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Here are 3 ways to get rid of dry lips

Posted: 21 Nov 2021 01:00 AM PST

As we approach December, the weather gets drier and makes our lips look dry, chapped and cracked.

Having cracked and chapped lips are far from attractive, and you should do all you can to prevent it.

Lips get dried easily because they do not have oil glands like other parts of the body.

Incredibly dry weather can also cause your lips to get dried and chapped. Some drugs and medication are also responsible for giving you a chapped lip.

How to prevent having dried and cracked lips:

Use a non-irritating lip balm: Any lip balm, lip gloss or lipstick that makes your lips feel like they are burning or tingling is not good for you and is irritating your lips.
Drink plenty of water: Sometimes, your lips are dry because you are thirsty. Stay hydrated always to prevent having chapped lips.

Stop biting and licking your lips: Licking your lips is the easiest thing to do when you feel your lips are dried, but they make your lips feel more dried because they evaporate quickly.
Always apply lip balm several times a day and even before bed to have your lips look plump, alive, and luscious.

How "you may kiss the bride" became a wedding custom

Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:30 AM PST

It's a popular custom for couples to kiss immediately after tying the knot.

But how did this custom begin?

It is a practice you'll see at so many weddings, alright, but where did it begin from, and why was it necessary to begin it in the first instance.

You may kiss the bride: A brief history
It is claimed by several accounts that back in the day during the reign of the Roman empire, [753 BC to 27 BC and then from 64 AD to 1453 AD.], it is believed that the bride and the groom would not have kissed each other until the time of their wedding.

The kiss after the exchange of vows is seen traditionally as their first kiss ever.

Another reason why kissing after the vows became a thing was because marriages were seen as contracts and in Roman times kissing was a legal bond that sealed all contracts.

So, the couple would kiss as a seal to the marriage contract they concluded.

A kiss of peace
Another account traces it back to the holy kiss given by ancient priests who conduct wedding ceremonies.

Back then, it was customary for the priest to give a holy 'kiss of peace' to the groom, who in return kisses the bride.

Eventually, "you may now kiss the bride," became a common phrase heard at weddings as a result of this.

Religious influence
Some Christians, according to Wikipedia, believe that that first post-wedding kiss symbolizes the exchange of souls between the bride and the groom, fulfilling the part of the bible that says "…the two shall become one flesh." [Genesis 2:24]

However, though many wedding ceremonies would include this action in the wedding program, the kiss is not traditionally a part of the religious ceremony and your wedding remains valid whether or not you and your boo kiss at the altar.

Why it is so wonderful to date a Shy guy

Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:00 AM PST

So you're looking for a macho man, a man who takes charge and never hesitates to make the first move. But the thing is, men like these have repeatedly fed you breakfast (heartbreaks).

Now, What will you do?

Will you keep receiving breakfast till you find the right one (you might not) or would you consider dating a more quiet and reserved man?

In this article, I'll give you 5 reasons why you should date a Shy Guy.

1. Shy Guys Are Attractive

Close your eyes and think of all the shy guys you know; how many of them do you think are ugly?

I'll take a wild guess: none.

I thought as much; shy men are typically quite handsome. Perhaps it's because they don't talk much and hence get into fewer fights and have fewer facial scars.

I'm joking; I'm not sure why they're so adorable, but they are.

2. Good Listeners

Shy men pay close attention to what's going on around them. They don't say much, so they take the time to listen. Thus, if you're having a bad day, need to vent, or if a coworker is getting on your nerves and you need someone to talk to, you know who to call.

3. Calmer and Less Threatening

It's easy to approach shy guys. They appear less intimidating and exude a calm demeanor.

This tranquility can be particularly valuable in situations where emotions are bottled up and some calm is required.

4. Careful With Words

Shy guys recognize the power of words; after all, social influences (words and behaviors they've heard/witnessed) are one of the reasons they're shy.

