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3 things addicts say when they’re in denial

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Living in denial that it's just some urge to get some more action, isn't going to help you.

Sex addiction can ruin your relationships and life, drifting you away from your loved ones.

When sex revolves around your mind and becomes a need that surpasses every other thing in your life, it becomes extremely difficult to cope with regular situations.

Some sex addicts tend to deny that they have any such condition that may suggest they need psychological or clinical treatment.

To help yourself identify if you're one, here are some common things sex addicts say when they are in denial.

"You do not have enough sex with me"
Sex addicts try to make their partners believe that the latter doesn't have enough sex with them. Sex addicts subconsciously try to manipulate their partners to believe that the lack of intimacy and sex in the relationship is causing it all to crumble.

"Unless it's diagnosed, it's not a condition"
Sex addicts occasionally argue that unless their situation is clinically diagnosed, they are not prone to any accusations of having a medical condition. And then they can further argue and state that it's a 'silly' way to stop them from having ample sexual pleasure in their lives.

"It is not a crime to look at porn"
Excessively watching porn or getting addicted to it can be another major sign of sex addiction. But sex addicts argue that it's not much of a big deal to look at porn. "It is just an urge that needs an easy way like porn, to satisfy."

5 foods that helps increase breast size naturally

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 08:00 AM PDT

The breast can be improved on/increased just by eating these foods making the growth as natural as possible...

The breasts can be made bigger using natural and artificial means (for ladies who prefer to go a size/cup bigger).

A lot of ladies (with small breasts) would love their breasts fuller, rounder and with ample cleavage to show off in some outfit styles!

Using artificial ways including enlargement drugs, lotions and cosmetic surgery usually come with side effects making the natural way through specific exercises and foods the better preferred way to grow the mammary glands.

Here are 5 foods that make your breasts bigger naturally
1. Seafood
Seafood contain Manganese that studies show increase sex hormones that helps with breast growth so including seafood like mussels, prawns, shrimps and even fish amongst others helps the breasts grow naturally.

2. Dairy foods like milk, cheese
They contain natural hormones that are stimulants responsible for developing the female breasts and if you desire fuller bosom then diary foods are best consumed well alongside normal diet to help fill up the area naturally.

Include foods like cheese, butter, yoghurt and milk in your diet increase in breast size.

3. Nuts
Nuts have been fingered as ones to stimulate breast growth. If you want bigger breasts double up on eating seeds and nuts to help stimulate the glands in the area for bigger results.

Nuts as cashew, walnut, sesame and flax seeds are ones to consume for bigger breasts.

4. Whole grains
Whole grains are packed full with nutrients that are healthy as well as ones to stimulate the breasts to go bigger. Whole wheat and brown rice should be included in diets for bigger breasts.

5. Vegetables
Leafy greens are also foods to load up on for increased breast size. The upside is they come healthy too so why not?

5 myths and facts about breast cancer

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 07:00 AM PDT

Here are some misconceptions and myths about breast cancer.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Did you know that black women have a 40% more chance of developing breast cancer than white women?

1. Any lump you feel in your breast is cancerous
Fact: Only a few breast lumps are cancerous. Mammography is better than checking for lumps in your breasts.

If you go solely by self-examination for lumps in the breast, by the time you realize the lumps are there, the cancerous cell would have moved from the breasts to the lymph nodes.

This does not mean you should not self-examine your breasts for lumps. Skin irritation, strange discharge from the breasts are other symptoms of breast cancer.

2. A family history of breast cancer means you are most likely to get cancer.
Fact: Only 10% of women with a family history of breast cancer actually get it. Although breast cancer is linked with hereditary and genes, it is a major cause.

3. Underwire bras cause breast cancer.
People believe that an underwire bra can cause breast cancer because it stops the lymph fluid from flowing out of the breast and leads to a build-up of toxic substances.

Fact: There is no scientific evidence or research to support this claim.

4. Deodorant, body spray, and antiperspirants cause breast cancer
Fact: There is no scientific connection between deodorants, body spray and antiperspirants.

