Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Good morning from Maine where it is chilly and we're expecting our first real snowstorm of the year! That means that tomorrow I'll be shoveling snow and my kids will be making snowmen. We'll probably do a bit of sledding as well. I hope that you have ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. Voices, Keyboards, and Birds - The Week in Review
  2. A New Way to Add Students to Flipgrid
  3. More Recent Articles

Voices, Keyboards, and Birds - The Week in Review

Good morning from Maine where it is chilly and we're expecting our first real snowstorm of the year! That means that tomorrow I'll be shoveling snow and my kids will be making snowmen. We'll probably do a bit of sledding as well. I hope that you have some equally fun things planned for your weekend. 

Before jumping to this week's list of the most popular posts, I'd like to point two things that I announced yesterday. First, I have just published a new ebook titled 50 Tech Tuesday Tips. Second, this coming Tuesday at 3pm ET I'm hosting a free webinar titled Best of the Web 2021

These were the week's most popular posts:
1. The Easiest Way to Add Narration to Google Slides
2. How to Modify & Share Canva Templates
3. An Easy Way to Quickly Add Voice Notes to Google Docs
4. We're Counting Birds! - A Lesson in Citizen Science and Canva Template Creation
5. The Story Behind QWERTY - Why Keyboards Aren't in Alphabetical Order
6. How to Annotate Historical Images on Jamboard
7. Six Reasons to Try Tract for Remote & Hybrid Learning

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  • The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter comes out every Sunday evening/ Monday morning. It features my favorite tip of the week and the week's most popular posts from Free Technology for Teachers.
  • My YouTube channel has more than 39,000 subscribers watching my short tutorial videos on a wide array of educational technology tools. 
  • I've been Tweeting as @rmbyrne for fourteen years. 
  • The Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page features new and old posts from this blog throughout the week. 
  • If you're curious about my life outside of education, you can follow me on Instagram or Strava.
This post originally appeared on If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Sites that steal my (Richard Byrne's) work include CloudComputin and WayBetterSite. Featured image captured by Richard Byrne.

A New Way to Add Students to Flipgrid

This week Flipgrid released a bunch of helpful updates. My favorite of those updates is a new way to invite students to join your Flipgrid groups. Now you can invite them by simply sharing a link to your group. You can share that link in your LMS of choice, post it on your blog, or email it to your students. You could even share the invite link via a QR code. 

In this new video I demonstrate how to use the new invite via link option in Flipgrid. The video shows a teacher's perspective of inviting students to a Flipgrid group. The video also shows a student's perspective of joining a Flipgrid group through an invite link. 


This new option for inviting people to join Flipgrid groups should prove to be a lot easier than having to invite people via email or by manually adding their names to your group. It could be particularly useful when creating Flipgrid groups the will have members from multiple schools that use different email domains.

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