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5 top signs of fake love in a relationship

Posted: 07 Nov 2021 12:30 AM PDT

To really know that the love in your relationship is genuine or not, here are some of the signs to look out for.

Is the love in your relationship real, or fake?

If it is, all you should do is keep growing the love, keep staying truthful to each other, keep drinking a lot of water, and just keep treating each other in all the good ways that will allow the relationship thrive further.

On the flipside, fake love is not something anyone would want to live with. Sadly, it is exactly what some people have in their relationships. If the relationship is based on anything different from a genuine willingness to see the other person flourish in every sense of the word, if it is based on something fleeting and temporary, then it is likely fake.

To really know that the love in your relationship is fake, here are some things you may want to watch out for:

1. They're emotionally distant
In a relationship, fakers have a tendency to be non-communicative. They'll provide little to no substance to what's going on in their life. They'll also make excuses why they "couldn't" communicate especially when it is a little difficult to do so.

The difference between them and someone with genuine love for you is the extra effort needed to reach out when it's not so easy.

2. Always willing to throw in the towel
Conflict happens in every relationship. It demonstrates a level of care which partner have for one another.

That said, every conflict demands a resolution.If you're the only one trying to resolve any conflict or problems that arise, it's often a telltale sign of emotional detachment and this of course, is a major sign you'll find in people who have got only fake love for you.

They really won't care whether the relationship works or fails.

3. They don't meet you halfway
Are you always the one to plan things? Check on the other person? Take responsibilities and all that? If so, what concessions, if any, is your partner making? Where's the effort on their part?

Relationship and compromise are like two peas in a pod. A lack of effort is a universal sign of disinterest – and a relationship is no different.

4. Unconcern
An authentic relationship sparks feelings of passion for each other. You'll be curious, concerned, involved, etc in all that the other person does.

Someone who continuously acts indifferent isn't engaged, likely detached, and unfit – not to mention unworthy – of a real relationship.

5. That gut feeling
Many times, when someone doesn't really love you, you will know. There's usually that sixth sense, that gut feeling in the pit of your stomach that keeps pricking you.

Add this to all the signs that you will see, and the picture is clear that this babe or that guy doesn't really love you. They're only with you because they have no option, or for the money or some other fake reason.

Be honest with yourself. Are you wasting your time? Money? Energy?

10 slangs only a Nigerian can understand

Posted: 07 Nov 2021 12:00 AM PDT

These slangs would be hard to explain to a non-Nigerian.

Every country has unique traditions as well as slangs, which are spoken throughout the country.

In Nigeria, there are slangs unique to secondary schools, university life, and even regions of the country.

Foreigners might have a hard time understanding these slangs and locals might have a hard time explaining them. Here are a few of the slangs unique to Nigeria street life.

1. Ehen!
This exclamation has different interpretations, depending on the context in which it was used. It could mean "I get it", "and so?" "yes", "okay", "continue", "as i was saying", "that reminds me", etc.

2. Jara
Jara is a noun derived from the Yoruba language and it means to add extra or give a freebie after something has already been bought or paid for, at the seller's discretion. E.g. "Please add jara".

3. Osha pra pra
This salutation is used when one is praising another, which is loosely translated to mean "you are dope!". It is mostly used in the street to hail/greet a friend or acquaintance who is passing by.

4. Ajebutter
Ajebutter, ajebo, 'bota' or 'botti', simply refers to one who is born with a silver spoon. It can be loosely translated to mean "bourgeoisie". E.g. "That babe is an ajebutter".

5. Lepa/Orobo
Lepa is a noun that refers to a sexy slim woman. E.g. "That lepa babe is hot". Orobo is loosely the opposite of lepa. It refers to a sexy plump/ thick woman. It can also be used as a derogatory remark.

6. Ashewo
This noun is a slang for sex workers. It can also be a derogatory term.

7. Amebo
This word is used to refer to a person who likes to gossip or spread gossip and cannot be trusted. It can also be used to refer to gossip itself. E.g. "You too like amebo" or "That girl is an amebo".