5. Sugar causes cancer
Fact: Sugar leads to weight gain and causes diabetes. Diabetes is linked to a higher chance of getting breast cancer, but it is not a direct reason.

Early detection of breast cancer, self-examination and mammography are paramount in reducing the risk.

Here are 6 health benefits of Garri

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 06:00 AM PDT

Here are some of the major health benefits of eating Garri.

Garri made from tubes and roots of the cassava plant contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, iron, Vitamin B and C and also starch.

The leaves contain calcium, iron, fats and protein too. Below are some of the major health benefits of Garri.

1. Great for weight watching
Trying to shed some weight? Then Garri is your go-to guy. Although very starchy, it is also low in calories and the high fibre content in cassava helps you stay full for a longer period and prevents binge eating.

2. Great for your digestive system
Garri contains fibres that are not soluble in water. It helps in the absorption of toxins that enter your intestines. In that way, it improves your digestive health and keeps it chugging along nicely.

3. Prevents cancer
Hard to believe right? Garri also helps in preventing life-threatening diseases such as cancer. The B17 content in cassava leaves helps in stimulating the content of red blood cells, the loss of which often leads to cancer.

4. Perfect for diarrhoea
Those tales your mum told you about the healing power of garri are very true. It addresses conditions such as diarrhoea too. Just munch on it or drink with water twice a day to feel the difference.

5. Good for eyesight
Garri is rich in Vitamin A and bakarotennya that improves the health of your eyes and prevents future blindness or poor eyesight.

6. Packed full of folate
Pregnant women need lots of vitamin C and folate. A cup of garri contains 15 percent of your daily folate requirement and 47 percent of the daily calcium requirement. The two vitamins also help the body's immune system.

Things you never knew about cowries

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 05:30 AM PDT

The word cowry is not an English word.

When most people hear the word cowry, they immediately conjure up images of money and old rituals. Cowries, however, aren't just another form of currency or a traditional activity; they are much more.

Here are some things no one would have guessed about the humble cowry shell, from ancient far eastern etymology, to African currencies and even Western pop culture!

1. The source of cowries

The cowry (also spelt cowrie) was not manufactured by the Romans, Africans or the Asians. The origin of the cowry is the sea.

A cowry is a shell of a sea snail. This is why it was also referred to as shell money.

2. The Ghanaian cedi was named after cowry shells

At first glance, the words cowry and cedi appear to have no relation, so this fact may be difficult to believe.

However, the Akan (a Ghanaian tribe) term for cowry shell is cedi. Ergo the origin of the Ghanaian cedi.

3. Origin of the word

The word cowry appears to be an English word but in actuality, it's not. Cowry is a Hindi word meaning sea snails.

4. Shooting shot

Back when there was no tinder or dating website, African women, when they saw a man they liked, would wear cowries around their necks with the slit pointing outwards, to indicate they were interested in him.

Even to this day, some African women still wear cowrie necklaces with the slit facing outwards to show that they are ready for a relationship.

5. Fertility

Everyone, from North American aboriginals to the African coastal tribes, believed that cowries made women more fertile and beautiful. This is why ladies wore cowries on their hair, legs, arms and waists.

Some of this emotion has made its way into our present society, as celebrities of African descent now wear cowries not just as a fashion statement, but also as a way of identifying with their roots.

Reasons why you should start using onion water

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 05:00 AM PDT

Benefits of using this onion extract range from therapeutic to medicinal.

Onion water is a homemade extract gotten from either blending and straining onions or by juicing directly.

The potential benefits of its usage is why you should start using onion water now.

Rich in vitamins C, B6 and folic acid and an extensive supply of calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium and phosphorus, drinking a glass of Onion Water on an empty stomach in the morning can do a lot for the body.

1. Improves digestion
Onion water improves circulation thereby promoting digestion. Onion has substantial amounts of fiber known as oligofructose which is a soluble fibre. Onions also have a good supply of Insulin, a dietary fiber responsible for the healthy bacteria present in the intestines, which promotes a healthy bowel movement.

