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What to do when you overcook jollof

Posted: 31 Oct 2021 12:00 AM PDT

While some cooking disasters have no remedy, overcooking your jollof is something that can be fixed.

Jollof rice is cooked with both water and steam, making it very easy to overcook.

When you cook your jollof rice, you must use equal parts of rice and water so that steam can play its role in cooking the rice.

However, you can easily overcook your jollof rice, and it won't necessarily be because you put in too much water.

If you leave your rice covered immediately after cooking it, the steam from the pot will further cook it and leave you with a soggy mess.

However, whatever the reason, if you slightly overcook your jollof rice, the situation can be salvaged.

First of all, the moment your rice looks soggy, DON'T leave it in the pot.

You should cool it down as quickly as possible to stop the cooking process. You should immediately spread it out on an a big tray leave to cool.

If you're afraid that it is really soggy, then place it in a cool place such as an open fridge (closing the fridge means that condensation will pull on your food, so don't).

You might want to throw the cooled down rice in the oven so that it completely dries out for good measure.

The health benefits of shea butter

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 11:30 PM PDT

It seems to be everyone's favourite product but shea butter does so much more than you can imagine. Take a look at the benefits!

Fairly recently, this butter has gained huge popularity in the western world due to its widespread use in several beauty products, such as lotions, cosmetics, shampoos, and conditioners.

If you are looking to find a great natural beauty product for your skin or hair, then shea butter is a wonderful choice. There's more to shea than just beauty though, we are here to tell you more about the health and nutritional benefits of shea.

What is Shea Butter?
According to Wellness Mama:

Shea butter is a skin superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Shea (Karite) tree and that is naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F. It offers UV protection (it is SPF ~6) and provides the skin with essential fatty acids and the nutrients necessary for collagen production.

Shea butter has been used in Africa and many other locations for years to improve skin and hair. It also has a long history of medicinal use, such as in wound care and even treating leprosy.

It's also not uncommon in that part of the world to eat shea butter as well, much as we use palm oil in products. There's differing opinions on whether or not it's healthy to eat, and since some studies suggest that ingesting shea butter may interfere with the digestion of other proteins.

Health Benefits of Shea Butter
Shea butter is a mixture of different types of fats. Fats are made of two main components; glycerol and fatty acids.

Stay Well Now claims that:

In the case of shea butter, there are five different fatty acids; oleic acid (the same fatty acid in olive oil and sunflower oil), stearic acid (the same fatty acid in cocoa butter), linoleic acid, palmitic acid (the same fatty acid in palm oil) and arachidic acid (the same fatty acid in groundnut oil and groundnut paste).

Three of the fatty acids in shea butter are saturated fatty acids, which are generally regarded as less nutritious. However, recent studies have shown that the predominant saturated fatty acid in shea butter, stearic acid (which makes up about 40% of shea butter), is linked with a reduced risk of heart diseases, hence, shea butter is a healthier replacement for margarine. This is because margarine contains trans-fatty acids which are linked with heart diseases.

They go on to say that, ''shea butter also contains lupeol, a chemical that lowers cholesterol and protects the heart and blood vessels against inflammations. Also, there are seven other naturally-occurring chemicals in shea butter that help reduce pain by reducing inflammations.''

Moreover, shea butter is a good source of phenols which are strong antioxidants that prevent cancers and heart diseases.

Furthermore, shea butter is a great source of vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin A which both protect the skin and help to promote good eyesight.

Not only is shea good for the skin, hair and nails but it offers excellent health benefits. It's a rich source of vitamins and contains disease fighting antioxidants. The ways in which shea butter promotes heart health mean it's also a great ingredient to cook with. We love a multi-tasking product!

5 Dating Tips For Single Moms

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 11:00 PM PDT

Parenting can be very challenging, even when both parents are available, let alone having to do it all by yourself. It is hard and draining!

So it is understandable if dating is not your priority at the moment as a single mum. Take all the time you need.

This article is for single mums who are willing and ready to give love/relationship a shot again. Here, I've shared strategies and tips Single mums who are currently dating swear by —hopefully, they'll help you, too!

1. Ditch the Guilt
Guilt may creep in. Especially on occasions where you have to leave your kid(s) in the care of someone else to go out on a date. Release the feelings of guilt. As much as you want the best for your kids, you also deserve to be happy and have fun. Take time away when you need to.

2. Prioritize Dating
I know it sounds weird. How can dating be important when you have 1 million pending items to check off your todo list? A happy mum makes a happy child(ren). It's easy to sit home and be tired and follow the same routine every day and totally forget yourself. Don't!

