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Actress Efe Irele Loses Dad

Posted: 09 May 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Multiple award winning actress, Efe Irele has lost her dad to the cold hands of death.

The soft spoken role interpreter who refers to herself as an ambivert took to Instagram to announce the passing of her beloved father, who died on the 2nd of May 2022.

The Grow Up Or Nuts star shared a photo of  her late father and wrote:

"29/04/1954 – 2/05/2022, I love you forever Papa."

In a similar post, NOLLYWOODTIMES recalls fellow Nollywood actress, Christiana Nkemdilim Adelana popularly known as Tana Adelana, is bereaved.

The movie star who's happily married to Femi Adelana just lost her dear father, HRH Igwe Patrick Okoro-Egbo.

Announcing the heartbreaking news on her verified Instagram page, the mother of one described the late monarch as the best dad that ever lived. She also appreciated him for teaching her and her siblings a lot about life.

5 top signs of fake love in a relationship

Posted: 09 May 2022 08:00 AM PDT

To really know that the love in your relationship is genuine or not, here are some of the signs to look out for.

Is the love in your relationship real, or fake?

If it is, all you should do is keep growing the love, keep staying truthful to each other, keep drinking a lot of water, and just keep treating each other in all the good ways that will allow the relationship thrive further.

On the flipside, fake love is not something anyone would want to live with. Sadly, it is exactly what some people have in their relationships. If the relationship is based on anything different from a genuine willingness to see the other person flourish in every sense of the word, if it is based on something fleeting and temporary, then it is likely fake.

To really know that the love in your relationship is fake, here are some things you may want to watch out for:

1. They're emotionally distant
In a relationship, fakers have a tendency to be non-communicative. They'll provide little to no substance to what's going on in their life. They'll also make excuses why they "couldn't" communicate especially when it is a little difficult to do so.

The difference between them and someone with genuine love for you is the extra effort needed to reach out when it's not so easy.

2. Always willing to throw in the towel
Conflict happens in every relationship. It demonstrates a level of care which partner have for one another.

That said, every conflict demands a resolution.If you're the only one trying to resolve any conflict or problems that arise, it's often a telltale sign of emotional detachment and this of course, is a major sign you'll find in people who have got only fake love for you.

They really won't care whether the relationship works or fails.

3. They don't meet you halfway
Are you always the one to plan things? Check on the other person? Take responsibilities and all that? If so, what concessions, if any, is your partner making? Where's the effort on their part?

Relationship and compromise are like two peas in a pod. A lack of effort is a universal sign of disinterest – and a relationship is no different.

4. Unconcern
An authentic relationship sparks feelings of passion for each other. You'll be curious, concerned, involved, etc in all that the other person does.

Someone who continuously acts indifferent isn't engaged, likely detached, and unfit – not to mention unworthy – of a real relationship.

5. That gut feeling
Many times, when someone doesn't really love you, you will know. There's usually that sixth sense, that gut feeling in the pit of your stomach that keeps pricking you.

Add this to all the signs that you will see, and the picture is clear that this babe or that guy doesn't really love you. They're only with you because they have no option, or for the money or some other fake reason.

Be honest with yourself. Are you wasting your time? Money? Energy?

Here are 7 health benefits of antioxidants

Posted: 09 May 2022 07:00 AM PDT

Antioxidants are compounds in food that help prevent or slow down the damage caused by free radicals to the cells.

They help in the breaking down of cells, which reduces immunity and other ailments that the body might not be able to fight. They are sometimes referred to as "free-radical scavengers." Antioxidants are mostly found in fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods like poultry, fish, and nuts.

Here are some of the benefits of antioxidants:

1) Antioxidants help slow down the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): Age-Related Macular Degeneration is a common disease, especially in adults, that damages a person's central vision. Research shows that antioxidants can help reduce the risk of AMD and also protect the vision of people diagnosed with AMD for up to five years.

2) Antioxidants protect the cells and DNA from free radicals: Free radicals are unstable atoms that are capable of causing illness, aging, and damage to the cells. Antioxidants help the body fight against free radicals by providing the missing electron to free radicals without becoming radicals themselves.

3) Antioxidants improve the quality of sleep: Antioxidants can help you get better sleep at night and also help people with insomnia.

An effective antioxidant may aid in the restoration of the body's internal balance when sleeping and encourage the calm that aids in having a deep, undisturbed sleep.