2. Accelerates hair growth and reduce dandruff
Onion water is very good for hair, especially natural African hair. It contains trace amounts of sulfur, which is one of the essential nutrients in promoting hair growth. A study has shown that applying onion juice on hair and scalp twice in a week for two months can stimulate hair growth. It can also be applied to hair as a cure for dandruff. Apply the onion water unto hair and scalp using a cotton ball or pad and massage gently for around five minutes using your fingertips. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for about 20 minutes. After that, wash off with regular shampoo and water.

3. Good for heart health
According to Bordia, A. et al, onion water helps to reduce cholesterol and can thereby improve heart health. Although garlic is said to be more effective than onion, onion water has also been known to prevent lipid accumulation in the aorta.

4. Helps skin health
Diluted onion juice has substantial amounts of Vitamins A, B and C. It is also rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Onion water mixed with honey is used as a cosmetic recipe to clear the skin and prevent occurrence of acne.

5. Helps reduce inflamed areas
Onions also contain Quercetin and bioflavonoids which can lower inflammation, fight pain and help to build better resistance. Onion juice contains thiosulfates and cepaenes. These compounds have properties that can inhibit inflammatory cell influx in humans. As a result, they can be used as an anti-inflammatory medicine and treatment of swelling.

Real name of Africa and how it got its current name

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 04:30 AM PDT

Whenever the word Africa is mentioned, different thoughts come racing in people's minds. For some, it is a mirage shimmering on the horizon of the arid Sahara desert.

While to others, it's an ivory-tusked elephant standing before the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro. But have you ever stopped to ask what is the original name of Africa? Did the continent have another name in the first place?

Africa is the second-largest and second most populated continent after Asia. The continent covers over 11.7 million miles squared, and to over 1.2 billion people, the word Africa is synonymous to home. It boasts of an unmatched linguistic, ethnic and cultural variety among these people.

The population accounts for about 16% of the world's populace. Despite all you may know about the continent, do you ever ask yourself questions such as what was Africa called in ancient times? Or was Africa called Asia? And many other queries of this sort? Well, the origin of the continent's identity remains a mystery.

What was Africa called before Africa?

The Kemetic or Alkebulan history of Afrika suggests that the ancient name of the continent was Alkebulan. The word Alkebu-Ian is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Alkebulan meaning the garden of Eden or the mother of mankind.

The word Africa came into existence in the late 17th century. Initially, it was used to only refer to the northern part of the continent. Around that time, the continent had been colonized, and the Europeans ruled over its people as slaves. They influenced the change of identity from Alkebulan to its present name.

What is the other name of Africa?

Before the European settled for the word Africa, the continent was called many other names. They include Corphye, Ortegia, Libya, and Ethiopia.

Other names such as the land of Ham (Ham means dark skins), mother of mankind, the garden of Eden, dark or black continent, Kingdom in the sky, and the land of cush or kesh (referring to the Cushites who were ancient Ethiopian) were used.

Why is Africa called Africa?

There exist many theories explaining the origin of the name of this continent. At the time of writing, no one knows the source for sure. However, the theories below shed some light on how this second largest continent with the second largest population acquired its befitting name.

1. Roman theory
Some scholars believe that the word originated from the Romans. According to this school of thought, the Romans discovered a land opposite the Mediterranean and named it after the Berber tribe residing within the Carnage area, presently referred to as Tunisia. The tribe's name was Afri, and the Romans gave the name Africa meaning the land of the Afri.

2. Weather theory
Some believe that the name was coiled from the continent's climate. According to this theory, the word is a derivation aphrike, a Greek word that means a land free from cold and horror. Alternatively, it could be a variation of the Roman word aprica, which means sunny, or even the Phoenician word afar, which means dust.

3. Geographical theory
There is a suggestion that the name came far afield. It was brought by the Indian traders, who entered the continent through the Horn of Africa.

