Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

The other day I sarcastically Tweeted, "can you imagine if we let students cite sources the way that ESPN lets reporters name anonymous sources?" My Tweet was in response to ESPN's somewhat botched reporting of Tom Brady's retirement from playing in the ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. Citing Sources in Google Docs and Word Docs
  2. Educational Resources With a Super Bowl Theme
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Citing Sources in Google Docs and Word Docs

The other day I sarcastically Tweeted, "can you imagine if we let students cite sources the way that ESPN lets reporters name anonymous sources?" My Tweet was in response to ESPN's somewhat botched reporting of Tom Brady's retirement from playing in the NFL. Tweeting that question did prompt me to dig up some tutorials on using the citation tools that are built into Word and into Google Docs. 

In this short video I demonstrate how to insert citations and create a bibliography in Microsoft Word documents.


Last fall Google updated the citation tool that is built into Google Docs. The current version now lets you search for books and online resources without having to leave Google Docs. In this short video I demonstrate how to use the built-in citation tool to cite a website.


Applications for Education
Any time I write blog posts or publish videos about tools like these I get emails from readers who like to point out that bibliography tools make it "too easy" or that there is some discrepancy between the tool and the latest minor update to MLA or APA. My point in getting middle school and high school students to use these tools is to help them build the habit of citing their sources. When they reach the point that they have a college professor who is a stickler for bibliography formats or they're submitting research papers to journals then they can worry about the minutia of the bibliography standards of academic research papers

Educational Resources With a Super Bowl Theme

The Super Bowl is a just a little more than a week away. And while this year's Super Bowl won't have the Patriots or Tom Brady in it, I'll still be watching. I'm guessing that my American readers have a student or two interested in the game. Try one of the following resources to turn your students' enthusiasm for the Super Bowl into a lesson.

Practical Money Skills hosts a series of eight online games designed to teach students some money management skills. One of the games that is timely considering that the Super Bowl is just a few days away is Financial Football. Financial Football has students answer questions about budgets, savings, and spending to move their football teams down the field against another team. The games use real NFL team logos. 

Perhaps you have students who are new to the game of American football and want to know more about it. Or perhaps you want to learn the basics of the game so that you can enjoy the game with your students. If so, take a look at the NFL's Beginner's Guide to American Football


One of the dangers of playing football is the risk of head injuries. TED-Ed has a good lesson that explains what happens to your brain when you get a concussion.


On the topic of concussions, Microsoft's Hacking STEM website has detailed directions for creating concussion simulations and recording data from those simulations.

The Superb Owl is a cute video about owls. The video presents interesting facts about four types of owls. The whole four minute video is presented as if it is an NFL pre-game show.


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