3. Know your Deal Breakers
A misfit between your kids and the person you are dating is definitely a deal breaker as you don't want any friction or pressure added to the one you already have.

4. Be Blunt
Be straightforward with your expectations. Dating as a single mum is a lot different from dating as a spinster. You need to be able to state clearly what your expectations are. Are you looking for a buddy to hang out with and just have fun? Or are you looking for a life partner? It's best to find out if your relationship goals align as early as possible to avoid drama and time wasting.

5. Don't be desperate
People automatically assume being a single mum makes you desperate for companionship. You need to empower yourself financially, emotionally and mentally. That distinction is important because it changes the power dynamic.

This is how and when to seek clarity when dating

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 10:30 PM PDT

Seeking the assurance of labels and asking difficult questions like 'what are we?' can be pretty tricky but they are absolutely necessary.

So here you are, meeting up with a guy for occasional dates, talking on the phone for hours, and just vibing well and getting to know each other. As time goes on, the dates become more frequent… you feel good with each other, everything is nice and sweet… but there are still no labels.

You are dating and basically doing other 'relationship stuff', but you're still not in a relationship because, of course, the topic has not been broached even though it's eating you up inside.

This is a familiar juncture for many ladies. The part where you have to say, "damn it, I need to know what we are doing here!"

After a while of dating and being together without labels, the need for clarification and clear expression of intent is needed so you know if what you're feeling is mutual or you're on your own.

You know it could go either way – he could just be enjoying the dates, sex and all that while you are already catching feelings and getting attached; or he could be feeling you too but wondering if the time to ask is right or not.

Also he could just be seeking just friendship with benefits, or just a casual sexual relationship.

The easiest way to find out would be to ask him, right?
It sounds pretty easy to mention that all you need to do is ask what it is you're both doing; and what all the dates, hangouts, and phone calls mean to him. You need to ask, so you know whether you are both on the same page or not.

Sadly it's never that easy to ask
Most women fear that the guy might not be interested in a relationship, that all the time they've spent dating and hoping for a happy ending would be a waste. So they continue in the situationship even further… setting themselves up for bigger misery.

The real possibility of disappointment is not what many are prepared to face and imagine initiating this conversation and the guy happens to just be catching cruise and enjoying himself, with no feelings attached. That'll be mightily awkward to say the very least.

These are some of the reason why many women would rather stay in the comfort of not asking the 'what are we' question.

However, as probable as the disappointment might be, you still need to know! Ignorance is not bliss in this situation!

If a guy is not clearly stating his intentions or putting labels on what's going on between you both and you feel time is being wasted, you need to absolutely ask. Regardless of fear of losing him.

But when is the right time to ask?
Some believe one month is ideal depending on how quickly the bond is being created and how strong it's getting.

In my opinion, you have to ask before the end of three months after your first meeting.

This is reasonable enough so that you don't appear desperate to be in a relationship.

It also ensures you don't stay too long dating him only to find out that he has no intention of being in a relationship with you.

Rreasons why you should reduce bread consumption

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 10:00 PM PDT

Most bread are unhealthy in your diet for a number of reasons and here are a few.

Regular consumption of bread is harmful to the body. Here are the reasons why you should reduce your bread intake.

In Nigeria, bread is one of the most consumed foods all across the country. There are many meals that you can make with bread such as breakfast meals, bread and akara sandwich and many more. However, scientific reasons have made us believe that eating bread on a regular basis might not be as healthy as one thinks.

1. Increases blood sugar level
When you eat processed carbs, your blood sugar spikes, insulin surges, blood sugar crashes and you feel like sleeping, so you eat more carbs to bring yourself back up to consciousness.

2. Difficult to digest
When a grain is refined, the outermost and innermost layers of the grain are removed. This removes the fiber and some protein, leaving behind the starch. This lack of starch causes the bread to turn into a sticky, gluey mass when mixed with the digestive juice in the stomach. This stays in the system for long and causes a toxic build up in the body.

Bread also has lots of gluten which causes bloating, stool inconsistency, damage to the wall of the intestinal tract and tiredness.

3. Accelerates weight gain
Packaged and pre-sliced white bread contains only highly-processed, simple carbohydrate because all the refining removes all the healthy nutrients. It is also full of salt, refined sugar and preservatives. If you eat too much bread, it can make you put on loads of weight.

4. Contains anti-nutrients
Lectins and Phytates are toxins that are found in all grains and legumes that bind to certain nutrients (like iron, zinc, calcium and others) and can slow or inhibit your body's ability to absorb those nutrients. Since bread is made of grains, it can be bad for your stomach, causing inflammation of the stomach lining, making it difficult to absorb nutrients in the foods we eat.