As a result, they are able to reach a high level of emotional maturity. They understand how our emotions and reactions are influenced by the words we use. Hence, they speak cautiously.

When you get into an argument with a shy person, he's less likely to call you unprintable names.

5. Easy To Please

Shy guys are introverted; they dislike loud social gatherings. They'd rather stay home with their lover, watch movies and make babies.

As such, they're simple to please. For them, you don't have to do anything loud or noisy. All he needs is for you to spend quality time with him and show him affection.
Funmi is a Writer, Thinker and Marketing buff. Like Mark Manson, he hopes to give life advice that doesn't suck.
Nollywoodtimes Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf.

The health benefits of this organic product are priceless - 'Palm Kernel Oil'

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 11:30 PM PST

Palm kernel is known to offer numerous health benefits that help prevents and heal life-threatening illnesses.

The palm tree is arguably the richest tree on earth when it comes to natural endowments. It is blessed with a lot of priceless resources, which among them is the palm kernel oil.

Palm kernel oil is extracted from palm fruit. It is dark black in colour and distinguishes itself with a unique strong taste and smell.

Popular for its healing properties across the southern and eastern part of Nigeria, palm kernel is known to offer numerous health benefits that help prevents and heal life-threatening illnesses.

It is also useful for cooking as it is free of cholesterol. As a matter of fact, medical practitioners do advise people suffering from heart problems and high cholesterol level to make use of palm kernel oil when cooking because it is more beneficial to their health.

According to recent studies, the dark black oil is primarily composed of fatty triglycerides, with approximately 80 percent saturated fats and 20 percent unsaturated fats. And it can be found in a number of products, including margarine, vegetable oil, and shortening, creamers, chocolate and ice cream.

Here are seven priceless health benefits of palm kernel oil

1. It is a great remedy for epilepsy
Alternative medicine has shown that palm kernel oil is a wonderful solution when it comes to treating convulsion in kids. Its healing properties help combats the effect of epilepsy attack, as well as offering great relief.

2. Palm kernel oil helps prevent aging
Palm kernel oil is a rich antioxidants agent that contains vitamin E. And vitamin E, coupled with the antioxidants properties in it, help prevent the signs and symptoms of aging.

Observation has also shown that the use of palm kernel oil does not only prevent fine lines, it helps delay sagging and wrinkled skin. And according to research findings, palm kernel oil offers protection from the adverse effects of UV rays and several other toxic substances.

3. Palm kernel oil increases hair growth
Palm kernel oil has not only shown amazing results, in terms of growth, when applied to the hair, it also encourages thicker hair as well as preventing hair fall.

In addition, palm kernel oil nourishes the hair and makes it stronger than usual as a result of the conditioning it provides.

4. It helps to detoxify the body
Palm kernel oil does not only remove toxins from the body, it also purifies every cell of the body as well as rejuvenating them.

5. It helps in softening the skin
Apart from being an anti-aging agent, palm kernel oil also helps in making the skin soft without the skin getting greasy in appearance.

This is why most soap and cream industry have continued to make use of its oil as ingredients when producing their products.

Providing comprehensive benefits that are often overlooked, palm kernel oil helps in combating itchy skin, as well as providing relief to ragged cuticles.

6. It helps in controlling blood pressure
Studies have shown that also helps control the free flow of blood from the heart to other organs of the body. And by so doing, it helps in keeping the blood pressure under control, thereby preventing the risk of hypertension.

7. It tackles body odor
Owing to its unique strong smell, palm kernel oil helps tackle body odor when it is applied to the skin on a regular basis.

Natural home remedies that cures stomach ulcer

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 11:00 PM PST

Ulcers can develop in most parts of one's body including the lining of the stomach.

Though there is no complete cure, some natural remedies can help relieve the pain and various symptoms that ulcers illicit.

Stomach ulcers are sores that develop in the lining of the stomach or part of the small intestine. Stomach ulcers are also known as peptic or gastric ulcers.

