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Check out 10 snacks Gen Zs and millenials can never forget

Posted: 21 Jan 2022 10:30 PM PST

Let's go down memory lane with some of the fun snacks we ate as children;

Recently, I pondered on how children these days will never know what it means to buy cheap snacks.

If you were a child in the late part of the 90s or the early 2000s, the fun part of school was the cheap afterschool snacks. They cost kobos and remained at N5 for a long time.

Nowadays, biscuits cost at least N50 and juice boxes are about N100.

Here are the some of the old school snacks we ate;

1. Biscao

This chocolate biscuit has nothing on Oreos. I almost got whooped for leaving the house without telling my mother I went to buy it.

2. Speedy

Speedy was that snack everyone rushed to buy during break time. Maybe the best thing about it was the ball-shaped biscuits which I loved to play with before eating.

3. Okin biscuits

Okin biscuits is also an OG in the world of biscuits. The only issue is I didn't like it, but some people did.

4. Coconut
Coconut was just like speedy, but it has a vanilla taste. It was one of my favourites.

5. Fantasia

This tastes delicious, but it became popular much later on.

6. Goody goody

Goody goody was so uncommon, but whenever you found it, you felt like you were taking the best chocolate in the world. It cost N10 then, we used to think it was expensive.

7. Cabin biscuits

These dry biscuits were for school, especially boarding school, but it is better when taken with chocolate tea.

8. Milkmaid
This was in the same category as coconut and speedy.

9. Robo Robo

This was the cheap version of M&Ms.

10. Digestive biscuits

These were nothing like Mcvities digestive biscuits.

Signs your girlfriend might make a good wife

Posted: 21 Jan 2022 10:00 PM PST

Choosing who to spend the rest of your life with is a huge decision that should not be taken lightly.

You don't want to end up having regrets down the line, so if you want to build a happy home, it is essential to pick someone who exhibits a good wife's characteristics.

Although everyone's preferred qualities in a wife will be different, every man wants some other general qualities, like responsibility, contentment, and tolerance. Below are some other specific signs to look for in a woman.

1. She doesn't bring up the past

Many people are fond of dwelling on the past, which affects their ability to make present, rational decisions. But, of course, we all have a past, some darker than others, and our past includes some decisions we made that we may not be proud of.

A woman that doesn't bring up the past frequently and accepts you with all of your imperfections without criticism is definitely one you can consider to be your wife.

2. She tolerates your bad habits

Do you often forget to flush after using the toilet, or do you have any other bad habits that may seem annoying to most people? Finding a woman that puts up with your quirks is a difficult process but when you do, stick with her because they are rare.

Marriage isn't always a bed of roses, so you'll need a very tolerant woman that won't make a big deal out of your annoying quirks.

3. She's there for you when you are at your lowest

A girlfriend that only sticks around when things are good and doesn't show up after things get bad isn't fit to be your wife. One of the vows you'll recite on your wedding is to always be there for each other in the good times and bad, so you need a woman that can fulfill that promise. You should also play your part and always be there for her too.

4. She believes in second chances

Relationships are imperfect, and there are bound to be obstacles along the way. You will let her down and make mistakes from time to time, but if she believes in second chances and making things right, you can count on her to stay by your side till the end of time.

5. She doesn't give high regard to material things

Nowadays, it's hard to find a girl that only cares about little moments like spending time with you instead of material things. Yes, material things matter, like money, but they shouldn't be the basis of your relationship. Find a woman you can share your goals and dreams with so she'll be with you every step of the way.

Check out health benefits of eating pawpaw

Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:30 PM PST

Many people do not like pawpaw because of how messy it can be or its taste.

But pawpaw is a tropical fruit that has a plethora of health benefits. Pawpaw contains antioxidants that keep you looking young and fight toxins in your body. Below are other health benefits that pawpaw has to offer.

1. Delicious and packed with nutrients

Ripe pawpaw can be consumed raw; however, unripe pawpaw should be cooked before eating. The fruit originated in Southern Mexico and Central America, but it is now grown worldwide.

