Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

media induced mass psychosis & THE SHT HITS THE FAN �� DEVOUT PAGANS, SATANISTS & TRAITORS

Posted: 05 Nov 2021 02:11 PM PDT

The Executive Order
Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience

On December 7th, 2020, Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13961: Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience (FMR EO). This Executive Order was released simultaneously with the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy 2020 (Strategy). I believe that by the end of this article, you will see that between the FMR EO and the Strategy, the entire framework for devolution has been sitting in the federal register for everybody to see since December 7th, 2020. Allow me to prove it to you:


8Kun - Remember in October of last year when the National File broke the story that Joe Biden took naked showers with his daughter as a child and she admitted she was abused as a child? THE NEW YORK TIMES JUST CONFIRMED THAT THE STORY IS REAL.

"NATIONAL FILE: https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/

National File has already reported several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared "probably not appropriate" showers with her father, the months of entries detailing the author's struggle with drug abuse, the entries that detail the author's crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, the entries showing the family's fears of a potential scandal due to her brother's new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation."


Rittenhouse was their victim.

meanwhile, IN MEXICO

They're Dead Jim: More Than 100 Million Not in Labor Force for 14th Straight Month; No Job, Not Looking ... &, do you know where your taxes go??!

/pol/ - Vaxxed are in a total cognitive decline 346126970 i work as a data scientists, and my vaxxed colleagues are essentially acting like drooling retards in a supposed high iq (or at least above average iq) profession ever since they got the science juice.
i am talking about having to repeat the same thing to them multiple times.
them asking me questions about things i literally answered like 2 hours ago.
having trouble any new complex concept, which they didn't know already

and it's not an immigrant / language issue either, i am not in america.

>>346126970 (OP) I thought this was a joke until interacting with my liberal friends that swallowed the vaccine pill completely.
The first dose I didn't notice any difference, though by the time they all had their 2nd and 3rd doses they changed.
It's like they've become a husk of their former selves in cognition with an inverse personality change, extroverted to introverted, to go along with it.
It's the saddest event I've ever had to witness, and to think it's happening globally with fanfare… its sickening.

>>346126970 (OP) This Vaccine is the greatest tragedy of our lives. do NOT give this poison to kids.

The "science" can't be that corrupt, right

11 states file suit against Biden's business vaccine mandate ........................... &, IN TEXAS!!

meanwhile, in Tasmania, South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland & Victoria.

the covid world.com 

& more muh Russia: This is worse than we imagined.  Special counsel John Durham's indictment of Igor Danchenko, the principal source for the bogus Steele dossier used by the FBI as a basis for the Trump-Russia investigation, further illustrates that Durham has his sights set on the Clinton campaign.

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