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Dear men, women also need sex twice as much as you do

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 08:00 AM PST

Women actually look for sex, twice the time as men.

Sex is fantastic and no wonder why people are after sex, so often.

The amount of oxytocin released in the body during sex is enormous, which accounts for a glowing body, skin and happy mood.

And so, the conception that women do not want sex and that they are only expected to indulge in sex to make babies is completely false.

Let's take a look at why women might want sex much more than men.

Studies suggest when women are attracted to a man, they begin thinking about sex. If the man suits their personality, style and taste, they feel allured and sexual thoughts begin swirling in their mind. Women are just better at hiding their emotions than men.

High sexual drive
Sometimes, women tend to have a higher sex drive than men. They are the most sexually active in their 20s, 30s and 40s which are said to be their prime time. They blossom sexually the most when with a man they love and care for.

Unlike men, women tend to have multiple orgasms consecutively. It is quite difficult for men to climax many times, but women experience pleasure and satisfaction to the maximum. If men explore their pleasurable parts just the way women like it, then the men are about to get a treat!

When women are near the age of 50, they fear menopause will obstruct their sexual pleasure. And so, they try their best to experience all their sexual fantasies and dreams in their 20s and 30s so that they can have no regrets later on. This is when they focus a lot more on sex.

Mental connection
Women tend to associate sex with emotional and mental connections with their partners. They feel vulnerable when with their partners and according to them sex is an effective way of communicating their desires, wants and needs to their partner.

How dogs can improve your way of life

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 07:00 AM PST

If you don't have a dog yet, then you don't know what you're missing out on.

Dogs can improve your way of life and provide several benefits that may even save your life. Below are some of them.

Dogs are loyal, caring and compassionate

They live to help those in need and protect their family until the bitter end if necessary. In addition, studies have shown that owning a dog decreases stress levels and blood pressure, which is excellent news for everyone, especially those who suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure.

Dogs serve as excellent security guards

Due to their extraordinary hearing abilities and natural protective instincts towards defenseless people such as children and elderly adults, there's no denying it; having a dog around just makes you feel safe.

Dogs provide companionship

Having a dog can help you feel less lonely, especially if you live alone or far away from family and friends. Dogs are also great listeners. If your best friend isn't available to chat with you, talk to your furry companion instead. They're non-judgmental and always interested in what you have to say.

They give back love more than they receive

When dogs cuddle up next to you at night, you know that's just for your sake - there aren't any ulterior motives involved, like getting food. Dogs are always happy to see you, no matter how bad your day might have been.

They help you get exercised

Even if you don't particularly enjoy going for walks, your dog will ensure that you get up and moving. A healthy dog means a healthy person, so take your furry friend out for a walk around the block every day.

They entertain

Training a dog can lift your spirit and make you feel accomplished. Watching your pup learn new tricks is always rewarding, and it's a great way to keep yourself entertained when you're feeling bored.

Here are some reasons you should consider sex during menstruation

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 06:00 AM PST

What do you think of sex during your period?

Sex during your period is usually frowned at. Most people will not agree to have sex during your period because of some concerns.

But in recent years, feminists began a movement to demystify menstrual blood and to remove the age-long taboo and shame that surrounds menstruation.

If you do not think menstrual blood is disgusting, then sex during her period might be possible.

So, what are the pros?

1. Eases menstrual pain
Menstrual pain is the sometimes unfortunate consequence of being on your period. It has been proven that vaginal stimulation reduces cramps.

Sex releases endorphins plus the muscles of your uterus contracting provides some relief.

2. You have extra lubrication
Because of how wet the vagina is (as a result of blood), penetration is easier.

3. Sex is (more) enjoyable
For most women, the hormonal change from before their menstrual period (ovulation) and during their period can cause their libido to be heightened.

The cons
The mess
Blood everywhere, on your bedsheets and your partner. A very messy sight.

Fluids mixing together with each other is an invitation to sexually transmitted disease.

How to fix the mess?
Lay a towel or another cloth on the bed to prevent your bed sheet from becoming stained.
Have sex in the shower.

Here are 5 things you need to stop this year

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 05:00 AM PST

Some bad habits have to go.

When asked what our plans for the new year are, we all have our individual dreams, goals, and ambitions.

Some plan to 'japa', others plan to get married, procrastinate less, or lose weight.

Whatever your specific goal is, there are certain things we collectively need to let go of compulsorily:

1. Refusing to ask for help
You do not have to be a lone ranger this year.

Sure, not everyone you ask for help would help you and you shouldn't become too self-reliant on anyone, but you cannot do it all by yourself. You need to ask for help when you need it and be ready to receive it.

2. Being careless with your health
Your body is a temple, take care of it. Health is wealth and being mindful of what you eat and how your body feels is important.

3. Excessive behaviours like smoking or drinking or gambling
Moderation in all things is important. Any extreme habit must go. Getting so drunk at a party that you black out is nothing to be proud of.

4. Withholding love from others
You are happier to the degree that you show others that you love and care for them. Removing selfishness and self-centredness from the centre of your life will do you more good than harm.