Pawpaw contains many antioxidants like lycopene and carotenoids, which aid proper body function. In addition, your body absorbs nutrients better from pawpaw than other fruits and vegetables.

2. Protects against free radicals

Free radicals are by-products of metabolism that increase stress levels and even cause diseases. The carotenoids found in pawpaw neutralize these free radicals and reduce stress levels, especially in older adults.

3. Possesses anticancer properties

According to research, the lycopene present in pawpaw can reduce cancer risk. It is also beneficial for people that already have cancer. Pawpaw works by reducing or eliminating the free radicals that contribute to cancer.

A study also tested various fruits and vegetables and linked pawpaw to eliminating breast cancer cells. Although more research is needed, pawpaw is undoubtedly a fruit you shouldn't skip.

4. Improves Heart health

Adding more pawpaw to your diet can help your heart stay in excellent shape. The vitamin C and lycopene present in pawpaw have been proven to prevent heart disease. The antioxidants in pawpaw also help reduce inflammation and facilitate good cholesterol levels.

5. Improves digestion

Papain in pawpaw makes protein easier to digest, and people in many parts of the world see pawpaw as an excellent remedy for IBS and constipation. The leaves, roots, and seeds of pawpaw have also been used to treat ulcers in humans and animals.

Here are 5 ways to test if the honey you're buying is pure or fake

Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:00 PM PST

For the majority of people, honey is a must-have product at home.

Not only does it have loads of health benefits, but you can also use it to treat some ailments as well as make face masks for a smooth blemish free skin and even exfoliate your lips. However, unbeknownst to many people, there's fake honey being sold in the supermarkets.

Some vendors are mixing honey with water and other things such as glucose so that they can have more honey in their batch. To be quite honest, pure honey does not come cheap and it's a shame that you might be spending a lot of money on what you think is pure honey but is not. If you buy honey from out of town, in areas popular with bee keeping and bee farming, it's likely that you will get pure honey.

However, honey bought from the streets or from hawkers and the likes, is likely adulterated honey, which will not give you any of the benefits that you were hoping to get in the first place. That said, we have compiled a few easy tests that you can use to find out if the honey is pure of artificial.

But before we get to the tests, the first step is to check the label and how the honey looks like in the bottle or jar:

Pure honey solidifies with time. What this means is that it looks like granulated sugar and not watery. Sure, it could be fresh honey and you could buy it, but to see if it solidifies, put it in the fridge overnight. If it has no small crystals and is still watery, then you do not have pure honey. When it comes to the label, check to see if it has things like high fructose corn syrup and glucose written on it. These products keep the honey from solidifying and vendors add them to the honey so that they can have a little more honey to sell to unsuspecting buyers.

On to the tests:

1. Using a matchstick
Dip a matchbox in the honey then light it up. If it lights up, the honey is pure. If it doesn't light up, that means it has additives like water which prevents the matchstick from lighting up. Instead of a matchstick, you can also fold a small piece of tissue, dip it in some honey (pour a little bit first into a small bowl) then light it using a lighter. If your honey is pure, then the piece of tissue will catch fire.

2. Using a glass of water
Pour some water into a glass, then, pour a teaspoonful of honey into the water. Pure honey will settle at the bottom of the glass and fake honey will start to mix with the water.

3. The swirl test
In a small bowl, preferably a white bowl, put a tablespoonful of honey, then pour about quarter a cup of water into the bowl and swirl. Keep swirling till the honey starts to form a honeycomb shape. If you do not see the comb shape, then your honey is not pure.

4. Using vinegar
Mix a bit of honey and water then add four or five drops of vinegar. If it turns foamy, then the honey is not pure.

5. Put a little amount of honey on your thumb
Pure honey will stay put or very slowly start to drip to the sides. Honey that's not pure will easily spill away from the thumb. You can also use a spoon instead. Dip a spoon in your honey then hold it up. Pure honey will trickle down very slowly while fake honey will spill or trickle down very fast.

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