4) Antioxidants help prevent cancer: Antioxidants help lower the risk of developing or dying from cancer in humans.

Antioxidants act by locating and eliminating free radicals and their damaging consequences. As a result, more of the body's cells are healthy and less likely to become malignant.

5) Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress: Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body.

Activities that can lead to these Oxidative stress includes excessive exercise, smoking, environmental pollution, and radiation. Antioxidants protect the body from oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals.

6) Antioxidants brighten up the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin produces more melanin. It is caused by hormonal changes or irregular melanin production.

Hyperpigmentation can be reduced with the use of antioxidants. A good example of an antioxidant that can help stabilize melanin production and brighten up the skin is VitaminC.

7) Antioxidants are effective for acne: Acne is caused by free radicals. Antioxidants help fight acne and also make the skin glow.

Words you can use to make a woman feel sexy

Posted: 09 May 2022 06:00 AM PDT

Need to tell a woman how sexy she is without being too obvious or repetitive? This is the article you've been looking for.

It gets quite boring telling a woman she is sexy all the time.

Remember that time she wore that dress with the teasingly low neckline? You called her sexy.

You also called her sexy on that day she wore that sexy jean and she was all shades of hot.

You've also used the word on many other occasions. It gets tiring after a while.

Women are moved by what they hear, and you need to upgrade from saying the same compliment all the time if you want that flirtation between you both to become even better.

When you see that drop-dead gorgeous lady you have been crushing on, and you've run out of words to describe her, simply because she always find new ways to blow your mind to bits, here are extra words you can turn to.

1. Tell her she's enticing. Afterall her very presence draws you in effortlessly,doesn't it?

2. Tell her she's captivating. It's not just about her curves and smoking-hot body, there's something about the entire package, the entirety of her femininity which totally captures your imagination.

3. Tell her she's alluring if you feel her sexiness actually drawing and luring you to her. This is not as bland as just saying she is sexy.

It gives it an extra meaning.

4. Call her sensuous when the flirtation gets really deep and it is only a matter of time before you both seal the deal.

Calling her this shows her the picture that you do not find her sexy just for the sake of it. You find her sexy and you'd probably give anything to unravel that sexy.

5. Call her fascinating. This is another word that shows that she is sexy to you not just because of her impressive body features. It's more than that.

6. Call her ravishing. This portends a sexiness that is at least three times more intense.

7. Call her charming if her sexiness holds you spellbound. Enchanting works just fine here too.

8. Call her sultry if you need a direct word to replace sexy.

9. Call her irresistible. The word explains itself and she will get the point that you really do try but her sexiness is too potent and keeps pulling you back.

8 reasons why you should date a petite girl

Posted: 09 May 2022 05:30 AM PDT

Petite girls are the beautiful small ones who seemingly float around the place with ease. Here is an advantage of having one as a partner.

When a woman is said to be petite, it means she is attractive, delicately small and pretty.

In a previous article on this platform, we detailed the advantages of dating a big beautiful woman. You can find that article by clicking here.

For those who prefer to be with the small, dainty, pretty ladies, though, here are 8 advantages of doing so.

You're bigger
Being around a petite girl makes you look bigger even if you're not exactly that tall.

There is also the advantage of them making you feel bigger, more masculine.

She really can't get to the top of the fridge, or shelve, so she needs you to do these things for her.

Hot legs
Many petite ladies have hot legs which are accentuated when they wear heels or stilettos. Those legs look shapelier and way sexier.

They are energetic and full of life
These petite ladies are usually lithe, agile and quick in movement.

You never have to worry about them lumbering around slowly or lazily.

It is as though they made up for their small size with their vivacity.

She looks cute even when angry
If there's such thing as that, these special species of women sometimes look cute even when they are pissed off.

Picture this; you both have a misunderstanding and she tries to get a swipe at your face, you just laugh because she can't reach that far.

You just pick her up and hold her tight as you apologise with sweet words in her ear… Awwwwn… so romantic, yeah?

They look picture-perfect wearing your clothes
You know those images of women looking all cute wearing their boyfriends' shirts?

Petite girls look far sexier when they do this. They look so totally cute in the shirt which most times reaches below their knees and makes you just want to wrap them up in your embrace.

More femininity
Scientists say shorter girls have more estrogen than taller ones, therefore making them more feminine than the big girls.

They also say petite women tend to be more motherly than those that are not.