An important part of showing love is practicing forgiveness and refusing to hold grudges.

5. Not saying how you feel or having violent outbursts
Self-expression is important to good mental health. Communicating your feelings is an essential part of good mental health. Bottling up your feelings is unhealthy.

Do you say yes when you mean to say no? Or do you find yourself having the need to show how you feel too strongly and then you end up saying hurtful words? Find a healthy balance.

Good questions to ask on a first date

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 04:30 AM PST

First dates can be daunting because you expect them to be an experience you'll forever remember.

Even extroverts can feel the nervousness that comes with finding the best outfit for a first date or even the best date location.

If you don't date regularly, a first date can feel like an interview because you'll be conscious of what questions to ask, how to respond to your date's questions, engage with the person, and carry yourself. Below are some pointers on how to react on a first date and great questions to ask.

Be a good listener

Whether you are on a date or not, a good conversation is about listening to another person. Listening attentively is not waiting for your turn to speak or keeping their questions in your mind; it is understanding what you hear and providing a suitable answer or suggestion. When you are present in the conversation, you don't need a list of questions to ask; you'll go with the flow.

Dig deep

Asking your date about their favorite food or color is good, but you should go beyond that. Try to ask questions about your date's values and fears but keep it humorous. Ask questions that tell you what your date does with their time, their adventures, family, and passions.

These areas define a person and tell you more about your date than you can imagine. If your conversation with your date goes well, by the end of the night, you'll know if you want to see them again.

Below are some questions you can ask on your first date;

1. What do you want in a relationship, or what is your definition of an ideal relationship?

2. Are you an animal person?

3. What is your biggest regret so far in life?

4. Are you close to your family?

5. What is the most adventurous thing you've done?

6. Where is your dream travel destination?

7. What do you want to do or try that you haven't done yet?

8. What are you most passionate about?

9. How do you spend your free time?

10. What are your thoughts on religion?

These questions are sure to spark conversations that can lead to even deeper conversations. So just remember to cut your date some slack, go with the flow and enjoy the night.

How to alleviate back pain when driving

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 04:00 AM PST

Does your back often ache when driving? If so, you need to find solutions to it quick before more damage is done.

By the age of 65, most people will have experienced some form of back problems. Driving can aggravate your condition. If you are unsure if your car seat or driving position is causing your backache, then it would be best to find out if it is. Below are some ways to cure back pain resulting from driving.

Correct posture

It's important to have the correct sitting position. For example, if your car seat is too low or high, you could be placing pressure on specific areas of your spine, which will lead to back pain. The best way to know if you are sitting in the correct position is by checking to see if both feet are flat on the floor when sitting with your back against the car seat.

Adjust car seat

It would help if you also had a comfortable distance between you and the steering wheel. If not, use a rolled-up towel or cushion behind your lower back for extra support. When seated, check that your knees are level with or just above your hips, as this reduces pressure on muscles and ligaments around the knee joints. Ensure that headrests are adjusted, so they do not hurt your neck as you drive.


There is an old trick that athletes use to increase their range of motion and flexibility. It involves pulling your leg with one hand as far out in front of you as possible, then trying to reach your heel by grabbing it with the other hand on the opposite side. Do this for both legs. These kinds of exercises help you to reduce back pain and drive comfortably.

If you believe your body is not built properly or has a physical problem preventing you from driving a car, consider alternatives. For example, it might be worth learning how to drive a motorcycle instead, especially if you have experience driving them before.

Daily habits that can damage your brain

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 03:30 AM PST

We often don't realize the causes or effects of habits; they just happen.

But unfortunately, when we get used to some seemingly harmless daily habits, they can cause long-lasting brain damage.

The human brain is an essential part of the body, so it requires healthy living to function correctly. However, some daily habits can damage your brain if you do not stop. Here are some of them below.


The first thing you should forget about is alcohol. Many people who drink excessively think they're cool, but in fact, it's just the opposite. Alcohol often causes dementia because your brain cells continue to die and affect your brain function.

Alcohol also causes poor decision-making skills, leading to Alzheimer's disease if not appropriately controlled. You can drink, just make sure it's moderate.


Another daily habit that damages the human brain is smoking cigarettes and other drugs such as weed, cocaine, etc. These habits increase stress on your blood vessels while decreasing oxygen flow. Frequent consumption will result in permanent damage of neurons over time. It could even kill some nerve cells leading to diseases like Parkinson's.

Lack of sleep

If you are a night owl, perhaps it's time to make some healthy lifestyle changes. If you don't get enough sleep, it will affect your ability to focus and concentrate on tasks. As a result, this can cause problems with learning and memory as well as even mood disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Excessive stress

Another daily habit that damages the human brain is stress which comes from working long hours every day without giving yourself some time off for relaxation. According to research, chronic stress can shrink parts of the hippocampus (the part of your brain responsible for certain types of memory such as spatial navigation).

This causes short-term memory loss but, more importantly, reduces problem-solving skills over time if left unchecked or untreated. It also leads to mental health issues like depression or PTSD, depending on what type of stressful situation was endured for an extended period.