5. Might contain dangerous chemicals
Due to the different ways in which bread is made, there can be different flour treating agents to make the bread fluffy, soft and give it a good finish. Some of these agents can be dangerous to the body in the long run, such as potassium bromate, saccharine and iodate.

The Health benefits of soursop

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 09:00 AM PDT

Soursop juice has been used for centuries as a form of pain reliever while pulverized seeds and concoctions made of leaves are also popular forms of natural remedies.

The rich nutrient content of soursop includes vitamin C, vitamin B, and a number of antioxidant compounds.

The fruit is mostly found in Mexico, the Caribbean, parts of South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

1. Relieves Respiratory Distress

Patients suffering from respiratory ailments like a cough, cold, or other forms, soursop's anti-inflammatory properties can help clear out airways, relieve congestion, and soothe irritation. Used partially as an expectorant, soursop is a reliable way to eliminate phlegm and mucus, where many pathogens can live.

2. Treats Insomnia
If you're suffering from insomnia or restless sleep, soursop tea is a wise choice. Soursop tea has been used for centuries as a stress relieving agent. There are certain anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of soursop that make it very effective for sufferers of excessive stress and anxiety.

3. Prevents Cancer
Extensive research has been done on the organic compounds of soursop and it has been widely studied as an alternative cancer treatment.

Its antioxidant activity, which comes from acetogenins, as well as quinolones and alkaloids have been directly linked to cancer prevention and a reduction in the size of tumors. They can cut off blood flow to foreign or non-normal cellular growths, and have already been positively associated with treating breast, pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancers.

4. Boosts Immunity
Adding a bit of soursop fruit to your diet, either through refreshing beverages or desserts, can positively impact your overall health. Rich in vitamin C, the soursop stimulates the production of white blood cells, while the concentration of antioxidants helps to neutralize free radicals and prevent chronic disease.

5. Analgesic Properties
Soursop is famous for being a pain reliever. It has been applied to wounds and injuries for generations and also works internally to relieve pain and speed healing. The anti-inflammatory effect of this fruit makes it an ideal solution for all types of body pain.

Paddy McGuinness –How Prince Harry Kissed Me On The Lips Before ‘Disappearing’

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 08:00 AM PDT

English actor, comedian and television presenter, Paddy McGuiness disclosed how he took delight in a boozy night out with Prince Harry who allegedly kissed him after they engaged in a topless dance-off.

The English actor made this revelation in his new autobiography, My Lifey, which was published October 28.

He claims the Prince Harry kiss took place after a Soccer Aid party in June 2016, weeks before the Prince met Meghan Markle.

According to the Top Gear host, the prince was desperate to visit the island of Fernando's which is a fictional holiday destination for couples on his ITV dating show Take Me Out.

Paddy said: "To say we were dancing close was an understatement — our chests were touching. He asked me again if I could send him to Fernando's.

"He then proceeded to take my shirt off. So now I'm topless, a bottle of beer in each hand, dancing with Prince Harry."

After the pair had faced each other in the dance-off, Paddy recalled Harry disappearing.

He later returned, offering out Jagerbombs as he started another dance-off with the Take Me Out presenter.

Paddy continued: "We finished dancing and while everyone was cheering, we embraced and he gave me a smacker on the lips."

Soon after the kiss, Paddy recalled the prince leaving immediately leaving everyone open-mouthed and shocked but agreeing that Harry was an "absolute legend."

The next day, Paddy said the royal asked him how his head was and texted Jack to thank everyone for a great night.

Actress, Patience Ozonkwor Cries Out – How Fraudsters Almost Landed Me In Trouble In France

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 07:00 AM PDT

Veteran Nollywood Actress, Patience Ozokwor, has narrated how she was wrongly accused of being a fraudster in France.

The actress said during a trip to the European country, someone accosted her, saying she was duped.

Taking to her Instagram page, she put out a disclaimer over fake accounts using her name and picture to defraud people.

She said, "Why do people always try to discredit genuine businesses by creating fake accounts and duping people of their hard-earned money?

"I cannot count how many messages I have received about giveaways I'm doing on Facebook or other social media platforms.

"A while ago, I was vehemently attacked by a group in France who swore I signed a contract and took a huge deposit to do business with them – it certainly wasn't me.

"To be honest, it is quite disheartening. Any brand I support is genuine. If they stop being genuine, I leave sharp sharp.

"My apologies to all those who have been duped in my name. I have tried to close so many fake accounts -still trying. Please note that anything that sounds too good to be true is probably not true. Investigate before you invest. Check for real accounts and contacts."