Cuddling them is bliss
While cuddling a BBW lady will provide all the cushion you need, the petite girls fit so well into you.

They occupy less space, which allows them to snuggle up really close to you as your arms reaches and wraps around them completely.

The sex…
You don't have to strain yourself just to get from one position to the other.

She's so lightweight and small that you can easily lift her, place her on your hips and [clears throat] do your business.

The interesting story of how this fish got its name

Posted: 09 May 2022 05:00 AM PDT

When it comes to naming fish, some are named for the way they look (the needlefish), some are named for where they live (the Atlantic halibut), and others are named after the people who catch them (the New Zealand orange roughy).

Then you also have fish named after the location they were first caught at – Sardines. Where do sardines come from, you ask? Well, they come from Sardinia, Italy!

Sardinia is a fascinating place. It's a beautiful island off the coast of Italy and it's home to some of the most picturesque beaches in the world.

In ancient times, Sardinia was an important stop on trade routes between Italy and Greece and so both nations fished from the sea in Sardinia and enjoyed sardines as food.

The Greeks spread the word about sardine and it quickly became a popular meal worldwide.

An intriguing fact is sardines are not necessarily caught in Sardinia. The truth is they are rarely ever caught there. Today, sardines are most often caught in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of California and Oregon or around Japan. They may also be harvested from the North Atlantic Ocean, around Iceland or from the Baltic Sea, although these fish may be labeled differently.

It is also true that while the name sardine originally referred to the small fish found in Sardinian waters, over time it became a colloquialism to refer to any small, oily fish that could be packed into a tin and preserved using salt or oil. In other words, the "sardine" we eat today, may not be true sardine.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that sardines were used in almost every Nigerian family until recently. Right now, the number of households who eat sardines has dropped dramatically. This is because the price of sardines has skyrocketed. In 2010, a can of sardine was priced between ₦120 and ₦150. Today, a can of sardine costs roughly ₦600 - ₦700, and up to ₦800 in some stores. This is why sardine has been phased out in many Nigerian families.

Emmanuel Umoh fumes over claim of being bisexual which crashed his relationship with Liquorose

Posted: 09 May 2022 04:30 AM PDT

Reality TV star, Emmanuel Umoh has reacted to claims of being bisexual; a lifestyle that led to the end of his relationship with colleague, Liquorose.

Recall that IG gossip blog, Cutie_julss had alleged that Liquorose caught Emmanuel red-handed cheating on her with a male partner and this caused their split.

In reaction to this, the model took to his Instagram story to tag this allegation as false and an attempt to tarnish the reputation that he painstakingly built.

He urged the public to disregard such a report while affirming that the initiator of this false claim will be hearing from his lawyer soon and will surely pay for the embarrassment.

See his post below:

Deyemi Okanlawon Reveals; Sympathizes With Abusers – How My Role Affected Me Mentally

Posted: 09 May 2022 04:00 AM PDT

Popular Nigerian actor, Deyemi Okanlawon, has detailed how his role in Nigeria's Netflix original series, Blood Sisters, affected him mentally.

In the series, which was released on Thursday, Deyemi acted as Kola Ademola, an abusive partner who brutalised his victims as a pastime.

On his Twitter page on Sunday May 8, the actor noted that perfecting his role in the movie was a mentally draining process. He tweeted:

"Kola Ademola definitely affected me more than I care to admit and it took months to get to a semblance of normalcy. Strangely while I still firmly believe aggression should be met with justice, I now empathise with people who carry such demons."

Shedding more light on the post, Deyemi Okanlawon added:

"As Deyemi Okanlawon I pray to continue to defend victims of discrimination and violence with my life.

However, as an ACTOR, my craft dictates in order to give the best performance I cannot judge a character's life/actions but must become the character.

In order to embody a character, I have to temporarily suspend my personal beliefs to truly understand who they are and why they do what they do.

This is a very mentally draining process and oftentimes after such experiences I would need help and time to rediscover my true North.

Being raised from childhood not to ever hit a woman it was pure torture to now have to push past that to get to the point where the rage and emotions (which my scene partner also needed for her performance) were real yet have the willpower to ensure there was no physical contact.

Having walked through such a depraved mind as Kola's, I am now convinced that people who physically abuse others are mentally damaged and possessed by their personal demons likely born out of childhood trauma/poor parenting/societal or other factors."