8. Abi/shey/ba
Abi, shey or ba are slang that act sort of like punctuation. They are mostly used for confirmation after a statement, thereby turning it into a question. They are like the English "right?" E.g. "You are coming for my party, abi/shey/ba?"

9. Over-sabi
This is a noun referring to someone who is a busy-body, or mocking someone who over-performs his/her intelligence/knowledge. E.g. "I did not ask you, over-sabi."

10. Kolo
This verb means to go crazy or mad. This can mean literally or metaphorically depending on the context. E.g. "He don kolo".

The health benefits of this drink will amaze you

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 11:30 PM PDT

Palm wine contains the antioxidant, Vitamin C. And Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps in maintaining good eye health.

There is nothing that is as beneficial to our health than the various gifts of nature. Unarguably, palm wine is one of them.

Palm wine is a sweet, tasty drink that is gotten from the sap of various species of palm tree such as the Palmyra, date palms, and coconut palms.

It is one of the most popular drink in the world. As a matter of fact, it can be said to be the most popular; as almost anyone who has lived in West Africa, Central Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America can tell you something about it. Especially the sweetness.

However, what is believed to be unknown by many is the amazing health benefits of this heavenly drink.

Palm wine is exceptionally good for our health. Its health benefits cannot be overemphasized.

Here are some of the amazing health benefits of palm wine.

1. Palm wine has the ability to fight against cancer
Although this might sound unbelievable, it is true. Palm wine contains riboflavin, which is also known as Vitamin B2.

Riboflavin is an antioxidant which helps in the fight against some cancer-causing agents called free radicals. A moderate consumption of fresh palm wine is enough to bless the body with the right amount of Vitamin B2.

2. Palm wine increases eyesight
Palm wine contains the antioxidant, Vitamin C. And Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps in maintaining good eye health.

Additionally, it contains Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which also helps in improving our vision.

This is why it is still argued till date that our grandparents in the village have better eyesight than us because palm wine is their beverage.

3. Palm wine helps in maintaining a healthier skin, hair, and nail
Palm wine is a proud carrier of Iron and vitamin B complex. And iron and vitamin B are needed for a healthy skin, hair, and nail.

Also Iron is very very useful for the development, growth, and functioning of some cells in our body. This is why palm wine is helpful in promoting wound healing. Because it repairs the tissues and promotes the growth of healthy cells.

4. Palm wine reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Research shows that heart failure, which is an example of cardiovascular disease, can be regulated by drinking moderate amounts of palm wine.

The study was conducted by Lindberg and Ezra in 2008.

Additionally, the potassium which is contained in palm wine has been proven to improve heart health and bring down hypertension.

However, an excess consumption of palm wine has adverse effects like destroying the liver.

5. It promotes lactation
In countries like Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria, palm wine to help a lactating mother when she has limited breast milk production. It is very effective, and it works like magic.


Preservatives and sweeteners distort the originality of the wine; therefore making it not good for our health.

Also, like every other thing that is excessively consumed, palm wine can have its negative effect as well.

Here are some negative effect of excessive consumption of palm wine

In conclusion, try as much as you can to avoid fermented palm wine in excess, because it is detrimental the health. A fermented palm wine is like spoilt fruits. Only in rare cases can they be said to be useful.

If we must consume palm wine for its sweetness and various health benefits, then we should concern ourselves with fresh palm wine.

How to start a conversation with a girl you like

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 11:00 PM PDT

This is how to not only leave a good impression on the girl after the first conversation, but to also win her over right there and then!

Whatever will happen between the both of you is heavily dependent on that first conversation and the impression you leave on her.

Because first impressions matter a lot, here are five ways to talk to a girl for the first time and leave a good impression on her:

1. Timing is very key
This is the biggest thing you cannot afford to mess up. There is not much you can get right if your timing is poor.