Causes of ulcers include:
an infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria
long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines and ibuprofen
Stress and spicy food can also exacerbate the symptoms of an ulcer. Although they do not cause ulcers, they can make the situation worse by increasing the amount of stomach acid produced.

1. Honey
Manuka honey has antimicrobial properties that may be useful when treating ulcers.

Honey is a popular, natural sweetener used across the United States. People who consume honey regularly can enjoy a range of health benefits.

Some use honey to speed up wound healing, including skin ulcers, burns, and wounds.

2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a popular plant-based oil found in many topical lotions, cosmetics, and foods.

Some studies looking at how aloe vera affected stomach ulcers produced favorable results. Studies have also shown that aloe vera treated ulcers in a similar way to a popular anti-ulcer medication.

3. Garlic
Garlic is popular in many parts of the world for adding flavor to food. Garlic has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which make it helpful in fighting infections.

Some studies do support garlic's effectiveness in treating ulcers. For example, a 2016 study on animals showed that garlic could help prevent the development of ulcers and help speed up the healing process.

4. Probiotics
Probiotics are living organisms that help restore balance to the bacteria in the digestive tract. As well as helping achieve optimal gut health, they can help with treating ulcers.

When taken alongside other treatments, probiotics may help eradicate harmful bacteria.

People can find probiotics in the following sources:

fermented foods
probiotic supplements
Some foods have probiotics in them. But, consider taking supplements as they have higher concentrations of probiotics per serving.

5. Ginger
Many believe that ginger has gastroprotective effects and some people use it to treat stomach and digestive conditions, such as constipation, bloating, and gastritis.

However, the majority of these positive results hail from tests on animals so it is not clear whether the effects would be similar in humans.

Here are 5 reassurances your girlfriend needs to hear regularly

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 10:30 PM PST

How exactly do you give assurances to the woman you truly love?

Everyone, and more especially women want to be certain that they are the only one except, of course, those that willingly became side chicks.

Even at that, everyone still wants to be sure the terms on which they entered into the relationship/situationship has not changed. People want to feel special not just at the beginning but for the entire duration of the relationship – a duration which is often hoped would be endless.

So how exactly does one give assurance to his girlfriend or the woman in his life?

PRO TIP: You don't have to have ₦30 billion in the account to do any of these.

1. Assure her that she's the only one
Look her in the eye, tell her she's the only one. Hold her face in your hands as you say so. Be close enough for the timbre of your voice to create gentle echoes in her heart and spread into every tiny bit of her consciousness.

She needs to be reassured that despite how rough life can get sometimes, she's still the one you with whom you want to find calmness, the one with whom, and in whose arms you want to enjoy *-the peace and tranquility that always comes after the storm.

And mean it every time you say it.

2. Reassure her that she's beautiful
Yes, her beauty drew you in. The alignment of her eyes and nose and lips and the way her smile lit something inside you and made your heart skip like a lamb… it all made you die for her. And it wasn't until you got her that you felt alive again.

Never let her forget this. You need to always reassure her that she's still beautiful, that time has not put a film too thick in your eyes to stop you from seeing how pretty she is.

The problem is that guys often forget this. They often become numb to the beauty their babes are. Don't be that guy who forgets to melt at the terrific beauty he's been blessed with. Always remind yourself of how lucky you are and let her know about it. Other guys may say it, but she needs it for you.

3. Assure her with gifts
Ok. You may think I do not have ₦30Billion in your account but you actually do not need a Porsche before to impress your girl.

Little gifts, grand gifts, every one you give within your means to please your girl are assurances that you have her in your mind and that she's special.

Don't ever forget to keep assuring her.

4. Reassure her of the future
She wants to be sure that this is not just about the here and now.

Sure, everyone wants to live in the moment and it's good to not overthink things, but she also needs reassurances that the future is secure and she's not just wasting her today with you.