Nollywood heavyweights such as Kate Henshaw, Ramsey Noah, Gabriel Afolayan, Nancy Isime, and others appeared in the suspenseful thriller.

Recall Nollywood 'Lover Boy', Ramsey Nouah revealed that in all his 31 years as an actor, he has never taken up a character as the one in Blood Sisters.

Nouah spoken about his role in the Nigerian Netflix series Blood Sisters, noting that he said very little but did a lot.

The movie star said this during a recent interview where he talking about playing the character Uncle B in the movie.

Daddy Freeze’s wife celebrates him as he turns 46 – “My love has truly brought me joy”

Posted: 09 May 2022 03:30 AM PDT

Benedicta, the wife of popular media personality, Ifedayo Olarinde, better known professionally as Daddy freeze, has celebrated him on his birthday.

The controversial figure turns 46 years today and fans, colleagues have celebrated him.

His wife, Benedicta Elechi, shared a beautiful video wherein she and her husband could be seen having a nice time in a swimming pool.

She wrote:

"My love @daddyfreeze I celebrate 🎉 this day. For my sake, a child was born 46 years ago and was named Ifedayo. My love has truly brought me joy. You my darling, give me joy. I love you scatter 🤣 and you know it.Oya let me go and get ready for the birthday boy. Let the twerking begin. 🤣🤣🤣@destinyamaka I can't disappoint. Why?."

Rema opens up about relationship with Joeboy, Omah Lay, Fireboy –“We rarely communicate and this makes me question our friendship”

Posted: 09 May 2022 03:00 AM PDT

Popular music star, Divine Ikubor, better known as Rema has opened up about his relationship with fellow youngsters in the musical sphere; Omah Lay, Fireboy and Joeboy.

He made this disclosure during an interview with popular show host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu on Rubbin Minds.\

The 'Bounce' crooner while speaking on his relationship with the aforementioned stars stated that they are on good terms although communication makes him question their friendship.

He further avowed that he understands that everyone may be busy at work so there is no need to panic.

When asked about some stars he will like to work with soonest, he mentioned Joeboy, Buju (BNXN) and Omah Lay.

Watch the video below:


Portable proclaims in new video as he reveals source of the huge foreign bills in his possession – “I don escape sapa oo”

Posted: 09 May 2022 02:30 AM PDT

A viral video has captured the moment Nigerian raving singer, Portable flaunted huge foreign bills while also revealing that he got them as gifts from kindhearted people who appreciate his craft.

The singer, who always describe himself as a singer from the trenches proclaimed in a video on his page that he has finally made it and has left the broke life behind.

Worth mentioning, the Zazu crooner is currently outside the country and he has been going from place to place to perform while raking in a truckload of money.

In the video, Portable held several hundreds of foreign bills in both hands as he proudly declared that he has been freed from poverty.

Tagging himself an 'expensive OG', the singer added: "Thank God for my life I don escape sapa thanks to everyone showing me love."

Watch Video Below

Yul Edochie laments – “I have been attacked by people who do not understand that every action taken has a root cause”

Posted: 09 May 2022 02:00 AM PDT

Nollywood actor and director, Yul Edochie has lamented over attacks that trailed the unveiling of his second wife, Judy Austin and their son, Star.

In a post recently shared on his Instagram page, the movie star while stating how qualified he is to be the president of the country noted that despite being attacked by netizens, he hasn't fired back at anyone and this is a true quality of a leader.

He further hinted at the fact that any action taken has a root cause.

In his words:

In the last couple of days I have been insulted by people all over the world who do not know the reasons for my decision.
I have been attacked by people who do not understand that every action taken has a root cause, people who do not live with me and my family therefore they will not know what inspired my action.
Have I insulted any of the people insulting me? No.
Have I attacked any of them? No.
I have remained calm.
That's the quality of a leader!!!
God is putting me through all of this to prepare me for the Presidential seat of Nigeria.
As President I will make good decisions that may not favour certain people, I will provoke the corrupt ones, they will insult me, they will spread negative news about me.
And in the face of it all I will stand firm and unshakeable, I will never react in anger nor attack anyone unjustly.
I will remain focused on the task of rebuilding our country.
Dear Nigerians, I am that leader we have all been yearning for!!!
Stand with me and together we will be victorious, come 2023.
It is possible.
Be a part of this historic movement."