In Hindi, the word apara means comes after. Geographically, this can be interpreted to mean a place to the west.

4. Africus theory
Another fundamental theory claims that the continent derived its name from Africus. Africus is a Yemenite chieftain who invaded the northern part in the second millennium BC.

It is argued that he settled on his conquered land and named it Afrikyah. Because of his insatiable desire for immortality, he ordered the world continent to be named after him.

5. Phoenician Theory
Another school of thought suggests that the name is derived from two Phoenician words friqi and pharika. The words mean corns and fruits when translated. Hypothetically, the Phoenician christened the continent as the land of corns and fruits.

There is little or no certainty on the source or meaning of the continent's name. Several scholars have tried to explain the origin of the word, but none is convincingly correct. However, the original name of Africa was Alkebulan.

How to plan the perfect proposal

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 04:00 AM PDT

There are many ways to do this. Let's show you the best ones.

Naturally, a marriage proposal takes a lot of planning and thought. I once read a fictional story of a man who proposed by a fountain with a diamond ring and red roses. That seemed like a perfect romantic gesture, but the lady did not appreciate it.

She hated diamonds because it was mined illegally from Africa and the indigenes were not getting any of the proceeds.

After the proposal, she wondered why the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with was getting her diamonds. Doesn't he know her at all? She called off the engagement.

What do women want?
All women do not want the same things.

Some women go to the jewelry store to buy the ring and wear it themselves. Some never even get a ring, they just start planning a wedding but for others, the engagement and proposal are everything.

After waiting for the right man, they do not want a ring thrown at them. No, they want flowers, petals, balloons and 'would you marry me?' written boldly. She wants the shock and tears in her eyes as the ring is slipped into her perfectly manicured fingers captured on video and professional pictures taken to post on Instagram.

The most important question men who want to propose to their women need to ask and the answer is of utmost importance is; who is this woman I am getting married to? and what kind of marriage proposal does she want to have?

Imagine a woman who says to her man, "I don't even know why people get engaged in public?" and he chose the middle of the road to ask her to marry him.

If her friends and siblings are very important to her, would she like it if you proposed in front of them?

Does she say, 'aww God when?' Whenever she sees a big elaborate proposal is done "Mr Eazi just proposed to Temi Otedola in Milan, God when?" She says.

But you, a man in your wisdom, think rolling over and giving her the ring in her sleep would fly? No, mister.

Some women think it is the little thing that matters, these are the most difficult sect. You have to do something thoughtful and remember intricate details about her life.

Let's say your first date was at Krispy Kreme doughnuts, you can get them to make a box of doughnuts with 'Will you marry me?' written on the doughnuts.

Think deeply, you love this woman, what does she want? What has all the knowledge you've gathered about her taught you? A woman wants to know you listen to her and you know what she wants.

Planning the perfect proposal is important because it is the beginning of a lifelong journey and commitment, and you must show how much you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

A beginner’s guide to a wonderful sexual experience

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 03:30 AM PDT

You're probably researching how to have sex because you are finally ready to get it on. As a beginner, the thought of doing it for the first time can be a bit overwhelming.

Not to worry, you can still have a great first-time experience if you arm yourself with the things you need to know before you have sex.

Step by step guide to follow if you want to know how to have sex

1. Be sure this is what you really want
The first step towards having a great sexual experience is making sure you are really ready for it. This includes making a deliberate decision to do it and making peace with whatever comes out of the experience. This sense of readiness will help you follow the rest of the guideline quite easily.

2. Your potential sexual partner must also want to have sex
Consent is important. The person you want to have sex with must also share your enthusiasm. They shouldn't be hesitant or need too much convincing. If they say no, then you need to find someone else. Things will not end well if you go ahead and have sex with someone who isn't very willing.

3: Consider Protection
You might need to consider using protection if you are not ready to have children. Additionally, there's a risk of catching STDs when you have unprotected sex. Talk it over with your partner and settle on the best form of contraception for you.