The chances that she'll even be patient enough to listen to you is cut in half if she's in a bad mood when you approach her. Same thing goes for when she with a group of friends, or when she's with a large group of friends, or when she's in the middle of something else.

You'll need to do a lot more to get her conversing with you normally and you don't want to put yourself through this stress and the increased possibility of failure.

So pay attention to timing. This in a way decides her attention span and of course, it could enhance or disrupt your flow.

2. Project confidence
Project this as powerfully as possible without crossing to haughtiness. You can be confident without being disrespectful or condescending, and this is what you should always work towards.

Maintain eye contact with her. This is not negotiable. Don't mumble or sound too hurried with your words, so they won't sound rehearsed. Approaching someone for the first time is nerve-wracking in most instances but it must be done if you are to get the girl and with confidence, you're already on your way there.

3. Compliment her skillfully
Talking to the girl for the first time is pretty much what you say, and how you say it.

So, having built the right level of confidence, the next thing is to use it wisely and one of the ways this will be useful is when you are complimenting the girl.

Don't ever leave out compliments when talking to a girl for the first time. Be careful, however, to leave out the cheesy ones and stick to genuine compliments. Say something nice about what you can see on her right there and then.

Her eyes, the weave she has on, her smile, her shoes… it could be anything. Just make sure it's genuine and not over-the-top. Women can sense and distinguish compliments from flattery and could become uncomfortable if you're being overly flattering.

4. Open-ended questions
So as not to overdo the compliments, you'll need to quickly move away from there to something else. This is where your ability to actually engage her in a conversation comes into play. You want to make her talk, so ask her questions that will enable her do so.

Instead of saying "so, have anything fun planned for the break?" (which can be answered with a short "yes" or "no"), say "what are you going to do to keep busy while school is out?"

A question that requires a detailed response is always better to keep a conversation flowing as opposed to one that can be answered with a short yes or no.

5. Don't overstay your welcome
No matter how interesting the conversation gets, learn to leave while things are still fun. Don't overdo the conversation to the point of awkwardness or void silence.

By leaving before the conversation dies down, you give yourself a higher chance of getting her number, getting her to say yes to a date with you and being able to hit her up next time because she'll associate you more with fun than with boredom.

And right there is the potential beginning of all things romantic between you and her.

Here are 5 reasons why sex during the rains remains undefeated

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 10:30 PM PDT

All the pleasurable reasons why you should be excited about getting down on wet, cold days and nights.

What's special about making out, cuddling and having sex during the rains?

Once the clouds darken and the rains begin to pour, tweets and posts on social media begin to lean towards the need for a warm body to lie next to and do sexy stuff with.

And if you never considered this, or if you think sex during rain is overrated, here are five things that will convince you otherwise:

1. Great cuddles for warmth
Obviously, naked bodies grinding and gliding against one another is just the perfect way to combat the cold. When the sex is that hot, who needs a heater, sweater or duvet to keep warm?

2. Could spark up the relationship
Sometimes partners get so lost in activities and work and other things that push sex to the least thing they desire for weeks on end.

But then comes the rain with windy nights, wet weekends and long hours of nothing to do but being cooped up in the house for hours on end. Perfect mood, perfect setting, perfect backdrop and surely, the rain pattering on the roof provides good music for you to get it on.

Because the rainy season goes on and on for at least two months, you get enough time to rediscover the pleasure of doing it with your partner.

3. Romantic AF
Apparently there is something really romantic about getting it on amidst all the thunder, lightening and rain.

Better to light those scented candles when it's raining and cold than when it hot, right?

Sex when it's raining is surely not just about combating cold, it can also be very romantic.

4. Something different
You know, all year long sweaty sex is what you've been getting, and while that is literally hot in its own right, getting your freak on in the cold, wet weather is a different ball game entirely.

It really does bang different, especially if you are doing it with a man or woman who really knows what they are doing.

5. Just perfect
All the sex during rainy season seem to have a special effect. Eighty-three percent of respondents in Trojan's Degrees of Pleasure study, carried out in 2010, rate rainy days and nights as the best time to have sex.