5 people speak on getting or giving boxers as a gift

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 03:00 AM PST

I asked a couple of people if they have ever gotten or given boxers.

Valentine's Day is coming, and some girlfriends and wives are thinking of buying boxers for their boyfriends and husbands.

Apart from the caption, "A king was born today", another common thing men get when they celebrate their birthdays is the underwear called boxers.

Ahmed has never gotten boxers as a Valentine's present. "My issue is with the lack of creativity. It is usually the cheap N1,500 boxers. Did I tell her that I do not have boxers?"

Diane feels that she can never get a guy a pack of boxers for a birthday present and she has never. "It is an intimate gift and right now boxers as a gift don cast, so I won't think of that."

Seyi has gotten boxers as a gift and he didn't like it, "Because she could have done better. It was just rubbish."

Funke says she has never gifted anyone boxers. "I am a thoughtful gifter," She says.

Dayo has gotten boxers before but it wasn't on his birthday and he didn't mind. "It is okay if it is not a birthday gift."

It seems that the trope that women love to give boxers as a gift is not a general rule, not all women do so, but enough of them do it to give women a bad reputation.

Is there anything inherently wrong with boxers as a gift? I do not think so.

It seems like one of those gifts that are overplayed, and people got tired of receiving it.

7 common things that shouldn't be found in your bedroom

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 02:30 AM PST

Due to the ever busy schedule of humans, people tend to turn the bedroom into a place where other activities are carried out which is quite unhealthy.

The bedroom is mainly a place where people sleep or relax after having a long day.

These are things that you should get rid of in your room as soon as possible:

Having your meal or eating edibles on the bed is very dirty because you will most likely not wash your hands after the meal and also not wash your sheets if something spills on it.

Eating in bed is most times associated with another activity like watching tv or reading, this might lead to overeating and puts you at a risk of indigestion. Leaving dirty dishes in the room as well attract pests.

Just like mobile phones, installing a television set in your bedroom is quite a huge distraction. It can completely deprive you of sleep.

According to sleep.org, "one problem with bedtime TV watching is simply the temptation to stay up late to find out what happens next."

Cell Phone
This shouldn't be found in your bedroom to get as much comfort as possible. The incessant vibration and ringing of phones as well as the ever-present social media distractions are harmful to your health.

According to HuffPost, the blue light emission from cell phones can disturb melatonin production, hereby causing poor sleep patterns.

The bedroom should be mainly for you to get rest so there should be no association of work with your place of rest.

You can create a space in your living room or corridor to carry out your office works.

Pets generally mess up the room if they are not well trained yet and this may lead to germs, fleas, etc.

If you really have to sleep close to your pet to have a feeling of safety, love and companionship, you can make another bed for the pet metres away from your bed to curb interruption of your lovely sleep.

Old and low-quality mattress and pillows
Uncomfortable mattresses always ruin a good sleep so if you haven't changed yours in more than 10 years, you need to go spend that money now.

Also there are different pillows for different sleeping patterns of people, so it is advisable to buy pillows that goes with your sleeping style to give you an enjoyable rest.

Very bright colour
Painting your bedroom walls with very bright colours would not give you the best environment to relax.

According to a British survey, shades of blue, yellow, silver, green, and orange are the most conducive for relaxation while brown, gray and purple painted rooms are the worst.

Here are 10 benefits of shea butter

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 02:00 AM PST

Here are ten benefits of using shea butter.

Shea butter is gotten from the nuts of the shea tree grown in West Africa. It is usually solid and looks creamy or white.

Shea butter benefits every part of your body.

These innumerable benefits are because it contains vitamins A, E, and F, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, and oleic fatty acids amongst other ingredients.

1. Relieves sore muscles and joint pain
Shea butter has been proven to relieve joint pain and inflammation. All you need is to rub it on the affected area.

2. Relieves itching caused by other skin condition
Eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis can cause itching and swelling. Rubbing shea butter on the affected area can cause it to reduce.

3. Reduces dandruff in hair
One of the causes of dandruff is a dry scalp. Shea butter reduces dryness in hair by providing the required moisture.

4. It prevents wrinkles on the skin
Shea butter contains triterpenes which help boost collagen production which tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles.

5. Reduces acne and pimples
Acne and pimples can be caused by the overproduction of oil; using shea butter on your skin helps to balance the production of oil. Its antibacterial qualities also prevent pimples.

6. It heals scars and stretch marks
Research shows that shea butter stops keloid fibroblasts that cause scars and stretch marks from growing and this prevents scars and stretch marks.

7. It prevents hair loss
Do you find yourself losing hair fast? Then use some shea butter on it because it prevents hair loss.

8. It heals wounds and insect bite
Rubbing shea butter will cause wounds to be healed and reduce the appearance of the scar and the redness and swelling caused by insects

9. It reduces nasal congestion
Using shea butter nasal drops will relieve nasal congestion.

10. It moisturises the skin
This is the most common use of shea butter. It makes skin look smoother and glowing.

The health benefits of Tiger Nuts are wonderful

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 01:30 AM PST

When it comes to enriching the body with the needed nutrients, tiger nut is a miracle worker.