See post below:

Reactions as Ubi Franklin declares for political office –“Must be a joke”

Posted: 09 May 2022 01:30 AM PDT

Popular talent manager, Ubi Franklin, joins the race for a political office as he declares his intention to run for the House of Assembly.

The baby daddy of four baby mamas made the announcement via his Instagram page to run for the Yakurr constituency in Cross River.

In one of the posts made during the declaration, Ubi Franklin wrote;

"Nigeria must and will be great. With your support and prayers, we will change this country for good. We will create a country that will truly be the pride of the black race. We will create a new Nigeria for all Nigerians.

If you know anyone who is from
Yakurr Constituency 1
1. Ugep
2. Ekori
3. Idomi
Yakurr Local Government, Cross River State.

If you know anyone who is in doubt."

His intention to run for the House of Assembly in Cross Rivers, however, triggered reactions from fans who are in disbelief.

See some reactions below …

Nse Ikpe-Etim reveals how she felt after discovering she cannot bear children

Posted: 09 May 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Veteran Nollywood actress, Nse Ikpe-Etim, speaks about her deepest heartache, one that has to do with the possibility of being able to bear a child.

It would be recalled that the 47-year-old thespian once revealed that she had her womb taken out as a result of a medical condition that threatened her life.

Speaking on the decision in an interview with Chude Jideonwo, Nse Ikpe-Etim revealed that it did not hit as a thing of shame, rather she felt inadequate.

"Finding out I couldn't have children didn't make me feel ashamed. I felt inadequate. I felt inadequate as a woman but not ashamed, which was because of how I was brought up.

Where I'm from we don't tie shame to ourselves. Where I was brought up, we live through life fully," she said.

On being open to adoption, Nse said: "You never say never, but right now, my husband and I are just dog parents. People should be allowed to live, my husband and I are okay right now."

Watch the video below …

Peter Okoye reveals the only thing he’s afraid of in life; says it’s not death – “I have tasted it before and it’s horrible”

Posted: 09 May 2022 12:30 AM PDT

Nigerian singer, Peter Okoye, popularly known as Mr P, says poverty is the only thing he is afraid of in life and not death.

Making the revelation in an interview he shared on his Instastory, the Nigerian singer recalled how his family of 8 lived together in a one-bedroom apartment that got bulldozed.

"I'm not afraid of death. The only thing I'm afraid of in this life is poverty. I've tasted it before," the singer said as he went on explaining the reason for his position.

This stirred massive reactions online. @Okotie Ephraim reacted saying: "Poverty is one of the greatest enemy of a man. Please heaven father bless me and my loved ones."

@John Lawanson: "If the majority of people are afraid of poverty, that is the fault of government because it was not like that even five hundred years ago."

@Uduak Umah: "Poverty is a terrible disease. May God help us to be blessed n be a blessing in Jesus name Amen."

Watch Video Below


Okey Bakassi tackles Bobrisky, says no crossdresser in Nigeria is rich – “Wealth isn’t by posting money on social media”

Posted: 09 May 2022 12:00 AM PDT

Popular comedian and actor, Okey Bakassi has tackled crossdressers by affirming that all of them in Nigeria are poor individuals.

The comic actor made this assertion during the Lagos Talks show with 91.3Fm where he stated that he hasn't seen any rich crossdresser in Nigeria to date.

According to him, crossdressers are a bunch of poor people who couldn't afford clothes (trousers) and opted for wrappers and then skirts in a later period.

When his attention was drawn to popular crossdresser, Bobrisky, he avowed that she was a poor and 'broke' person before she started crossdressing.

He went on to affirm that riches aren't by snapping and posting stashes of cash online.

Watch the clip below:

Moment Junior Pope’s wife, Jennifer and friends surprised him with loads of gifts and cash on birthday

Posted: 08 May 2022 11:30 PM PDT

Jennifer Awele, the wife of popular actor, Junior Pope alongside some friends took the movie star unawares on his birthday by storming his shooting location to bless him with loads of gifts and cash.

In the video, the actor who wasn't aware of the stunt was blindfolded while being led to the spot of merriment. His wife could also be seen giving him a huge wad of cash while he launched a random spray in excitement.

Expressing profound gratitude, the father of three wrote:

"(Speechless) How My wife @dopeevents007 @qutejay Pulled Up Yesterday With Few Friends To Surprise Me On My Birthday At A Movie Location Set……
@dopeevents007 will always go the extra extra mile"

See the post below:

Singer Simi addresses fans who raised concerns on the need to change stylist over ‘poor dressing’

Posted: 08 May 2022 11:00 PM PDT

Popular Afropop singer, Simisola 'Simi' Kosoko, breaks the silence trailing her choice of outfits as raised by fans.