5. Show it
Acts of love and service to her are reassuring enough, too, without having to say a word.

Every action that confirms your love to her, never hesitate to do them. The goal is to never let her forget, to never let things get into doubt.

Run relentlessly with that goal.

How to make the Northern peanut snack

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 10:00 PM PST

Kuli Kuli is a crunchy snack made from dry and roasted groundnuts.

Kuli Kuli is an easy snack that can be eaten at any time of the day and is best served with soaked garri. Here's how to make the Northern peanut snack.

1 tea spoon of ground pepper

1 and half teas spoon of ginger powder or grated ginger to taste

Slices of onion (Optional)

1. Grind or pound the groundnuts/peanuts with the ginger until smooth. A powerful food processor can also be used. Do not allow the mix to turn to paste complete.

2. Take a clean and dry muslin cloth, scoop the pasty nut into it and try to squeeze out the oil as much as you can. The more oil you can squeeze out, the crunchier your kuli kuli.

3. Pour the result into a bowl and add the ground pepper, while mixing with your fingers.

4. Mold the paste into either small balls or cylindrical sticks. You can choose a fun shape if you'd like. Add a little water to help it mold easily.

5. Heat enough oil in a non-stick pan until the oil begins to smoke. You can add the slices of onion to the oil to give if some flavour.

6. Add the molded paste into the oil and allow to fry till golden brown on all sides.

7. Remove from oil, place in absorbent paper and allow to cool.

Food hack: If the kuli kuli turns out softer than expected, you can put it in a preheated oven to dry and harden it.

Your delicious kuli kuli is ready to serve. Eat with Garri (cassava flakes) soaked in cold water.

Experiences people shared meeting people online

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 09:30 PM PST

From direct messages to real life, people share their experiences.

There are so many dating apps out there but social media is a giant dating app. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are a few apps where people slide into DMs and then meet in life.

'Sliding into DMs' is a popular reference to sending someone a private message on their social media account and asking them out on a date.

Some people meet the love of their lives from this, while some gain valuable experiences.

Here are some experiences:

Emmanuel gets a lot of messages because he works in a media company and he is popular online.

About meeting people online, he acknowledges that he does meet people online but stays clear of Twitter because he doesn't want to 'get called out'.

A lady once followed him on Twitter and Instagram at the same time, an action he says he took as a serious sign of interest.

"She DMed and said she liked me from my show and we began talking. We found out that we lived close to each other and the next Saturday she was at my place."

I asked why a relationship didn't materialise and he said, "She wanted a boyfriend and I wasn't him. She also went on and on about her ex. That was a cheating disaster waiting to happen."

There's always a reason when Nuru slides into women's DMs.

"It could be from an interesting post on her timeline or her picture on her stories."

He also does some investigation on her page to find out the kind of person she is.

He once connected with someone on Instagram and had to travel across state lines for a physical meeting, but it didn't end well.

"She looked nothing like her profile picture and the meeting was off."

Ruth gets a lot of DMs from men on Twitter, but there's one she'll never forget for how bad it was.

On this particular link, she told her date that the transport fare for private taxis were high and she was waiting for it to go down hoping that he would offer to pay but he didn't, so she took a bus there.

On her way, she noticed he didn't ask her how the trip was and if she went with a private cab.

Before she got to the venue she texted him, "You didn't even ask how the trip is going?" but he replied, "I thought you were not coming."

The entire date was spent arguing about that, and he was also angry that she came an hour late.

Derin doesn't send a lot of DMs, but gets quite a bit of them from women showering him with compliments. If he likes the girl, he engages with interest to see where the conversation leads.

A lady on Instagram told him he looks cute and they began conversing, but they couldn't meet immediately because they live in different states.

One day, she tells him she is coming to Lagos to set up a business. They hang out and have a good time but the next time she calls to tell him she needs a place to crash for a while.

Derin says, "She can't stay at my place. I barely know her."

She then asks for a N10k loan, but when he asks when she planned to repay, "She replies, 'Wow' like I have known her for years and owed her something. She unfollowed me."

