efik people was/is the secluded training given to maidens in preparation for womanhood.

Six months before marriage, Efik girls are sent to the fattening room that they may be pampered with massages from head to toe; fed as much as they would like to eat to eat, and enlighten them on the ins and outs of marriage.

They would not be allowed to do a work.

Instead they are to eat sumptuous dishes, engage in meaningful conversation, and sleep; coupled with the three times daily massages that are meant to bring out the natural endowments.

Because it is the belief of the Efik people that a woman who is full-figured with a healthy waistline is beautiful.

In addition to the above Fattening Room activities, the girl goes through domestic training of home management (like cooking, child care, and housekeeping) and how to respect and make her husband be and his family happy.

It is the duty of the older women gives advice about their experience in marriage to ensure a successful one.

Also included in the training are the cultural dances (Ekombi), folklore, folktales, songs and other forms of entertainment. Skills in artistic designs on Calabash and other materials are taught as well.

It is here that she is also taught about sex with the intention of giving proper satisfaction to her husband.

At the end of the six months period, which also brings an end of the seclusion days, people all over are invited to honor her success in passing through this ordeal.

This ceremony is celebrated with traditional Efik dances (Ekombi) and other forms of entertainment.

The ceremony continues throughout the whole day and night as families, friends and well wishers express their joy and happiness with gifts and donations to the bride.

And finally, she and her future husband embrace and dances; welcoming their good wishers that have come to join the celebration.

Efik cultural dishes
As a result of the factors that characterized their settlement, Efik dishes are mainly those sourced from the rivers.

All Efik clans and sub-clans seem not be separated from river banks or creeks. And owing to this, their nutritional culture is also tied to the seas.

Among them are:

Efik Methodology
According to Efik methodology, Abassi is considered to be the Supreme Creator (God). And His wife, Atai, is known as the mediator.

It is also believed that Atai convinced Abassi to allow two humans (one man and one woman), which is also said to be their children, to live on Earth, but forbade them to work or reproduce.

The children were required to return to heaven with Abassi whenever he rang the dinner bell. These rules were established so that the Efik people would not surpass Abassi in wisdom or strength.

But just like the Biblical story of Adam, the children disobeyed and Abassi did not only killed them, He also cursed them with chaos and death.

Here are 7 foods you need to eat for increased sexual stamina

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 10:00 PM PDT

Humans beings have searched for ways to improve their sexual experience for thousands of years, including trying to discover the best foods to improve their sex lives.

Scientists have linked a variety of foods with better sex and there is irrefutable proof for certain foods which are said to boost libido, improve stamina, and enhance your sex life.

In an article on the Times of India, Sexologist, Dr Vijay Singhal explains the concept of foods for sex and how they can improve the libido. "Any healthy food is good for sex. However, there are certain items that are particularly beneficial- Walnuts, strawberry, avocados, watermelons and almonds. One must note that alcohol is bad for a healthy sex life - it increases the desire but decreases the performance."

Here are 7 foods that you can take to take your sexual performance to the next level!

1. Beetroot Juice
The juice of this root vegetable can increase your stamina and allow you to keep the bedroom activity going for considerably longer. Researchers have found that the nitrates in beet juice help reduce oxygen uptake, which in turn makes exercise less tiring.

Once in the body, the nitrates are transformed into nitric oxide, which is a key player in relaxing and opening up the blood vessels, which then improves blood flow to the penis. Enjoy fresh beet juice alone or mixed with a small amount of fresh apple or carrot juice.

2. Nuts
You can turn to nuts if you're looking for a quick snack or if you're looking for some extra kick in the bedroom. Certain nuts are rich sources of L-arginine, an amino acid.

L-arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a substance that boosts blood flow to the penis. As a bonus, nuts and their healthy fat content (omega-3 fatty acids) can help lower cholesterol, which in turn can improve blood circulation.

These are the nut you need to munch on for that extra boost of stamina in the bedroom:

pumpkin seeds
sunflower seeds

3. Spinach
Another food that provides a super L-arginine boost is spinach. The resulting conversion to nitric oxide to support and help maintain erections is one big reason why you should include spinach salads and steamed spinach on your menu or add baby spinach leaves to your green smoothies.

Another reason is that nitric oxide is involved with exercise recovery time, which will help with your sexual health!

4. Oysters
Pretty much everyone has heard about the wonderful aphrodisiac properties of oysters and even if you're not a fan of their slimy texture, you will surely be impressed by their effects on your performance. Oysters, clams, and scallops contain compounds that raise testosterone and estrogen levels.

A boost in hormone production translates into heightened sexual desire in many cases.

4. Garlic
In the past, you may have been warned to never to eat garlic before a date but the smelly herb is a miracle-worker because it's a natural blood thinner often used to prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

The anticoagulant properties makes sure that there is plenty of blood flow to your nether regions. You and your partner can both benefit from a healthy dose of garlic before a sexy night in.