Known in the Hausa language as "aya," tiger nut is one of the earliest recorded plants cultivated in ancient Egypt.

And they've been used medicinally for both oral medications and enemas.

Counted among the healthiest plants in the world, tiger nut helps to prevent heart attacks, thrombosis and activate blood circulation.

And due to the high contents of soluble glucose, they help prevent cancer, as well as reducing the risk of suffering colon cancer.

Additionally, the high insoluble fiber contents of tiger nuts help the diabetics to regulate their sugar levels in the blood.

However, recent studies have shown that there is more to tiger nuts than meets the eye. They are packed with a lot of health benefits that may seem too wonderful to be true.

Here are six wonderful health benefits of tiger nuts
1. It cures erectile dysfunction
In the world of alternative medicine, this is regarded as is one of the major health benefits of tiger nuts.

Tiger nuts have been shown to be very beneficial in improving the problem of erectile dysfunction (ED).

Although there is no medical evidence to support this claim, natives of Ghana have been using this traditional medicine for decades in the form of palliative for treating ED.

2. It helps against bacterial infection
Another wonderful health benefit of tiger nuts is that it helps to fight against bacteria in the human body.

As a matter of fact, a recent study has shown that tiger nuts can be used to fight bacterial infection such as E.coli and Salmonella.

It is also useful in fighting bacterial infection such as Streptococcus.

3. Regulate blood pressure
Tiger nut is a rich carrier of potassium. And potassium is said to be very useful when it comes to lowering the blood pressure.

Besides potassium, the magnesium in it also helps regulate the heartbeat and maintain normal blood pressure levels.

4. It helps in digestion
Oral tradition has it that tiger nuts were used to treat stomach upsets, irritable bowels, and other digestive issues.

They have also been used in folk medicine as a remedy for many ailments, including flatulence and diarrhea. And the enzymes, such as amylase, lipase, and catalase that are contained in it, help aid digestion.

5. It fights malnutrition
In under-developed nations where it is difficult for everyone to have access to highly nutritious food, tiger nuts can serve as a healthy option.

Because they are very rich in nutrients such as carbohydrate, fat, fiber, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iron and zinc.

Studies have also shown that the golden brown tiny tubers contain many beneficial vitamins that are capable of meeting the nutritional need of those wanting in one.

6. It helps to prevent colon cancer
Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), which is the final part of the digestive tract. And most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps.

However, tiger nut is wonderful when it comes to cleansing the colon due to fiber contained in it.

And according to the American Cancer Society, foods like tiger nuts that are rich in fiber and antioxidants property are excellent when it comes to the prevention of cancer.

If you see this signs, your child is eating way too much salt

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 01:00 AM PST

One fear of every parent is not being able to protect their child from every sort of harm. Even right under our noses, children are prone to danger.

It's true that you are what you eat, and too much salt in anybody, especially children, doesn't spell good for anyone

Child health experts say that excess salt intake can lead to increased blood pressure and heart problems. It doesn't help any child who is genetically predisposed with a family history of hypertension or cardiovascular diseases. Parents should be aware of this because there are visible signs your kid is consuming too much sodium.

Fortunately, this article looks at five signs parents should watch out for when determining whether their kids have been consuming too much table salt over time.

• A swollen face, which might look cute on kids but not so funny when it becomes permanent later in life.

• The presence of puffy bags under the eyes which could signify water retention due to excessive consumption of table salt, even if they haven't been drinking enough fluids through their diets. This problem persists throughout childhood into adulthood as well for those who have grown up eating high amounts of table salt at home without supervision.

• A look of confusion and drowsiness, which could be a sign of salt poisoning. Babies may stop crying due to excess sodium intake as well as they might sleep more than usual or become irritable.

• Skin that turns yellowish in appearance, which is usually accompanied by an increase in appetite for salty foods such as chips among children aged between one year old up until their early teens. The presence of this condition on the skin can also signal other problems like liver disease so it's best to check with your pediatrician first if you notice these changes in your child's complexion.

• Excessive thirst and an increase in urination, which are both telltale signs of dehydration. When the body retains fluid, it causes a rise in blood pressure levels as well so keep track if your child has been drinking lots of fluids and also going to the bathroom more frequently than usual.

It can be tricky to monitor how much sodium our kids are taking in especially since many processed foods contain hidden salt content. But as parents, we should be vigilant about these symptoms and keep a close eye on our children's overall health.

10 best foods to eat from 10 regions in Nigeria

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 12:30 AM PST

Today, we shed light on our native cuisine and share what dishes are indigenous to the various tribes in Nigeria.

With over 300 ethnic groups in Nigeria, the country stands as one of the most culturally diverse in Africa.

Naturally, with such diversity comes a wide range of differences in lifestyle, including cuisine.

While many dishes have managed to transcend ethnic borders, they are still known to be indigenous to particular areas, thus making them sought-after delicacies in said regions.