Uche slides into a lady's DM with "I think you are funny" and though they never dated, they have physically met once and remain good friends.

Here are 5 important reasons you must floss your teeth

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 09:00 PM PST

Bad breath can kill and that is why flossing is important.

There are different types of dental floss but the most common are; dental toothpick and floss tape.

A tooth has about five surfaces and a toothbrush can not reach all the surfaces (it can reach just two) especially the edges of the teeth where food usually gets trapped.

If food is trapped in those crevices, it leads to plaque, bacteria build up and other consequences.

This is why it is important to floss. Not convinced? Here are five reasons why flossing is important:

1. Gets rid of plaquePlaques are whitish substances that form around your teeth and gums.

When you eat carbohydrates, snacks, pastries and soda, bacteria is released into your mouth and body to break down these foods.

If you do not brush or floss after eating these foods, plaques form in your teeth and that leads to other problems.

2. Eliminates the chances of getting cavities
Cavities are little holes in the teeth or enamel that eventually leads to tooth decay. Plaques lead to cavities and cavities lead to tooth decay.

Flossing immediately after every meal prevents plaque and that reduces the chances of getting cavities.

3. Preserves your gums
If you do not floss, we have established that your mouth becomes a breeding place for bacteria; bacteria irritate the gums. Left untreated, it leads to gingivitis which makes the gums red, swollen and puffy.

4. Lessens bad breath
There is nothing as embarrassing as having bad breath and there is no way to escape bad breath if you do not floss. When you eat food it gets trapped in your teeth and leaving those particles there causes bad breath.

5. Protects from other diseases
When people say bad breath kills, we often pass it off but do you know that you can technically die from bad breath? How?

Bad breath leads to gingivitis, gingivitis enters into the blood and causes heart diseases, diabetes and other respiratory illnesses. If left untreated, bacteria in an unhealthy mouth can harm the rest of your body.

All these negative effects can be avoided if you floss after every meal.

Use a dental tape or dental toothpick to clean the areas a toothbrush cannot reach.

Solomon Buchi tells women – Do not think about marriage if you don’t have at least N10M in your account

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 08:00 AM PST

Life coach, Solomon Buchi takes to the micro-blogging platform, Twitter to drop a piece of controversial advice for spinsters as regards marriage.

In a recent tweet, the activist affirmed that no woman should think or even consider getting married if she doesn't have at least N10M resting in her bank account alongside a steady monthly source of income of at least N400k.

In his words:

"No woman should think of marriage if she doesn't have at least 10m Naira in her account with a steady monthly source of income of at least 400K Naira."

See the tweet below:

Activist, Kola Edokpayi reveals — “I’m a proud man without sidechick, but a supporter of polygamy”

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 07:00 AM PST

Popular human rights activist, Kola Edokpayi has reiterated his support for polygamy while disclosing he's a man without a sidechick.

Kola Edokpayi, who had earlier said that the only solution to extramarital affairs is polygamy, says he's very proud of not having a side chick as well.

In his words;

"Life without side chick or babe is always good.
I am a proud man without side chick and babe but a great supporter and proponent of polygamy."

In a follow up post on his Facebook page, the Edo-born rights activist also wrote;

"Sir Oba Olateru Olagbegi II , Olowo of Owo left behind more than 140 children before his demise. Virtually, all of them were graduates. We say yes to polygamy."

Refer to his posts below:

Comedienne, Princess –How Funke Akindele treated me after my marriage crashed

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 06:00 AM PST

Comedienne, Damilola Adekoya better known as Princess narrates how the movie star, Funke Akindele treated her after she parted ways with her husband, Adeshola Jeremiah.

In an interview with Chude Jideonwo, she recounted how devastated she was after the unfortunate occurrence and how Funke Akindele served as a source of strength during those trying times.

She narrated how Funke Akindele compared her own experience with hers all in a bid to see that she gets relieved.