Just ask around, and people will legit tell you that it's something about the weather being perfect for sharing body warmth, cuddling up against each other, feeling up each other and sharing those passionate kisses as rain pelts outside and blurs your window so you see nothing outside the room at that moment… it's just you and the love of your life in the whole world.

4 reasons why you should apply onion juice on your face

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 10:00 PM PDT

Onions can make you cry but add flavor to our dishes and also plays a key role in our beauty regimen.

It is a great source of flavonoids as well as antioxidant vitamins, such as Vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. All these help in protecting our skin cells from the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays.

When it comes to taking care of our skin, it is always advisable to use kitchen ingredients for effective results. Here are more reasons why women should have onions in their kitchen for culinary and beauty purposes.

Get brighter skin
Regular application of fresh onion can help us get rid of the dull and lifeless skin. The antioxidants and vitamins present in the vegetable give the skin cells a significant beauty boost, which results in a healthy, radiant skin.

To remove spots, patches, and pigmentation
Onion is rich in vitamin C which helps to treat dark spots, ugly patches, pigmentation marks, and so on. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to one tablespoon of fresh onion juice. Massage your face with it daily.

To prevent aging
Applying onion on your face can boost the flow of blood throughout skin cells to give you firmer and youthful skin. Cut a fresh, medium-sized onion into small pieces and juice them up. Dip a cotton ball into it and apply all over your skin.

To cure acne
Acne is a common skin condition among many women. You can simply massage your face with some fresh onion juice or prepare an onion face pack to fight off the acne-causing bacteria efficiently.

Take one tablespoon of onion juice and add one tablespoon of olive oil or almond oil to it. Blend well and apply on your skin. After 15 minutes, wash off with cold water.

EFCC speaks on alleged photo of Obi Cubana with its operatives

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 09:00 AM PDT

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) has reacted to the alleged photo of Obi Cubana and its operatives after his release.

In a post via their official Instagram account, the anti-graft agency dismissed this as a false claim, while stating that personnel of the agency never took a quick photograph with the billionaire.

According to the body, the picture was taken on 7th October 2021 during a book launch of Colonel Chukwu Obasi at the Nigerian Army Resource Centre in Abuja in which Obi Cubana was in attendance.

They also vowed to take action against the source of the misleading content.

The post reads:

"Obi Cubana Did not Take Photo with EFCC Staff
The attention of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC has been drawn to fake news trending on social media with the caption, "EFCC Crew poses for quick photograph with billionaire socialite and businessman Obi Cubana".
The caption is as fake as any fake news can ever be because, at no time during his ongoing investigation, period in custody or release did Obi Cubana pose for photographs with EFCC staff.
Uncle Deji, a popular security analyst, using his social media handle, has debunked the fake news, saying,

"This post is deliberately misleading, this picture was taken 7th October 2021 during a book launch of Colonel Chukwu Obasi at Nigerian Army Resource Centre in Abuja in which Obi Cubana attended as a guest".
Members of the public are therefore advised to ignore the fake news and misleading imputation which has been traced to the social media account of Sabi Radio (sabiradio), which first went to town with the fake news at 1.06 pm on 5 November, 2021. Sabiradio's watermark is telltale on the photograph.
The Commission shall not hesitate to take urgent necessary steps to address this and other fake news seeking to drag EFCC's hard-won name and professional reputation in the mud."

See the post below:

Mr Macaroni finally reacts to skit makers visiting vice president, Yemi Osinbajo – “I was invited, but declined”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 08:00 AM PDT

Popular comedian, Mr Macaroni has reacted to the recent trend about skit makers visiting the vice president, Yemi Osinbajo.

Recall that lately, the likes of Woli Agba, Taaooma, Josh2funny and others visited Prof Yemi Osinbajo at the presidential villa which sparked controversy on social media as they were dragged for promoting their selfish desires and interests.

Macaroni who was among those who were hailed for not attending has spoken up, while stating that he was also invited, but declined the invitation.