4. Choose where you want to do it
This is your first time, so you'll want to make sure you can look back at this experience fondly. Pick a place that will help set the mood. You can book a hotel room or set up your house as the perfect place. Things to consider when it comes to how to have sexfor the first time are the lighting in the room, the firmness or softness of the bed, and the general vibe of your chosen location.

5. Start with a kiss
Nothing sets a person's engine revving as much as a great kiss. Lean in gently and capture your partner's lips in yours. Be careful not to come on too strong, as that can be a turn-off. The kiss will set the stage for everything else that follows.

6. Foreplay, lots of foreplay
Foreplay is the natural next step. You shouldn't ever rush to penetration and thrusting because great sex includes lots of foreplay. Start by taking off each other's clothes. Kiss and caress erogenous zones by kissing behind the ears, sucking on nipples (for both sexes!) and engaging in a prolonged kiss. If you are into oral sex, then include it as part of your foreplay.

Touching and kissing works for both men and women, so don't be shy.

7. The entrance
You will know when it is time for penetration. This part of sex is the most well-known, and people who don't take the time to learn how to have sexmight end up believing it is the only step. Don't cheat yourself out of pleasure by jumping straight to penetration.

To minimize the pain of having sex for the first time, the woman can help guide the man into her vagina.

8. The thrusts
After getting in, thrusting should come naturally. The man should follow the woman's lead and adjust to her comfort level. This means making sure she is comfortable with the speed and the depth of the thrusts.

This is a great time to communicate. Tell each other what feels good and what doesn't.

9. Ride out the climax
Orgasms are powerful and very pleasurable. Both of you can relax and let the feeling wash over you. Once your bodies have cooled in the aftermath, you can just cuddle and doze off together.

Learning how to have sexis important if you want to get it right for the first time. Relax, think about it, and implement everything you have learned in this article.

10 easy mocktails you should try

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 03:00 AM PDT

Taking a break from booze but you still want to enjoy a fun, flavorful, and refreshing drink? You should consider making a mocktail.

Mocktail is a non-alcoholic drink consisting of a mixture of fruit juices, syrup, and any other soft drink. It is a cocktail-style beverage, the only difference is that mocktails are non-alcoholic while cocktails are.

Just because they don't contain alcohol doesn't mean they are boring. Here are some easy, delicious, and non-alcoholic mocktails for you.

1. Virgin mojito

Virgin mojito is a famous refreshing drink made of lime juice and fresh mint with just the right amount of sweetness. It takes just about 5 minutes to make this amazing mocktail.

2. Shirley's temple

This is a traditional drink made with ginger ale and garnished with a maraschino cherry.

3. Virgin cosmopolitan

Because of its bright color, virgin cosmo is a delicious treat for non-alcohol drinkers to be served on special occasions like Valentine's. It is an easy mix of cranberry, lime, and orange juice with a splash of sparkling water.

4. Non-alcoholic Mimosa

Mimosa is a popular cocktail made with champagne and orange juice, the non-alcoholic form comes sans the champagne, but is still super delicious.

5. Blue lagoon mocktail

Made with just 3 ingredients; blue Curacao syrup, lemon juice, and sprite, this dazzling bright-looking mocktail in blue color is very impressive and equally delicious.

6. Virgin Mary

This is the non-alcoholic form of Bloody Mary. Virgin Mary is prepared by mixing tomato juice with lemon juice and Worcester sauce.

7. Apple fizz

This well-known mocktail is nothing but just a combination of apple juice and soda.

8. Virgin Pina colada

Pina colada is a classic cocktail made with white rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice. The mocktail version comes without the rum.

9. Gabbie's Punch

This mocktail is made of orange, pineapple, and passion fruit juices.

10. Cuddles on the beach

Sex on the beach is a popular cocktail. Cuddles on the beach is basically the mocktail version of it and it's all fruit juices. It is a mixture of cranberry juice, grapefruit juice, peach nectar, grenadine syrup, and ginger ale.