So, if you ever find yourself in any of the under listed areas, be sure to try out the following dishes:

1. Ofe Onugbu
As pasta is to Italy, so is Onugbu to Anambra state. No gathering in the state is complete without this soup and it is usually eaten with either eba or fufu.

2. Afang soup
Though indigenous to the Efik tribe in Akwa Ibom, it is equally popular among neighbouring tribes (Ibibio, Anang) and even Cross River state. So if you ever find yourself in Akwa Ibom or Cross River, be sure to sample this soup in its truly native form.

3. Ofe Akwu
Though widely popular in Anambra, this delicacy is eaten across the Eastern states Nigeria, and a variation of it (banga) is eaten by Delta state indigenes. Ofe akwu is eaten with rice.

4. Pounded Yam & Egusi
While this is a highly universal dish, Ondo state indigenes are known to be particularly fond of their pounded yam.

5. Black soup
A popular Edo state delicacy, this soup is made using bitter leaf and efirin (scent leaf). It can be eaten with any swallow of choice.

6. Tuwo masara/Tuwo shinkafa and miyan kuka
This is a popular delicacy in Northern Nigeria. Tuwo mara is made from ground corn while tuwo shinkafa is made from ground rice. Both are swallows which are used in eating soups like miyan kuka which is made using baobab leaves and ground okra.

7. Okazi soup
Widely popular amongst Abia state indigenes, egusi lumps and achara leaves can be used in garnishing this soup.

8. Amala and ewedu soup
This is very popular amongst the Yorubas in South Western Nigeria, especially the Ibadan people.

9. Banga soup and starch
A variation of ofe akwu, banga soup is made sans the scent leaves (nchu anwu) which ofe akwu uses. It is eaten by the Urhobos of Delta state alongside starch (usi).

10. Onunu and fish stew
Onunu is a swallow dish made from a combination of yam and plantain. Accompanied with fish stew, this is a popular delicacy of the Kalabari people in Rivers state.

Things to consider before getting back together with your ex

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 12:00 AM PST

Now that you've had some time to yourself, it might be tempting to want to get back together with your ex.

But is that really what you want? Getting back together is a big decision that could affect your life greatly both ways.

First of all, think about why the relationship ended in the first place. Something must have happened that made you both decide to call it quits with each other. If it was because of fundamental incompatibilities or irreconcilable differences, getting back together is probably not going to solve anything.

Then, take into account how you felt during the breakup. Were you relieved when it happened or did you feel like something was missing? If you were happy when you were apart, it might be a sign that getting back together is not a good idea. But if you weren't content without your partner and long for their affection again, then it might be worth giving things another try.

You should also think about how your ex behaved during the breakup. If they were respectful and understanding, that's a good sign. But if they were dismissive or mean, that could be a warning sign for the future as they may behave that way again if you eventually get back together.

Next, consider what has changed since the last time you two were together. Has one of you grown up and become more responsible? Or have you both just been moping around feeling sorry for yourselves? Getting back together is only going to work if there are real changes on both sides.

Take some time to really weigh out the pros and cons of getting back together with your ex. There might be some good reasons to do it – like wanting to get married or have children with them. But there might be some good reasons not to do it, too – like the fact that you haven't figured out what went wrong in the first place and are likely to make similar mistakes again.

Finally, ask yourself if you're really ready to commit to this relationship again. Getting back together is a serious step and it's important that both of you are on the same page. If you're not sure, take some time to figure things out before making any decisions.

There are definitely pros and cons to getting back together with your ex. But ultimately, only you can decide what's best for you. Weigh all the factors carefully and make sure you're doing this for the right reasons!

Check out easiest way to make your own cake

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 11:30 PM PST

Although there are no chocolates, nor whipped cream, yet the deliciousness of Nigerian cake is ever amazing.

Baking time

2 hours

Recipe category


Recipe cuisine


Cooking method



100 gram of cake contains 257 calories, 0.3g fat

Recipe ingredients

Recipe instruction

1. Use some butter to grease your baking pan and dust it with some flour then put it aside.

Note: The purpose of butter greasing and flouring of your pan is to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan. It makes it easy for you to bring out the cake from the pan without denting the cake.

2. Mix your flour, baking powder and nutmeg in a bowl. Set it aside when you're done.

3. Add the butter together with the sugar in the mixing bowl and cream it together until it's smooth fluffy and creamy

Note: your butter must be at room temperature.

4. Break all the eggs into a different bowl and whisk them to a smooth blend.

5. Add the whisked eggs into the mixing bowl and mix together with the cream.

6. Mix in the Vanilla as well

7. Alternate the addition of flour and milk until it's well combined

8. Pour the cake batter into the prepared pan.

9. Transfer the cake to the preheated oven and bake for 1 hr 30 mins to 2 hrs.

10. Open the oven and insert a toothpick in the center of the cake. Your cake is done if the toothpick comes out clean.

Recipe Yield

Everyone can enjoy waffle. However, due to the sugar in it, diabetic patients are advise to deny themselves the enjoyment.

