Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

This Friday is April Fools' Day. It's a day that I've always enjoyed a little bit at home and at school. I've always enjoyed the various pranks and jokes that my students tried over the years. Where did the tradition of April Fools' Day pranks begin? If ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. Spaghetti Trees and the History of April Fools' Day
  2. ICYMI - How to Create & Sell Your Own Digital Products
  3. More Easy Ways to Save Paper & Ink When Printing
  4. More Recent Articles

Spaghetti Trees and the History of April Fools' Day

This Friday is April Fools' Day. It's a day that I've always enjoyed a little bit at home and at school. I've always enjoyed the various pranks and jokes that my students tried over the years. Where did the tradition of April Fools' Day pranks begin? If you've ever wondered about that or you want to be ready to answer that question from your students, here are a few short video explanations. 

Mystery Doug is a talking dog who answers questions from kids, he offers a short explanation In Why Do We Celebrate April Fool's Day?


Learn About April Fool's is a short explanation from WatchMoJo that was published ten years ago and is still good.


Perhaps the greatest April Fools' prank of all is the classic Spaghetti Tree hoax broadcasted by the BBC back in 1957. Here's a little interview with one of the producers of that hoax.


ICYMI - How to Create & Sell Your Own Digital Products

Last week I hosted a live webinar titled How to Create & Sell Your Own Digital Products. Since then a bunch of people have reached out to me to say that they wanted to attend, but couldn't because of the timing. Therefore, I've now made the recording available on-demand right here.

Bonus Live Q&A

People who attended last week's live session and those who purchase the recording by before 12pm ET on March 30th, can attend a live Q&A session with me on March 30th at 4pm ET. During the Q&A I'll answer any questions that you have related to the webinar. 


Purchase the recording and handouts here.

More Easy Ways to Save Paper & Ink When Printing

Last week I published a blog post titled Stop Printing the Internet in which I shared some ways to limit the amount of ink and paper you use when printing and also encourage others to do the same. There are even more easy ways to limit the amount of paper and ink you use when printing articles from the web. 

In this short video I demonstrate the built-in features of Firefox and Microsoft Edge that can help you limit how much paper and ink is needed when printing from the web. The video begins with a demonstration of a Chrome extension called Mercury Reader that is also helpful in streamlining your printing of web pages. 


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