In a recent encounter on social media, Simi was subtly attacked by a user who faulted her choice of dressing.

"Baby, you need to change your stylist," the user wrote, which garnered lots of likes that confirmed that fans are in support of a new stylist for her.

The mother of one in an interview with The Punch emphasized the attacks on her dressing by internet users whom she believes to be trolls.

"I believe that everybody is entitled to their opinions. Some people may say that they don't like my dress, shoes or any other thing.

I don't find that surprising or strange because there are also a lot of dresses and shoes that I don't like. I like to be comfortable in whatever I wear and that is what dictates my outfits," Simi stated.

Adding to her points, the Duduke crooner stated, "A lot of people have expressed their views about my dress sense on social media. Sometimes, I 'humour' them.

You can express yourself on my page but don't be rude or insulting. Some of the people, who make those comments, are just full of hate and they just go all around the Internet, looking for where to spread their hate.

I am comfortable in my own skin and I just want to keep making good music and connect with my true fans."

Banky W writes as he celebrates wife on Mother’s Day –“May your husband continue to sing your praises”

Posted: 08 May 2022 10:30 PM PDT

Nigerian entertainer, Olubankole Wellington, popularly known as Banky W, has joined the millions of mothers around the world to celebrate this year's Mother's Day.

On Instagram, the music entrepreneur celebrated his wife, Adesua Etomi, as he pens down an emotional note to mark the occassion.

He wrote: "To the world, you're a superstar. To our family, you are the world. Happy Mother's Day to my baby and babymama @adesuaetomi.

"Susu. You are a work of art. The only thing in this world more beautiful than your face is your heart.

"Your children will rise up call you blessed. Your husband will [continue to] sing your praises Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

"I may never win the lottery, but that's okay cuz l already won in life. I bless the day God made you my wife.

"What more can I say… I love you now, I'll love you always. For forever and a day more… Until eternity and beyond."

Meanwhile, it's worthy to note that Mother's Day is celebrated on differently days in the United Kingdom and in the United States.

The United Kingdom had already celebrated the holiday back on March 27, and today, Sunday, May 8, paved the way for the celebration in the United States.

Mercy Eke — I Didn’t Fight MC Galaxy Over N1 Million Gift From Ex-Gov. Akpabio

Posted: 08 May 2022 10:00 PM PDT

Reality television star Mercy Eke has debunked the rumours trailing her about fighting musician MC Galaxy over one million Naira gift given to them by Senator Godswill Akpabio.

Days ago, news made the round that Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) winner, Mercy, had a messy faceoff with MC Galaxy after Akpabio failed to compensate them handsomely for gracing his declaration of his presidential ambition.

Speaking to the Punch, Mercy explained that "there was no such event, so I don't know where the rumour is coming from. That is the only thing I want to say on this. Nothing like that happened between me and anybody."

She also stated that singer Timi Dakolo was aware of what happened, "Timi Dakolo was there and we were all happy. I don't know who is spreading this false news."

It was reported that the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs and a former two-term governor of the Akwa Ibom State, Akpabio, was said to have promised to compensate the celebrities for being present at the event.

Akpabio allegedly ignored them during the event, but allegedly gave MC Galaxy one million for the celebrities present to share. This annoyed Mercy, who reportedly quarrelled with MC Galaxy for dragging her to the event.

On Wednesday, May 4, Akpabio declared his intention to contest for the position of president on the platform of All Progressives Congress, APC.

He made his formal declaration at the Ikot Ekpene township Stadium, in Ikot Ekpene local government area of Akwa Ibom.

Nollywood Nkem Owoh (Osuofia), classic funny videos

Posted: 08 May 2022 05:33 PM PDT

Nkem Owoh aka Osuofia

Nkem Owoh, Nollywood legendary actor was born in Enugu State, Nigeria. 

Upon completion of his primary and secondary education, he proceeded to the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta where he studied engineering. 

While in school the superlative Nollywood actor discovered he has talent in acting and during his university studies, his acting career began; he  featured in various television and film productions before graduating from school.

Nken Owoh aka Osuofia, is also credited with singing the song "I Go Chop Your Dollar".

