Free Technology for Teachers - 2 new articles

Removing the background from an image is a good way to protect your privacy and that of people who might unintentionally be in the background of your pictures. Remove image backgrounds is also a good way to get a stand-alone image of yourself to then ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 2 new articles

  1. Quick and Easy Ways to Remove Image Backgrounds
  2. Book Widgets Now Offers Digital Rubrics
  3. More Recent Articles

Quick and Easy Ways to Remove Image Backgrounds

Removing the background from an image is a good way to protect your privacy and that of people who might unintentionally be in the background of your pictures. Remove image backgrounds is also a good way to get a stand-alone image of yourself to then place in front of a different background. For example, I could take a picture of myself at my local ski mountain then replace the background so that I look like I'm climbing Mount Everest. 

In the following video I provide demonstrations of four quick and easy ways to remove the background from your images. One way to use this with students is to have them place themselves in front of landmarks of the world then write about their virtual visit to those landmarks.


In the video above I demonstrated how to remove image backgrounds with the following free tools:
  • PowerPoint
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Express
  • Canva

Book Widgets Now Offers Digital Rubrics

BookWidgets is a service that I wrote about back in October. When I wrote about it then, it offered dozens of templates for creating interactive lesson activities that you can see your students complete online. Recently, BookWidgets added a new rubrics function that you can use to score your students online and offline work. 

The new BookWidgets rubrics function includes premade rubrics that you can use and templates that you can modify to create your own rubrics. The rubrics can be distributed along with any activity assignment that you give in BookWidgets. 

A few of the features of the rubrics function in BookWidgets that stood out to me were the ability to use the rubrics to give feedback with or without scores attached, an option to use emojis and symbols in your rubrics, and the ease with which you can score assignments with the rubrics. 

Using the BookWidgets rubrics is rather straight-forward. However, if you'd like to see an overview of the process, BookWidgets published the following tutorial videos. 

How to create a rubric in BookWidgets - Part 1


How to grade a rubric in BookWidgets - Part 2


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