5. Eggs
You should eat eggs if you want to achieve healthy erection. Eggs contain amino acid L-arginine that can improve erectile dysfunction. However you want them; poached, scrambled or fried, eggs are sure to give you a much-needed boost after a long day at work.

They are full of protein, which keeps you going without packing on the calories. They're also an excellent source of amino acids, which combat certain types of heart ailments as well as erectile dysfunction.

6. Watermelon
The nutrient citrulline, found in watermelons can have a Viagra-like effect on the body as it boosts nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels.

This is the same effect that Viagra has to treat erectile dysfunction.

7. Ginseng Tea
Consuming too much coffee on a regular basis leads to over-stimulation of the adrenal glands, flooding the body with hormones normally produced in times of stress.

These hormones negatively impact libido and sexual performance. As an alternative, try ginseng tea which contains the ginsenoside compound that increases sexual satisfaction and can prevent erectile dysfunction.

It's good to know that you can boost your sexual stamina while enjoying a good meal at the same time. If you incorporate these super-foods into your diet, you will be sure to ramp up your performance in the bedroom.

BBNaija S6: Boma Blows Hot – How I Saved Angel From Getting Disqualified By Biggie While I Was HOH

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye Housemate, Boma and Angel had a very tough argument over an issue that happened in the Executive lounge, on Thursday evening.

They both hurled insults at each other, and if not for the quick intervention of some housemates like Pere, Cross and Queen, the duo would have fought physically. Boma was upset because according to him, Angel leaked what happened between them in the Executive Lounge.

Barely an hour after their clash, Boma started explaining to some housemates the incident that transpired and how he has helped Angel in the past. Boma said that he is friends with Angel, and he was the reason why Angel has not being disqualified from the show.

According to what Boma said, Angel committed an offence, and Big Brother called him to the diary room to ask him about the issue. And if he had not lied and agreed that Angel committed the offence, She would have been disqualified from the house.

He added that he has Angel's back and he never thought Angel would talk to him the way she did.

Boma didn't mention the exact thing that Angel did, he chose to keep it a secret so he could protect her.

The cannibalistic people who use human skulls as pillows

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 08:00 AM PDT

The Asmat tribe is the world's most famous cannibalistic tribe and the mere mention of their name used to evoke fear.

This ancient tribe have been accused by Carl Hoffman, in his exposé novel, Savage Harvest, of killing and eating Michael C. Rockefeller in 1961.

Asmat is a tribe living on small islands in mangrove vegetation nearby the sea, on the south side of the western part of the New Guinea Island. They are the most famous cannibalistic tribe on Papua, a province of Indonesia.

This coastal people occupy a low-lying swampy region that covers approximately 9,652 square miles (25,000 square kilometers) in southwestern Irian Jaya.

The Asmat population is estimated at about 65,000 people, living in villages with populations of up to 2,000.

 Their languages belong to the Papuan language family known as Asmat-Kamoro, which has over 50,000 speakers.

The members of the Asmat tribe believe that they arose out of wood. Therefore, wood is sacred for them. Even in ancient times they carved wonderful things from wood. Asmat are considered to be the best woodcarvers of the stone-age and many of their engraved carvings are in museums around the world.

Though they are widely known for the quality of their wood sculptures, they are also notorious for their traditional practises of headhunting and cannibalism. Asmat did not only hunt for skulls, they also worshipped them. The skulls of the deceased were stripped of the brain and the eyes and nasal parts were closed up in order to prevent evil spirits to enter or exit the body. Skulls that were modified and decorated in this way, were displayed by the Asmat in a honourable place in their long homes.

They would put human skulls under their heads instead of a pillow. They would eat brains of their animals mixed with sago worms straight from their halved skulls.

Besides the fact that the Asmat were head-hunters, they also "hunted for names". They believed that when they killed a man and ate him, they take his power and become him.

Every person was named after someone deceased, or after a killed enemy.

A child was sometimes given a name only ten years after it was born, and after its village set out to kill a man from an enemy village nearby.

0They had to learn the name of the man they killed, and then bring his skull to their village. Only in this way could a person get a name.

Fortunately, the evil reputation of Asmat has become history. The missionaries have done a lot of work in changing this. The central Asmat now even have a written form of their spoken language.

Kizz Daniel Is A Lover Boy In Cinematic Video For ‘Lie’

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:00 AM PDT

While Kizz Daniel is still basking in the euphoria of the massive attention the audio of 'Lie' received when it was released, the astonishing musician has premiered the official music video for the applauded single.

In the video for 'Lie', Kizz Daniel plays the lover boy who was accused by his heartthrob of not prioritising her. The music video displayed Kizz Daniel as a fun-to-be-with, devoted boyfriend, but he couldn't keep up with important dates of his woman.