Taking to Twitter to air his view and clarify issues, he wrote:

"Honestly, I have tried so hard not to say anything about this issue but I have seen some comments and conclusions that do not really sit well with me. My conscience will not allow me to keep mute. So I have to say what I know for my conscience and posterity.

First, I do not think there is an association of skit makers. If there is, then I don't know anything about it. And that would be fine because I am an Actor/Thespian first before the Tag "Skit Maker".

So I don't think those that went to see the VP without me or anyone else meant to sideline me. I want to believe they were invited to see The VP by the organizers of an Award Ceremony the same way I was invited. The only difference is that I declined the invitation.

The reason I declined is simple. As a Citizen, I'm not happy with our leaders and I do not want to associate with them. It's ok if others believe that sitting with the Govt will change certain things and decide to try it out. I don't think they should be crucified for that.

I have just seen too much to know that The Govt sees and hears everything. They and their workers are always on the Internet. They know what we cry and complain about and they do nothing about it. So what will sitting down with them to tell them what they already know change?

I don't know what was discussed in that meeting as I wasn't there. But I don't believe those that went would go there to say anything other than demanding for better governance and leadership as we all have been doing all these while.

Where I Stand is that this is election season. The politicians that have abandoned us for years will start coming back to us again to promise heaven and earth. We need to see beyond their deceit. All they care about is photo op. Look around, the PR work has started massively.

When Politicians say they want to engage me, I always tell them to pick a public place, where all members of Press would be present. So that I can say my mind as I see it. When they are begging for votes, they come to us publicly. So why do u want to see me privately?

I am no Hero or Saint. I am not Perfect. I am only a Concerned Citizen who wants a better Nation for myself and for every other Nigerian. I use my voice, my craft and my platform to do this and I have been greatly persecuted for it.

This is who I am. It is who I have always been even before Fame. I have suffered so much for it and sometimes I ask myself why I am the way I am. But anytime I remember how many lives I have been able to impact positively, i am at peace with myself.

I don't think it would be fair to hold any other person by these standards.
Hoping we all can promote Peace and Unity amongst ourselves and explore whatever means we dim fit to demand for a better Nation for ourselves and generations to come.


See the tweets below:

Tacha – The world is full of evil that people suspect those doing good deeds

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 07:00 AM PDT

Reality TV star, Tacha has said the world is full of evil that good deeds of people are read to be something else.

She also revealed that, there are conditions under which she would continue to do good to people henceforth.

Tacha took to her Instagram stories to say that she intends to start reciprocating gestures from people, either the good or bad.

In her words;

"The world is so full of evil that when you're GOOD to people they tend to start reading meaning into it.

I've learnt to tell myself to STOP doing good that inconveniences me! GIVE people the same energy they give you! Don't go around overdoing GOOD. PERIOD!!"

Refer to her post below:

Actress Iyabo Ojo Tells Haters -'Your Lies And Evil Plot Against Me Will Consume You'

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 06:00 AM PDT

Nigerian actress Iyabo Ojo has dished out swearwords for her haters through her Instagram social media platform.

The amazing role interpreter, on Thursday evening, November 4, 2021, curses those seeking her downfall and destruction. She said their evil ploys against her will consume them because there is no peace for the wicked.

Iyabo Ojo added that her frenemies will continue to fall and fail while she continues to win. She also prays that her success will be their headache. According to the 43-year-old;

"To those who seek my downfall and destruction, you are only digging your own pit. All your lies and evil plot against me will definitely consume you because there is no peace for the wicked."

"You will continue to fall and fail and I Iyabo Ojo omo Olubunmi Fetuga, Ologunfunfun1, Akanda Omoladukeade, Afunimaeobe will continue to rise and win. Oya continues, let my success constantly be your headache, it gives me joy."

"This is to all my frienemies make una collect. If you're not my frenemies oya say amen."

See the post below.