Reactions as lady praises fans for allegedly aiding suspension of blog that shared Liquorose’s photo with ‘nasty caption’

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Lady showers accolade on fans of the popular reality star, Roseline 'Liquorose' Afije who allegedly aided the suspension of a notable Instagram blog page.

Earlier, Linda Ikeji blog shared a photo on Instagram of Liqourose's see-through outfit with a caption considered to be offensive by her fans.

"Liquorose attends event almost nakkkked in see-through dress and no bra," the blog wrote.

Hours after the post, Instagram took down the page for reasons unknown; all posts, including access, were withdrawn from the page.

In reaction, a Twitter user identified as @Dynamic61312107 applauded fans of Liquorose for supposedly having a hand in the reprimand of the account over the 'nasty comment.'

"Okay so earlier i woke up Nd saw that Lindaikeji posted Liquorose' outfit with some nasty caption on IG..Now i wanted to pay her blog a visit but i can't find her page anymore🤷‍♀️Liquolions,Rosearmy Nd EmmaRose what hv you guys done😂?Love you guys!🤩," she wrote.

See reactions that followed …

Moment, Whitemoney and other housemates meet Lagos State Gov., Babajide Sanwo-Olu

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 05:30 AM PDT

The finalist of the just concluded Big Brother Naija reality show gets to meet the Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu at an event organized by the State.

The final six met with the Lagos state Governor, Sanwo-Olu, at the State's Lotteries and Gaming Authority Press Briefing at the unveiling of her new brand identity.

Whitemoney, Pere, Angel, Liquorose, Emmanuel, and Cross all graced the event with their presence.

More details to follow as the event is been held live …

Watch the video below …



Rosy Meurer selects followers on IG who accused her of snatching Tonto Dikeh’s husband

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actress, Rosy Meurer took out time to carefully respond to her Instagram (IG) followers who accused her of ruining Tonto Dikeh's home and snatching her husband, Olakunle Churchill.

The mother of one who launched a question and answers session on her Instagram page seems to have gotten lots of weird questions which she scrupulously addressed.

Some of these social media users questioned her happiness in such a marriage and proclaimed that Karma will surely find her.

A follower wrote: "You married a single man that you broke his home gosh, he would still leave you sha".

Replying to this, Rosy Meurer wrote: "HAHAH!!! YOU WISH", 

Another follower asked, "Why did you marry your brother, you snatched someone's husband"

Rosy asserted: "Old gist move on".

Another netizen wrote, "Are you happy that you are with someone's husband now?"

The thespian wrote: "I married a single man and yes I am happy"

See their exchange below:

Uche Maduagwu says, drags her over party dress —“I sincerely regret supporting Liquorose for BBNaija”

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 04:30 AM PDT

Nollywood actor, Uche Maduagwu has slammed BBNaija Season 6 finalist, Liquorose over her party dress, which she wore recently.

Recall that Liquorose has been in the news for controversial reasons, after wearing an extremely revealing outfit to a party organised for ex-housemates by  Tecno Mobile, recently.

However, while many people criticised Liquorose over her dress, some of her die-hard fans have also thrown in their support behind the dancer.

But it appears Uche Maduagwu who is a staunch supporter of Liquorose himself, is not happy with her outfit.

He wrote on his official Instagram page;

"Biko how exactly did we get here that a few now choose semi nudity as the only way to getting attention? I sincerely regret supporting #Liquorose for #bbnaija6 after seeing this, dem say she want to #dress like Rihanna, but this look like Rukayat because Riri is #American not Nigerian, if Genevieve Nnaji started this way abeg will she be RESPECTED all over Africa"

See post below:

Reality star, Omashola finally breaks silence following his ‘viral’ video –“I was dealing with some deep issues”

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 04:00 AM PDT

Reality star, Omashola has finally spoken up after the video of him dressed in a disturbing outfit surfaced online.

Recall that social media went agog, after his colleague, Ike Onyema shared a short clip of Omashola in a pitiful state and apparently looking mad. In the video, his looks depicted one who might have lost his senses and due to his last post before this video surfaced, panic gripped a lot of people.

However, amid this worrisome situation, the Big Brother Naija star, took to his Instagram handle to appreciate those who checked up on him lately, while admitting to having been dealing with some deep issues.

He wrote:

"I want to use this medium to thank everybody who checked up on me one way or the other. I'm overwhelmed by your love and support and I sincerely appreciate it. I was dealing with some deep issues but I am making headways and better now by God's Grace.
Thank You".

See the post below:


Wizkid blesses son, Zion with loads of gift items on 4th birthday

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 03:30 AM PDT

Singer and songwriter, Wizkid has celebrated his son, Zion Balogun with loads of gifts on his 4th birthday, recently.

