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The health benefits of drinking warm water are unbelievable

Posted: 15 Jan 2022 10:30 PM PST

When it comes to weight loss, drinking of warm water is one effective means that is being overlooked.

Water is life. The importance of water to man's health cannot be overemphasized.

As a matter of fact, skin experts even advise that water should be consumed as much as possible because it frees the body from toxins and also softens the skin as well.

This is why it is more like a ritual to the majority of health-conscious people to begin and end their day with a glass of water. They know that when it comes to matters concerning the state of their health, water is supreme.

However, in as much as water is water, warm water, on the other hand,should be regarded as one of the best things that has ever happened to man.

For it is counted as one of nature's most powerful home remedies.

This natural medicine known as warm water does not only help in the management of digestive related problems, it also acts as a refreshing moisturizer for dry skin; thus encouraging sweating, which aids the cleansing of the lymphatic system as well as improving the complexion of the body.

Read on to find out some of the health benefits of drinking warm water.

What are the benefits of drinking warm water?

1. It prevents premature aging
The experience of premature aging is one experience a lot of us would do anything to avoid. Premature aging is not a not a beautiful thing, it is a disorder that should be prevented by every possible means.

And one effective way to do so is by drinking warm water.

Warm water increases skin's elasticity and enhances its ability to perform repairs; thereby restraining the possibility of premature aging such as dry skin, wrinkles e.t.c

2. It detoxifies the body system
The detoxification of the entire body system is arguably the best benefit of drinking warm water.

There are numerous factors that make it possible for the body to attract toxins. And the presence of toxins in the body creates room for illness. However, this illness can be prevented by consistently flushing out toxins from the body.

This is why drinking warm water before going to bed is very good for the body.

Unknown to many, a slight increase in temperature is experienced when warm water is being consumed. And the occurrence of this stimulates the metabolic rate (Metabolic rate is the amount of energy expressed in calories that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest).

Thus making it an excellent agent of weight loss.

3. It eases menstrual cramps
Although this may sound ridiculous, it is true: Drinking warm water can help prevent and also ease painful menstrual cramps.

Because warm water relaxes the contracting muscles in the uterus. And when the contrasting muscles are relaxed, there is an instant relief from cramps and muscle spasms.

4. It improves blood circulation
If the detoxification of the body system is not counted as the number one health benefit of drinking warm water, then its ability to improve the flow of blood circulation should be.

When we consume warm water, the fat deposits in the system do not only burn down, the built-up deposit in the nervous system follow suit as well.

The occurrence of this, however, improves the circulation of blood as well the flushing out of harmful toxins.

Here are 5 common skincare mistakes

Posted: 15 Jan 2022 10:00 PM PST

When it comes to taking care of your skin, we make some minor errors.

Smooth and glowing skin has always been the goal, but sometimes we might be standing in the way of this goal by our actions and inactions.

Here are some common skincare mistakes that we make:

1. Washing your face with bar soap
Bar soap isn't good for your face. It dehydrates your face and leaves it feeling tight and dry. It is much better to use a liquid facial cleanser that hydrates your face and restores the PH.

2. Over exfoliating
Exfoliate only two or three times a week. Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells in your face. You need new skin cells to be renewed before you exfoliate again.

3. Lack of moisturiser
There is no time when it is okay not to moisturise your skin, even after you wash it for the night or when you have acne, you have to keep your skin moisturised.

4. Not using sunscreen
Sunscreen should be an integral part of your skin routine or an important ingredient in your moisturiser, this is because the rays of the sun can harm your skin and cause wrinkles and fine lines.

5. Not washing your face
You should wash your face twice a day and whenever you exercise or sweat profusely. Not washing your face regularly will cause dirt and bacteria to build up.

Avoid getting prickly rashes during heat season following this easy steps

Posted: 15 Jan 2022 09:30 PM PST

With the harmattan season going away slowly, Nigerians are about to be faced with the heatwave before the rainy season begins.

Heat/prickly rashes are clusters of red bumps on the skin caused by excessive or prickly heat. It is usually accompanied by a burning sensation and found around the arms, face, neck, and even the groin.

It usually occurs when excessive heat causes sweat and the pores to be blocked.

Here are some ways to avoid heat rashes:

1. Get an air conditioner or a rechargeable fan
This is the first and most important way to cool your home. If you cannot get an air conditioner, a rechargeable fan is a decent substitute.

2. Stay away from certain moisturisers
You need to stay away from oily moisturisers like petroleum jelly. These can block your pores. You need lotion or a more water-based moisturiser.

3. Take a cold shower many times or go for a swim
Have your bath as many times as you can with a non-drying soap. A good example of a non-drying soap is African black soap or dove unscented soap.

Chilling in a swimming pool is also a good way to cool down but be wary of dirty public pools.

4. Use ice on your skin
You can use ice bags wrapped in towels to cool your skin when the weather gets really hot and you need to be cooled.

5. Wear light clothing
Choose fabrics like linen and cotton when the weather is hot. There is no point wearing a suit under the hot sun. You could simply just remove it when walking under the sun.

Coconut oil is one of the best remedies for stretch marks

Posted: 15 Jan 2022 09:00 PM PST

Having a stretch mark-free skin is quite a struggle for women and coconut oil would help you achieve that.

Coconut oil is popular for its excellent ability to moisturize the skin and get rid of bacteria on the skin.

Due to this effect, it has been discovered that it's also excellent for clearing stretch marks. Coconut oil is widely used or added to the skincare treatments due to its ability to repair the skin.

With coconut oil, you don't need to break the bank for creams that claim to clear stretch marks. The properties of coconut oil keeps your skin healthy as it clears stretch marks.

Here are some of the ways you can use coconut oil to get rid of the stretch marks on your skin.

1. Plain coconut oil

You can use the ordinary coconut oil to get rid of stretch marks. All you need to do is heat coconut oil to a point that's tolerable for the skin. Massage the warm oil on your skin for 5-10 minutes at night.

Leave the oil overnight and wash off the following day. Repeat this process daily for an excellent result.

2. Coconut oil and aloe vera

The combination of aloe vera and coconut oil will not only clear the stretch marks, but it would also supply your skin the nutrients needed to glow. Just mix one tablespoon of coconut oil and aloe vera gel.

Heat the mixture to a warm state and massage gently on the affected spot for about five to ten minutes. Leave the oil on your skin overnight and repeat the process every day for the best result.

3. Coconut oil and turmeric

Turmeric is effective at treating skin conditions and boosting the development of collagen. Its combination with coconut oil will send those stretch marks packing.

To make this work, you have to mix a half teaspoon of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of coconut oil. Massage the mixture on the affected area.

Leave for about an hour and wash after. Moisturize your skin after washing the mixture off your skin. Repeat this process daily.

4. Coconut oil and shea butter

Shea butter is popular for its ability to keep skin healthy. It has anti-inflammatory properties that get rid of stretch marks.

Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl. Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave it overnight.

5. Coconut oil and olive oil
The mixture of coconut and olive oil will do wonders for your skin. Mix half teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of coconut oil.

Massage the oil blends on the affected area at night so you can leave it overnight. Repeat this process every day.

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