Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

O Good Jesus, Make Us Open Our hearts To You

Posted: 02 Oct 2021 05:31 PM PDT

RED OCTOBER - ALERT: Deep Large M7.2 Earthquake hits below whole West Pacific - Global unrest coming, Moderna Crash, Fauci’s Removal?

Posted: 02 Oct 2021 04:58 PM PDT

8K An Anon asked Dan Scavino to post an Eagle image the day before the "Storm" tweet was to be posted. He posted an Eagle yesterday, 10/1, therefore the tweet should come today 10/2/21.

Google was asked when GESARA would start, and the answer was "Friday 15th October 2021."

Now subtract 13 days (10 Days of Darkness to move us back from Gregorian to Julian calendar) plus 3 days darkness Scare Event) and you arrive at October 2nd (Mickey Mouse clock).

Sat. 2 Oct. Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System and Beginning of Three Day Scare Event (?), False Flag Scenario

Tues. 5 Oct. Beginning of Ten Days of Darkness where with the Mass Media Satellite System is taken down, eight-hour information videos giving new revelations would be broadcast 24/7 on TV, radio, and phones, using the new Starlight Satellite System.

Fri. 15 Oct. End of Ten Days of Darkness, Announcement of implementation of NESARA/GESARA.

17 days! Boom! GESARA October 15th….

"The combination of Molunpiravir, Tollovir, and leronlimab is going to lead to Fauci's ultimate checkmate and removal. The loss of human life as a result of his failed strategies is mind boggling and it won't take long for the press to turn on him with a death grip. "  "If they authorize the Merck, they cannot mandate vaccines, as emergency use exist only if no other treatment exist"  

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