Apocalypse Paradigm

Apocalypse Paradigm

Genocide Bingo: (REDACTED SCHUMANN), SON of CON, Nuked Sneaked Tracked & Spooked

Posted: 14 Jan 2022 12:56 PM PST

  No.15373254 Been posted on this board for years to have 2 weeks of food and water on hand 
the sht is very deep now: Children at Jane Addams Elementary School!! in Moline, Illinois, are invited to attend an "after-school Satan club" 

Tidal Wave of Documents on Gain-of-Function and the Leak of the Virus


Declaration from the International Association of Physicians & Medical Scientists.

DARPA's MAN IN WUHAN ....... Callahan is a CIA spook scientist who uses Harvard as his cover.

La Quinta Columna 1-On-1: Spanish Researcher First to Reveal Graphene Oxide

O YIPPEE!! ... imagine the applications!! The future of tracking people to ensure they have taken required pharmaceutical medications.

& another on bites the ON-AIR dust 

& then:  FDA Admits Home PCR Test Kits Contain Known 'Hazardous' Drug

Montreal, Canada

Sinema Deals Fatal Blow to Democrats' 'Voting Rights' Bill Two Days After Biden Calls on Senate to Nuke Filibuster

remember when Fauci called Senator Marshall a moron?   ! 

Owens Catches Dems Trying To Sneak Vote Changes Into NASA Bill … And It Gets Worse


... ... ... &
another dindu nuffin

8 YAH-ung Women anda Pee-DOH-o in the White House

The Connection Between Jonbenet Ramsey & Ghislaine Maxwell  

The Watershed Moment Has Arrived

meanwhile: Army fires six active-duty commanders for refusing the Jab

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