He is married and blessed with children.

Below are curated funny movies of this great actor for your enjoyment:



10 famous markets in Nigeria and what they are famous for

Posted: 08 May 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Nigerian markets are both culturally and materially rich, and are different from markets in other parts of the world.

Here are top 10 famous markets in Nigeria and what they are famous for.

Walking into a Nigerian market, especially any of these listed here, requires a certain skill that has been mastered by mostly mothers.

These markets are so popular around the country that every Nigerian has heard about them at least once, and knows the what is sold in them. Before going to any of these markets though, you need to follow our guide to navigating a Nigerian market like a pro.

1. Onitsha market (Anambra)

Onitsha main market is considered as West Africa's commercial powerhouse. From imported second-hand clothing to jewelry to industrial equipment, Onitsha has it all in its expansive market, considered the biggest market in terms of item availability and land size.

2. Computer village (Ikeja, Lagos)

According to Omobola Johnson, a former Minister of ICT, computer village contributes about $2 billion to Nigeria's economy annually. The market is considered the IT hub of Nigeria, where both indigenous and famous phone gadgets and accessories are sold.

3. Balogun Market (Marina, Lagos)

Lagos Island Market or Balogun Market, is brimming items as well as people. With Lagos being one of the most populous cities in Africa, visiting the market is one of the most stressful things to do. However, the energy is intoxicating and there are lots of things that can be bought there on a bargain: lace, ankara, fabrics, hair, etc.

4. Ladipo market (Mushin, Lagos)

Ladipo is the largest spare part market in Nigeria in terms of availability, because of the Lagos port. Electrical and mechanical spare parts of any kind, new and old, of any car brand is available here. This is where other vendors come to purchase parts.

5. Ariaria market (Aba, Abia)
Ariaria market is where majority of the "made in Aba" and "made in Nigeria" items are made. From shoes to bags, there is no product or brand replica that you want or are searching for that isn't present here. Although the market has been tagged as selling replicas and inferior goods, there are also indigenous and quality products making their way into the market now.

6. Bodija market (Ibadan, Oyo)

At Bodija, you can purchase wholesale or retail foodstuff of your choice. It has a wide variety of fresh and dried produce sold at cheap prices. People troop in to buy cattle and foodstuff.

7. Oil Mill market (Port Harcourt, Rivers)

Oil mill market is known for the crowd of people that troop in every Wednesday to buy everyday foodstuff. You can buy fresh produce at very cheap prices at this market.

8. Zaki biam yam market (Benue)

Benue, the food basket of the nation, is the home to the biggest yam market in Nigeria. Traders from all across the country come to Zaki biam to buy the high quality yams directly from the farmers at the market.

9. Kasuwar kwari (Kano)

Kasuwar Kwari market in Kano has everything clothing and material. This is where people from all over Nigeria, and even west Africa, come to purchase quality handmade tie and dyed fabric at a cheap cost to go sell elsewhere.

10. Alaba International Market (Lagos)

Every Nigerian, at least once in their life, has heard of Alaba market where everything electronics and appliances are sold. This is also one of the biggest markets for Nollywood distribution.

Side effects of drinking energy drinks

Posted: 08 May 2022 08:00 AM PDT

Yes, energy drinks are very bad for you. People of all ages consume them because they are intended to boost your energy, alertness, and concentration which is why energy drinks continue to grow in popularity.

However, several scientific evidences have pointed out that energy drinks are harmful to your health. Here are some reasons why you need to cut back on those dangerously addictive beverages;

1. Energy drinks can cause heart problems

Caffeine is the major ingredient in energy drinks, thanks to its ability to increase alertness. Energy drinks have been proven to increase heart rate and blood pressure. Consistently taking energy drinks can put a strain on your heart and cause issues as severe as heart failure in the future.

2. They are loaded with sugar

Most energy drinks contain a sizeable amount of sugar which is bad for you. Excessive sugar intake can cause inflammation which has been linked to a number of chronic conditions including cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and also obesity.

3. Energy drinks are addictive

You can get addicted to energy drinks. You can get addicted to the energy boost you get from it. This can lead to a lack of proper functioning when you don't take them.

4. Energy drinks can lead to insomnia

Energy drinks do a really great job of keeping you awake. However, when abused, they can cause you to lose sleep altogether. Lack of sleep can then impair proper functioning.