About Nigerian cake

The Nigerian cake which is more like the pound cake is simple and sweet. As a matter of fact, not too many things are required for its making.

Although, there are no chocolates nor whipped cream, yet the deliciousness of Nigerian cake is ever amazing.

Here's why squeezing out your boils is not safe

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 11:00 PM PST

Here's why it's not safe to squeeze out your boils.

Boils are caused by an inflammation of a hair follicle or sweat that causes a lot of discomfort to the affected area and person.

A boil usually appears as a hard lump under the skin. It then develops into a firm balloon-like growth under the skin as it fills up with pus. Most people tend to treat their boils because they think it's easy to treat. If you're in this category, you need to stop it.

If you develop a boil, you may be tempted to squeeze or pop it (open with a sharp instrument) at home. Do not do this because it's not safe. The act may allow the infection to spread and make the boil worse. You wouldn't want that right?

Your boil may contain bacteria that could be dangerous if not properly treated. Desist from popping it open yourself. If your boil is painful or isn't healing, have it checked by your doctor.

5 top foods for increasing breast size naturally

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 10:30 PM PST

The breast can be improved on/increased just by eating these foods making the growth as natural as possible...

The breasts can be made bigger using natural and artificial means (for ladies who prefer to go a size/cup bigger).

A lot of ladies (with small breasts) would love their breasts fuller, rounder and with ample cleavage to show off in some outfit styles!

Using artificial ways including enlargement drugs, lotions and cosmetic surgery usually come with side effects making the natural way through specific exercises and foods the better preferred way to grow the mammary glands.

Here are 5 foods that make your breasts bigger naturally
1. Seafood
Seafood contain Manganese that studies show increase sex hormones that helps with breast growth so including seafood like mussels, prawns, shrimps and even fish amongst others helps the breasts grow naturally.

2. Dairy foods like milk, cheese
They contain natural hormones that are stimulants responsible for developing the female breasts and if you desire fuller bosom then diary foods are best consumed well alongside normal diet to help fill up the area naturally.

Include foods like cheese, butter, yoghurt and milk in your diet increase in breast size.

3. Nuts
Nuts have been fingered as ones to stimulate breast growth. If you want bigger breasts double up on eating seeds and nuts to help stimulate the glands in the area for bigger results.

Nuts as cashew, walnut, sesame and flax seeds are ones to consume for bigger breasts.

4. Whole grains
Whole grains are packed full with nutrients that are healthy as well as ones to stimulate the breasts to go bigger. Whole wheat and brown rice should be included in diets for bigger breasts.

5. Vegetables
Leafy greens are also foods to load up on for increased breast size. The upside is they come healthy too so why not?

The health benefits of Pumpkin leaf are unbelievable

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 10:00 PM PST

For it also fights against cancer, increases fertility, prevents infection, lower cholesterol, tackles convulsion, combats diabetes, and other related illnesses

Pumpkin leaf, which is locally known as "Ugu," is one of those plants that secretly carry some unbelievable health benefits.

It is said to be secret because the health benefits of the plant are unknown to most people. And the few who deem themselves knowing, know only little about the plant.

Pumpkin leaves have a healthy amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron. And aside from the vision benefits in Vitamin A that the leaves provide, there are also numerous skin benefits.

Additionally, the vitamin C that is contained in it helps to heal wounds and form scar tissue. It also helps to maintain healthy bones, skin, and teeth.

But those are not the only health benefits of this wonderful plant. For it also fights against cancer, increases fertility, prevents infection, lower cholesterol, tackles convulsion, combats diabetes, and also an anti-aging agent.

It is also important to note that pumpkin leaves contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which includes Potassium, Calcium, Folic acid, Iron, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Thiamine, Niacin, Dietary fibers, Riboflavin, Copper, Manganese, and Proteins.

Here are five unbelievable health benefits of pumpkin leaves

1. It fights against cancer
Gradually becoming one of the major causes of death around the world, cancer is now a household name when it comes to sicknesses.

And unlike before when it was rare to find someone suffering from cancer, it has become more like an airborne disease nowadays.

Be that as it may, the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in fluted pumpkin leaves help fight against the dreaded illness.

In addition, the contained chlorophyll, phenolic compounds, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, and phytosterols which possess chemo-suppressive properties, makes it possible for the leaves to prevent cancer growth.

2. It tackles convulsion
Convulsion as a disorder can be explained as a sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders such as epilepsy, the presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood, or fever in children.

It is not a thing that one should experience because it can be terrible. However, alternative medicine practitioners have used pumpkin leaves to prevent and treat this disorder for years.

The young leaves are sliced and mixed with coconut water and salt and are stored in a bottle till whenever there's a need for it.

3. It increases fertility
Studies have shown that pumpkin leaves can be very vital when it comes treating infertility issues. The antioxidants properties which include oleic acid, vitamin A, alkaloids, tannins and linoleic acid have been shown to help boost the functionality of the testicles for an increased sperm count.