Lady in Oxlade’s bedroom video cries out again, threatens to leak more tapes

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 02:30 AM PDT

The lady in singer, Oxlade's bedroom tape that went viral months back has surfaced again to cry out for justice.

The lady who reached out to the controversial blogger, Gistlovers stated that she never knew Oxlade was filming their pleasurable moment.

According to her, she was dating Oxlade at that moment, so it wasn't a case of paid s@xual services.

She frowned over Oxlade's attitude towards her ever since the scandal occurred and claimed that he deliberately released the clips to boost his career.

She added that she is willing to share more explicit content of the singer if it's the only way of getting back at him as her life has been in a mess ever since those videos hit the internet.
According to her, she was dating Oxlade at that moment, so it wasn't a case of paid s@xual services.

Gistlovers while sharing the convo wrote:

"Hello tueh tueh, Oxlade you nor do am well oooo, Mr Tatatata,babe say your own gbola full him phone and una Dey date say you intentionally leak that video to blow, as I Dey like this my phone don full for your prick, shey them use spit do your papa??😂😂 everytime spit spit, anyways Na Telegram go settle this matter, make Mark no go collect page , Justice for this girl ooo, THEM CARRY YOU GO COURT YOU NOR APPEAR, Na ment??? I come in peace ooo, Telegram yaaaaaa🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
#justiceforoxladegirlfriend #stoprecordingyourselfduringsex"

See the post below:

Banky W expressed disappointment over his absence at his wedding, Wizkid react

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 02:00 AM PDT

Popular afrobeat star, Wizkid has reacted after his former manager, Banky W expressed disappointment over his absence at his wedding.

The singer made this known in an interview with Ebuka Obi-Uchendu where he revealed that it came as a bit of shock for him while justifying his reasons for missing the party.

Taking to micro-blogging website, Twitter, Wizkid retweeted the video with "LOL".

See screenshot below:

He also addressed Wizkid's exit from EME record label. He claims Wizkid left the label without fullfilling his part in the contract.

"I think it was a 5 album deal and he had done 2 solo albums… I think he still owed 3 more albums but he wanted to leave. And for me, that was enough because I don't want anybody to stay where they want to stay." he said.

Wizkid signed a record deal with Banky W's Empire Mates Entertainment (E.M.E) in 2009.

He released two albums 'StarBoy' and 'Ayo' under the record label.

He left the label in 2014.

Myths you will only hear in Nigeria

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 01:30 AM PDT

Many tribes are still deeply entrenched in traditional practices that tell stories of demons, spirits and the occult.

Nigeria is a country of myths and legends passed down from generations.

Here are some interesting myths and legends that some Nigerians hold dear.

1. Whistling at night invites demons
According to Nigerian folktale, whistling at night is wrong and could have dire consequences. Legend has it that whistling is an invitation for the spirits. Different tribes have accounts of people who have whistled and have in turn been met by evil spirits, snakes, occult members or even found themselves in strange places.

2. Beating a boy with a broom or turning stick
Some Nigerians believe if you beat a boy with a broom or turning stick (Omorogun) it would shrink the size of his penis. As a remedy, if a boy has been beaten with a broom, he would have to beat the same person seven times with a broom.

3. Someone walking over your legs
If someone walks over your legs it is believed you will end up having kids who look just like that person. How this happens nobody understands. Pregnant women are quick to take their legs out of the way when someone tries to pass.

4. Reincarnation
One of the most popular Nigerian myth is the one told about the Yorubas, where the dead are expected to return to their family in the form of a newborn baby. Who a child is can be determined by its resemblance to the dead.

For example, a boy that resembles his paternal grandfather will be named Babatunde ('father returns'). Most strange, however, is their belief that if a person dies young, their ghost can go to another town and live there as if they were not dead, even getting married and having children over there.

5. Sun and rain
This myth is another popular one. People, especially hunters, believe that if it rains while the sun is out, a lion is giving birth.