The little boy turned 4 years on October 28, 2021, and the legendary singer decided to spoil him by buying numerous expensive gifts to mark his day.

Zion is Wizkid's third son from his third baby mama, Jada Pollock, who also doubles as his manager.

In a video currently making the rounds online, Zion could be seen unboxing the gifts which had been laid out in a beautifully decorated room.

Meanwhile, his mother, Jada Pollock could be seen watching him as he expressed excitement over the items he received from his dad.

Williams Uchemba flaunts final result of his hair cut, after his wife shaved his hair

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 03:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actor, Williams Uchemba has shown off the final result of his hair after he allowed his wife to shave him.

Before his wife began cutting his hair, Williams took to Instagram to appeal to fans to pray for him.

"I haven't had a decent haircut for almost a month and I have been wearing hoodies like a criminal( just kidding) .

Yes I have been busy but the main reason I haven't had a haircut is because the last times a white man touched my hair he collected £50 only to shame me. Now my wife said she wants to cut my hair( note: she has never touched clipper before), she has been watching YouTube video and somehow deep down in my heart I believe she can deliver. I have been thinking about it. Should I let her?"

He finally allowed her do the work and he shared a video of the final result after she was done.

Watch video below;

BBNaija star, Liquorose dragged to filth over revealing outfit to event

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 02:30 AM PDT

Runner up of the just concluded Big Brother Naija reality show, Roseline 'Liquorose' Afije, comes under fire over a revealing outfit she wore to a recent event.

Smartphone device brand, Tecno, held a dinner party on Thursday evening themed 'Tecno x BBN party,' which witnessed the attendance of some of the ex-housemates, one of which included Liquorose.

The dancer, however, stepped out in a perforated see-through outfit that triggered reactions from fans who slammed her for trying to dress like the American singer, Rihanna.

Watch the video below …

Comedian, Real Warri Pikin shares stunning photos as she celebrates her birthday

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 02:00 AM PDT

Popular comedienne, Real Warri Pikin, recently turned a year older and she is celebrating her birthday yesterday, October 29, 2021.

Taking to her official Instagram page, the comedienne with the real name, Anita Asuoha, blessed her fans with gorgeous photos of herself.

She wore a blue shimmery dress in the photoshoot, as she put out her massive curves on full display.

The long shimmery blue dress was also complemented with a simple hairstyle and fitting blue earrings.

Real Warri Pikin then accompanied the photos with a simple caption, where she wished herself a happy birthday and expressed her love for God.

She wrote;

"Happy Birthday To ME! #mybirthdaywish … 'That we Serve God from a place of LOVE not WANT. Loving God Unconditionally' "

Ifu Ennada expresses sadness over title as a ‘Clitopreneur’ –“I’m hurt”

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 01:30 AM PDT

Popular reality star, Ifu Ennada expresses utmost heartbreak over comments from trolls on being a 'clitopreneur,' a title for those sleeping around to make money.

According to the fashion enthusiast who had stumbled on a blog post about her, emphasized the negativity aimed at her personality which bordered around being bankrolled by men.

Adding to her points, Ifu Ennada lamented how women are not appreciated for their hard work, rather being condemned with hurtful words.

"Just stumbled on a blog that wrote a post on me and over 90% of the comments there are so hateful, especially those from women – most of them calling me a "ClitoPrenuer". It's really sad. I mean, I show my process/my work here alot, some of you have followed me for the longest time and know how hard I work, but it's like no matter how legit your work is as a woman you never get the kind of respect accorded to male counterparts.

Perhaps these people just hate me… but I don't know what I've ever done to anyone to attract such hate. I mean I try to share love as much as possible… God is good shaa. 
Women are hardly respected in this part of the world. It's even worse when you're young and doing good for yourself. Most people are always quick to give an imaginary Sugar Dad glory for your work. Sad, sad, sad," she wrote.

Fela’s daughter reacts to Cross’ bathroom post – “He has thrown away key of shame, my father was like that”

Posted: 30 Oct 2021 01:00 AM PDT

Daughter of late music icon, Yeni Anikulapo-Kuti reacts to the viral Snapchat post of the popular reality star, Cross Ike.

It would be recalled that Cross mistakenly released a video of himself in the bathroom on a social media platform.

In a video released by TVC on Instagram, Yeni and her colleague could be heard debating on the reality star's predicament.

Yeni Kuti stated that her father, late Fela Anikulapo-Kuti was never bothered about revealing his body, and for that, she believes Cross also must have lost his 'key of shame.'

Watch the video below …

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