4. It helps to keep diabetes under control
Known to help reduce the sugar level in the blood, the hypoglycemic effect of pumpkin leaves help keep diabetes under control.

Studies have also shown that the aqueous leaf extract of pumpkin leaves acts as anti-diabetic properties which help to reduce and regulate the glucose level of diabetic patients.

And this is linked to the presence of ethyl acetate and polysaccharides content in the leaves, which are anti-diabetic properties.

5. It boosts the immune system
The immune system comprises the organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infection and toxins. And these organs include the thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes.

However, owing to the rich content of vitamins and minerals contained in it, pumpkin leaves have been shown to be a high booster of the immune system.

Thus, maintaining an overall health in the process.

Health benefits of bitter leaf are impressive

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 09:30 PM PST

Bitter leaf has a taste that many people can't withstand, though the plant really does have an impressive list of health benefits. So, if you can get past the flavour, you'll be rewarded in more ways than one.

Also known as vernonia amygdalina, bitter leaf grows in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the plant is well regarded in traditional medicinal practice.

Historically, the leaf has been used as a treatment for many ailments from malaria, typhoid, diabetes, diarrhea, tuberculosis, gallstones and kidney disease, to the prevention of cancer and lowering of hypertension. The leaf has also been proven to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties.

1. Bitter leaf helps relieve stomach aches
Bitter leaf is a well known traditional remedy for stomach aches. A study in the Toxicology Reports journal has also shown that the plant may provide some protection from stomach ulcers. It is thought that the antioxidants in bitter leaf contribute to these positive gastric effects.

2. It may help protect against prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a relatively common cancer especially amongst older men. While following the treatments prescribed by a medical professional are essential for successful treatment of prostate cancer, bitter leave has shown promise in the prevention of the disease by a study in the Nutrients journal . The same research also noted that the plant may improve survival rates as well.

It is thought that the high levels of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids contribute to the preventative qualities of bitter leaf in regards to prostate cancer.

3. Bitter leaf helps relieve insomnia
While some people fall asleep as soon as they hit the pillow, not being able to sleep is an issue for many. Insomnia can range from an occasional inconvenience to a debilitating condition. Bitter leaf has traditionally been used to help with insomnia.

Drinking a Bitter leaf solution at night, before bed is thought to bring on a calmness and relaxation that aids sleep.

4. The plant may enhance fertility
A study in the International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine has shown that the plant may have a positive effect on sperm quality. All in all, the generally high levels of vitamins and minerals in bitter leaf are beneficial to overall health, so will be beneficial to a couple trying to conceive.

5. Bitter leaf helps relieve fever
Bitter leaf contains flavonoids, which have powerful antioxidant effects, and can help with treating a variety of health issues such as a high fever. In particular, bitter leaf was historically used in traditional medicine for the treatment of the bacterial infection typhoid fever.

6. It has properties that may aid diabetes
It is thought that a combination of factors mean that bitter leaf may help aid diabetes. Research published in the International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences demonstrates that the presence of phytochemicals, vitamins and other nutrients such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ash and other components are thought to act together to lower blood sugar levels.

7. Bitter leaf has properties that may aid high blood pressure
A study in the Journal of Food Biochemistry has shown that bitter leaf inhibits particular processes in the body, and as a result, may have a positive effect on high blood pressure. The antioxidants in bitter leaf are also another factor that can further aid with the treatment of the condition.

8. The plant is good for bones and teeth
Vitamin C is a great antioxidant mineral found in bitter leaf, which plays a vital role in the body, including the maintenance of bones and teeth.

It also contains traces of vitamin K which helps the body maintain healthy bones and prevents the weakening of bone tissue, also known as osteoporosis.

9. Bitter leaf improves metabolic function
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids, amino acids and glucose in the human body. Thiamine is an important dietary supplement occurring naturally in a bitter leaf that helps to oxidize fatty acids in order to produce the synthesis of lipids, which is one of the body's essential processes.

10. It helps fight free radicals
Another nutrient in bitter leaf is vitamin E, which serves as an antioxidant fighting against free radicals that have harmful effects on the body's system.

Preparation and Cautions
For traditional medicinal purposes, bitter leaf is often consumed by chewing the tender stem to release a bitter liquid. Alternatively, you can pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and to press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted liquid and drink.

Remember to always consult with your doctor about any medical concerns, conditions and supplements that you may be taking. Always take the advice of a medical professional on how to proceed with your treatment.

Here are 5 easy ways to know your sneakers are fake

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 09:00 PM PST

When it comes to sneakers, detecting the fake from the original is not so difficult.

If you are a sneakerhead and you want to know if the shoes you got are real or fake. These are some general red flags:

1. It is ridiculously cheap
There is this joke on Twitter about selling fake sneakers but if you run fast people won't see it. Any ridiculously cheap sneakers especially from known brands like Nike and Adidas are probably fake.

2. It was not bought from a reputable website
If you want to buy original sneakers it is better to buy from known sites or websites or the company's website themselves. Seldom do online vendors have the original sneaker.

