Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

mass formation psychosis: "Come on, you stupid bastards, get the vaxx!" Innovation BIS 2025, EO 13818

Posted: 02 Jan 2022 09:53 PM PST

2022: More Humans, Including Children are Enslaved Than Ever Before in History  Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America

Chemical Agents in Water/Food Supply Feminize Population


The crown parasites & their bankers   ... Innovation BIS 2025

J6 Political Prisoners 

Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media ... not Scientist, no,no,no, ... THE FKng MEDIA!!! The Powerful Pfizer Presentation That Got Dr. Robert Malone Kicked Off Twitter

PFIZER'S ORIGINAL TRIAL REPORT meanwhile:  the Mother of all Backfires

"Come on, you stupid bastards, get the vaxx!"  ... Coincidence?

" As for "the decrepit empire of the Stars and Stripes, weakened by LGBT, BLM, etc.,it is clear that it will not survive a two-front war." 

Rule massively financially incentivizing hospitals to poison and kill Covid patients found.

BRAIN "SHORT CIRCUIT"⚠️❗️(▶ No.15297016)


During a demonstration against the Israeli government. One of the protesters started screaming, spewing smoke from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. His brain burned from the inside out. Surprised protesters try to put out the fire, which came from inside the zombie man's head, with a jacket and a bottle of water. It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring. There is another video circulating in which two men smoke from their heads. Both men are known to have been vaccinated. It seems that something inside their head was short-circuited, perhaps caused by microwaves or 5G electromagnetic radiation. What is known is that people who have received the death "vaccine" are subject to internal damage caused by the interaction of electromagnetic waves and heavy metals, graphene, etc.



Return of the Urban Firestorm Homes gone, businesses gone, turned to ash including - large metal appliances and CARS…but trees still standing? Two "towns", total ash. On a quiet clear day. Then suddenly, without warning…100mph winds and a mysterious fire starts. I wonder…who [Politician/corporation] wants that 'land'? Just like what they have done in Calif.



molotov time: the NETHERLANDS

Los Angeles

For non gamerfags (▶ 730343 (4)  No.15298131)

PvP is player vs player

PvE is Player vs Enemy or Environment

Player versus environment or player versus enemy (PvE, also known as player versus monster (PvM)), is a term used for both single player and online games, particularly MMORPGs, CORPGs, MUDs, other online role-playing video games and survival games to refer to fighting computer-controlled enemies[1]—in contrast to PvP (player versus player).[2] In survival games a large part may be fighting the elements, controlling hunger and thirst, learning to adapt to the environment and exploration.

Usually a PvE mode can be played alone, with human companions or with AI companions. The PvE mode may contain a storyline that is narrated as the player progresses through missions. It may also contain missions that may be done in any order.




  Microtechnology Found in Pfizer's vaccine

"In 2020, workers lost $3.7 trillion while billionaires gained $3.9 trillion. Some 493 individuals became new billionaires, and an additional 8 million Americans dropped below the poverty line."

Kennedy goes on to say those that made big money are in Big Technology, Big Data, Big Telecom, Big Finance, Big Media—and names some of the biggest that gained wealth during lockdowns.

Bloomberg L.P. – Michael Bloomberg, $7 billion

Gates Foundation/Microsoft Founder – Bill Gates, $22 billion

Amazon – Jeff Bezos, $86 billion

Google, Founder – Sergey Brin, $41 billion

Facebook/Meta – Mark Zuckerberg, $35 billion

Oracle, Founder-b Larry Ellison, $34 billion

According to a CNN.com report, Covid vaccine profits minted nine new pharma billionaires, and TheEcologist.org, states the virus created vaccine billionaires; here is only a partial list of billionaires that made loads of cash off of this pandemic.

St̩phane Bancel РModerna's CEO (worth $4.3 billion)

Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech (worth $4 billion)

Timothy Springer – an immunologist and founding investor of Moderna (worth $2.2bn)

Noubar Afeyan – Moderna's Chairman (worth $1.9 billion)

Juan Lopez-Belmonte— Chairman of ROVI, a company with a deal to manufacture and package the Moderna vaccine (worth $1.8 billion)

Robert Langer – a scientist and founding investor in Moderna (worth $1.6 billion)

Zhu Tao co-founder and chief scientific officer at CanSino Biologics (worth $1.3 billion)

Qiu Dongxu, co-founder and senior vice president at CanSino Biologics (worth $1.2)

Mao Huinhoa, also co-founder and senior vice president at CanSino Biologics (worth $1 billion)

Fauci and Gates Connections

What is Anthony Fauci's connection to Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation? How long have they been working together? What is their history?

During the daily pandemic news conferences, there were rumors flying in the press that there had been a longstanding relationship between Anthony Fauci, Director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Wikipedia.com, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institute_of_Allergy_and_Infectious_Diseases

National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Director

  • https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/director
  • https://gcgh.grandchallenges.org/about/scientific-boardGates Foundation, Leadership Council, Decade of Vaccines
  • https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Ideas/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2010/12/Global-Health-Leaders-Launch-Decade-of-Vaccines-Collaboration
  • https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Ideas/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2010/01/Bill-and-Melinda-Gates-Pledge-$10-Billion-in-Call-for-Decade-of-Vaccines
  • https://www.gavi.org/operating-model/gavis-partnership-model/bill-melinda-gates-foundation
  • https://www.gavi.org/our-alliance
  • https://www.gavi.org/news/media-room/fauci-forging-closer-ties-gavi
  • https://www.gavi.org/our-alliance/strategy/phase-5-2021-2025
  • https://www.gavi.org/investing-gavi/innovative-financing/gavi-matching-fund

EO 13818 

the 8th Day of Christmas † The Solemnity of the Mother of God

Posted: 01 Jan 2022 11:24 AM PST



Down in yon forest there stands a hall:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
Things covered all over with purple and pall
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.

 And In that hall there is a bed:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
 All scarlet the coverlet over it spread:
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.

(At the bed-side there lies a stone:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
Which the sweet Virgin Mary knelt upon:
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.)

 And on that bed there lies a Knight:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
 And He doth bleed by day & by night:
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.


And Under that bed there runs a flood:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
The one half runs water, the other runs blood:
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.

And from that bed there springs a thorn:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
It bloomed its white blossom the day He was born:
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.

 And Over that place the moon shines bright:
The bells of Paradise I hear them ring:
To show that our Saviour was born on that night:
And I love my Lord Jesus above anything.

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