Reactions as Rihanna is spotted on vacation with boyfriend – “Nobody dey enjoy this life pass ASAP Rocky and Mr Eazi”

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Heavily pregnant American singer, Rihanna, leaves heads rolling as she's spotted on vacation with her boyfriend, ASAP Rocky.

The 34-year-old businesswoman who became an internet sensation since her pregnancy continues to maintain the glory as fans worldwide anticipate her delivery.

In a series of photos making rounds on social media, Rihanna and ASAP Rocky were spotted on a beach in Barbados having the best time of their lives.

"Nobody dey enjoy this life pass Asap rocky and Mr Eazi," a social media user wrote in reaction.

Another user added, "She is looking pretty more and more, rocking this pregnancy so well😍😍😍."

See more reactions below …

7 foods that will help you sleep faster at night

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 12:30 AM PDT

If you're a restless sleeper, try eating any of these foods a few hours before bedtime and be ready to catch some zzzs.

Sleeping comes easy for some people while for other, they will need to count backwards from 100 to 1 before the cousin of death will finally lead them to rest for a few hours.

However, for some others, they have to rely on pills to get any form of sleep.

Overtime, some studies have shown that the food we consume before bedtime could help aid us in getting to and staying asleep.

So why not play it safe with a natural fix? If you're a restless sleeper, try eating any of these foods a few hours before bedtime and be ready to catch some zzzs.

1. Honey
Raw honey contains a high amount of fructose and glucose. While glucose gives your body a small burst of energy in the form of blood sugar, fructose takes much longer to process. Together, these two chemicals sustain your glucose levels while you snooze.

That little bit of glucose lowers levels of orexin, a neurotransmitter that raises your level of alertness.

2. Bananas
Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, which help to relax overstressed muscles. They also contain tryptophan, which convert to serotonin and melatonin, the brain's key calming hormones thereby making this fruit nature's little sedative.

3. Nuts
Who else is nuts about nuts? Pistachios, Almonds, Walnuts, Cashews etc have unsaturated fats that will not only boost your heart health but also improve your serotonin levels. Most of these nuts contain magnesium, a mineral which acts like a natural sedative. Even a small deficiency in magnesium can lead to trouble in the sleep department.

4. Oats
This is rich in sleep-inducing melatonin, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It may be your go-to breakfast meal but if you need a good night's rest, prepare a bowl and when mixed with milk and honey, it can make a very comforting bedtime snack.

5. Poultry
Who knew that poultry would be a go-to recommendation for sleep? All poultry contains sleep-inducing tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that the brain uses to make serotonin and melatonin, hormones that calm and induce sleep.

6. Yoghurt
Yoghurt contains calcium, which is needed for processing sleep-inducing hormones tryptophan and melatonin. If topped with nuts and/or bananas, you are sure to get a good night's rest!

7. Pizza
Honestly, any excuse to eat pizza is good! Though some people, especially the fit-fam crew, might disagree with this because pizza is known to contain high levels of fat.

However, even though pizza contains a high glycemic index, a slice just before bedtime has been known to help put one to sleep faster than normal.

The key is to not overeat! Research has shown that the large amounts of rice (high glycemic index) consumed in Japan are significantly associated with the good sleep that Japanese people have. High GI foods won't get you in shape, but they might just let you enjoy some Japanese tranquility.

Also, remember to avoid high caffeine foods and drinks in the evening including coffee and even supplements such as bitter kola.

Cute Abiola says as he acquires a new car amid alleged split with wife – “I was depressed so I got a Benz”

Posted: 22 Apr 2022 12:00 AM PDT

Popular skit maker and comedian Abdulgafar Ahmad popularly known as Cute Abiola has revealed what made him purchase a new car.

The popular Instagram comedian revealed that he was feeling depreesseed, and so he decided to get a new vehicle to cheer him up.

The comedian is ostensibly going through emotional turmoil due to alleged split with his wife and other drama that had erupted some few days back.
A lot of people exhibit different behaviors when they are sad, some over eat, cry or intentionally starve themselves; the comedian has decided to cheer himself up by getting a new ride.

