Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

On Monday afternoon my daughters came home from preschool super excited because they learned that Valentine's Day is just two weeks away! Their class will be practicing writing and reading their classmates' names by filling out little Valentine's Day ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. How to Create Custom Valentine's Day Cards for Kids to Share
  2. How to Prevent Printing of Shared Google Documents
  3. More Recent Articles

How to Create Custom Valentine's Day Cards for Kids to Share

On Monday afternoon my daughters came home from preschool super excited because they learned that Valentine's Day is just two weeks away! Their class will be practicing writing and reading their classmates' names by filling out little Valentine's Day cards. That news inspired me to open my Canva account and look around for some Valentine's Day card templates that I can print and then have my daughters fill out. 

If you find yourself in a situation similar to mine or you teach kids who are of the age that filling out little Valentine's Day cards is still a learning opportunity, consider using Canva to create some printable cards. In this short video I demonstrate using a couple of different template formats to create Valentine's Day cards for kids. 


Take a look at this playlist for more than two dozen additional tutorials and ideas for using Canva in your classroom.

How to Prevent Printing of Shared Google Documents

At the end of yesterday's post about adding watermarks to Google Docs I included a reminder that you can disable printing options for when you share a Google Document. Disabling the printing option is helpful when you want to improve the security of a document that you share with someone else for review. For example, if I have some meeting talking points that I want a colleague to review and comment on, but that colleague has a tendency to send things to the wrong network printer, I'll disable the print option.  

Disabling the printing option in Google Docs also disables the option to copy the document and it disables the option to download the document. It's important to note that you have to enable or disable the setting for each document individually. 

Watch this short video to learn how to prevent printing of shared Google Documents. 


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