Kizz Daniel said he released the video for his fans worldwide, following the positive feedback he got from the audio. "Deep regard for the fans worldwide for the love shown towards this amazing record "LIE" ❤️🙏🏽 I hereby serve you the visuals," the father of twins shared.

Kizz Daniel on Thursday, September 2, 2021, dropped a cinematic flick for the love single, 'Lie'. The video which was directed by The Alien Visuals stars Cidney Conway.

Watch the video below;

Reality Tv Show - Actor Chidi Mokeme Hints On Returning As Host Of The ‘Gulder Ultimate Search’

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actor, Chidi Mokeme has hinted at coming back to the screen of viewers as the host of the next Gulder Ultimate Search Reality Tv show.

We recall that the show would make its return after seven years of break. In a statement made available to the public, the Nigerian Breweries announced that the show would come back with the theme "The Age of Craftsmanship".

The actor had anchored the program for two consecutive years since the beginning of the show while the position was succeeded by his colleague, Bob Manuel and later passed on to him in season 10.

Until its extinction, Nigerians have always craved for the actor's presence as the host for the show because of his charisma in the system.

However, one thing is having to bring back the show and the other is maintaining the man of the show. Nigerians have expressed their excitement since the announcement.

He wrote via Instagram:

"Have You Heard? Something Big Is About To Happen…Stay Tuned"

Dancer Korra Obidi Reveals Why Nigeria Is A Better Option, Laments On ‘Living Abroad’

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:30 AM PDT

Popular musician and dancer, Korra Obidi has lamented over adulting abroad.

Obidi stated that "adulting" abroad is hard for both married and single people.

Obidi who revealed their house rent is $5800 per month, averred that Nigeria is far much better. She added that life is not as it seems on Instagram.

The dancer wrote;

Adulting is hard
For married people, let alone, single people.
House rent Na $5800 per month
Bad as e bad, Nigeria still make brain.
At least your house Na your house

Come to Hollywood they said, you go blow they said.

Keep praying for us o
E no easy as e Dey look on top IG.
We move.

Tag a Nigerian for translation.

Adekunle Gold Introduces New Song, ‘High’, Featuring Davido

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Nigerian musician Adekunle Gold is set to premiere brand new music titled 'High', featuring acclaimed singer Davido.

Adekunle Gold made the announcement via his officials social media accounts on Thursday, September 2, 2021—a day to the release of the track, 'High'.

Respected sound engineer Pheelz, who is also the brain behind Adekunle Gold's mega hits 'Pick Up' and 'Jore' produced the song 'High', which is scheduled for release on Friday.

Adekunle Gold disclosed he could seal the collaboration with Davio after five years of his major entry into the Nigerian music industry. "5 years after!" he wrote, and Davido expressed his readiness in his response. "@adekunleGOLD lets give them," OBO responded.

The father of one explained how he got the inspiration for the song, he noted; "I wanted to write a song about something that made you forget your worries. This came with ease as most things do when you are grateful for life and living it on a high."
Nicholas Maggio directed 'High' video.

BBNaija: Nini – President Buhari can’t ignore me

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 04:30 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eyes housemate, Nini Anita Singh popularly known as Nini has revealed that she has a great personality to get anyone a job.

According to her, she has an aura that makes people attracted to her, adding that even President Buhari cannot ignore her.

Nini said this during a discussion with fellow housemates, Yousef, Saga, Pere, Cross, JayPaul and Saskay on Thursday.

She went on to state that anyone who contracts her for such purposes should be rest assured that it's going to be a done deal.

Nini said she has a great personality and can indulge anyone in any sort of conversation.

"I know that I have a very amazing personality and this makes people so attracted to me.

"I know I have all it takes to get anyone a job no matter what job it is. Like I can indulge anyone in any kind of conversation no matter who it is, even President Buhari is not an exception. This is one thing I know I'm very good at," she said.

Maria Reveals Some Insightful Moments Between Emmanuel And Liquorose While In The House

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 04:00 AM PDT

Former BBNaija Season 6 Housemate, Maria has spoken about Liquorose and Emmanuel in a recent Interview, after she was asked about her opinion on their relationship.

Maria explained that when she was in the house, she had conversations with Emmanuel concerning Liquorose and whether he was really interested in her or not.

But now that she's outside the house, she thinks Emmanuel was playing safe at first because she saw clips where Liquorose told Emmanuel that they are just friends when he asked what exactly they were. So according to Maria, he was probably trying to save his pride and not hurt himself initially.

Speaking about Emmanuel being flirty, Maria said that it would be hypocritical of her to say that about Emmanuel since she herself flirted a lot in the house, although it was just banter and jokes for her.