General Pere gives throwback speech as fans shower him with gifts – “As HoH, you must respect the emblem”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:30 AM PDT

Popular reality star, Pere Egbi appreciates his beloved fans as they once again shower him with loads of gift items.

The ex-housemate of the just concluded Big Brother Naija reality show cannot thank his fans enough as he gives a throwback of his controversial speech while in Biggie's house as the Head of House.

"You can do whatever you want with Pere, but as Head of House, you must respect the emblem; respect it. I love you," he said while taking delivery of the gifts.

Watch the video below …

BBNaija star, Cross Ike speaks on ambition to meet Rihanna following release of music track

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 05:00 AM PDT

Popular reality star, Cross Ike opens up on aspiration to meet the celebrated American Singer, Rihanna, hours after releasing a music single.

The reality star some hours ago released a singles 'Feeling Funky' featuring Ajebutter22 which has since garnered reviews.

Reacting to the achievement of his music track, Cross took to Twitter to speak on how his career may lead directly to Rihanna.

"So few weeks ago I was chilling with nengi and Kim, last week I was with mercy last night I was with toke and Kamo mphela hmmm 🥺😳😳😍 next week could it be Rihanna 🤔😩😂 feeling funky out now guys 🔥🔥🔥go stream on all major platforms," he wrote.

See reactions that follows …

Taaooma reacts after being dragged for meeting with Vice President Yemi Osinbajo

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 04:30 AM PDT

Popular content creator, Apaokagi Maryam, better known as Taaooma reacts following her meeting with the Vice President of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo.

Taaooma alongside other comedians were faced with severe backlash from youths who faulted their decision of dining with politicians rather than sticking to the truth portrayed in their comedy skits.

In reaction, Taaooma enumerated the purpose and discussion held at the meeting.

"Yesterday, I had the chance of meeting with the VP of the federation at the Presidential villa, Abuja.

I urged for the "actual" lifting of the Twitter ban and as well, stressed on the issue of police brutality which hasn't gotten any bit of change even after all the promises.

I made the presidency understand how important Twitter is for the majority of us (the youths). The SMEs and the very plenty others who make a living via that platform.

The Twitter ban has made so many small scale business crash and disrupted many.

I also made it known to the VP that Police brutality hasn't stopped and we the youths seem to be the target of that institution. #Endsars was not just to end SARS alone, it was to end all forms of police brutality and irresponsibility.

I hope the assurances I got yesterday will take effect immediately.

However guys, we must know that we the youth make 70% of the population and we have the future in our hands. The next step now is to GET YOUR PVC!!! #ENDSARS #ENDPOLICEBRUTALITY #LIFTTWITTERBAN," she wrote.

See reactions that followed …

BBNaija: Queen Rants, Lashes Out At Female Presenter Over Whitemoney – “Don’t Set Me Up For Drags”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 04:00 AM PDT

BBNaija season six star, Queen Mercy Atang has lashed out at a female television presenter who insisted that she labeled Whitemoney as 'daddy' during an interview.

Recall that Whitemoney and Queen were able to build a strong relationship during their time at the reality show but things have not been rosy outside the show.

Both parties have decided to focus on their career and this has got some fans talking.

However, Queen on Thursday night took to her Instagram timeline to lash out at a female presenter who interviewed Whitemoney.

According to Queen, the presenter lied about a statement she made during their interview. She urged the presenter not to put her up for drags.

Read her post on Instagram below:



BBNaija Star, Cross Receives Heavy Backlash For His New Song With Ajebutter

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:30 AM PDT

Big Brother Naija ex-housemate, Cross Ikechukwu Sunday has received heavy backlash from Twitter users for his new song with Ajebuttter.

The King of cruise and the king of parole teamed up to give their fans a mad banger titled "Feeling Funky". However, Cross's fans- got mad that the Reality TV Star will agree to sing something like that.

Unlike the others who were dragging him, a Twitter user identified as Daniel Regha decided to be the spokesperson of the angry fan club and tell Cross what he did wrong.