3. It has no SKU number
Every sneaker has an SKU number on a label inside the shoe. Check it once you buy new sneakers. If it doesn't have, then it is fake.

4. The lettering is wrong
Nike becomes Niku or Niky or Niek, Puma is Pumu, Fila is Filu. All these are glaring signs.

5. It just looks wrong
Holding the sneakers, smelling, and touching them can give you a general feeling about their authenticity.

Check Out Photos And Video Of Davido’s New House In Banana Island

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 08:00 AM PST

Celebrated Afrobeat singer, Davido Adeleke, shows off his newly acquired house in Banana Island opened with a big housewarming party.

This comes hours after the singer announced the housewarming of the new structure situated at the top-tier location in Lagos, estimated to be worth millions of naira.

Celebrated Afrobeat singer, Davido Adeleke, shows off his newly acquired house in Banana Island opened with a big housewarming party.

This comes hours after the singer announced the housewarming of the new structure situated at the top-tier location in Lagos, estimated to be worth millions of naira.

The party themed, 'Welcome to 2022,' was graced by attendance from fans, family, and friends who came to celebrate Davido for his newly acquired property.

2021 was indeed a great year for the singer who acquired two luxury cars worth over N500M and multiple brand endorsements.

Watch the video below …

Bisi Alimi advises men praying for a wife – “The love of your life might be a man”

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 07:00 AM PST

Popular gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi, has taken to his Instagram to give his two cents to men who are relentlessly fasting and praying for a wife.

According to the activist, there are chances that the love of life of men who are praying and fasting day-in and day-out for a wife might be a man and not a woman.

Bisi Alimi is then advising men who are praying for a wife to accept the reality of there being a chance that the love of their life is a man and not a woman.

In his words;
"Dear mister, stop praying and fasting for a wife, the love of your life might be a man."

Moment Portable brags during heated exchange with Kogbagidi –“I’m a big man, I sponsor many people”

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 06:00 AM PST

Fast-rising singer, Portable, engages his promoter, Kogbagidi, in a heated exchange over suspected dubious dealing of his returns.

This comes after the singer threatened to smash the promoter's car with a baseball bat over claims of trying to cheat him.

Portable in the video could be heard bragging about being the sponsor of many as he exercised his right to the returns made on shows.

Adding to his point, he stated that he could give up the car which he was being deprived of even though he won't stop taunting Kogbagidi on Instagram with his every post.

Watch the video below …

Timi Dakolo reacts to allegation linking COZA pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo to death of a member –“I said it and you people called me names”

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 05:00 AM PST

Popular singer, Timi Dakolo has made a series of posts that seemingly relates to the recent saga involving the Pastor of Commonwealth Of Zion Assembly (COZA), Biodun Fatoyinbo and a former choir member, Nnenna Kalu-Ude.

Recall that the clergyman was accused by the lady of being diabolic and treating choir members terribly. She further roped the pastor's wife, Modele into the saga by disclosing she's his partner in crime.

Amid this scandal, Timi Dakolo whose wife, Busola had once accused the pastor of raping her during her teenage years, took to his social media pages to make some strong statement.

On Twitter, he wrote:

"But i been tell una, una call me all kinds of names."

"Truth is truth,break it,drown it, Cover it,blend it,burn it or even paint it.The thing is -Truth will always be truth and it will survive all this it own. Victory is truth realized.

"And just because you are having a hard time believing the truth doesn't make it a lie."

Taking to Instagram, the crooner also opined:

"Dem no dey help God fight him battle. Sometimes him dey collect him victory small small."

BBNaija Starr, Emmanuel Blows Hot At Lady Who Called Him Fan Of Liquorose

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 04:30 AM PST

Former Big Brother Naija season 6 Shine Ya Eye contestant and reality television star, Emmanuel Umoh Jr simply known as Emmanuel has responded to a lady who called him fan of Liquorose.

Emmanuel sighted the post on Twitter, where a Twitter user, identified as @WinneRose2Sure claimed that he's a fan of his love interest, Liquorose.

WinneRose even went to the extent of saying that Emmanuel is not worthy to be 'stanned', which simply means that he shouldn't have a fan or supporters, since he has chosen to support Liquorose.

"Emmanuel is a fan of Liquorose yet u are stanning him by extension of Liquorose and u are not a fan of a fan but me that is supporting a teammate.

"If I have to be a fan of a fan I would choose Vandora a million times before I choose to Stan ur fan in Cross Da Boss Voice," @WinneRose2Sure tweeted.

Responding to the tweet, angered Emmanuel asked who the unfortunate individual is, adding that she should be back to school by now.

"…Thought school has resumed… who is this lost being??," Emmanuel replied.


Well, this isn't the first time this scenario has occurred between Emmanuel and supposedly Liquorose's supporters, who always troll Emmanuel as a result of how he has chosen to stay away from any relationship with Liquorose.

Emmanuel, on the other hand, has addressed the issue severally, pertaining to his decision not to go into any relationship with the Shine Ya Eye show 1st runner-up.

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