So coming out of the house, she concluded that it may just be his personality, and he actually doesn't mean to flirt. This was when she stated that she thinks he actually likes her. In her words, Maria said:

"I think he likes her. And apparently I heard rumors that he had been following her even before Big Brother. So that was your crush, you now saw her in real life. E choke o"

Reactions as old tweets of BBNaija’s JMK trolling Erica, Laycon and Tacha resurface

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 03:30 AM PDT

Ex-Big Brother Naija season 6 Shine Ya Eye contestant and reality television star, Jumoke Adedoyin, simply known as JMK has finally addressed the issue emanating from her past Twitter posts.

Recall that few weeks ago, on August 7, some screenshots flew round the internet, which contained some old tweets from the then-newly introduced Big Brother Naija Housemate, JMK.

And in those tweets, JMK trolled former reality television stars, Tacha, Erica, Laycon as well as Nigerian award-winning singer, Wizkid.

Sequel to the tweets exposure, some of the fans of the victims vowed to campaign against JMK so she doesn't stay longer in the season 6 show.

However, JMK has finally made it outside the show, following her eviction from the Shine Ya Eye House, and during her post-eviction interview with BBNaija host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, she was asked about the incident.

And JMK said, "I wouldn't say I will take it back, but if I hurt anybody with my tweet, I'm sorry about that, I was definitely not intentional, like I didn't mean it, was just something I just tweeted.

"But being on the show now, you understand that it's better than before. Watching it is different from experiencing it.

BBNaija: Tega – You Are Lucky I’m Married, If I Were Single, I’ll Have Done More

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 03:00 AM PDT

One of the trending BBnaija housemates, Tega disclosed that she would have done more in the house if she was single, that her marital status is hindering her from doing some of the things in her mind.

She reveals this in a conversation with Cross on Wednesday, September 1 when she explained some of the things she can do to get highlights.

According to Tega, being in the show is not enough, one has to constantly drop the content to entertain the viewers and by so doing get their support.

She noted that she would have done more things if she was single in order to have highlights and bring more content for the reality show.

"Get highlights! the show is going to be wasted if you don't have highlights, that is why the show is called Big Brother. They need that highlight for their content, do something… You guys are lucky that I'm married, if I was single I'd have so many highlights for Big Brother."

She concluded.

Actress, Mercy Aigbe Secures Ambassadorial Deal With Real Estate Firm

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 02:30 AM PDT

Veteran and renowned Nollywood star, Mercy Aigbe has successfully secured an ambassadorial deal with a real estate company, Leisure Court.

The 43-year-old announced this great feat via her official Instagram page where she expressed how excited she is over the recent deal.

The mother of two also stated that she is optimistic about a successful and amazing partnership with the firm.

Sharing some photos, she wrote:

"New Deal Alert

Brand Ambassador @leisure_court I am super delighted with this collaboration and looking forward to an amazing partnership with this reputable real estate company

My lovelies follow @leisure_court lots of goodies awaits you! Don't say I didn't tell you oh! Cos it's a matter of first come, first serve!

We muveeeeeeeeeee!"

See the post below:

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Singer, Iyanya bags political appointment

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 02:00 AM PDT

Popular crooner, Iyanya Mbuk has been appointed the Senior Special Assistant on Tourism and Entertainment to the Cross River State Governor, Ben Ayade.

The announcement was made on 1st September 2021, Wednesday precisely.

The singer alongside 12 individuals was given the privilege to occupy various prestigious positions in the Cross River State government.

Fortunately, Iyanya has just pocketed a big deal. The singer who seems to be tilting towards the political sphere of life is known for his nice songs and awesome dance moves.

Refer to the memo below:

In related news, Veteran Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe also took to her official Instagram page to announce the recent ambassadorial deal she bagged with a real estate company.

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Man turns down marriage with lady who has no father, earns low, and has many siblings

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 01:30 AM PDT

Young man narrates the drastic approach his uncle took after realizing that his wife-to-be has many siblings, with no father.

According to a Twitter user identified as @AkwariCharles, his uncle turned down marriage to the young lady because of the number of siblings she has due to the fear of excessive responsibilities falling on him in the future.

"My uncle refused to marry a lady because she has a lot of siblings with no dad and their income level wasn't that great. Sometimes love is not enough. He was just scared of savoring too many responsibilities and I agree with his decision," he wrote in a tweet.

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Reality star, Tacha brags after featuring on U.S Weekly magazine –“I’m not on your fave’s level”

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 01:00 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija star, Tacha has taken to social media to brag profusely after she was featured in the US Weekly Magazine.

Us Weekly is basically a weekly celebrity and entertainment magazine based in New York City and the ex-pepper dem housemate happened to have appeared on it lately.

Expressing her excitement, she shared a video via her Twitter handle where she boasted greatly about the achievement and maintained that she isn't on the same level as other celebrities.

Tacha further asserted that before she can hold a conversation with other celebrities, they need to have attained this great milestone and only when they do so can she consider a chat with them.

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