According to Regha, 'Feeling Funky' has a nice instrumental, but the lyrics were an absolute zero."

Without sugarcoating his words, he advised Cross to take a step back and work on his pen game if he plans to succeed in the music industry. Regha is sure that his advice will help Cross from dropping wack songs and provoking his fans again in the future.


‘Sons Of Anarchy’star, William Lucking Passes On

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 03:00 AM PDT

William Lucking, "Sons of Anarchy" star, dies at 80

William Lucking's obituary was released to the public November 4, it was revealed that he died on October 18 at his home in Las Vegas. His wife, Sigrid described him as a "giant of a man with the soul of a poet."

She wrote;

"Although William often played toughs and strongmen, in his actual life he was an elegant man with a brilliant intellect who loved to argue about politics and current affairs, discuss philosophy and physics and assert fine-pointed opinions about art and poetry."

Lucking was best known for his role in "Sons of Anarchy" as biker Piney Winston, where he appeared in a 35 episodes. He filled the role from when the series started in 2008 until the fourth season in 2011.
He also starred in NBC's "The A-Team" from 1983 to 1984 as Army Col. Lynch and appeared in three episodes of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." Lucking made his on-screen debut back in 1968 in an episode of "Ironside," before going on to appear on "Mission: Impossible," "The Partridge Family," "The X-Files" and "The West Wing."

The actor is survived by his wife and two daughters, Marjet Lucking and Juliana Ryan.

Woli Agba blows hot amid dragging for visiting vice president – “Why una dey reason like programmed robot?”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 02:30 AM PDT

Comedian, Ayo Ajewole, popularly known as Woli Agba has reacted after he and a few of his colleagues were dragged for visiting the vice president, Prof Yemi Osinbajo.

Recall that recently, Woli, Taaooma, Josh2funny and other skit makers met with the vice president at the presidential villa.

Their visit however stirred up uproars on social media as they were dragged for promoting their selfish desires alone. Reference and commendation were also made to people like Mr Macaroni and Oga Sabinus who weren't present.

Reacting to this, Woli Agba lashed out heavily at critics, while questioning their method of reasoning.

He wrote:

"Na ordinary picture una see and you guys had all of these conclusions. Ask whoever cooked the story evidence of his or her presence at the meeting now? Which way Nigerians? Ask now? Why una just dey reason like programmed robot like this? I think for the first time, I am able to know one of our problems in this country. Not even related to any of the lies you guyz are reading. Don't be pushed common. Omo, I dey here dey thank God o."

See the post below:

Burna Boy fires at lady who accused him of using Africa’s suffering to enrich self –“You deserve all the worst in life and the afterlife”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 02:00 AM PDT

Grammy winner, Burna Boy has blasted a lady who accused him of using the sufferings and plights of Africa/Africans to enrich himself.

The lady identified as Dera in a lengthy post noted that Burna Boy always tries to paint a bad and dilapidated picture of Africa in his song with no atom of positivity.

She described this as a strategy adopted by Burna Boy and some other artists to gain massively. According to her, Fela didn't paint Africa bad in order to send his message and also diversified into other spheres; such as praising women and so on.

Reacting to this, the self-acclaimed African Giant noted that she deserves all the worst in life and the afterlife due to this statement.

Odogwu also noted he would have been much richer if he had embraced other genres of music.

He wrote:

"First of all ain't no 'WE' you live in the UK and probably come to Africa for holidays. You and anybody that thinks like you deserve all the worst in life and the afterlife. You think I need to sing about the truth of African suffering to gain? Dumb bullshit takes more away from me, my pocket and my family to sing the truth like I have always done.

I would be way more comfortable and richer if I didn't sing the truth about my society. I wasn't the man I am or if I didn't have so much interiority, I could have accepted the numerous millions of dollars I've need and continued to be offered by African politicians.

FYI nobody can make music about girls, money and bullshit better than me (I've proved this countless times) I just chose to speak my truth and the truth about Africa. So go and listen to one of the many great talents coming out of Africa and skip Burna Boy if you can't handle it.

