Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

INFORMED CONSENT: HEK293T, Human Embryonic Kidney Cells, experiment 293, PfizerVax

Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:30 PM PDT

8Kun ▶Anonymous 10/07/21 (Thu) 01:37:01  No.14736431 

I'm an RN anon and on unpaid leave due to the stupid vaxx.

I was a pediatric ICU nurse and the symptoms we saw is inexplicable in young kids. You don't see appendicitis in young people or myocarditis or shortness of breath. And I'm talking about kids 10 years old and under. Scary stuff. I truly believe that vaxxed people are super spreaders. All the sick kids were in a house with at least 2-3 vaxxed people around them. 

I'm praying for myself and for the whole country the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. God will lead us through these times. I was very close to getting the vaxx but decided to pray on the way and that's when I made my decision. We might be tight in money and we might loose the house but God is good and I put all my trust in him. 

There are many people like us across the country 

There is a group of lawyers helping many people. liberty council is one of them and they are doing it for free 

www.lc.org check their website 

Some days I'm depressed and down and then I come here and lurk and it feels good again 

I'm praying for this lady's safety and hopefully this will be over soon 

Keep us in your prayers

If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are: Vaxxed Blood Under Microscope �� #CHINA

Posted: 06 Oct 2021 05:29 PM PDT

Chinese Police Officer Steps Forward 

COLUMBUS, OhioA firefighter, college professor and a Cleveland-area city councilman were among 161 people arrested in a sex sting operation last week, described as the state's largest focused on human trafficking. 

................ &, just how bad it really is.

Coronavirus, Event 201, the Global Vaccine Industry and the Gates Foundation 

'A New Avian Flu Virus' to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination

Cardiac Sonographer Blows Whistle: Jabs DEADLY For Young People!

💣Vaxxed Blood Under Microscope: Compilation Of Research From Numerous Separate Investigations 

............... & this.

"it is becoming too obvious the Corona shots are weapons. Lately, pictures of the first babies born to vaxxed moms, moms who got the shot after conception but before birth - and the results are horrific. I believe it is entirely possible Facebook got shut down to prevent the photos from propagating. Facebook can search a text string for an auto ban, but photos are far more difficult and the day Facebook went down was the day that topic should have exploded.​

If they cannot get the horrible reports about maimed babies and more under control, they really will pull the plug and the 15th would not be a surprise.

Now, upon reflecting on everything taking place now it becomes obvious we clearly have a world war going on, with the primary hot weapon being a shot. Secondary weapons are the lockdowns, scamming media, and manipulative doctors. If you go over all the nurse testimony, you'll quickly realize that ALL OF THEM are saying that the doctors are refusing to acknowledge anything is going on with the shot, while the nurses observe it every single day. Why would the doctors refuse to acknowledge this? ANSWER: because the moment they do, they become liable for anything that happens. Up until they actually acknowledge the shot is maiming people they can claim plausible deniability and ignorance, and cannot be sued no matter how many nurses tell them. And there is a payoff:

Typically, the doctors who are fully corruptible are in this game for six figure payoffs monthly, to just look away and let it happen. And it is happening. Those two baby photos say it. The unemployment stats say it. Countless nurses say it. The supply shortages and chip shortages for "lack of workers" say it. Countless first responders, and even police officers quitting SAYS IT. Let's face it: If when New York put in place a mandate for ALL medical workers to get the shot 40,000 quit, 40,000 who saw first hand what this shot is doing to people quit, but were corrupt enough to keep doing it as long as it was not happening to them something is SERIOUSLY WRONG and it is about to come to a head.

Things are continuing to go exponentially against the shot. People are waking up. When will critical mass hit? Probably in a week or so, damn close to the predicted shut down date many people are repeating - the 15th." 


8kun▶ No.14733770 

As a young man, I had a Mosquito Coast "F%$# America" phase and relocated to a country that seemed nicer, but whose government now is revealed to be in the pocket of Chyna, and whose media hides all the habbenings going on in the world nowadays from its citizenry.

They are heating the water very slowly here, because it is a relatively small country, and too much heat too fast would create too much blowback. To feel the heat amongst people who mostly don't is lonely and demoralizing.

I see you fags in America complaining about the normies who don't feel it, but trust me, the numbness is way worse here.

I made a huge mistake. I opted for comfort and convenience. I am married into this country and society, am now pushing old age, and wish I wasn't here, but now there is no turning back.

I wish I was back in my homeland, in the belly of the beast, where I could make a real stand. That will never happen. I can't even visit America now without valid vaxx papers, which I will never be able to produce.

To make matters worse, this provincial govt, which has its lips locked onto the teat of the NWO, seems dedicated to ongoing lockdowns and vaccine promotion. I have been preparing for the possibility that this govt demands that I get vaxxed in order to renew my business license. If that happens, I am basically SOL. I have invested all disposable assets into long-term food and medicine storage.

Much better to be back in the heart of the conflict with one's countrymen. It's a very lonely experience, and if things keep going the way they are, I don't look forward to getting elderly here. There is very little I can do here to sway public consciousness. The best I can do is to frequent this board and make memes.

Any young people here who wish they could flee the country? Never do it. Stand your ground. Stand up and do what is right for America. The world depends on America. America, for all its faults, is the greatest country that ever existed on the face of this planet. Never abandon it. Never sacrifice its principles. Never forget its foundation.

Dearest Brothers & Sisters in Christ

Posted: 06 Oct 2021 05:30 PM PDT

The Geese left this morning flying South/South-West. We are preparing now for the winter ... & the Holy Season! Do Not Fear. This Victory was Won @ the Beginning of Time. Hold on w/both hands very tightly & PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! 

Yours In Jesus & Mary, the little brother.

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