Osinachi’s brother finally speaks, spills secret – Why my sister refused to leave her marriage

Posted: 21 Apr 2022 11:30 PM PDT

Chiemerie, the brother of the late gospel artist, Osinachi Nwachukwu has finally spoken up while revealing why his sister refused to leave her alleged abusive marriage.

Chiemerie said that Osinachi refused to opt-out of her marriage despite how toxic it was due to what people and her followers would say about her.

He revealed that she didn't want to be described as a gospel singer who is divorced and that's why she chose to endure all manner of maltreatment which eventually led to her death.

He went on to state that Osinachi hid all the harsh treatments she received from her husband, Peter Nwachukwu from him because she knew what he would have done.

He added that Peter Nwachukwu was secretly dealing with his sister and she was actually dying slowly.

He further described the singer as a quiet and God-fearing woman who's very unproblematic.

Speaking to newsmen, he said:

"I know Osinachi very well. She is very quiet and God-fearing. She was going through all these and she refused to tell me because I would have known what to do.

"She was just hiding all these things so people will not talk about her and say she is divorced. So, the man was dealing with her and she was dying slowly."

Female fan cries a river as she meets Fireboy DML – “I love you Fireboy”

Posted: 21 Apr 2022 11:00 PM PDT

A hardcore female fan couldn't stop shedding profuse tears after she met sensational singer, Fireboy DML at an event.

The lady who was overexcited and moved to tears when she saw the 26-year-old singer.

She declared her undying love for the after he joined her the video.

Amid tears, the hardcore fan of fireboy could be heard saying:
"I love you so much fireboy".

Netizens reactions to the video:

sir_zino_autos wrote: "If I take you out, you come see celebrity they cry like. After that cry just order Uber they go out."

emovon_joyce_nosa wrote: "Me when I see portable"

Watch video below: 

Fast-Rising Singer, Tems Models New Line Of Shoes For Reebook In The ‘Life Is Classic’ Campaign

Posted: 21 Apr 2022 10:30 PM PDT

Popular Nigerian singer, Temilade Openiyi, popularly known as Tems, has modeled a new line of shoes for Reebok in a new campaign tagged 'Life Is Classic.'

Tems, one of the fast-rising acts in the Nigerian music scene pushing Afrobeats to the world modeled the 'Life Is Classic' campaign for the shoe line.

The latest video of Tems modeling the new shoes in the "Life Is Classic" campaign was posted to Reebok's official Instagram account.

"Her soothing chords create a spiritual essence. Her words call to freedom. She is not bound by the conditions of what it means to live.

"She tells stories of her thoughts and experiences. because what is life if people can't see you."

Since signing with Reebok, Tems has been part of a number of campaigns, including this recent 'Life Is Classic' campaign.

Back in February of this year, the Nigerian music star appeared in the 'Life Is Not A Spectator Sport' campaign alongside basketball legend Allen Iverson, Venezuelan singer-songwriter Arca, and Colombian singer/songwriter Brent Faiyaz, London-based Rapper, songwriter Ghetts, and French singer-songwriter and producer Lolo Zoua.

"Violence Against Women, Children Not African"-Seun Kuti

Posted: 21 Apr 2022 10:00 PM PDT

Seun Anikulapo-Kuti, Nigerian Afrobeats musician has lamented the attribution of violence against women and children to the African culture.

Kuti took to his Instagram page, @bigbirdkuti, on Thursday, to express his disdain for people who "turn African just to beat their wives and children."

According to him, certain cultural sayings that are used to justify discrimination against certain groups in society are not African, but have their origins in "European Abrahamic proverbs."

"There is no part of African culture that encourages violence against women and children. 'Spare the rod and spoil the child', 'A woman's place is in the kitchen', are European Abrahamic proverbs. What is the African version?

"You aren't African except in location! You don't practice anything African except the small language you speak! Your holy land is Jerusalem and Mecca! Your most valuable possessions are your European thoughts and things!

"But as soon as you want to break your equally European wife and child, you claim African." he wrote.

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