The New Security Beat

The New Security Beat

Blue Jeans Contaminating Blue Oceans: The Expanding Microfiber Footprint of Our Clothes

Posted: 01 Dec 2021 09:01 PM PST

The Arctic is believed to be a pristine environment, far removed from littered city streets and toxic industrial emissions. I study human pollution and I found it hard to believe that my fellow researchers and I would find so much litter out here. It was even harder to believe that what we uncovered closely resembled […] Related posts: Hitting the Brakes on Plastics in China's Food Delivery Industry: Q&A with Zheng Xue and Sherry Lu of Plastic Free China How Plastic Pollution is...

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16DaysCampaign Calls to End Femicide: Research Shows Women in Perinatal Period at Risk

Posted: 30 Nov 2021 09:01 PM PST

"Femicide is an important, but often unreported, cause of maternal mortality. This research documents the immediate need for universal abuse assessment of all pregnant women," write the authors of the self-declared first study to report a definite link between abuse during pregnancy and attempted/completed femicide—the gender related killing of women. This study was published in […] Related posts: Seeing and Hearing Mothers: Uncovering Poor Perinatal Mental Health Accessing Justice:...

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