According to Princess, she was willing to book a flight for her to come over to Enugu State where she was currently shooting a movie; a move she felt would help in cheering her up.

In her words:

"Funke Akindele called me and I'm sure she'll remember, she called me and said princess kilonshele, I heard you almost cried yourself to death. Chude I'm telling you, I cried I became sick and lost weight. I said "ah Funke", I told her in Yoruba, I said my life is ended.

"She said why will you say that, I said can't you see what happened to my marriage, and then she said didn't you hear what happened to mine. I said Funke your own is different, you can't compare yourself to me, atleast you stayed in your husbands house for a year. And she said what are you talking about Princess? And she said to me, im in Enugu shooting, please let me pay for your flight ticket, come and meet me, I said ah I don't think I'll be able to come, she said ah what are you doing, I said im washing, she said kilonfo, I said I'm just washing, she said where are you going, I'm not going anywhere, i was in that house wearing just one clothe. She said Princess mi o understand. Princess, please let me pay for your ticket, come and meet me in Enugu, I'm shooting, we'lll talk.

"Then I heard people calling her saying Funke we are ready, so she said, 'Princess shey o Na wa? Call me'.

"I didn't call her."

Watch the video below:

Here are 6 reasons why your nipples hurt

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 05:00 AM PST

Here's why they are hurting.

Nipples are very sensitive to both stimulation and irritation.

When they hurt, it might get too uncomfortable to even put on a bra. And while the soreness doesn't necessarily mean something serious, sometimes it could be a medical condition that should not be ignored.

Here are some reasons as to why your nipples might be hurting:

1. Allergic reactions
Since they are very sensitive, nipples could react from chemicals from soaps, lotions, fabric, or laundry detergents. So if you notice that your nipples are hurting after changing your soaps, it could be simply an allergy.

2. Mastitis
This is a serious condition that needs treatment. It's common during breastfeeding and leads to painful nipples and breast. You could also experience fatigue, chills and fever. When the milk stays in the breast for too long, it leads to an infection.

3. Menstruation
Your hormones can go haywire during menstruation leading to tender and sore nipples. The good news however, is that this kind of pain is short-lived and you don't have to seek medication.

4. Yeast infection
Got you by surprise? Well, the same yeast infections that affect your private parts can also affect your nipples causing you pain. This mostly happens to women who wear bras with a non-breathable fabric. Breastfeeding mums are also at the risk of getting thrush from their babies. The infections, luckily, are easily treated with antibiotic.

5. Pregnancy
Congratulations to you! You might soon be a mom. Before you even experience morning sickness or a missed period, your nipples might be the first sign that you are pregnant. So if you are not using birth control or haven't been exercising lately, you may consider having a pregnancy test as the first thing.

6. Vigorous exercise
Exercise is good for your overall health. However, if you need to get a well-fitting bra for the same. The wrong fabric or ill-fitting bra will definitely cause you nipple pain.

5 ways to stay safe and avoid crowd crush during a concert

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 04:30 AM PST

With the news of eight people dying and several others injured at American rapper, Travis Scott's Astroworld concert, it is a good time to discuss how to keep yourself safe at a concert.

Crowd crushes are not a new phenomenon, they have been happening for a while now.

They occur when a lot of people are in an enclosed place. People start to push against one another until some suffocate or get crushed, sometimes to death.

Religious gatherings, musical concerts, and sports activities draw the largest crowds and these are places where people are likely to overpopulate a space.

Crowd crushes are popular throughout history. In 2006, 362 pilgrims died in what was described as a 'crowd quake' in Mecca.

Sometime in April 2021, 45 people died and 150 others were injured at the Lag B'Omer religious festival in Israel.

Also, with December coming soon and concerts and church events lining up, it is important to know how to stay safe at such events.

1. Use your eyes
Look around you and observe where a lot of people are going to and move away from there.

Leave the venue if you find the place teeming with too many people and a tight crowd forming.