I'm from Africa! me and my extended family live in Africa and it's always on our minds that the rest for the things I say and do get bigger and I get, risk, suffering and smiling!"

See the exchange below:

Regina Daniels cries out amid reports of her hubby, Ned Nwoko and Laila’s divorce – “I’m tired of being here”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 01:30 AM PDT

Controversial actress, Regina Daniels has cried out on social media, stating that she's tired of being in Jordan with her hubby, Ned.

In a recent post on Instagram, the mother of one, while lamenting over their holiday in Jordan, said she's already tired and wants to leave.

This is coming after news broke that her husband, Ned Nwoko had divorced his Moroccan wife, Laila Charani.

Laila who confirmed the news via Instagram, stated that she no longer has any business with Ned Nwoko because they have completed their divorce process. She however did not disclose what led to their divorce.

This is coming after news broke that her husband, Ned Nwoko had divorced his Moroccan wife, Laila Charani.

Laila who confirmed the news via Instagram, stated that she no longer has any business with Ned Nwoko because they have completed their divorce process. She however did not disclose what led to their divorce.

Highlights From Reality Star, Dorathy’s Squid Game-Themed Birthday Party

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 01:00 AM PDT

Ex-housemate of the Big Brother Naija reality show, Dorathy Bachor celebrates her birthday in grand style with a Squid game-themed party.

The brand influencer who clocked 26 on Thursday 5th of November thrilled attendees of her birthday party with a theme inspired by a popular Korean movie series.

The guests of the celebrant were seen dressed in numbered outfits and was challenged to in-house games just as portrayed in the movie series.

Dorathy could be seen elated, dancing, and rejoicing with the caliber of attendees of her party which includes past and recent BBNaija housemates, comedians, and many others.

See more photos below …

Watch the video below …

Lady who wrecked a married man’s home in the past, cries out as his wife surfaces, few weeks to her wedding

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 12:30 AM PDT

A lady has cried out after a woman who she hurt in the past, resurfaced and vowed to ruin her imminent wedding to the love of her life.

Sharing her sad ordeal, the lady confessed that she lived a very rough life in the past, dated a married man and made him abandon his family.

Few months later, she broke up with him and subsequently hooked up with her boyfriend turned fiance.

However, just few weeks to their wedding, the wife of the married man she once dated and wrecked their home, resurfaced and vowed to do everything possible to ruin it, including sending her nudes to her husband-to-be.

She wrote;

"I lived a very rough life. I dated a married man and caused havoc in his home. His wife came and begged me to leave her husband. Her children were hungry.

I used it against her by reporting to the husband that she threatened me. The man now packed of the house and abandoned them.

I later broke up with the man, changed my number and concentrated on my fiance. I don't know what later happened between them. My marriage is December. My husband is coming from U.S this November. After the marriage, we go together.

Everything is ready. This woman surfaced from nowhere and sent my nude video with her husband to my DM and threatened she will send to my husband. She's presently looking for my husband's contact. She said if she can't get it, she will come to my wedding and show him. I have been apologizing. If my fiance sees the video, he won't hesitate to end it".

See full post below:

Reactions as Maria reveals who her ‘baby’ is, amid reports of husband snatching –“Easy o, make them no pour you ac!d”

Posted: 06 Nov 2021 12:00 AM PDT

Former Big Brother Naija housemate, Maria Chike Benjamin has been trolled online after she described fellow housemate, Cross as her baby.

Maria has been trending for negative reasons ever since her eviction from Big Brother's house during the 'shine ya eyes' edition of the show.

Days ago, Cubana Chiefpriest dragged the reality star for allegedly snatching his sister's husband and still sending her threat messages to leave him or die.

Subsequently, another allegation was levelled against Maria, claiming that she had eyes for a Nigerian senator and was trying to snatch the senator from his wife.

However, Maria in a recent comment on social media, sparked reactions as she revealed that her fellow BBNaija housemate, Cross is her baby.

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