5. Energy drinks can lead to dehydration

The caffeine in energy drinks has a diuretic effect on the body. It makes you lose fluid in the form of urine, leading to dehydration.

6. Energy drinks result in tooth decay

Energy drinks are high in sugar and acidity and can cause serious damage to your tooth enamel which leaves your teeth more susceptible to decay.

7. Energy drinks can make you anxious

Excessive consumption of energy drinks can cause more than just physical health issues. It can also result in mental health issues like anxiety, nervousness, and even panic attacks.

Here are 7 healthy replacements for soda

Posted: 08 May 2022 07:00 AM PDT

is not as easy as it sounds. It is very tough to go cold turkey if soda has been a part of your routine for a while. These healthy alternatives will help you quit soda permanently;

1. Fruit-infused water

Water is the best way to stay hydrated, but sometimes you just don't want the plain taste. You can easily grab some fruits like berries, limes, lemons, oranges, or slices of cucumber from your fridge and add to your water to give it some taste.

2. Iced tea

Iced tea can be a great way to replace soda because it is sweet enough to satisfy your sugar cravings but doesn't contain as much sugar as soda. Iced tea also has caffeine to give you an extra boost of energy.

3. Coffee

When consumed moderately, coffee will not only help you quit soda, it also has a lot of health benefits. Drinking coffee instead of soda is much healthier and will give you a caffeine boost without actually harming your health.

4. Homemade smoothie

The sweetness from smoothies can help with sugar cravings. Making your own smoothie allows you to get creative and use whatever you want to make your favorite flavour, besides, store-bought smoothies are sometimes loaded with added sugar which is bad for your health.

5. Green tea

Green tea is also one of the best soda alternatives. It contains no calories and also offers numerous health benefits. It contains caffeine that can give you the energy boost you need. You can add a few drops of honey if you like your beverages sweet.

6. Coconut water

Coconut water is not only low on sugar, it is also packed with vital minerals and nutrients. It also contains electrolytes that can help rehydrate and restore balance to your body after a hot day.

7. Water

Water remains the best and healthiest way to stay hydrated. It may not have the sweetness or the fizz associated with soda but it is more refreshing.

It may be hard to stop taking soda once you get into the habit, but with these alternatives listed above, it gets easier.

5 things you shouldn’t do if you're visiting Jos

Posted: 08 May 2022 12:41 PM PDT

Jos is a beautiful city with so much to see and do. The hills and rocks in Jos provide the perfect ambiance for slowing down and reflecting on life. It's a place everyone should see at least once in their lifetime.

There are, however, a few things that visitors should avoid. If you're planning a trip to Jos, don't do these five things.

1. Don't forget your sweater

It's not news that Jos is one of the coldest cities in Nigeria, but the truth is Jos is much colder than you imagine. You don't want to be that tourist or visitor who forgets his or her sweater at home. The extreme cold in Jos can take you by surprise and cause you to shiver like no tomorrow. So always go prepared.

2. Don't go anywhere alone

Although Jos is hardly in the news for crime, it's a terrible idea to go out alone if you're a tourist or visitor. For starters, you're very likely to get lost, and if you keep roaming around trying to find your way, you're more likely to get robbed by strangers if it's after dark, and then there's the added risk of getting kidnapped.

Avoid getting separated from your friends when you visit Jos. Keep your phones charged and don't stray off with strangers at night.

3. Don't forget your sunscreen

If you are planning a visit to Jos, don't forget sunscreen. It might sound strange to hear Jos and sunscreen in the same sentence but it's not. The sun in Jos can get extremely hot during the day and too much exposure to sunlight can put you at risk of developing certain types of skin cancer. Neglecting to apply sunscreen before you go out in the sun is one sure way to ruin your vacation.

The atmosphere in Jos has been hostile for several years due to the ethno religious conflicts. As a result, there is a Christian section of Jos - Rayfield, Old Airport Road, Bukuru. And there's a Muslim part of Jos - Bauchi road, Terminus.

Find out the part of the city you will be visiting and dress accordingly. You don't want to be the visitor who is harassed or causes a ruckus

5. Don't forget to buy fruits

After you've had a good time in Jos, make sure to stop by the fruit market before you leave. Jos has plenty of potatoes, strawberries, spring onions, cabbage, cucumber, pepper, and of course, tomatoes. Don't forget to take some with you when you go. You don't want to leave without carrying some Tomato Jos along.

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