2. Stay on your feet
Whatever you do, do not go down to the ground. Do everything to stay above the crowd. Stay on your feet. Once you go down, you will likely be crushed to death.

3. Put your arms on your chest
If you fold your arms on your chest like a boxer ready to punch, you will protect your rib cage so it doesn't get smashed and cause you to pass out.

4. Avoid walls and barriers
You certainly do not want to be pressed against a wall. That is a terrifying position to be trapped during a crowd crush.

5. Go with the crowd
Flow with the movement in which the crowd is going, let your movement be in the direction the crowd is moving. Fighting against them might make you fall.

Finally, in such a situation, we become our worst enemies, trampling on each other, trying to save ourselves. Pay attention to your neighbour and practice kindness.

Davido’s aide, Obama DMW arrested in Dubai

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 04:00 AM PST

Isreal DMW, Davido's Personal Logistics Manager was allegedly arrested by Dubai police but has subsequently regained freedom.

According to blogger, Cutie__juls, Isreal DMW is said to have drunk himself into a stupor and subsequently got into a fight which led to his arrest.

However, following the intervention of Davido and his legal team, he was released in no time, after being made to sign a bond of good behaviour.

The post reads:

"😩😩😩😩 so Na so Dubai Police arrested this one for Dubai .

Reliable information reaching us is that, he got stupo drank and started fighting.

His boss and his legal team were able to quickly secure his released and he's been made to sign a bond of good behaviour or his next misbehaviour in the UAE might attract more serious consequences with the law."

See the post below:

Cross hints on family success following his participation in BBN – “My brothers are billionaires”

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 03:30 AM PST

Big Brother Naija star, Cross Ikechukwu outlines the achievements attained by his brothers following his participation in the Big Brother Naija show.

The ecstatic lad took to his Twitter handle to disclose that 3 months after he set foot into Big Brother's house, one of his brothers is the next deputy governor of a state, the other 4 are billionaires of which one is a multi-billionaire.

These successes according to Cross are responsible for his immeasurable happiness.

In his words:

"So guys fun fact went into the big brothers house fast forward 3 months after one of my brothers is the next deputy Governor of a state and my other 4 brothers are now fucking Billionaires one is even a multibillionaire wtf pls tell me how I'm feeling right now."

See the tweet below:

Fans react to Laycon, Joeboy’s bond over a bowl of eba –“No forming before Davido will mistakenly tag them”

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 03:00 AM PST

Popular Afrobeat singers, Laycon and Joeboy spark mixed reactions as the duo bond over a bowl of eba and soup together.

This is coming amidst Afrobeat singer, Davido Adeleke's N100M crowdfunding goal ahead of his 29th birthday which fans attributed to the reason for Joeboy and Laycon's shared meal.

"Before Davido will mistakenly tag them. My guys released simple video with no forming," a fan wrote.

Another fan added, "you no see say the swallow dey very small…. Them wan prove say SAPA dey."

Watch the video below …

See more reactions below …


Emmanuel Ehumadu shares his stance on Peter and Paul Okoye’s reconciliation –They noticed they were going out of the music market as solo artists

Posted: 20 Nov 2021 02:30 AM PST

Nollywood actor, Emmanuel Ehumadu has shared what he felt made Peter and Paul Okoye reunite after years of being at loggerheads with each other.

While everyone seems to be celebrating the reunion of the duo, the actor noted that they reconciled for personal gains.

According to him, they saw they were losing value as solo artists and this inspired their reunification.

Taking to Instagram, he wrote:

"Rude Boy Paul of Psquare and his brother Peter noticed they were going out of the music market as solo artists…and decided to come back together as they are tired of losing out.. Una dey congratulate them… Una for continue na… Hehee

My people will say… Dem no dey tell man to comot for sun ..say e too hot.. E good make we dey use our upper. Una dou ®iamkingrudy ®peterpsquare"

See the post below:

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